965 resultados para Ionic conduction in solids


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Nanoparticles of manganese ferrite were prepared by the chemical co-precipitation technique. The dielectric parameters, namely, real and imaginary dielectric permittivity (ε and ε ), ac conductivity (σac) and dielectric loss tangent (tan δ), were measured in the frequency range of 100 kHz–8MHz at different temperatures. The variations of dielectric dispersion (ε ) and dielectric absorption (ε ) with frequency and temperature were also investigated. The variation of dielectric permittivity with frequency and temperature followed the Maxwell–Wagner model based on interfacial polarization in consonance with Koops phenomenological theory. The dielectric loss tangent and hence ε exhibited a relaxation at certain frequencies and at relatively higher temperatures. The dispersion of dielectric permittivity and broadening of the dielectric absorption suggest the possibility of a distribution of relaxation time and the existence of multiple equilibrium states in manganese ferrite. The activation energy estimated from the dielectric relaxation is found to be high and is characteristic of polaron conduction in the nanosized manganese ferrite. The ac conductivity followed a power law dependence σac = Bωn typical of charge transport assisted by a hopping or tunnelling process. The observed minimum in the temperature dependence of the frequency exponent n strongly suggests that tunnelling of the large polarons is the dominant transport process


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Mn1−xZnxFe2O4 nanoparticles (x = 0 to 1) were synthesized by the wet chemical co-precipitation technique. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy and high resolution transmission electron microscopy were effectively utilized to investigate the different structural parameters. The ac conductivity of nanosized Mn1−xZnxFe2O4 were investigated as a function of frequency, temperature and composition. The frequency dependence of ac conductivity is analysed by the power law σ(ω)ac = Bωn which is typical for charge transport by hopping or tunnelling processes. The temperature dependence of frequency exponent n was investigated to understand the conduction mechanism in different compositions. The conduction mechanisms are mainly based on polaron hopping conduction


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The present thesis is a contribution to the study of laser-solid interaction. Despite the numerous applications resulting from the recent use of laser technology, there is still a lack of satisfactory answers to theoretical questions regarding the mechanism leading to the structural changes induced by femtosecond lasers in materials. We provide here theoretical approaches for the description of the structural response of different solids (cerium, samarium sulfide, bismuth and germanium) to femtosecond laser excitation. Particular interest is given to the description of the effects of the laser pulse on the electronic systems and changes of the potential energy surface for the ions. Although the general approach of laser-excited solids remains the same, the potential energy surface which drives the structural changes is calculated with different theoretical models for each material. This is due to the difference of the electronic properties of the studied systems. We use the Falicov model combined with an hydrodynamic method to study photoinduced phase changes in cerium. The local density approximation (LDA) together with the Hubbard-type Hamiltonian (LDA+U) in the framework of density functional theory (DFT) is used to describe the structural properties of samarium sulfide. We parametrize the time-dependent potential energy surface (calculated using DFT+ LDA) of bismuth on which we perform quantum dynamical simulations to study the experimentally observed amplitude collapse and revival of coherent $A_{1g}$ phonons. On the basis of a time-dependent potential energy surface calculated from a non-orthogonal tight binding Hamiltonian, we perform molecular dynamics simulation to analyze the time evolution (coherent phonons, ultrafast nonthermal melting) of germanium under laser excitation. The thermodynamic equilibrium properties of germanium are also reported. With the obtained results we are able to give many clarifications and interpretations of experimental results and also make predictions.


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Intensive, ultrakurze Laserpulse regen Festkörper in einen Zustand an, in dem die Elektronen hohe Temperaturen erlangen, während das Gitter kalt bleibt. Die heißen Elektronen beeinflussen das sog. Laser-angeregte interatomare Potential bzw. die Potentialenergiefläche, auf der die Ionen sich bewegen. Dieses kann neben anderen ultrakurzen Prozessen zu Änderungen der Phononfrequenzen (phonon softening oder phonon hardening) führen. Viele ultrakurze strukturelle Phänomene in Festkörpern hängen bei hohen Laseranregungen von Änderungen der Phononfrequenzen bei niedrigeren Anregungen ab. Um die Laser-bedingten Änderungen des Phononenspektrums von Festkörpern beschreiben zu können, haben wir ein auf Temperatur-abhängiger Dichtefunktionaltheorie basierendes Verfahren entwickelt. Die dramatischen Änderungen nach einer Laseranregung in der Potentialenergiefläche werden durch die starke Veränderung der Zustandsdichte und der Besetzungen der Elektronen hervorgerufen. Diese Änderungen in der Zustandsdichte und den Besetzungszahlen können wir mit unserer Methode berechnen, um dann damit das Verhalten der Phononen nach einer Laseranregung zu analysieren. Auf diese Art und Weise studierten wir den Einfluss einer Anregung mit einem intensiven, ultrakurzen Laserpuls auf repräsentative Phonon Eigenmoden in Magnesium, Kupfer und Aluminium. Wir stellten dabei in manchen Gitterschwingungen entweder eine Abnahme (softening) und in anderen eine Zunahme (hardening) der Eigenfrequenz fest. Manche Moden zeigten bei Variation der Laseranregungsstärke sogar beide Verhaltensweisen. Das eine Phonon-Eigenmode ein hardening und softening zeigen kann, wird durch das Vorhandensein von van Hove Singularitäten in der elektronischen Zustandsdichte des betrachteten Materials erklärt. Für diesen Fall stellt unser Verfahren zusammen mit der Sommerfeld-Entwicklung die Eigenschaften der Festkörper Vibrationen in Verbindung mit den Laser induzierten Veränderungen in den elektronischen Besetzungen für verschiedene Phonon-eingefrorene Atomkonfigurationen. Auch die absolute Größe des softening und hardening wurde berechnet. Wir nehmen an, dass unsere Theorie Licht in die Effekte der Laseranregung von verschiedenen Materialien bringt. Außerdem studierten wir mit Hilfe von Dichtefunktionaltheorie die strukturellen Material-Eigenschaften, die durch kurze XUV Pulse induziert werden. Warme dichte Materie in Ultrakurzpuls angeregten Magnesium wurde analysiert und verglichen mit den Ergebnissen bei durch Laser Anregung bedingten Änderungen. Unter Verwendung von elektronischer-Temperatur-abhängiger Dichtefunktionaltheorie wurden die Änderungen in den Bindungseigenschaften von warmen dichten Magnesium studiert. Wir stellten dabei beide Effekte, Verstärkung und Abschwächung von Bindungen, bei jeweils verschiedenen Phonon Eigenmoden von Magnesium auf Grund von der Erzeugung von Rumpflöchern und dem Vorhandensein von heißen Elektronen fest. Die zusätzliche Erzeugung von heißen Elektronen führt zu einer Änderung der Bindungscharakteristik, die der Änderung, die durch die bereits vorhandenen Rumpflöcher hervorgerufen wurde, entgegen wirkt. Die thermischen Eigenschaften von Nanostrukturen sind teilweise sehr wichtig für elektronische Bauteile. Wir studierten hier ebenfalls den Effekt einer einzelnen Graphen Lage auf Kupfer. Dazu untersuchten wir mit Dichtefunktionaltheorie die strukturellen- und Schwingungseigenschaften von Graphen auf einem Kupfer Substrat. Wir zeigen, dass die schwache Wechselwirkung zwischen Graphen und Kupfer die Frequenz der aus der Ebene gerichteten akustischen Phonon Eigenmode anhebt und die Entartung zwischen den aus der Ebene gerichteten akustischen und optischen Phononen im K-Punkt des Graphen Spektrums aufhebt. Zusätzlich führten wir ab initio Berechnungen zur inelastischen Streuung eines Helium Atoms mit Graphen auf einem Kuper(111) Substrat durch. Wir berechneten dazu das Leistungsspektrum, das uns eine Idee über die verschiedenen Gitterschwingungen des Graphene-Kuper(111) Systems gibt, die durch die Kollision des Helium Atom angeregt werden. Wir brachten die Positionen der Peaks im Leistungsspektrum mit den Phonon Eigenfrequenzen, die wir aus den statischen Rechnungen erhalten haben, in Beziehung. Unsere Ergebnisse werden auch verglichen mit den Ergebnissen experimenteller Daten zur Helium Streuung an Graphen-Kupfer(111) Oberflächen.


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There are many reports in the literature regarding the effects of ionic calcium on reactions related to casein micelle stability, such as heat stability, ethanol stability and susceptibility to gelation, sediment formation and fouling. However, experimental evidence supporting these assertions is much less readily available. This paper evaluates three selective ion electrode systems for measuring ionic calcium directly in milk as well as looking at the effects on pH reduction and addition of calcium chloride. The best electrode system was the Ciba Corning 634 system, which was designed for blood but has been modified for milk. This was found to be reproducible and stable when calibrated daily and allowed direct measurements to be taken on milk in 70 s. This has been found to perform well now for 3 years. The other systems were not so useful, as they took longer to stabilize, but may be useful for higher ionic calcium concentrations, which are found in acidified milk products. Reducing the pH increased ionic calcium and reduced ethanol stability. Calcium chloride addition reduced pH, increased ionic calcium and reduced the ethanol stability. Readjusting the pH to its value before calcium addition reduced the ionic calcium, but not back to its original value. Milks from individual cows showed wide variations in their ionic calcium concentrations. This establishes the methodology for a more detailed investigation on measurement of ionic calcium in milks from individual cows and from bulk milks, to allow a better understanding of its role in casein micelle stability.


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The problem of heat conduction in one-dimensional piecewise homogeneous composite materials is examined by providing an explicit solution of the one-dimensional heat equation in each domain. The location of the interfaces is known, but neither temperature nor heat flux are prescribed there. Instead, the physical assumptions of their continuity at the interfaces are the only conditions imposed. The problem of two semi-infinite domains and that of two finite-sized domains are examined in detail. We indicate also how to extend the solution method to the setting of one finite-sized domain surrounded on both sides by semi-infinite domains, and on that of three finite-sized domains.


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Understanding the underlying mechanisms that suppress thermal conduction in solids is of paramount importance for the targeted design of materials for thermal management and thermoelectric energy conversion applications. Bismuth copper oxychalcogenides, BiOCuQ (Q = Se, Te), are highly crystalline thermoelectric materials with an unusually low lattice thermal conductivity of approx. 0.5 Wm-1K-1, a value normally found in amorphous materials. Here we unveil the origin of the unusual thermal transport properties of these phases. First principles calculations of the vibrational properties combined with analysis of in-situ neutron diffraction data, demonstrate that weak bonding of copper atoms within the structure leads to an unexpected vibrational mode at low frequencies, which is likely to be a major contributor to the low thermal conductivity of these materials. In addition, we show that anharmonicity and the large Grüneisen parameter in these oxychalcogenides are mainly related to the low frequency copper vibrations, rather than to the Bi3+ lone pairs.


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We analyze the influence of a surface dielectric layer on the transient phenomena related to the ionic redistribution in an electrolytic cell submitted to a step-like external voltage. The adsorption-desorption phenomenon is taken into account in the famework of the Gouy-Chapman approximation, where the ions are assumed dimensionless. In the limit of small amplitude of the applied voltage, where the equations of the problem can be linearized, we obtain an analytical solution for the surface densities of ions, for the electrical potential and for the relaxation time for the transient phenomena. In the general case, when the linearized analysis is no longer valid, the solution of the problem is obtained numerically. The role of the thickness of the dielectric layer on the relaxation time is also discussed.


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Solid polymer electrolytes based on amorphous polyether-urethane networks combined with lithium or sodium salts and a low molecular weight cosolvent (plasticizer) have been investigated in our laboratories for several years. Conductivity enhancements of up to two orders of magnitude can be obtained whilst still retaining solid elastomeric properties. In order to understand the effects of the plasticizers and their mechanism of conductivity enhancement, multinuclear NMR has been employed to investigate ionic structure in polymer electrolyte systems containing NaCF3SO3, LiCF3SO3 and LiClO3 salts.

With increasing dimethyl formamide (DMF) and propylene carbonate (PC) concentration the increasing cation chemical shift with fixed salt concentration indicates a decreasing anion-cation association consistent with an increased number of charge carriers. 13C chemical shift data for the same systems suggests that whilst DMF also decreases cation-polymer interactions, PC does the opposite, presumably by shielding cation-anion interactions. Temperature dependent 7Li spin-lattice relaxation times indicate the expected increase in ionic mobility upon plasticization with a shift of the T1 minimum to lower temperatures. The magnitude of T1 at the minimum increases upon addition of DMF whereas there is a slight decrease when PC is added. This also supports the suggestion that the DMF preferentially solvates the cation whereas the action of PC is limited to coulomb screening, hence freeing the anion.


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New polymer electrolytes were synthesized and characterized based on a new polymer host. The motivation was to produce a host polymer with a high dielectric constant which should reduce ion clustering with an attendant increased conductivity. The new polymer host, poly(diethylene glycol carbonate) and its sodium triflate complexes were characterized by thermal analysis and AC impedance measurements. The polycarbonate backbone appears less flexible than the polyether hosts as evidenced by the higher glass transition temperatures. The conductivity for the sodium triflate complexes was measured as ~ 10−5 S cm−1 at 55 °C and the dielectric constant of the host polymer was found to be 3.6 at 3 GHz. The low conductivity is attributed to rigidity of the polycarbonate.