777 resultados para Iranian Architecture


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This paper proposes an FPGA-based architecture for onboard hyperspectral unmixing. This method based on the Vertex Component Analysis (VCA) has several advantages, namely it is unsupervised, fully automatic, and it works without dimensionality reduction (DR) pre-processing step. The architecture has been designed for a low cost Xilinx Zynq board with a Zynq-7020 SoC FPGA based on the Artix-7 FPGA programmable logic and tested using real hyperspectral datasets. Experimental results indicate that the proposed implementation can achieve real-time processing, while maintaining the methods accuracy, which indicate the potential of the proposed platform to implement high-performance, low cost embedded systems.


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Hyperspectral imaging has become one of the main topics in remote sensing applications, which comprise hundreds of spectral bands at different (almost contiguous) wavelength channels over the same area generating large data volumes comprising several GBs per flight. This high spectral resolution can be used for object detection and for discriminate between different objects based on their spectral characteristics. One of the main problems involved in hyperspectral analysis is the presence of mixed pixels, which arise when the spacial resolution of the sensor is not able to separate spectrally distinct materials. Spectral unmixing is one of the most important task for hyperspectral data exploitation. However, the unmixing algorithms can be computationally very expensive, and even high power consuming, which compromises the use in applications under on-board constraints. In recent years, graphics processing units (GPUs) have evolved into highly parallel and programmable systems. Specifically, several hyperspectral imaging algorithms have shown to be able to benefit from this hardware taking advantage of the extremely high floating-point processing performance, compact size, huge memory bandwidth, and relatively low cost of these units, which make them appealing for onboard data processing. In this paper, we propose a parallel implementation of an augmented Lagragian based method for unsupervised hyperspectral linear unmixing on GPUs using CUDA. The method called simplex identification via split augmented Lagrangian (SISAL) aims to identify the endmembers of a scene, i.e., is able to unmix hyperspectral data sets in which the pure pixel assumption is violated. The efficient implementation of SISAL method presented in this work exploits the GPU architecture at low level, using shared memory and coalesced accesses to memory.


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The forthcoming smart grids are comprised of integrated microgrids operating in grid-connected and isolated mode with local generation, storage and demand response (DR) programs. The proposed model is based on three successive complementary steps for power transaction in the market environment. The first step is characterized as a microgrids internal market; the second concerns negotiations between distinct interconnected microgrids; and finally, the third refers to the actual electricity market. The proposed approach is modeled and tested using a MAS framework directed to the study of the smart grids environment, including the simulation of electricity markets. This is achieved through the integration of the proposed approach with the MASGriP (Multi-Agent Smart Grid Platform) system.


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Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs) are emerging as enabling platforms to meet the high performance demanded by modern applications (e.g. 4G, CDMA, etc.). Recently proposed CGRAs offer time-multiplexing and dynamic applications parallelism to enhance device utilization and reduce energy consumption at the cost of additional memory (up to 50% area of the overall platform). To reduce the memory overheads, novel CGRAs employ either statistical compression, intermediate compact representation, or multicasting. Each compaction technique has different properties (i.e. compression ratio, decompression time and decompression energy) and is best suited for a particular class of applications. However, existing research only deals with these methods separately. Moreover, they only analyze the compaction ratio and do not evaluate the associated energy overheads. To tackle these issues, we propose a polymorphic compression architecture that interleaves these techniques in a unique platform. The proposed architecture allows each application to take advantage of a separate compression/decompression hierarchy (consisting of various types and implementations of hardware/software decoders) tailored to its needs. Simulation results, using different applications (FFT, Matrix multiplication, and WLAN), reveal that the choice of compression hierarchy has a significant impact on compression ratio (up to 52%), decompression energy (up to 4 orders of magnitude), and configuration time (from 33 n to 1.5 s) for the tested applications. Synthesis results reveal that introducing adaptivity incurs negligible additional overheads (1%) compared to the overall platform area.


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20th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2015 (Ada-Europe 2015), Madrid, Spain.


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Demo in Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 2015). 13 to 14, May, 2015. Castelldefels, Spain.


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Poster presented in 28th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2015). 25 to 28, Mar, 2015, Poster Session. Porto, Portugal.


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Presented at INForum - Simpsio de Informtica (INFORUM 2015). 7 to 8, Sep, 2015. Covilh, Portugal.


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Presented at INForum - Simpsio de Informtica (INFORUM 2015). 7 to 8, Sep, 2015. Portugal.


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Crowdsourcing is evolving into powerful outsourcing options for organizations by providing access to the intellectual capital within a vast knowledge community. Innovation brokering services have emerged to facilitate crowdsourcing projects by connecting up companies with potential solution providers within the wider crowd. Most existing innovation brokering services are primarily aimed at larger organizations, however, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) offer considerable potential for crowdsourcing activity since they are typically the innovation and employment engines in society; they are typically more nimble and responsive to the business environment than the larger companies. SMEs have very different challenges and needs to larger organizations since they have fewer resources, a more limited knowledge and skill base, and immature management practices. Consequently, innovation brokering for SMEs require considerably more support than for larger organizations. This paper identifies the crowdsourcing innovation brokerage facilities needed by SMEs, and presents an architecture that encourages knowledge sharing, development of community, support in mixing and matching capabilities, and management of stakeholders risks. Innovation brokering is emerging as a novel business model that is challenging concepts of the traditional value chain and organizational boundaries.


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Behet's disease (BD) is a complex disease with genetic and environmental risk factors implicated in its etiology; however, its pathophysiology is poorly understood. To decipher BD's genetic underpinnings, we combined gene expression profiling with pathway analysis and association studies. We compared the gene expression profiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 15 patients and 14 matched controls using Affymetrix microarrays and found that the neuregulin signaling pathway was over-represented among the differentially expressed genes. The Epiregulin (EREG), Amphiregulin (AREG), and Neuregulin-1 (NRG1) genes of this pathway stand out as they are also among the top differentially expressed genes. Twelve haplotype tagging SNPs at the EREG-AREG locus and 15 SNPs in NRG1 found associated in at least one published BD genome-wide association study were tested for association with BD in a dataset of 976 Iranian patients and 839 controls. We found a novel association with BD for the rs6845297 SNP located downstream of EREG, and replicated three associations at NRG1 (rs4489285, rs383632, and rs1462891). Multifactor dimensionality reduction analysis indicated the existence of epistatic interactions between EREG and NRG1 variants. EREG-AREG and NRG1, which are members of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family, seem to modulate BD susceptibility through main effects and genegene interactions. These association findings support a role for the EGF/ErbB signaling pathway inBD pathogenesis that warrants further investigation and highlight the importance of combining genetic and genomic approaches to dissect the genetic architecture of complex diseases.


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Dissertao para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotcnica e de Computadores


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Dissertao para obteno do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotcnica e de Computadores Especialidade: Robtica e Manufactura Integrada


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A fundao de uma misso jesuita no Norte da Etipia em 1603, na provncia do Tigr, pelo enrgico Pe. Pero Pais, S. J. telogo, construtor e historiador vindo de Goa, tomou um forte impulso com a aliana pretendida com os Portugueses pelo imperador Susnios (1619-20) para o apoio militar contra os muulmanos; e, sobretudo, aps a sua converso oficial Igreja Catlica Romana, em 1626. Uma dzia de inovadores edifcios foram ento construdos pelos Jesutas na regio paradisaca em torno do Lago Tana: baslicas, igrejas, palcios e jardins, complexos palatinos e eclesisticos, colgios, etc. A tipologia em cruz latina e ornatos incisos deliberadamente diferente das igrejas ortodoxas etopes, circulares e em madeira. A tcnica de construo em pedra e cal, ignorada na Etipia, significou uma revoluo. No presente texto procura-se determinar a quem deve ser atribudo este indito surto construtivo, deixando de lado as teorias tradicionais de pedreiros vindos de Portugal ou de construtores locais. Com base na evidncia estilstica e em referncias de textos da poca, atribui-se a inovao a padres e irmos jesuitas com experincia de arquitectos na ndia portuguesa e a construtores de Goa e de Diu, definindo a arte portuguesa na Etipia como uma provncia da arquitectura indo-portuguesa na ndia, prosseguida aps a expulso dos Jesutas (1633) com os castelos portugueses, ou paos acastelados da nova capital, Gondar.