885 resultados para Instalações prediais


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Customer focus , high competitiveness and striving for excellence in quality of service are some of the main features of the current market . Planned and make decisions with greater certainty is no longer an option a few years . The current managers are seeking ways to eliminate waste and increase financial and productive profitability of your company in order to achieve higher performance at a lower cost . The AHP is one of the main concepts of this goal by providing an analysis on multiple criteria , enhancing decision-making and enhancing the gains , with a technique that is designed to take into account all the key criteria for choosing an alternative , according to the perspective of the designer as both suppliers and customers . Emerging as a new way to minimize errors , and make an informed and consistent decision. The use of this method in construction projects is a recent phenomenon , which has much to be explored , an intense analysis of the processes is required to enable it to consider the concepts and present a consistent and grounded proposal


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This work presents a study of the absorption refrigeration system and the modeling and evaluation of two cycles using the binary solutions water-lithium bromide and ammonia-water for an equipment to be used in small size plants like residences. The study and evaluation aims the complete understanding of all parts of the system and the influence of each one of them as well as the spread of the knowledge to raise the use of this type of equipment in all sizes in order to decrease the energetic consumption of plants of all scales and making viable the alternative sources. The study is done in each element of the cycle separately and in some auxiliary equipments required in the operation such as the main power source, the solar collector. The software used for modeling, with emphasis on thermal part, was the EES (Engineering Equation Solver), that permitted the thermal balance calculus and acquisition of the used fluids properties. The results obtained for the equipment shows the system is more complex than the widely used in business, however, it can be viable and represents an alternative to increase the energetic efficiency


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A necessidade de se ter profissionais capacitados para pensar a questão urbana e propor soluções inovadoras é o ponto de partida para a criação do curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”. Quando da sua criação, toda a estruturação foi baseada na infraestrutura já existente no campus para que posteriormente novas instalações, adequadas às especificidades do curso, fossem pleiteadas. Com apenas oito anos de funcionamento, alunos e professores enfrentam dificuldades no desenvolvimento das atividades em função da falta de infraestrutura adequada. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho é dedicado ao desenvolvimento de um projeto que atenda de forma satisfatória as demandas existentes no curso. A partir da elaboração de estudos de projetos análogos e de analises das necessidades do campus e suas necessidades obtém‐se as diretrizes que encaminham para a escolha da uma área apropriada para implantação nesta unidade universitária e pautam o desenvolvimento do projeto, que busca inserir‐se de forma adequada ao contexto préexistente


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After the discovery of ionizing radiation, its applications in various fields of science began to take significant proportions. In the case of medicine, there are the application areas in radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine. It was then necessary to create the field of radiological protection to establish the conditions necessary for the safe use of such ionizing radiation. Apply knowledge obtained during the graduation stage and in the practice of radiological protection in the areas of nuclear medicine and diagnostic radiology. In the area of nuclear medicine, tests were made in the Geiger-Muller counters (GM) and the dose calibrator (curiometer), the monitoring tests of radiation, waste management, clean of the Therapeutic room and testing the quality control of gamma-chambers. In the area of radiology, were performed tests of quality control equipment for conventional X-ray equipment and x-ray fluoroscopy, all following the rules of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), and reporting of tests. The routine developed in the fields of nuclear medicine in hospitals has proved very useful, since the quality control of GM counters contribute to the values of possible contamination are more reliable. The control of dose calibrator enables the patient not to receive different doses of the recommended amounts, which prevents the repetition of tests and unnecessary exposure to radiation. The management of waste following the rules and laws established and required for its management. Tests for quality control of gamma chambers help to evaluate its medical performance through image. In part of diagnostic radiology, tests for quality control are performed in order to verify that the equipment is acceptable for usage or if repairs are needed. The knowledge acquired at the internship consolidated the learning of graduation course


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This paper addresses methods of reducing the electric energy consumption on residences by the means of constructive measures and replacement of electric devices. Analyzing their impacts on residential and national level based on data issued by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) and PROCEL (National Program for Electricity Conservation).


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This study aims to develop a computer program based on VBA programming language, using Microsoft Excel, for designing pumping systems of water. The program allows the user to determine the economical diameter, using the equation of Bresse, for a given installation, since the geometric elevation, the material of the tube, the accessories along the line and the volumetric flow are known. In addition, the program estimates the total annual cost of the installation for three different diameters, in order to compare which diameter is more advantageous from an economical perspective. The program interface is designed to be simple and intuitive with the intention of being didactic and offering to engineering students an advantageous tool to analyze this type of project. Microsoft Excel was chosen for this work because is present in virtually all personal computer, and is an indispensable tool for educational purposes


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This study aims to develop a computer program based on VBA programming language, using Microsoft Excel, for designing pumping systems of water. The program allows the user to determine the economical diameter, using the equation of Bresse, for a given installation, since the geometric elevation, the material of the tube, the accessories along the line and the volumetric flow are known. In addition, the program estimates the total annual cost of the installation for three different diameters, in order to compare which diameter is more advantageous from an economical perspective. The program interface is designed to be simple and intuitive with the intention of being didactic and offering to engineering students an advantageous tool to analyze this type of project. Microsoft Excel was chosen for this work because is present in virtually all personal computer, and is an indispensable tool for educational purposes


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