920 resultados para Integral Membrane-protein


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Gas3/PMP22 plays a crucial role in regulating myelin formation and maintenance, and different genetic alterations in gas3/PMP22 are responsible for a set of human peripheral neuropathies. We have previously demonstrated that Gas3/PMP22 could regulate susceptibility to apoptosis in NIH3T3 cells but not in REF 52 cells. In this report we demonstrate that when the apoptotic response triggered by gas3/PMP22 was counteracted by Bcl-2 coexpression, morphological changes were observed. Time-lapse analysis confirmed that Gas3/PMP22 can modulate cell spreading, and this effect was strengthened after inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase. Using the active form of the small GTPase RhoA, we have been able to dissect the different Gas3/PMP22 biological activities. RhoA counteracted the Gas3/PMP22-dependent morphological response but was unable to neutralize the apoptotic response. Treatment of NIH3T3 cells with cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1, which activates endogenous Rho, also counteracted Gas3/PMP22-mediated cell shape and spreading changes. Treatment of REF 52 cells, which are unresponsive to Gas3/PMP22 overexpression, with the C3 exoenzyme, inhibiting Rho activity, renders REF 52 cells responsive to Gas3/PMP22 overexpression for cell shape and spreading changes. Finally, assembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions complexes, in response to lysophosphatidic acid–induced endogenous Rho activation, was impaired in Gas3/PMP22-overexpressing cells. We hypothesize that cell shape and spreading regulated by Gas3/PMP22 through the Rho GTPase might have an important role during Schwann cells differentiation and myelinization.


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The protein trafficking machinery of eukaryotic cells is employed for protein secretion and for the localization of resident proteins of the exocytic and endocytic pathways. Protein transit between organelles is mediated by transport vesicles that bear integral membrane proteins (v-SNAREs) which selectively interact with similar proteins on the target membrane (t-SNAREs), resulting in a docked vesicle. A novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae SNARE protein, which has been termed Vti1p, was identified by its sequence similarity to known SNAREs. Vti1p is a predominantly Golgi-localized 25-kDa type II integral membrane protein that is essential for yeast viability. Vti1p can bind Sec17p (yeast SNAP) and enter into a Sec18p (NSF)-sensitive complex with the cis-Golgi t-SNARE Sed5p. This Sed5p/Vti1p complex is distinct from the previously described Sed5p/Sec22p anterograde vesicle docking complex. Depletion of Vti1p in vivo causes a defect in the transport of the vacuolar protein carboxypeptidase Y through the Golgi. Temperature-sensitive mutants of Vti1p show a similar carboxypeptidase Y trafficking defect, but the secretion of invertase and gp400/hsp150 is not significantly affected. The temperature-sensitive vti1 growth defect can be rescued by the overexpression of the v-SNARE, Ykt6p, which physically interacts with Vti1p. We propose that Vti1p, along with Ykt6p and perhaps Sft1p, acts as a retrograde v-SNARE capable of interacting with the cis-Golgi t-SNARE Sed5p.


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The transmembrane subunit of the Glc transporter (IICBGlc), which mediates uptake and concomitant phosphorylation of glucose, spans the membrane eight times. Variants of IICBGlc with the native N and C termini joined and new N and C termini in the periplasmic and cytoplasmic surface loops were expressed in Escherichia coli. In vivo transport/in vitro phosphotransferase activities of the circularly permuted variants with the termini in the periplasmic loops 1 to 4 were 35/58, 32/37, 0/3, and 0/0% of wild type, respectively. The activities of the variants with the termini in the cytoplasmic loops 1 to 3 were 0/25, 0/4 and 24/70, respectively. Fusion of alkaline phosphatase to the periplasmic C termini stabilized membrane integration and increased uptake and/or phosphorylation activities. These results suggest that internal signal anchor and stop transfer sequences can function as N-terminal signal sequences in a circularly permuted α-helical bundle protein and that the orientation of transmembrane segments is determined by the amino acid sequence and not by the sequential appearance during translation. Of the four IICBGlc variants with new termini in periplasmic loops, only the one with the discontinuity in loop 4 is inactive. The sequences of loop 4 and of the adjacent TM7 and TM8 are conserved in all phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent carbohydrate:phosphotransferase system transporters of the glucose family.


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The process of human erythrocyte invasion by Plasmodium falciparum parasites involves a calcium-dependent serine protease with properties consistent with a subtilisin-like activity. This enzyme achieves the last crucial maturation step of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) necessary for parasite entry into the host erythrocyte. In eukaryotic cells, such processing steps are performed by subtilisin-like maturases, known as proprotein convertases. In an attempt to characterize the MSP1 maturase, we have identified a gene that encodes a P. falciparum subtilisin-like protease (PfSUB2) whose deduced active site sequence resembles more bacterial subtilisins. Therefore, we propose that PfSUB2 belongs to a subclass of eukaryotic subtilisins different from proprotein convertases. Pfsub2 is expressed during merozoite differentiation and encodes an integral membrane protein localized in the merozoite dense granules, a secretory organelle whose contents are believed to participate in a late step of the erythrocyte invasion. PfSUB2’s subcellular localization, together with its predicted enzymatic properties, leads us to propose that PfSUB2 could be responsible for the late MSP1 maturation step and thus is an attractive target for the development of new antimalarial drugs.


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Disease resistance in plants is often controlled by a gene-for-gene mechanism in which avirulence (avr) gene products encoded by pathogens are specifically recognized, either directly or indirectly, by plant disease resistance (R) gene products. Members of the NBS-LRR class of R genes encode proteins containing a putative nucleotide binding site (NBS) and carboxyl-terminal leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). Generally, NBS-LRR proteins do not contain predicted transmembrane segments or signal peptides, suggesting they are soluble cytoplasmic proteins. RPM1 is an NBS-LRR protein from Arabidopsis thaliana that confers resistance to Pseudomonas syringae expressing either avrRpm1 or avrB. RPM1 protein was localized by using an epitope tag. In contrast to previous suggestions, RPM1 is a peripheral membrane protein that likely resides on the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. Furthermore, RPM1 is degraded coincident with the onset of the hypersensitive response, suggesting a negative feedback loop controlling the extent of cell death and overall resistance response at the site of infection.


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The prion protein displays a unique structural ambiguity in that it can adopt multiple stable conformations under physiological conditions. In our view, this puzzling feature resulted from a sudden environmental change in evolution when the prion, previously an integral membrane protein, got expelled into the extracellular space. Analysis of known vertebrate prions unveils a primordial transmembrane protein encrypted in their sequence, underlying this relocalization hypothesis. Apparently, the time elapsed since this event was insufficient to create a “minimally frustrated” sequence in the new milieu, probably due to the functional constraints set by the importance of the very flexibility that was created in the relocalization. This scenario may explain why, in a structural sense, the prion protein is still en route toward becoming a foldable globular protein.


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Chloroplast to chromoplast development involves new synthesis and plastid localization of nuclear-encoded proteins, as well as changes in the organization of internal plastid membrane compartments. We have demonstrated that isolated red bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) chromoplasts contain the 75-kD component of the chloroplast outer envelope translocon (Toc75) and are capable of importing chloroplast precursors in an ATP-dependent fashion, indicating a functional general import apparatus. The isolated chromoplasts were able to further localize the 33- and 17-kD subunits of the photosystem II O2-evolution complex (OE33 and OE17, respectively), lumen-targeted precursors that utilize the thylakoidal Sec and ΔpH pathways, respectively, to the lumen of an internal membrane compartment. Chromoplasts contained the thylakoid Sec component protein, cpSecA, at levels comparable to chloroplasts. Routing of OE17 to the lumen was abolished by ionophores, suggesting that routing is dependent on a transmembrane ΔpH. The chloroplast signal recognition particle pathway precursor major photosystem II light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein failed to associate with chromoplast membranes and instead accumulated in the stroma following import. The Pftf (plastid fusion/translocation factor), a chromoplast protein, integrated into the internal membranes of chromoplasts during in vitro assays, and immunoblot analysis indicated that endogenous plastid fusion/translocation factor was also an integral membrane protein of chromoplasts. These data demonstrate that the internal membranes of chromoplasts are functional with respect to protein translocation on the thylakoid Sec and ΔpH pathways.


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Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is an inducible form of COX and is overexpressed in diverse tumors, raising the possibility of a role for COX-2 in carcinogenesis. In addition, COX-2 contributes to angiogenesis. The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) oncoprotein, latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1), is detected in at least 70% of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and all EBV-infected preinvasive nasopharyngeal lesions. We found that in specimens of LMP1-positive NPC, COX-2 is frequently expressed, whereas LMP1-negative NPC rarely express the enzyme. We next found that expression of LMP1 in EBV-negative nasopharyngeal epithelial cells induced COX-2 expression. Coexpression of IκBα(S32A/S36A), which is not phosphorylated and prevents NF-κB activation, with LMP1 showed that NF-κB is essential for induction of COX-2 by LMP1. We also demonstrate that NF-κB is involved in LMP1-induced cox-2 promoter activity with the use of reporter assays. Two major regions of LMP1, designated CTAR1 and CTAR2, are signal-transducing domains of LMP1. Constructs expressing either CTAR1 or CTAR2 induce COX-2 but to a lesser extent than wild-type LMP1, consistent with the ability of both regions to activate NF-κB. Furthermore, we demonstrate that LMP1-induced COX-2 is functional because LMP1 increased production of prostaglandin E2 in a COX-2-dependent manner. Finally, we demonstrate that LMP1 increased production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Treatment of LMP1-expressing cells with the COX-2-specific inhibitor (NS-398) dramatically decreased production of VEGF, suggesting that LMP1-induced VEGF production is mediated, at least in part, by COX-2. These results suggest that COX-2 induction by LMP1 may play a role in angiogenesis in NPC.


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We describe in this study punchless, a nonpathogenic mutant from the rice blast fungus M. grisea, obtained by plasmid-mediated insertional mutagenesis. As do most fungal plant pathogens, M. grisea differentiates an infection structure specialized for host penetration called the appressorium. We show that punchless differentiates appressoria that fail to breach either the leaf epidermis or artificial membranes such as cellophane. Cytological analysis of punchless appressoria shows that they have a cellular structure, turgor, and glycogen content similar to those of wild type before penetration, but that they are unable to differentiate penetration pegs. The inactivated gene, PLS1, encodes a putative integral membrane protein of 225 aa (Pls1p). A functional Pls1p-green fluorescent protein fusion protein was detected only in appressoria and was localized in plasma membranes and vacuoles. Pls1p is structurally related to the tetraspanin family. In animals, these proteins are components of membrane signaling complexes controlling cell differentiation, motility, and adhesion. We conclude that PLS1 controls an appressorial function essential for the penetration of the fungus into host leaves.


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Membrane and secretory proteins fold in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and misfolded proteins may be retained and targeted for ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). To elucidate the mechanism by which an integral membrane protein in the ER is degraded, we studied the fate of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our data indicate that CFTR resides in the ER and is stabilized in strains defective for proteasome activity or deleted for the ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes Ubc6p and Ubc7p, thus demonstrating that CFTR is a bona fide ERAD substrate in yeast. We also found that heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70), although not required for the degradation of soluble lumenal ERAD substrates, is required to facilitate CFTR turnover. Conversely, calnexin and binding protein (BiP), which are required for the proteolysis of ER lumenal proteins in both yeast and mammals, are dispensable for the degradation of CFTR, suggesting unique mechanisms for the disposal of at least some soluble and integral membrane ERAD substrates in yeast.


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Single-molecule studies of the conformations of the intact β2 adrenergic receptor were performed in solution. Photon bursts from the fluorescently tagged adrenergic receptor in a micelle were recorded. A photon-burst algorithm and a Poisson time filter were implemented to characterize single molecules diffusing across the probe volume of a confocal microscope. The effects of molecular diffusion and photon number fluctuations were deconvoluted by assuming that Poisson distributions characterize the molecular occupation and photon numbers. Photon-burst size histograms were constructed, from which the source intensity distributions were extracted. Different conformations of the β2 adrenergic receptor cause quenching of the bound fluorophore to different extents and hence produce different photon-burst sizes. An analysis of the photon-burst histograms shows that there are at least two distinct substates for the native adrenergic membrane receptor. This behavior is in contrast to one peak observed for the dye molecule, rhodamine 6G. We test the reliability and robustness of the substate number determination by investigating the application of different binning criteria. Conformational changes associated with agonist binding result in a marked change in the distribution of photon-burst sizes. These studies provide insight into the conformational heterogeneity of G protein-coupled receptors in the presence and absence of a bound agonist.


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Latent infection membrane protein 1 (LMP1), the Epstein-Barr virus transforming protein, associates with tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) associated factor 1 (TRAF1) and TRAF3. Since TRAF2 has been implicated in TNFR-mediated NF-kappa B activation, we have evaluated the role of TRAF2 in LMP1-mediated NF-kappa B activation. TRAF2 binds in vitro to the LMP1 carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain (CT), coprecipitates with LMP1 in B lymphoblasts, and relocalizes to LMP1 plasma membrane patches. A dominant negative TRAF2 deletion mutant that lacks amino acids 6-86 (TRAF/ delta 6-86) inhibits NF-kappa B activation from the LMP1 CT and competes with TRAF2 for LMP1 binding. TRAF2 delta 6-86 inhibits NF-kappa B activation mediated by the first 45 amino acids of the LMP1 CT by more than 75% but inhibits NF-kappa B activation through the last 55 amino acids of the CT by less than 40%. A TRAF interacting protein, TANK, inhibits NF-kappa B activation by more than 70% from both LMP1 CT domains. These data implicate TRAF2 aggregation in NF-kappa B activation by the first 45 amino acids of the LMP1 CT and suggest that a different TRAF-related pathway may be involved in NF-kappa B activation by the last 55 amino acids of the LMP1 CT.