934 resultados para Integrated University


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Background Nowadays there is extensive evidence available showing the efficacy of cognitive remediation (CR). To date, only limited evidence is available about the impact of the duration of illness on CR effects. The Integrated Neurocognitive Therapy (INT) represents a new developed CR approach. It is a manualized group therapy targeting all 11 NIMH-MATRICS domains. Methods In an international multicenter study, 166 schizophrenia outpatients (DSM-IV-TR) were randomly assigned either to INT or to Treatment-As-Usual (TAU). 60 patients were defined as Early Course group (EC) characterized by less than 5 years of illness, 40 patients were in the Long-Term group (LT) characterized by more than 15 years of illness, and 76 patients were in the Medium-Long-Term group (MLT) characterized by an illness of 5-15 years. Treatment comprised of 15 biweekly sessions. Assessments were conducted before and after treatment and at follow up (1 year). Multivariate General Linear Models (GLM) examined our hypothesis, whether EC, LT, and MLT groups differ under INT and TAU from each other in outcome. Results First of all, the attendance rate of 65% was significantly lower and the drop out rate of 18.5% during therapy was higher in the EC group compared to the other groups. Interaction effects regarding proximal outcome showed that the duration of illness has a strong impact on neurocognitive functioning in speed of processing (F>2.4) and attention (F>2.8). But INT intervention compared to TAU only had a significant effect in more chronically ill patients of MLT and LT, but not in younger patients in EC. In social cognitive domains, only the EC group showed a significant change in attribution (hostility; F>2.5), LT and MLT groups did not. However, no differences between the 3 groups were evident in memory, problem solving, and emotion perception. Regarding more distal outcome, LT patients had more symptoms compared to EC (F>4.4). Finally, EC patients showed higher improvements in psychosocial functioning compared to LT and MLT (F=1.8). Conclusions Against common expectations, long-term, more chronically ill patients showed higher effects in basal cognitive functions compared to younger patients and patients without any active therapy (TAU). On the other hand, early-course patients had a greater potential to change in attribution, symptoms and psychosocial functioning. Consequently, more integrated therapy offers are also recommended for long-term course schizophrenia patients.


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It is widely accepted that stabilization of the continental crust requires the presence of sub-continental lithospheric mantle. However, the degree of melt depletion required to stabilize the lithosphere and whether widespread refertilization is a significant process remain unresolved. Here, major and trace element, including platinum group elements (PGE), characterization of 40 mantle xenoliths from 13 localities is used to constrain the melt depletion, refertilization and metasomatic history of lithospheric mantle underneath the micro-continent Zealandia. Our previously published Re–Os isotopic data for a subset of these xenoliths indicate Phanerozoic to Paleoproterozoic ages and, reinterpreted with the new major and trace element data presented here, demonstrate that a large volume (>2 million km3) of lithospheric mantle with an age of 1·99 ± 0·21 Ga is present below the much younger crust of Zealandia. A peritectic melting model using moderately incompatible trace elements (e.g. Yb) in bulk-rocks demonstrates that these peridotites experienced a significant range of degrees of partial melting, between 3 and 28%. During subsolidus equilibration clinopyroxene gains significant rare earth elements (REE), which then leads to the underestimation of the degree of partial melting by ≤12% in fertile xenoliths. A new approach taking into account the effects of subsolidus re-equilibration on clinopyroxene composition effectively removes discrepancies in the calculated degree of melting and provides consistent estimates of between 4 and 29%. The estimated amount of melting is independent of the Re–Os model ages of the samples. The PGE patterns record simple melt depletion histories and the retention of primary base metal sulfides in the majority of the xenoliths. A rapid decrease in Pt/IrN observed at c. 1·0 wt % Al2O3 is a direct result of the exhaustion of sulfide in the mantle residue at c. 20–25% partial melting and the inability of Pt to form a stable alloy phase. Major elements preserve evidence for refertilization by a basaltic component that resulted in the formation of secondary clinopyroxene and low-forsterite olivine. The majority of xenoliths show the effects of cryptic metasomatic overprinting, ranging from minor to strong light REE enrichments in bulk-rocks (La/YbN = 0·16–15·9). Metasomatism is heterogeneous, with samples varying from those with weak REE enrichment and notable positive Sr and U–Th anomalies and negative Nb–Ta anomalies in clinopyroxene to those that have extremely high concentrations of REE, Th–U and Nb. Chemical compositions are consistent with a carbonatitic component contributing to the metasomatism of the lithosphere under Zealandia. Notably, the intense metasomatism of the samples did not affect the PGE budget of the peridotites as this was controlled by residual sulfides.


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SCAR KGIS (SCAR King George Island GIS Project) was an integrated topographic database for King George Island, South Shetland Islands, including the SCAR Feature Catalogue to semantically integrate the data sets. The project, operated by the University of Freiburg, was available at http://portal.uni-freiburg.de/AntSDI as "The Antarctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (AntSDI)". Operation ended in 2007. The remaining data files were archived in shape format (zipped) in projections as recommended by SCAR. The source data was provided by a variety of institutions which were not referenced in the original product.


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Este artículo expone la primera aplicación experimental de un método para el análisis y la comparación de experiencias de vivienda social internacional en el contexto de las grandes áreas metropolitanas. El método, desarrollado en la Universidad Politécnica Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) desde 2009, se basa en la utilización de códigos gráficos y numéricos comunes y la integración de diferentes escalas de aproximación al entorno construido, de la vivienda y su arquitectura, a sus materiales de construcción y llegando más lejos, la ciudad. Además, los datos están vinculados a tres conceptos clave estrechamente relacionados con las condiciones específicas de las grandes áreas metropolitanas: la economía, la densidad y la diversidad. El objetivo final de la investigación es proporcionar una herramienta para la evaluación de la calidad de las viviendas sociales, optimización de recursos y un diseño innovador.


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Nowadays, it is urgent to renovate a great number of residential buildings. The necessity of improving energy efficiency must also be considered as an opportunity to improve indoor comfort. To achieve this goal, it is essential to develop tools to be used in the decision-making process, aiming to refurbish buildings in an integrated, efficient and sustainable way. The integrated system developed is based on a set of indicators. Sustainability indicators are useful to synthesize and organize complex information. They can provide data to evaluate a process in different stages: evaluation, diagnosis, comparison and tracing. The set of proposed indicators aims to accomplish the holistic approach pursued by sustainable development. So, these indicators are divided into three groups: environmental, social and economic. However, the main innovation of the system of indicators is the social ones. The sustainable refurbishment system aims to be a user-focused one. Therefore, the starting point is the needs of the user and social indicators are developed around this. The system tackles the sustainable refurbishment of buildings beyond energy problems. It proposes incorporating users in the decision-making process involving them in the refurbishment and so, contributing to the success of the renovation. In order to achieve this target, three social indicators are used, divided into 10 sub-indicators, and a ?Questionnaire about Sustainable Refurbishment? is drawn up. This research has been carried out in the framework of ?Sustainable Refurbishment? Research and Development Project, an integrated project under the supervision of the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial (CDTI) from the Spanish Government, in which University and the Construction Industry collaborate. This research project aims to develop an integrated system for the retrofitting of existing buildings to improve their energy efficiency. Accordingly, an additional objective of the project is to improve quality of life of residents.


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Esta tesis se ha realizado en el contexto del proyecto UPMSat-2, que es un microsatélite diseñado, construido y operado por el Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad "Ignacio Da Riva" (IDR / UPM) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Aplicación de la metodología Ingeniería Concurrente (Concurrent Engineering: CE) en el marco de la aplicación de diseño multidisciplinar (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: MDO) es uno de los principales objetivos del presente trabajo. En los últimos años, ha habido un interés continuo en la participación de los grupos de investigación de las universidades en los estudios de la tecnología espacial a través de sus propios microsatélites. La participación en este tipo de proyectos tiene algunos desafíos inherentes, tales como presupuestos y servicios limitados. Además, debido al hecho de que el objetivo principal de estos proyectos es fundamentalmente educativo, por lo general hay incertidumbres en cuanto a su misión en órbita y cargas útiles en las primeras fases del proyecto. Por otro lado, existen limitaciones predeterminadas para sus presupuestos de masa, volumen y energía, debido al hecho de que la mayoría de ellos están considerados como una carga útil auxiliar para el lanzamiento. De este modo, el costo de lanzamiento se reduce considerablemente. En este contexto, el subsistema estructural del satélite es uno de los más afectados por las restricciones que impone el lanzador. Esto puede afectar a diferentes aspectos, incluyendo las dimensiones, la resistencia y los requisitos de frecuencia. En la primera parte de esta tesis, la atención se centra en el desarrollo de una herramienta de diseño del subsistema estructural que evalúa, no sólo las propiedades de la estructura primaria como variables, sino también algunas variables de nivel de sistema del satélite, como la masa de la carga útil y la masa y las dimensiones extremas de satélite. Este enfoque permite que el equipo de diseño obtenga una mejor visión del diseño en un espacio de diseño extendido. La herramienta de diseño estructural se basa en las fórmulas y los supuestos apropiados, incluyendo los modelos estáticos y dinámicos del satélite. Un algoritmo genético (Genetic Algorithm: GA) se aplica al espacio de diseño para optimizaciones de objetivo único y también multiobjetivo. El resultado de la optimización multiobjetivo es un Pareto-optimal basado en dos objetivo, la masa total de satélites mínimo y el máximo presupuesto de masa de carga útil. Por otro lado, la aplicación de los microsatélites en misiones espaciales es de interés por su menor coste y tiempo de desarrollo. La gran necesidad de las aplicaciones de teledetección es un fuerte impulsor de su popularidad en este tipo de misiones espaciales. Las misiones de tele-observación por satélite son esenciales para la investigación de los recursos de la tierra y el medio ambiente. En estas misiones existen interrelaciones estrechas entre diferentes requisitos como la altitud orbital, tiempo de revisita, el ciclo de vida y la resolución. Además, todos estos requisitos puede afectar a toda las características de diseño. Durante los últimos años la aplicación de CE en las misiones espaciales ha demostrado una gran ventaja para llegar al diseño óptimo, teniendo en cuenta tanto el rendimiento y el costo del proyecto. Un ejemplo bien conocido de la aplicación de CE es la CDF (Facilidad Diseño Concurrente) de la ESA (Agencia Espacial Europea). Está claro que para los proyectos de microsatélites universitarios tener o desarrollar una instalación de este tipo parece estar más allá de las capacidades del proyecto. Sin embargo, la práctica de la CE a cualquier escala puede ser beneficiosa para los microsatélites universitarios también. En la segunda parte de esta tesis, la atención se centra en el desarrollo de una estructura de optimización de diseño multidisciplinar (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: MDO) aplicable a la fase de diseño conceptual de microsatélites de teledetección. Este enfoque permite que el equipo de diseño conozca la interacción entre las diferentes variables de diseño. El esquema MDO presentado no sólo incluye variables de nivel de sistema, tales como la masa total del satélite y la potencia total, sino también los requisitos de la misión como la resolución y tiempo de revisita. El proceso de diseño de microsatélites se divide en tres disciplinas; a) diseño de órbita, b) diseño de carga útil y c) diseño de plataforma. En primer lugar, se calculan diferentes parámetros de misión para un rango práctico de órbitas helio-síncronas (sun-synchronous orbits: SS-Os). Luego, según los parámetros orbitales y los datos de un instrumento como referencia, se calcula la masa y la potencia de la carga útil. El diseño de la plataforma del satélite se estima a partir de los datos de la masa y potencia de los diferentes subsistemas utilizando relaciones empíricas de diseño. El diseño del subsistema de potencia se realiza teniendo en cuenta variables de diseño más detalladas, como el escenario de la misión y diferentes tipos de células solares y baterías. El escenario se selecciona, de modo de obtener una banda de cobertura sobre la superficie terrestre paralelo al Ecuador después de cada intervalo de revisita. Con el objetivo de evaluar las interrelaciones entre las diferentes variables en el espacio de diseño, todas las disciplinas de diseño mencionados se combinan en un código unificado. Por último, una forma básica de MDO se ajusta a la herramienta de diseño de sistema de satélite. La optimización del diseño se realiza por medio de un GA con el único objetivo de minimizar la masa total de microsatélite. Según los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del MDO, existen diferentes puntos de diseños óptimos, pero con diferentes variables de misión. Este análisis demuestra la aplicabilidad de MDO para los estudios de ingeniería de sistema en la fase de diseño conceptual en este tipo de proyectos. La principal conclusión de esta tesis, es que el diseño clásico de los satélites que por lo general comienza con la definición de la misión y la carga útil no es necesariamente la mejor metodología para todos los proyectos de satélites. Un microsatélite universitario, es un ejemplo de este tipo de proyectos. Por eso, se han desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas de diseño para encarar los estudios de la fase inicial de diseño. Este conjunto de herramientas incluye diferentes disciplinas de diseño centrados en el subsistema estructural y teniendo en cuenta una carga útil desconocida a priori. Los resultados demuestran que la mínima masa total del satélite y la máxima masa disponible para una carga útil desconocida a priori, son objetivos conflictivos. En este contexto para encontrar un Pareto-optimal se ha aplicado una optimización multiobjetivo. Según los resultados se concluye que la selección de la masa total por satélite en el rango de 40-60 kg puede considerarse como óptima para un proyecto de microsatélites universitario con carga útil desconocida a priori. También la metodología CE se ha aplicado al proceso de diseño conceptual de microsatélites de teledetección. Los resultados de la aplicación del CE proporcionan una clara comprensión de la interacción entre los requisitos de diseño de sistemas de satélites, tales como la masa total del microsatélite y la potencia y los requisitos de la misión como la resolución y el tiempo de revisita. La aplicación de MDO se hace con la minimización de la masa total de microsatélite. Los resultados de la aplicación de MDO aclaran la relación clara entre los diferentes requisitos de diseño del sistema y de misión, así como que permiten seleccionar las líneas de base para el diseño óptimo con el objetivo seleccionado en las primeras fase de diseño. ABSTRACT This thesis is done in the context of UPMSat-2 project, which is a microsatellite under design and manufacturing at the Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” (IDR/UPM) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Application of Concurrent Engineering (CE) methodology in the framework of Multidisciplinary Design application (MDO) is one of the main objectives of the present work. In recent years, there has been continuing interest in the participation of university research groups in space technology studies by means of their own microsatellites. The involvement in such projects has some inherent challenges, such as limited budget and facilities. Also, due to the fact that the main objective of these projects is for educational purposes, usually there are uncertainties regarding their in orbit mission and scientific payloads at the early phases of the project. On the other hand, there are predetermined limitations for their mass and volume budgets owing to the fact that most of them are launched as an auxiliary payload in which the launch cost is reduced considerably. The satellite structure subsystem is the one which is most affected by the launcher constraints. This can affect different aspects, including dimensions, strength and frequency requirements. In the first part of this thesis, the main focus is on developing a structural design sizing tool containing not only the primary structures properties as variables but also the satellite system level variables such as payload mass budget and satellite total mass and dimensions. This approach enables the design team to obtain better insight into the design in an extended design envelope. The structural design sizing tool is based on the analytical structural design formulas and appropriate assumptions including both static and dynamic models of the satellite. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to the design space for both single and multiobejective optimizations. The result of the multiobjective optimization is a Pareto-optimal based on two objectives, minimum satellite total mass and maximum payload mass budget. On the other hand, the application of the microsatellites is of interest for their less cost and response time. The high need for the remote sensing applications is a strong driver of their popularity in space missions. The satellite remote sensing missions are essential for long term research around the condition of the earth resources and environment. In remote sensing missions there are tight interrelations between different requirements such as orbital altitude, revisit time, mission cycle life and spatial resolution. Also, all of these requirements can affect the whole design characteristics. During the last years application of the CE in the space missions has demonstrated a great advantage to reach the optimum design base lines considering both the performance and the cost of the project. A well-known example of CE application is ESA (European Space Agency) CDF (Concurrent Design Facility). It is clear that for the university-class microsatellite projects having or developing such a facility seems beyond the project capabilities. Nevertheless practicing CE at any scale can be beneficiary for the university-class microsatellite projects. In the second part of this thesis, the main focus is on developing a MDO framework applicable to the conceptual design phase of the remote sensing microsatellites. This approach enables the design team to evaluate the interaction between the different system design variables. The presented MDO framework contains not only the system level variables such as the satellite total mass and total power, but also the mission requirements like the spatial resolution and the revisit time. The microsatellite sizing process is divided into the three major design disciplines; a) orbit design, b) payload sizing and c) bus sizing. First, different mission parameters for a practical range of sun-synchronous orbits (SS-Os) are calculated. Then, according to the orbital parameters and a reference remote sensing instrument, mass and power of the payload are calculated. Satellite bus sizing is done based on mass and power calculation of the different subsystems using design estimation relationships. In the satellite bus sizing, the power subsystem design is realized by considering more detailed design variables including a mission scenario and different types of solar cells and batteries. The mission scenario is selected in order to obtain a coverage belt on the earth surface parallel to the earth equatorial after each revisit time. In order to evaluate the interrelations between the different variables inside the design space all the mentioned design disciplines are combined in a unified code. The integrated satellite system sizing tool developed in this section is considered as an application of the CE to the conceptual design of the remote sensing microsatellite projects. Finally, in order to apply the MDO methodology to the design problem, a basic MDO framework is adjusted to the developed satellite system design tool. Design optimization is done by means of a GA single objective algorithm with the objective function as minimizing the microsatellite total mass. According to the results of MDO application, there exist different optimum design points all with the minimum satellite total mass but with different mission variables. This output demonstrates the successful applicability of MDO approach for system engineering trade-off studies at the conceptual design phase of the design in such projects. The main conclusion of this thesis is that the classical design approach for the satellite design which usually starts with the mission and payload definition is not necessarily the best approach for all of the satellite projects. The university-class microsatellite is an example for such projects. Due to this fact an integrated satellite sizing tool including different design disciplines focusing on the structural subsystem and considering unknown payload is developed. According to the results the satellite total mass and available mass for the unknown payload are conflictive objectives. In order to find the Pareto-optimal a multiobjective GA optimization is conducted. Based on the optimization results it is concluded that selecting the satellite total mass in the range of 40-60 kg can be considered as an optimum approach for a university-class microsatellite project with unknown payload(s). Also, the CE methodology is applied to the remote sensing microsatellites conceptual design process. The results of CE application provide a clear understanding of the interaction between satellite system design requirements such as satellite total mass and power and the satellite mission variables such as revisit time and spatial resolution. The MDO application is done with the total mass minimization of a remote sensing satellite. The results from the MDO application clarify the unclear relationship between different system and mission design variables as well as the optimum design base lines according to the selected objective during the initial design phases.


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Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems are a relevant application of photovoltaics. In countries belonging to the International Energy Agency countries, 24% of total installed PV power corresponds to BIPV systems. Electricity losses caused by shadows over the PV generator have a significant impact on the performance of BIPV systems, being the major source of electricity losses. This paper presents a methodology to estimate electricity produced by BIPV systems which incorporates a model for shading losses. The proposed methodology has been validated on a one year study with real data from two similar PV systems placed on the south façade of a building belonging to the Technical University of Madrid. This study has covered all weather conditions: clear, partially overcast and fully overcast sky. Results of this study are shown at different time scales, resulting that the errors committed by the best performing model are below 1% and 3% in annual and daily electricity estimation. The use of models which account for the reduced performance at low irradiance levels also improves the estimation of generated electricity.


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The IARC competitions aim at making the state of the art in UAV progress. The 2014 challenge deals mainly with GPS/Laser denied navigation, Robot-Robot interaction and Obstacle avoidance in the setting of a ground robot herding problem. We present in this paper a drone which will take part in this competition. The platform and hardware it is composed of and the software we designed are introduced. This software has three main components: the visual information acquisition, the mapping algorithm and the Aritificial Intelligence mission planner. A statement of the safety measures integrated in the drone and of our efforts to ensure field testing in conditions as close as possible to the challenge?s is also included.


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The aim of this project is to create a website which is useful both employees and students of a university, so employees can add information, if they log in with username and password access, and students can view this information . Employees may modify and display information such as title, room, or their faculty (from a list defined by the administrator), and most importantly, their schedule, whether class, tutoring, free time, or any of tasks that the administrator define. There will be a manager, responsible for managing employees, the availables faculties and the types of tasks that employees can use on their schedule. Students may see the employees schedules and rooms on the homepage. They differentiate between differents tasks of employees, because these are in different colors. They can also filter information for faculty, employee or day. To achieve our goal, we decided to program in Java using Servlets, which we will use to generate response to requests coming from users from the website. We will also use JSP, allowing us to create different websites files. We use JSP files and not HTML, because we need that the pages are dynamic, since not only want to show specific information, we like that information can change depending on user requests. The JSP file allows us to generate HTML, but also using JAVA language, which is necessary for our purpose. As the information we store is not fixed. We want this information can be modified at any time by employees and admin, so we need a database, which can be accessed from anywhere. We decided SQLite databases because are integrated quite well in our application, and offer a quick response. To access the database from our program, we simply connect it to the database, and with very few lines of code, add, delete or modify entries in different tables that owns the database. To facilitate the initial creation of the database, and the first tables, we use a Mozilla Firefox browser plugin, called SQLite Manager, which allows us to do so from a more friendly interface. Finally, we need a server that supports and implements specifications Servlets and JSP. We decided on the TomCat server, which is a container Servlets, because is free, easy to use, and compatible with our program. We realized all the project with Eclipse environment, also free program that allows integrating database, server and program the JSP and Servlets. Once submitted all the tools we used, we must first organize the structure of the web, relating each Servlets with JSP files. Next, create the database and the different Servlets, and adjust the database accesses to make sure we do it right. From here simply is to build up the page step by step, showing in each place we need, and redirect to different pages. In this way, we can build a complex website, free, and without being an expert in the field. RESUMEN. El objetivo de este proyecto, es crear una página web que sirva tanto a empleados como a alumnos de una universidad, de tal manera que los empleados podrán añadir información, mediante el acceso con usuario y contraseña, y los alumnos podrán visualizar está información. Los empleados podrán modificar y mostrar información como su título, despacho, facultad a la que pertenecen (de entre una lista definida por el administrador), y lo más importante, sus horarios, ya sean de clase, tutorías, tiempo libre, o cualquiera de las tareas que el administrador defina. Habrá un administrador, encargado de gestionar los empleados existentes, las facultades disponibles y los tipos de tareas que podrán usar los empleados en su horario. Los alumnos, podrán visualizar los horarios y despacho de los empleados en la página principal. Diferenciarán entre las distintas tareas de los profesores, porque estas se encuentran en colores diferentes. Además, podrán filtrar la información, por facultad, empleado o día de la semana. Para conseguir nuestro objetivo, hemos decidido programar en Java, mediante el uso de Servlets, los cuales usaremos para generar respuesta antes las peticiones que llegan de los usuarios desde la página web. También usaremos archivos JSP, que nos permitirán crear las diferentes páginas webs. Usamos archivos JSP y no HTML, porque necesitamos que las diferentes páginas sean dinámicas, ya que no solo queremos mostrar una información concreta, si no que esta información puede variar en función de las peticiones de usuario. El archivo JSP nos permite generar HTML, pero a la vez usar lenguaje JAVA, algo necesario para nuestro cometido. Como la información que queremos almacenar no es fija, si no que en todo momento debe poder ser modificada por empleados y administrador, necesitamos una base de datos, a la que podamos acceder desde la web. Nos hemos decidido por bases SQLite, ya que se integran bastante bien en nuestra aplicación, y además ofrecen una rápida respuesta. Para acceder a la base de datos desde nuestro programa, simplemente debemos conectar el mismo a la base de datos, y con muy pocas líneas de código, añadir, eliminar o modificar entradas de las diferentes tablas que posee la base de datos. Para facilitar la creación inicial de la base de datos, y de las primeras tablas, usamos un complemento del navegador Mozilla Firefox, llamado SQLite Manager, que nos permite hacerlo desde una interfaz más amigable. Por último, necesitamos de un servidor que soporte e implemente las especificaciones de los Servlets y JSP. Nos decidimos por el servidor TomCat, que es un contenedor de Servlets gratuito, de fácil manejo, y compatible con nuestro programa. Todo el desarrollo del proyecto, lo realizamos desde el entorno Eclipse, programa también gratuito, que permite integrar la base de datos, el servidor y programar los JSP y Servlets. Una vez presentadas todas las herramientas que hemos utilizado, primero debemos organizar la estructura de la web, relacionando cada archivo JSP con los Servlets a los que debe acceder. A continuación creamos la base de datos y los diferentes Servlets, y ajustamos bien los accesos a la base de datos para comprobar que lo hacemos correctamente. A partir de aquí, simplemente es ir construyendo la página paso a paso, mostrando en cada lugar lo que necesitemos, y redirigiendo a las diferentes páginas. De esta manera, podremos construir una página web compleja, de manera gratuita, y sin ser un experto en la materia.


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LINCOLN UNIVERSITY - On March 25, 1965, a bus loaded with Lincoln University students and staff arrived in Montgomery, Ala. to join the Selma march for racial and voting equality. Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was in force, African-Americans continued to feel the effects of segregation. The 1960s was a decade of social unrest and change. In the Deep South, specifically Alabama, racial segregation was a cultural norm resistant to change. Governor George Wallace never concealed his personal viewpoints and political stance of the white majority, declaring “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” The march was aimed at obtaining African-Americans their constitutionally protected right to vote. However, Alabama’s deep-rooted culture of racial bias began to be challenged by a shift in American attitudes towards equality. Both black and whites wanted to end discrimination by using passive resistance, a movement utilized by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. That passive resistance was often met with violence, sometimes at the hands of law enforcement and local citizens. The Selma to Montgomery march was a result of a protest for voting equality. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Christian Leadership Counsel (SCLC) among other students marched along the streets to bring awareness to the voter registration campaign, which was organized to end discrimination in voting based on race. Violent acts of police officers and others were some of the everyday challenges protesters were facing. Forty-one participants from Lincoln University arrived in Montgomery to take part in the 1965 march for equality. Students from Lincoln University’s Journalism 383 class spent part of their 2015 spring semester researching the historical event. Here are their stories: Peter Kellogg “We’ve been watching the television, reading about it in the newspapers,” said Peter Kellogg during a February 2015 telephone interview. “Everyone knew the civil rights movement was going on, and it was important that we give him (Robert Newton) some assistance … and Newton said we needed to get involve and do something,” Kellogg, a lecturer in the 1960s at Lincoln University, discussed how the bus trip originated. “That’s why the bus happened,” Kellogg said. “Because of what he (Newton) did - that’s why Lincoln students went and participated.” “People were excited and the people along the sidewalk were supportive,” Kellogg said. However, the mood flipped from excited to scared and feeling intimidated. “It seems though every office building there was a guy in a blue uniform with binoculars standing in the crowd with troops and police. And if looks could kill me, we could have all been dead.” He says the hatred and intimidation was intense. Kellogg, being white, was an immediate target among many white people. He didn’t realize how dangerous the event in Alabama was until he and the others in the bus heard about the death of Viola Liuzzo. The married mother of five from Detroit was shot and killed by members of the Ku Klux Klan while shuttling activists to the Montgomery airport. “We found out about her death on the ride back,” Kellogg recalled. “Because it was a loss of life, and it shows the violence … we could have been exposed to that danger!” After returning to LU, Kellogg’s outlook on life took a dramatic turn. Kellogg noted King’s belief that a person should be willing to die for important causes. “The idea is that life is about something larger and more important than your own immediate gratification, and career success or personal achievements,” Kellogg said. “The civil rights movement … it made me, it made my life more significant because it was about something important.” The civil rights movement influenced Kellogg to change his career path and to become a black history lecturer. Until this day, he has no regrets and believes that his choices made him as a better individual. The bus ride to Alabama, he says, began with the actions of just one student. Robert Newton Robert Newton was the initiator, recruiter and leader of the Lincoln University movement to join Dr. Martin Luther King’s march in Selma. “In the 60s much of the civil rights activists came out of college,” said Newton during a recent phone interview. Many of the events that involved segregation compelled college students to fight for equality. “We had selected boycotts of merchants, when blacks were not allowed to try on clothes,” Newton said. “You could buy clothes at department stores, but no blacks could work at the department stores as sales people. If you bought clothes there you couldn’t try them on, you had to buy them first and take them home and try them on.” Newton said the students risked their lives to be a part of history and influence change. He not only recognized the historic event of his fellow Lincolnites, but also recognized other college students and historical black colleges and universities who played a vital role in history. “You had the S.N.C.C organization, in terms of voting rights and other things, including a lot of participation and working off the bureau,” Newton said. Other schools and places such as UNT, Greenville and Howard University and other historically black schools had groups that came out as leaders. Newton believes that much has changed from 50 years ago. “I think we’ve certainly come a long way from what I’ve seen from the standpoint of growing up outside of Birmingham, Alabama,” Newton said. He believes that college campuses today are more organized in their approach to social causes. “The campus appears to be some more integrated amongst students in terms of organizations and friendships.” Barbara Flint Dr. Barbara Flint grew up in the southern part of Arkansas and came to Lincoln University in 1961. She describes her experience at Lincoln as “being at Lincoln when the world was changing.“ She was an active member of Lincoln’s History Club, which focused on current events and issues and influenced her decision to join the Selma march. “The first idea was to raise some money and then we started talking about ‘why can’t we go?’ I very much wanted to be a living witness in history.” Reflecting on the march and journey to Montgomery, Flint describes it as being filled with tension. “We were very conscious of the fact that once we got on the road past Tennessee we didn’t know what was going to happen,” said Flint during a February 2015 phone interview. “Many of the students had not been beyond Missouri, so they didn’t have that sense of what happens in the South. Having lived there you knew the balance as well as what is likely to happen and what is not likely to happen. As my father use to say, ‘you have to know how to stay on that line of balance.’” Upon arriving in Alabama she remembers the feeling of excitement and relief from everyone on the bus. “We were tired and very happy to be there and we were trying to figure out where we were going to join and get into the march,” Flint said. “There were so many people coming in and then we were also trying to stay together; that was one of the things that really stuck out for me, not just for us but the people who were coming in. You didn’t want to lose sight of the people you came with.” Flint says she was keenly aware of her surroundings. For her, it was more than just marching forward. “I can still hear those helicopters now,” Flint recalled. “Every time the helicopters would come over the sound would make people jump and look up - I think that demonstrated the extent of the tenseness that was there at the time because the helicopters kept coming over every few minutes.” She said that the marchers sang “we are not afraid,” but that fear remained with every step. “Just having been there and being a witness and marching you realize that I’m one of those drops that’s going to make up this flood and with this flood things will move,” said Flint. As a student at Lincoln in 1965, Flint says the Selma experience undoubtedly changed her life. “You can’t expect to do exactly what you came to Lincoln to do,” Flint says. “That march - along with all the other marchers and the action that was taking place - directly changed the paths that I and many other people at Lincoln would take.” She says current students and new generations need to reflect on their personal role in society. “Decide what needs to be done and ask yourself ‘how can I best contribute to it?’” Flint said. She notes technology and social media can be used to reach audiences in ways unavailable to her generation in 1965. “So you don’t always have to wait for someone else to step out there and say ‘let’s march,’ you can express your vision and your views and you have the means to do so (so) others can follow you. Jaci Newsom Jaci Newsom came to Lincoln in 1965 from Atlanta. She came to Lincoln to major in sociology and being in Jefferson City was largely different from what she had grown up with. “To be able to come into a restaurant, sit down and be served a nice meal was eye-opening to me,” said Newsom during a recent interview. She eventually became accustomed to the relaxed attitude of Missouri and was shocked by the situation she encountered on an out-of-town trip. “I took a bus trip from Atlanta to Pensacola and I encountered the worse racism that I have ever seen. I was at bus stop, I went in to be served and they would not serve me. There was a policeman sitting there at the table and he told me that privately owned places could select not to serve you.” Newsom describes her experience of marching in Montgomery as being one with a purpose. “We felt as though we achieved something - we felt a sense of unity,” Newsom said. “We were very excited (because) we were going to hear from Martin Luther King. To actually be in the presence of him and the other civil rights workers there was just such enthusiasm and excitement yet there was also some apprehension of what we might encounter.” Many of the marchers showed their inspiration and determination while pressing forward towards the grounds of the Alabama Capitol building. Newsom recalled that the marchers were singing the lyrics “ain’t gonna let nobody turn me around” and “we shall overcome.” “ I started seeing people just like me,” Newsom said. “I don’t recall any of the scowling, the hitting, the things I would see on TV later. I just saw a sea of humanity marching towards the Capitol. I don’t remember what Martin Luther King said but it was always the same message: keep the faith; we’re going to get where we’re going and let us remember what our purpose is.” Newsom offers advice on what individuals can do to make their society a more productive and peaceful place. “We have come a long way and we have ways to change things that we did not have before,” Newsom said. “You need to work in positive ways to change.” Referencing the recent unrest in Ferguson, Mo., she believes that people become destructive as a way to show and vent anger. Her generation, she says, was raised to react in lawful ways – and believe in hope. “We have faith to do things in a way that was lawful and it makes me sad what people do when they feel without hope, and there is hope,” Newsom says. “Non-violence does work - we need to include everyone to make this world a better place.” Newsom graduated from Lincoln in 1969 and describes her experience at Lincoln as, “I grew up and did more growing at Lincoln than I think I did for the rest of my life.”


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The BioKnowledge Library is a relational database and web site (http://www.proteome.com) composed of protein-specific information collected from the scientific literature. Each Protein Report on the web site summarizes and displays published information about a single protein, including its biochemical function, role in the cell and in the whole organism, localization, mutant phenotype and genetic interactions, regulation, domains and motifs, interactions with other proteins and other relevant data. This report describes four species-specific volumes of the BioKnowledge Library, concerned with the model organisms Saccharo­myces cerevisiae (YPD), Schizosaccharomyces pombe (PombePD) and Caenorhabditis elegans (WormPD), and with the fungal pathogen Candida albicans (CalPD™). Protein Reports of each species are unified in format, easily searchable and extensively cross-referenced between species. The relevance of these comprehensively curated resources to analysis of proteins in other species is discussed, and is illustrated by a survey of model organism proteins that have similarity to human proteins involved in disease.


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The iProClass database is an integrated resource that provides comprehensive family relationships and structural and functional features of proteins, with rich links to various databases. It is extended from ProClass, a protein family database that integrates PIR superfamilies and PROSITE motifs. The iProClass currently consists of more than 200 000 non-redundant PIR and SWISS-PROT proteins organized with more than 28 000 superfamilies, 2600 domains, 1300 motifs, 280 post-translational modification sites and links to more than 30 databases of protein families, structures, functions, genes, genomes, literature and taxonomy. Protein and family summary reports provide rich annotations, including membership information with length, taxonomy and keyword statistics, full family relationships, comprehensive enzyme and PDB cross-references and graphical feature display. The database facilitates classification-driven annotation for protein sequence databases and complete genomes, and supports structural and functional genomic research. The iProClass is implemented in Oracle 8i object-relational system and available for sequence search and report retrieval at http://pir.georgetow n.edu/iproclass/.


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Signature databases are vital tools for identifying distant relationships in novel sequences and hence for inferring protein function. InterPro is an integrated documentation resource for protein families, domains and functional sites, which amalgamates the efforts of the PROSITE, PRINTS, Pfam and ProDom database projects. Each InterPro entry includes a functional description, annotation, literature references and links back to the relevant member database(s). Release 2.0 of InterPro (October 2000) contains over 3000 entries, representing families, domains, repeats and sites of post-translational modification encoded by a total of 6804 different regular expressions, profiles, fingerprints and Hidden Markov Models. Each InterPro entry lists all the matches against SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL (more than 1 000 000 hits from 462 500 proteins in SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL). The database is accessible for text- and sequence-based searches at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/. Questions can be emailed to interhelp@ebi.ac.uk.


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Paper submitted to AIChE 2012 Annual Meeting: Energy Efficiency by Process Intensification, Pittsburgh, PA, October 28-November 2, 2012.