816 resultados para Institutional discourse
This study investigated reasons for the outsourcing of a core HRM function, recruitment. Drawing from transaction costs and institutional theories, it was hypothesised that the pressure to minimise transaction costs and the presence of industry trends towards outsourcing would be positively associated with the outsourcing of recruitment. Survey data were gathered from 1I 7 HR professionals in Australia. Both hypotheses were partially supported. Specifically, the outsourcing of recruitment activities was positively associated with trust in the agency supplying the recruitment service and with the need to reduce internal labour but not fixed costs. With regard to institutional theory, the outsourcing of recruitment was positively associated with mimetic but not coercive forces. The study concludes that although most assumptions about recruitment agency use are expressed in economic terms, in reality, HRM practices are also influenced by forces exerted by the institutional environment in which organisations are located.
By examining Japanese fictional novels, this article will discuss how anaphoric devices (noun phrases (NPs), third person pronouns (TPPs), and zero anaphors) are selected and arranged in a given discourse. The traditional view of anaphora considers the co-referential relationship between anaphoric devices to be syntagmatic; that is, a pronoun, for example, refers back to its antecedent. It also declares the hierarchical order of information values between anaphoric devices; NPs are semantically the most informative, indicating an episode boundary, and pronouns less informative. Furthermore, zero anaphora is the most referentially transparent, showing the most accessibility of a topic. However, real text shows the contrary. NPs occur frequently while there is no apparent discourse boundary, and the same episode is continuous. This is because zero anaphors and TPPs (if they occur) break down readily due to the nature of a forthcoming sentence and the NP is reinstated, in order to continue the same topic in a given discourse. Therefore, the article opposes the traditional view of anaphora. Based on the concept of text processing, using ‘mental representations’, this article will determine certain occurrence patterns of the three anaphoric devices.
Throughout the latter months of 2000 and early 2001, the Australian public, media and parliament were engaged in a long and emotive debate about motherhood. This debate constructed the two main protagonists, the unborn 'child' and the potential mother, with a variety of different and often oppositional identities. The article looks at the way that these subject identities interacted during the debate, starting from the premise that policy making has unintended and unacknowledged material outcomes, and using governmentality as a tool through which to analyse and understand processes of identity manipulation and resistance within policy making. The recent debate concerning the right of lesbian and single women to access new reproductive technologies in Australia is used as a case study. Nominally the debate was about access to IVF technology; in reality, however, the debate was about the governing of women and, in particular, the governing of motherhood identities. The article focuses on the parliamentary debate over the drafting of legislation designed to stop lesbian and single women from accessing these technologies, particularly the utilization of the 'unborn' subject within these debates as a device to discipline the identity of 'mother'.
Analisa como a questão do professor se apresenta na produção científica brasileira. Toma como base o discurso apresentado na SBPC, por, entre outros fatores, ser originário de entidade que congrega cientistas de todas as áreas de conhecimento e ser representativo da produção docente e discente de graduação e pós-graduação das várias regiões e instituições do país. Usa como metodologia a abordagem histórico-documental. Utiliza como fontes os resumos publicados nos anais de 2001 e da década de 1980. Os resultados evidenciam: 1) um aumento extraordinário do número de trabalhos sobre o professor, a permanência da origem institucional (universidade pública) e territorial (Sudeste); 2) alteração do predomínio do enfoque temático, da formação do professor, em nível superior e médio, para a prática pedagógica exercida no cotidiano escolar do ensino fundamental; 3) alteração no enfoque metodológico, passando dos estudos exploratório-descritivos para a pesquisa-ação crítica voltada para a intervenção no cotidiano escolar do ensino fundamental. Conclui pela negação dos espaços/tempos da produção científica sobre o professor, visto que os espaços/tempos são ações de sujeitos históricos, que exibem operações de troca, intercâmbios, compartilhamentos coletivos e não a determinação do "lugar próprio" do pesquisador e/ou da "autoria marcada". Os discursos expressos pareceram, cada um, ocupar um "lugar próprio" e isolado, não permitindo a sua acepção como conjunto da obra sobre a questão do professor, não se vislumbrando uma tessitura temática coletiva, com gênese nos espaços/tempos da academia em sua relação com a realidade educacional e social do Brasil.
O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar o processo de mudança no sistema de controle gerencial (SCG), analisando a alteração das práticas de controle gerencial na estrutura desse sistema, sob a ótica da teoria institucional. A questão de pesquisa é: como ocorre o processo de mudança no SCG em uma organização industrial brasileira? Para tanto, optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa do tipo descritiva, num estudo de caso único, utilizando como métodos de coleta de dados entrevistas individuais não estruturadas e semiestruturadas com 11 gestores e usuários do SCG, observação não participante e levantamento documental. A coleta dos dados ocorreu entre agosto/2014 e março/2015. Como método de análise e interpretação de dados foram utilizados elementos da análise do discurso (AD). Os principais referenciais teóricos foram os trabalhos de Meyer e Rowan (1977), Dimaggio e Powel (1983, 1991, 2007), Scott (1995, 2008a, 2008b) e Machado-da- Silva e Vizeu (2007) sobre a teoria institucional; Huy (2001), Beekman, Chenhall e Euske (2007) e Machado-da-Silva, Fonseca e Crubellate (2010) referente ao processo de mudança; e Malmi e Brown (2008) e Simons (1995) referente ao SCG; destacando a aplicação empírica dos modelos teóricos de Malmi e Brown (2008), Simons (1995) e Huy (2001). Na análise dos dados, foi identificado o desenho e o uso do SCG, relatando como está transcorrendo a alteração de suas práticas de controle gerencial, identificando os fatores de estímulo e resistência à institucionalização dessas práticas e quais os atores organizacionais que estão atuando como agentes da mudança. Por fim, foram identificados os aspectos discursivos recorrentes que permeiam o discurso da empresa pesquisada, alinhados ao processo de mudança no SCG. Como contribuições, foi demonstrada a influência dos fatores isomórficos na escolha das práticas de controle gerencial, a evidência de que o SCG é socialmente construído, as implicações da centralização do poder e da ausência de estratégias para o SCG, evidências de que o processo de mudança no SCG não é meramente mecânico ou automatizado e ainda, que o discurso da mudança pode permear a organização sem que a ação seja concretizada, revelando um descompasso entre o discurso e a ação
The Museum Of All: Institutional Communication Practices in a Participatory Networked World
In this paper we investigate whether the determinants of international equity investment differ between investors with different degrees of sophistication. For this purpose, we analyse and compare the determinants of international equity investment of institutional and noninstitutional investors from 20 OECD countries (US not included) in the period 2001-2009. The results show that there are significant differences in the determinants of international equity investment between institutional and noninstitutional investors. In particular, noninstitutional investors tend to exhibit a more pronounced preference for equities of geographical nearby, contiguous and more transparent countries than institutional investors. The preference for more developed equity markets and the contrarian behaviour are also significantly more pronounced for noninstitutional than for institutional investors. These results support the argument that international equity investment of less sophisticated investors is more affected by information costs and familiarity than that of more sophisticated investors. Moreover, business cycles exert an influence on international equity investment decisions of both institutional and noninstitutional investors.
The main purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of articulating Political Discourse Theory (PDT) together with Organizational Studies (OS), while using the opportunity to introduce PDT to those OS scholars who have not yet come across it. The bulk of this paper introduces the main concepts of PDT, discussing how they have been applied to concrete, empirical studies of resistance movements. In recent years, PDT has been increasingly appropriated by OS scholars to problematize and analyze resistances and other forms of social antagonisms within organizational settings, taking the relational and contingent aspects of struggles into consideration. While the paper supports the idea of a joint articulation of PDT and OS, it raises a number of critical questions of how PDT concepts have been empirically used to explain the organization of resistance movements. The paper sets out a research agenda for how both PDT and OS can together contribute to our understanding of new, emerging organizational forms of resistance movements.
Brazil has become the center of the spotlight of the whole world recently, amongst many other reasons, one of them was because it was chosen to host a series of mega sporting events - Pan American Games in 2007, Confederations Football Cup in 2013, Fifa Football World Cup 2014 Games and 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2016. However, little is known about the country's administrative governmental structure focused on sport policy. The available studies focus their analysis on the sport policies content, but not on the arrangement of its structural decision-making. The main aim of this article is indeed to describe, based on official documentation, the evolution and the current arrangements of the government responsible for the administrative structure for the planning and implementation of sports policies in Brazil. Thus, we tried to list the main problems arising from the organization of the Brazilian sports' management. These problems are: (1) inappropriate institutional structure in terms of human resources and obstacles to participation by other social actors beyond the officials (parliament and members of the Ministry of Sports) in the sports policy; (2) disarticulation between public institutions generating redundancies and conflicts of jurisdiction due to the poor division of labor between bureaucracy agencies; and (3) inadequate planning proved by the lack of organization of some institutions, and by the lack of assessment and continuity of public policies over time. Therefore, we must emphasize those problems from above, and due to these administrative arrangements, Brazilian sports' policy has big challenges in the sport development in this country, which includes the creation of a national "system" for sports and a priority investment in sport education.
Institutional Development for Good Governance: the role of intermediary NGOs in Pará state, Amazonia
The paper analyses the roles of intermediary NGOs for linkages between government and rural communities in carrying out socio-environmental development programs as a mean of institutional development for good governance. In particular, the paper focuses on the Proambiente program that was carried out in Pará State, Amazonia, Brazil. This program was the first experience of a socio-environmental development program in Brazilian Amazonia that took into account local communities' demands to link environmental conservation and small-scale family-based rural production. Methodologically, the research was based on qualitative analysis and used semi-structured interviews for data collection. The paper shows that NGOs as intermediaries between government and rural communities is a significant mechanism to promote the strengthening of the power of local communities, to create bridges between federal government and local communities; and to stimulate participatory processes by engaging rural communities' culture and knowledge in socio-environmental development program as Proambiente.