974 resultados para Internet studies
‘Grooming’ and the Sexual Abuse of Children: Institutional, Internet and Familial Dimensions critically examines the official and popular discourses on grooming, predominantly framed within the context of on-line sexual exploitation and abuse committed by strangers, and institutional child abuse committed by those in positions of trust.
Set against the broader theoretical framework of risk, security and governance, this book argues that due to the difficulties of drawing clear boundaries between innocuous and harmful motivations towards children, pre-emptive risk-based criminal law and policy are inherently limited in preventing, targeting and criminalising ‘grooming’ behaviour prior to the manifestation of actual harm. Through examination of grooming against the complexities of the onset of sexual offending against children and its actual role in this process, the author broadens existing discourses by providing a fuller, more nuanced conceptualisation of grooming, including its role in intra-familial and extra-familial contexts. There is also timely discussion of new and emerging forms of grooming, such as ‘street’ or ‘localised’ grooming, as typified by recent cases in Rochdale and Oldham, and ‘peer-to-peer’ grooming.
The first inter-disciplinary, thematic, and empirical investigation of grooming in a multi-jurisdictional context, ‘Grooming’ and the Sexual Abuse of Children draws on extensive empirical research in the form of over fifty interviews with professionals, working in the fields of sex offender risk assessment, management or treatment, as well as child protection or victim support in the four jurisdictions of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Impeccably presented and meticulously considered, this book will be of interest to criminologists and those working and studying in the field of policing and criminal justice studies, as well as policy makers and practitioners in the areas of child protection and sex offender management.
Digital Debris of Internet Art: An Allegorical and Entropic Resistance to the Epistemology of Search
This Ph.D., by thesis, proposes a speculative lens to read Internet Art via the concept of digital debris. In order to do so, the research explores the idea of digital debris in Internet Art from 1993 to 2011 in a series of nine case studies. Here, digital debris are understood as words typed in search engines and which then disappear; bits of obsolete codes which are lingering on the Internet, abandoned website, broken links or pieces of ephemeral information circulating on the Internet and which are used as a material by practitioners. In this context, the thesis asks what are digital debris? The thesis argues that the digital debris of Internet Art represent an allegorical and entropic resistance to the what Art Historian David Joselit calls the Epistemology of Search. The ambition of the research is to develop a language in-between the agency of the artist and the autonomy of the algorithm, as a way of introducing Internet Art to a pluridisciplinary audience, hence the presence of the comparative studies unfolding throughout the thesis, between Internet Art and pionners in the recycling of waste in art, the use of instructions as a medium and the programming of poetry. While many anthropological and ethnographical studies are concerned with the material object of the computer as debris once it becomes obsolete, very few studies have analysed waste as discarded data. The research shifts the focus from an industrial production of digital debris (such as pieces of hardware) to obsolete pieces of information in art practice. The research demonstrates that illustrations of such considerations can be found, for instance, in Cory Arcangel’s work Data Diaries (2001) where QuickTime files are stolen, disassembled, and then re-used in new displays. The thesis also looks at Jodi’s approach in Jodi.org (1993) and Asdfg (1998), where websites and hyperlinks are detourned, deconstructed, and presented in abstract collages that reveals the architecture of the Internet. The research starts in a typological manner and classifies the pieces of Internet Art according to the structure at play in the work. Indeed if some online works dealing with discarded documents offer a self-contained and closed system, others nurture the idea of openness and unpredictability. The thesis foregrounds the ideas generated through the artworks and interprets how those latter are visually constructed and displayed. Not only does the research questions the status of digital debris once they are incorporated into art practice but it also examine the method according to which they are retrieved, manipulated and displayed to submit that digital debris of Internet Art are the result of both semantic and automated processes, rendering them both an object of discourse and a technical reality. Finally, in order to frame the serendipity and process-based nature of the digital debris, the Ph.D. concludes that digital debris are entropic . In other words that they are items of language to-be, paradoxically locked in a constant state of realisation.
Der Anglizismus „Gender Studies“ bezeichnet in Deutschland faktisch Frauenforschung, also Forschung von Frauen über Frauen für Frauen. Es gibt sie seit mehr als drei Jahrzehnten. Die Zahl der Gender - Professuren beträgt mittlerweile ca. 250. Sie binden finanzielle Ressourcen in entsprechender Höhe. Das ist nicht der einzige, aber doch ein Grund, nach dem wissenschaftlichen Output dieser Forschungen zu fragen. In Niedersachsen ist 2013 eine Forschungsevaluation zum Thema Gender Studies durchgeführt worden. Möglicherweise handelt es dabei um die erste und einzige Untersuchung ihrer Art. Der Ergebnisbericht dieser Evaluation wird hier dargestellt und kritisch kommentiert. Das Ergebnis der Kritik lautet, dass gar keine Evaluation des Forschungs-Outputs vorgenommen worden ist, sondern dass es der beauftragten Kommission nur darum ging, die Input-Strukturen zu stärken, indem mehr Stellen, mehr finanzielle Mittel und noch weniger Kontrollen gefordert wurden.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2014
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
The subject of study of this Thesis aims to highlight and recognize as an object of reflection the undoubted relationship between the Internet and the Justice System, based on the issue of digital evidence. The simultaneously crossing of the juridical-legal implications and the more technical computer issues is the actual trigger for the discussion of the issues established. The Convention on Cybercrime of the Council of Europe of 23rd November 2001 and the Council Framework Decision n.° 2005/222/JHA of 24th February 2005 were avant-garde in terms of the international work about the crimes in the digital environment. In addition they enabled the harmonization of national legislations on the matter and, consequently, a greater flexibility in international judicial cooperation. Portugal, in compliance with these international studies, ratified, implemented and approved Law n. º 109/2009 of 15th September concerning the Cybercrime Act, establishing a more specific investigation and collection of evidence in electronic support when it comes to combating this type of crime, as it reinforced the Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Nature. Nevertheless, the constant debates about the New Technologies of Information and Communication have not neglected the positive role of these tools for the user. However, they express a particular concern for their counterproductive effects; a special caution prevails on the part of the judge in assessing the digital evidence, especially circumstantial evidence, due to the its fragility. Indisputably, the practice of crimes through the computer universe, given its inexorable technical complexity, entails many difficulties for the forensic investigation, since the proofs hold temporary, changeable, volatile, and dispersed features. In this pillar, after the consummation of iter criminis, the Fundamental Rights of the suspects may be debated in the course of the investigation and the construction of iter probatorium. The intent of this Thesis is to contribute in a reflective way on the issues presented in order to achieve a bigger technical and legal awareness regarding the collection of digital proof, looking for a much lighter approach to its suitability in terms of evidentiary value.
Alcohol use is one of the leading modifiable morbidity and mortality risk factors among young adults. 2 parallel-group randomized controlled trial with follow-up at 1 and 6 months. Internet based study in a general population sample of young men with low-risk drinking, recruited between June 2012 and February 2013. Intervention: Internet-based brief alcohol primary prevention intervention (IBI). The IBI aims at preventing an increase in alcohol use: it consists of normative feedback, feedback on consequences, calorific value alcohol, computed blood alcohol concentration, indication that the reported alcohol use is associated with no or limited risks for health. Intervention group participants received the IBI. Control group (CG) participants completed only an assessment. Alcohol use (number of drinks per week), binge drinking prevalence. Analyses were conducted in 2014-2015. Of 4365 men invited to participate, 1633 did so; 896 reported low-risk drinking and were randomized (IBI: n = 451; CG: n = 445). At baseline, 1 and 6 months, the mean (SD) number of drinks/week was 2.4(2.2), 2.3(2.6), 2.5(3.0) for IBI, and 2.4(2.3), 2.8(3.7), 2.7(3.9) for CG. Binge drinking, absent at baseline, was reported by 14.4% (IBI) and 19.0% (CG) at 1 month and by 13.3% (IBI) and 13.0% (CG) at 6 months. At 1 month, beneficial intervention effects were observed on the number of drinks/week (p = 0.05). No significant differences were observed at 6 months. We found protective short term effects of a primary prevention IBI. Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN55991918.
Although there is a consensus in th~ literature on the many uses of the Internet in education, as well as the unique features of the Internet for presenting facts and information, there is no consensus on a standardized method for evaluating Internetbased courseware. Educators rarely have the opportunity to participate in the development of Internet-based courseware, yet they are encouraged to use the technology in their learning environments. This creates a need for summative evaluation methods for Internet-based health courseware. The purpose ofthis study was to assess evaluative measures for Internet-based courseware. Specifically, two entities were evaluated within the study: a) the outcome of the Internet-based courseware, and b) the Internet-based courseware itself. To this end, the Web site www.bodymatters.com was evaluated using two different approaches by two different cohorts. The first approach was a performance appraisal by a group of endusers. A positive, statistically significant change in the students performance was observed due to the intervention ofthe Web site. The second approach was a productoriented evaluation ofthe Web site with the use of a criterion-based checklist and an open-ended comments section. The findings indicate that a summative, criterion-based evaluation is best completed by a multidisciplinary team. The findi~gs also indicated that the two different cohorts reported different product-oriented appraisals of the Web site. The current research confirmed previous research that found that experts returning a poor evaluation of a Web site did not have a relationship to whether or not the end-users performance improved due to the intervention of the Web site.
Preadolescent Internet usage is prevalent today. This thesis examined how Canadian preadolescents use the Internet, what they do when they are on the Internet, and why preadolescents are fascinated with the Internet. Eight quahtative categories were derived from the data. The categories are Downloading, Information Hunting, Consumerism, Virtual Nurturing, Gaming, Expressions of Violence, Chatting, and Music. By critically distilling and analyzing preadolescent Internet behaviour through the lens of behavioural and cognitive psychology, and explicating the amount of psychological, cognitive, and social learning that preadolescents may be exposed to on the Internet, and the attraction that is cumulatively a profound draw for a preadolescent audience, an argument will be made that Internet usage in preadolescents may impair their cognitive, social, and psychological development because of the impulse seeking and gratification priming that has been reinforced during the formative period of preadolescence.
Élaborée à partir d’une étude de cas extensive focalisant sur les perspectives multiples et concurrentes ayant émergé lors des négociations sur la gouvernance de l’Internet, thématique ayant dominé l’agenda politique du Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information (SMSI), cette thèse examine les manières avec lesquelles les débats mondiaux sur la gouvernance de l’Internet influencent la notion d’intérêt public en communication. Établie sur la base d’une observation participante extensive, d’entrevues semi-structurées et de l’analyse d’une documentation formelle et informelle associée au SMSI, cette thèse fait état de l’émergence des enjeux associés à la gouvernance de l’Internet au SMSI et présente une analyse approfondie des négociations ayant porté sur cet enjeu. Le cadre théorique développé par Lawrence Lessig au travers duquel « le code est la loi » est appliqué afin d’expliquer comment les différents acteurs ont débattu et ultimement atteint un consensus sur les frontières venant séparer les enjeux normatifs de politique publique et les questions techniques de régulation et de gestion du réseau. Cette thèse discute également de l’évolution des débats autour de la gouvernance mondiale de l’Internet ayant pris place à la suite de la conclusion du SMSI. Sur la base de cette étude de cas, un ensemble de conclusions sont formulées sur les acteurs et les caractéristiques institutionnelles ayant influencé les négociations sur la gouvernance de l’internet. Il est également suggéré que le SMSI a redéfini une discussion étroite sur la gestion d’un ensemble de fonctions techniques de l’Internet en un domaine de politique publique plus large de gouvernance mondiale de l’Internet. Il est également défendu que la notion d’intérêt public dans la gouvernance mondiale de l’Internet est conceptualisée autour des processus de participation et d’intégration des différentes parties prenantes au processus politique. Les implications directes et indirectes qui découlent de ce constat pour comprendre plus largement la notion d’intérêt public dans le domaine de la communication sont également présentées et discutées. En conclusion, cette thèse s’interroge sur les implications programmatiques des éléments ayant été précédemment soulevées pour la recherche médiatique et communicationnelle.
Dans l’espace réel, l’identité d’une personne est clairement circonscrite à l’état civil et pleinement protégée par le droit interne des pays. Alors que dans le cyberespace, les contours de la notion sont plutôt flous, voire incertains. Le développement du commerce électronique et la croissance des transactions en ligne ont donné naissance au « crime » de l’usurpation d’identité. Et si l’usurpation d’identité a pu émerger, c’est grâce à la spécificité du médium, qui s’est avéré un terrain fertile aux abus des usurpateurs d’identité. Ce présent article étudie et analyse la fraude, le vol et l’escroquerie en tant qu’infractions économiques commises dans le cyberespace par le biais du système informatique. Il constate la désuétude et l’inefficacité des infractions prévues dans le droit pénal canadien relativement à l’incrimination du crime de l’usurpation d’identité et propose une solution basée sur des approches réglementaires, législatives et techniques.
La croissance dramatique du commerce électronique des titres cache un grand potentiel pour les investisseurs, de même que pour l’industrie des valeurs mobilières en général. Prenant en considération ses risques particuliers, les autorités réglementaires vivent un défi important face à l’Internet en tant que nouveau moyen d’investir. Néanmoins, malgré l’évolution technologique, les objectifs fondamentaux et l’approche des autorités réglementaires restent similaires à ce qui se produit présentement. Cet article analyse l’impact de l’Internet sur le commerce des valeurs mobilières en se concentrant sur les problèmes soulevés par l’utilisation de ce nouveau moyen de communication dans le contexte du marché secondaire. Par conséquent, son objectif est de dresser le portrait des plaintes typiques des investisseurs, de même que celui des activités frauduleuses en valeurs mobilières propres au cyberespace. L’auteur fait une synthèse des développements récents en analysant l’approche des autorités réglementaires, les études doctrinales, la jurisprudence et les cas administratifs. L'auteure désire remercier la professeure Raymonde Crête pour ses précieux commentaires et conseils.
Internet today has become a vital part of day to day life, owing to the revolutionary changes it has brought about in various fields. Dependence on the Internet as an information highway and knowledge bank is exponentially increasing so that a going back is beyond imagination. Transfer of critical information is also being carried out through the Internet. This widespread use of the Internet coupled with the tremendous growth in e-commerce and m-commerce has created a vital need for infonnation security.Internet has also become an active field of crackers and intruders. The whole development in this area can become null and void if fool-proof security of the data is not ensured without a chance of being adulterated. It is, hence a challenge before the professional community to develop systems to ensure security of the data sent through the Internet.Stream ciphers, hash functions and message authentication codes play vital roles in providing security services like confidentiality, integrity and authentication of the data sent through the Internet. There are several ·such popular and dependable techniques, which have been in use widely, for quite a long time. This long term exposure makes them vulnerable to successful or near successful attempts for attacks. Hence it is the need of the hour to develop new algorithms with better security.Hence studies were conducted on various types of algorithms being used in this area. Focus was given to identify the properties imparting security at this stage. By making use of a perception derived from these studies, new algorithms were designed. Performances of these algorithms were then studied followed by necessary modifications to yield an improved system consisting of a new stream cipher algorithm MAJE4, a new hash code JERIM- 320 and a new message authentication code MACJER-320. Detailed analysis and comparison with the existing popular schemes were also carried out to establish the security levels.The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) I Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is one of the most widely used security protocols in Internet. The cryptographic algorithms RC4 and HMAC have been in use for achieving security services like confidentiality and authentication in the SSL I TLS. But recent attacks on RC4 and HMAC have raised questions about the reliability of these algorithms. Hence MAJE4 and MACJER-320 have been proposed as substitutes for them. Detailed studies on the performance of these new algorithms were carried out; it has been observed that they are dependable alternatives.