972 resultados para Inspection to propagate
We use a fracture mechanics model to study subcritical propagation and coalescence of single and collinear oil-filled cracks during conversion of kerogen to oil. The subcritical propagation distance, propagation duration, crack coalescence and excess oil pressure in the crack are determined using the fracture mechanics model together with the kinetics of kerogen-oil transformation. The propagation duration for the single crack is governed by the transformation kinetics whereas the propagation duration for the multiple collinear cracks may vary by two orders of magnitude depending on initial crack spacing. A large amount of kerogen (>90%) remains unconverted when the collinear cracks coalesce and the new, larger cracks resulting from coalescence will continue to propagate with continued kerogen-oil conversion. The excess oil pressure on the crack surfaces drops precipitously when the collinear cracks are about to coalesce, and crack propagation duration and oil pressure on the crack surfaces are strongly dependent on temperature. Citation: Jin, Z.-H., S. E. Johnson, and Z. Q. Fan (2010), Subcritical propagation and coalescence of oil-filled cracks: Getting the oil out of low-permeability source rocks, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L01305, doi:10.1029/2009GL041576.
With the population of the world aging, the prominence of diseases such as Type II Diabetes (T2D) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are on the rise. In addition, patients with T2D have an increased risk of developing AD compared to age-matched individuals, and the number of AD patients with T2D is higher than among aged-matched non-AD patients. AD is a chronic and progressive dementia characterized by amyloid-beta (Aβ) plaques, neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), neuronal loss, brain inflammation, and cognitive impairment. T2D involves the dysfunctional use of pancreatic insulin by the body resulting in insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, pancreatic beta cell (β-cell) death, and other complications. T2D and AD are considered protein misfolding disorders (PMDs). PMDs are characterized by the presence of misfolded protein aggregates, such as in T2D pancreas (islet amyloid polypeptide - IAPP) and in AD brain (amyloid– Aβ) of affected individuals. The misfolding and accumulation of these proteins follows a seeding-nucleation model where misfolded soluble oligomers act as nuclei to propagate misfolding by recruiting other native proteins. Cross-seeding occurs when oligomers composed by one protein seed the aggregation of a different protein. Our hypothesis is that the pathological interactions between T2D and AD may in part occur through cross-seeding of protein misfolding. To test this hypothesis, we examined how each respective aggregate (Aβ or IAPP) affects the disparate disease pathology through in vitro and in vivo studies. Assaying Aβ aggregates influence on T2D pathology, IAPP+/+/APPSwe+/- double transgenic (DTg) mice exhibited exacerbated T2D-like pathology as seen in elevated hyperglycemia compared to controls; in addition, IAPP levels in the pancreas are highest compared to controls. Moreover, IAPP+/+/APPSwe+/- animals demonstrate abundant plaque formation and greater plaque density in cortical and hippocampal areas in comparison to controls. Indeed, IAPP+/+/APPSwe+/- exhibit a colocalization of both misfolded proteins in cerebral plaques suggesting IAPP may directly interact with Aβ and aggravate AD pathology. In conclusion, these studies suggest that cross-seeding between IAPP and Aβ may occur, and that these protein aggregates exacerbate and accelerate disease pathology, respectively. Further mechanistic studies are necessary to determine how these two proteins interact and aggravate both pancreatic and brain pathologies.
Fresh deposits above the margins of Reedy Glacier show that maximum ice levels during the last glaciation were several hundred meters above present near the glacier mouth and converged to less than 60 m above the present-day surface at the head of the glacier. Exposure ages of samples from five sites along its margin show that Reedy Glacier and its tributaries thickened asynchronously between 17 and 7 kyr BP At the Quartz Hills, located midway along the glacier, maximum ice levels were reached during the period 17-14 kyr BP. Farther up-glacier the ice surface reached its maximum elevation more recently: 14.7-10.2 kyr BP at the Caloplaca Hills; 9.1-7.7 kyr BP at Mims Spur; and around 7 kyr BP at Hatcher Bluffs. We attribute this time-transgressive behavior to two different processes: At the glacier mouth, growth of grounded ice and subsequent deglaciation in the Ross Sea embayment caused a wave of thickening and then thinning to propagate up-glacier. During the Lateglacial and Holocene, increased snow accumulation on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet caused transient thickening at the head of the glacier. An important result of this work is that moraines deposited along Reedy Glacier during the last ice age cannot be correlated to reconstruct a single glacial maximum longitudinal profile. The profile steepened during deglaciation of the Ross Sea, thinning at the Quartz Hills after 13 kyr BP while thickening upstream. Near its confluence with Mercer Ice Stream, rapid thinning beginning prior to 7-8 kyr BP reduced the level of Reedy Glacier to close to its present level. Thinning over the past 1000 years has lowered the glacier by less than 20 m.
For a number of important nuclides, complete activation data libraries with covariance data will be produced, so that uncertainty propagation in fuel cycle codes (in this case ACAB,FISPIN, ...) can be developed and tested. Eventually, fuel inventory codes should be able to handle the complete set of uncertainty data, i.e. those of nuclear reactions (cross sections, etc.), radioactive decay and fission yield data. For this, capabilities will be developed both to produce covariance data and to propagate the uncertainties through the inventory calculations.
The relationship between abstract interpretation [2] and partial evaluation [5] has received considerable attention and (partial) integrations have been proposed starting from both the partial deduction (see e.g. [6] and its references) and abstract interpretation perspectives. Abstract interpretation-based analyzers (such as the CiaoPP analyzer [9,4]) generally compute a program analysis graph [1] in order to propagate (abstract) call and success information by performing fixpoint computations when needed. On the other hand, partial deduction methods [7] incorporate powerful techniques for on-line specialization including (concrete) call propagation and unfolding.
In activation calculations, there are several approaches to quantify uncertainties: deterministic by means of sensitivity analysis, and stochastic by means of Monte Carlo. Here, two different Monte Carlo approaches for nuclear data uncertainty are presented: the first one is the Total Monte Carlo (TMC). The second one is by means of a Monte Carlo sampling of the covariance information included in the nuclear data libraries to propagate these uncertainties throughout the activation calculations. This last approach is what we named Covariance Uncertainty Propagation, CUP. This work presents both approaches and their differences. Also, they are compared by means of an activation calculation, where the cross-section uncertainties of 239Pu and 241Pu are propagated in an ADS activation calculation.
In the framework of the OECD/NEA project on Benchmark for Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling (UAM) for Design, Operation, and Safety Analysis of LWRs, several approaches and codes are being used to deal with the exercises proposed in Phase I, “Specifications and Support Data for Neutronics Cases.” At UPM, our research group treats these exercises with sensitivity calculations and the “sandwich formula” to propagate cross-section uncertainties. Two different codes are employed to calculate the sensitivity coefficients of to cross sections in criticality calculations: MCNPX-2.7e and SCALE-6.1. The former uses the Differential Operator Technique and the latter uses the Adjoint-Weighted Technique. In this paper, the main results for exercise I-2 “Lattice Physics” are presented for the criticality calculations of PWR. These criticality calculations are done for a TMI fuel assembly at four different states: HZP-Unrodded, HZP-Rodded, HFP-Unrodded, and HFP-Rodded. The results of the two different codes above are presented and compared. The comparison proves a good agreement between SCALE-6.1 and MCNPX-2.7e in uncertainty that comes from the sensitivity coefficients calculated by both codes. Differences are found when the sensitivity profiles are analysed, but they do not lead to differences in the uncertainty.
Propagation of nuclear data uncertainties to calculated values is interesting for design purposes and libraries evaluation. XSUSA, developed at GRS, propagates cross section uncertainties to nuclear calculations. In depletion simulations, fission yields and decay data are also involved and suppose a possible source of uncertainty that must be taken into account. We have developed tools to generate varied fission yields and decay libraries and to propagate uncertainties trough depletion in order to complete the XSUSA uncertainty assessment capabilities. A simple test to probe the methodology is defined and discussed.
Prediction at ungauged sites is essential for water resources planning and management. Ungauged sites have no observations about the magnitude of floods, but some site and basin characteristics are known. Regression models relate physiographic and climatic basin characteristics to flood quantiles, which can be estimated from observed data at gauged sites. However, these models assume linear relationships between variables Prediction intervals are estimated by the variance of the residuals in the estimated model. Furthermore, the effect of the uncertainties in the explanatory variables on the dependent variable cannot be assessed. This paper presents a methodology to propagate the uncertainties that arise in the process of predicting flood quantiles at ungauged basins by a regression model. In addition, Bayesian networks were explored as a feasible tool for predicting flood quantiles at ungauged sites. Bayesian networks benefit from taking into account uncertainties thanks to their probabilistic nature. They are able to capture non-linear relationships between variables and they give a probability distribution of discharges as result. The methodology was applied to a case study in the Tagus basin in Spain.
Multi-label classification (MLC) is the supervised learning problem where an instance may be associated with multiple labels. Modeling dependencies between labels allows MLC methods to improve their performance at the expense of an increased computational cost. In this paper we focus on the classifier chains (CC) approach for modeling dependencies. On the one hand, the original CC algorithm makes a greedy approximation, and is fast but tends to propagate errors down the chain. On the other hand, a recent Bayes-optimal method improves the performance, but is computationally intractable in practice. Here we present a novel double-Monte Carlo scheme (M2CC), both for finding a good chain sequence and performing efficient inference. The M2CC algorithm remains tractable for high-dimensional data sets and obtains the best overall accuracy, as shown on several real data sets with input dimension as high as 1449 and up to 103 labels.
Bead models are used in dynamical simulation of tethers. These models discretize a cable using beads distributed along its length. The time evolution is obtained nu- merically. Typically the number of particles ranges between 5 and 50, depending on the required accuracy. Sometimes the simulation is extended over long periods (several years). The complex interactions between the cable and its spatial environment require to optimize the propagators —both in runtime and precisión that constitute the central core of the process. The special perturbation method treated on this article conjugates simpleness of computer implementation, speediness and precision, and is capable to propagate the orbit of whichever material particle. The paper describes the evolution of some orbital elements, which are constants in a non-perturbed problem, but which evolve in the time scale imposed by the perturbation. It can be used with any kind of orbit and it is free of sin- gularities related to small inclination and/or small eccentricity. The use of Euler parameters makes it robust.
The stationary upward propagation of a very lean methane/air flame in a long vertical tube open at the bottom and closed at the top is simulated numerically using a single overall chemical reaction to model combustion and assuming an optically thin gas and a transparent or non-reflecting tube wall to approximately account for radiation losses from CO2CO2 and H2OH2O. Buoyancy plays a dominant role in the propagation of these flames and causes a large region of low velocity of the burnt gas relative to the flame to appear below the flame front when the equivalence ratio is decreased. The size of this region scales with the radius of the tube, and its presence enhances the effect of radiation losses, which would be otherwise negligible for a standard flammability tube, given the small concentration of radiating species. Heat conduction is found to be important in the low velocity region and to lead to a conduction flux from the flame to the burnt gas that causes extinction at the flame tip for a value of the equivalence ratio near the flammability limit experimentally measured in the standard tube. The effect of radiation losses decreases with the radius of the tube. Numerical results and order-of-magnitude estimates show that, in the absence of radiation, a very lean flame front fails to propagate only after recirculation of the burnt gas extends to its reaction region and drastically changes its structure. This condition is not realized for the standard flammability tube, but it seems to account for the flammability limit measured in a tube of about half the radius of the standard tube.
Podemos definir la sociedad como un sistema complejo que emerge de la cooperación y coordinación de billones de individuos y centenares de países. En este sentido no vivimos en una isla sino que estamos integrados en redes sociales que influyen en nuestro comportamiento. En esta tesis doctoral, presentamos un modelo analítico y una serie de estudios empíricos en los que analizamos distintos procesos sociales dinámicos desde una perspectiva de la teoría de redes complejas. En primer lugar, introducimos un modelo para explorar el impacto que las redes sociales en las que vivimos inmersos tienen en la actividad económica que transcurre sobre ellas, y mas concretamente en hasta qué punto la estructura de estas redes puede limitar la meritocracia de una sociedad. Como concepto contrario a meritocracia, en esta tesis, introducimos el término topocracia. Definimos un sistema como topocrático cuando la influencia o el poder y los ingresos de los individuos vienen principalmente determinados por la posición que ocupan en la red. Nuestro modelo es perfectamente meritocrático para redes completamente conectadas (todos los nodos están enlazados con el resto de nodos). Sin embargo nuestro modelo predice una transición hacia la topocracia a medida que disminuye la densidad de la red, siendo las redes poco densascomo las de la sociedad- topocráticas. En este modelo, los individuos por un lado producen y venden contenidos, pero por otro lado también distribuyen los contenidos producidos por otros individuos mediando entre comprador y vendedor. La producción y distribución de contenidos definen dos medios por los que los individuos reciben ingresos. El primero de ellos es meritocrático, ya que los individuos ingresan de acuerdo a lo que producen. Por el contrario el segundo es topocrático, ya que los individuos son compensados de acuerdo al número de cadenas mas cortas de la red que pasan a través de ellos. En esta tesis resolvemos el modelo computacional y analíticamente. Los resultados indican que un sistema es meritocrático solamente si la conectividad media de los individuos es mayor que una raíz del número de individuos que hay en el sistema. Por tanto, a la luz de nuestros resultados la estructura de la red social puede representar una limitación para la meritocracia de una sociedad. En la segunda parte de esta tesis se presentan una serie de estudios empíricos en los que se analizan datos extraídos de la red social Twitter para caracterizar y modelar el comportamiento humano. En particular, nos centramos en analizar conversaciones políticas, como las que tienen lugar durante campañas electorales. Nuestros resultados indican que la atención colectiva está distribuida de una forma muy heterogénea, con una minoría de cuentas extremadamente influyente. Además, la capacidad de los individuos para diseminar información en Twitter está limitada por la estructura y la posición que ocupan en la red de seguidores. Por tanto, de acuerdo a nuestras observaciones las redes sociales de Internet no posibilitan que la mayoría sea escuchada por la mayoría. De hecho, nuestros resultados implican que Twitter es topocrático, ya que únicamente una minoría de cuentas ubicadas en posiciones privilegiadas en la red de seguidores consiguen que sus mensajes se expandan por toda la red social. En conversaciones políticas, esta minoría de cuentas influyentes se compone principalmente de políticos y medios de comunicación. Los políticos son los mas mencionados ya que la gente les dirige y se refiere a ellos en sus tweets. Mientras que los medios de comunicación son las fuentes desde las que la gente propaga información. En un mundo en el que los datos personales quedan registrados y son cada día mas abundantes y precisos, los resultados del modelo presentado en esta tesis pueden ser usados para fomentar medidas que promuevan la meritocracia. Además, los resultados de los estudios empíricos sobre Twitter que se presentan en la segunda parte de esta tesis son de vital importancia para entender la nueva "sociedad digital" que emerge. En concreto hemos presentado resultados relevantes que caracterizan el comportamiento humano en Internet y que pueden ser usados para crear futuros modelos. Abstract Society can be defined as a complex system that emerges from the cooperation and coordination of billions of individuals and hundreds of countries. Thus, we do not live in social vacuum and the social networks in which we are embedded inevitably shapes our behavior. Here, we present an analytical model and several empirical studies in which we analyze dynamical social systems through a network science perspective. First, we introduce a model to explore how the structure of the social networks underlying society can limit the meritocracy of the economies. Conversely to meritocracy, in this work we introduce the term topocracy. We say that a system is topocratic if the compensation and power available to an individual is determined primarily by her position in a network. Our model is perfectly meritocratic for fully connected networks but becomes topocratic for sparse networks-like the ones in society. In the model, individuals produce and sell content, but also distribute the content produced by others when they belong to the shortest path connecting a buyer and a seller. The production and distribution of content defines two channels of compensation: a meritocratic channel, where individuals are compensated for the content they produce, and a topocratic channel, where individual compensation is based on the number of shortest paths that go through them in the network. We solve the model analytically and show that the distribution of payoffs is meritocratic only if the average degree of the nodes is larger than a root of the total number of nodes. Hence, in the light of our model, the sparsity and structure of networks represents a fundamental constraint to the meritocracy of societies. Next, we present several empirical studies that use data gathered from Twitter to analyze online human behavioral patterns. In particular, we focus on political conversations such as electoral campaigns. We found that the collective attention is highly heterogeneously distributed, as there is a minority of extremely influential accounts. In fact, the ability of individuals to propagate messages or ideas through the platform is constrained by the structure of the follower network underlying the social media and the position they occupy on it. Hence, although people have argued that social media can allow more voices to be heard, our results suggest that Twitter is highly topocratic, as only the minority of well positioned users are widely heard. This minority of influential accounts belong mostly to politicians and traditional media. Politicians tend to be the most mentioned, while media are the sources of information from which people propagate messages. We also propose a methodology to study and measure the emergence of political polarization from social interactions. To this end, we first propose a model to estimate opinions in which a minority of influential individuals propagate their opinions through a social network. The result of the model is an opinion probability density function. Next, we propose an index to quantify the extent to which the resulting distribution is polarized. Finally, we illustrate our methodology by applying it to Twitter data. In a world where personal data is increasingly available, the results of the analytical model introduced in this work can be used to enhance meritocracy and promote policies that help to build more meritocratic societies. Moreover, the results obtained in the latter part, where we have analyzed Twitter, are key to understand the new data-driven society that is emerging. In particular, we have presented relevant information that can be used to benchmark future models for online communication systems or can be used as empirical rules characterizing our online behavior.
Multi-dimensional classification (MDC) is the supervised learning problem where an instance is associated with multiple classes, rather than with a single class, as in traditional classification problems. Since these classes are often strongly correlated, modeling the dependencies between them allows MDC methods to improve their performance – at the expense of an increased computational cost. In this paper we focus on the classifier chains (CC) approach for modeling dependencies, one of the most popular and highest-performing methods for multi-label classification (MLC), a particular case of MDC which involves only binary classes (i.e., labels). The original CC algorithm makes a greedy approximation, and is fast but tends to propagate errors along the chain. Here we present novel Monte Carlo schemes, both for finding a good chain sequence and performing efficient inference. Our algorithms remain tractable for high-dimensional data sets and obtain the best predictive performance across several real data sets.
El análisis determinista de seguridad (DSA) es el procedimiento que sirve para diseñar sistemas, estructuras y componentes relacionados con la seguridad en las plantas nucleares. El DSA se basa en simulaciones computacionales de una serie de hipotéticos accidentes representativos de la instalación, llamados escenarios base de diseño (DBS). Los organismos reguladores señalan una serie de magnitudes de seguridad que deben calcularse en las simulaciones, y establecen unos criterios reguladores de aceptación (CRA), que son restricciones que deben cumplir los valores de esas magnitudes. Las metodologías para realizar los DSA pueden ser de 2 tipos: conservadoras o realistas. Las metodologías conservadoras utilizan modelos predictivos e hipótesis marcadamente pesimistas, y, por ello, relativamente simples. No necesitan incluir un análisis de incertidumbre de sus resultados. Las metodologías realistas se basan en hipótesis y modelos predictivos realistas, generalmente mecanicistas, y se suplementan con un análisis de incertidumbre de sus principales resultados. Se les denomina también metodologías BEPU (“Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty”). En ellas, la incertidumbre se representa, básicamente, de manera probabilista. Para metodologías conservadores, los CRA son, simplemente, restricciones sobre valores calculados de las magnitudes de seguridad, que deben quedar confinados en una “región de aceptación” de su recorrido. Para metodologías BEPU, el CRA no puede ser tan sencillo, porque las magnitudes de seguridad son ahora variables inciertas. En la tesis se desarrolla la manera de introducción de la incertidumbre en los CRA. Básicamente, se mantiene el confinamiento a la misma región de aceptación, establecida por el regulador. Pero no se exige el cumplimiento estricto sino un alto nivel de certidumbre. En el formalismo adoptado, se entiende por ello un “alto nivel de probabilidad”, y ésta corresponde a la incertidumbre de cálculo de las magnitudes de seguridad. Tal incertidumbre puede considerarse como originada en los inputs al modelo de cálculo, y propagada a través de dicho modelo. Los inputs inciertos incluyen las condiciones iniciales y de frontera al cálculo, y los parámetros empíricos de modelo, que se utilizan para incorporar la incertidumbre debida a la imperfección del modelo. Se exige, por tanto, el cumplimiento del CRA con una probabilidad no menor a un valor P0 cercano a 1 y definido por el regulador (nivel de probabilidad o cobertura). Sin embargo, la de cálculo de la magnitud no es la única incertidumbre existente. Aunque un modelo (sus ecuaciones básicas) se conozca a la perfección, la aplicación input-output que produce se conoce de manera imperfecta (salvo que el modelo sea muy simple). La incertidumbre debida la ignorancia sobre la acción del modelo se denomina epistémica; también se puede decir que es incertidumbre respecto a la propagación. La consecuencia es que la probabilidad de cumplimiento del CRA no se puede conocer a la perfección; es una magnitud incierta. Y así se justifica otro término usado aquí para esta incertidumbre epistémica: metaincertidumbre. Los CRA deben incorporar los dos tipos de incertidumbre: la de cálculo de la magnitud de seguridad (aquí llamada aleatoria) y la de cálculo de la probabilidad (llamada epistémica o metaincertidumbre). Ambas incertidumbres pueden introducirse de dos maneras: separadas o combinadas. En ambos casos, el CRA se convierte en un criterio probabilista. Si se separan incertidumbres, se utiliza una probabilidad de segundo orden; si se combinan, se utiliza una probabilidad única. Si se emplea la probabilidad de segundo orden, es necesario que el regulador imponga un segundo nivel de cumplimiento, referido a la incertidumbre epistémica. Se denomina nivel regulador de confianza, y debe ser un número cercano a 1. Al par formado por los dos niveles reguladores (de probabilidad y de confianza) se le llama nivel regulador de tolerancia. En la Tesis se razona que la mejor manera de construir el CRA BEPU es separando las incertidumbres, por dos motivos. Primero, los expertos defienden el tratamiento por separado de incertidumbre aleatoria y epistémica. Segundo, el CRA separado es (salvo en casos excepcionales) más conservador que el CRA combinado. El CRA BEPU no es otra cosa que una hipótesis sobre una distribución de probabilidad, y su comprobación se realiza de forma estadística. En la tesis, los métodos estadísticos para comprobar el CRA BEPU en 3 categorías, según estén basados en construcción de regiones de tolerancia, en estimaciones de cuantiles o en estimaciones de probabilidades (ya sea de cumplimiento, ya sea de excedencia de límites reguladores). Según denominación propuesta recientemente, las dos primeras categorías corresponden a los métodos Q, y la tercera, a los métodos P. El propósito de la clasificación no es hacer un inventario de los distintos métodos en cada categoría, que son muy numerosos y variados, sino de relacionar las distintas categorías y citar los métodos más utilizados y los mejor considerados desde el punto de vista regulador. Se hace mención especial del método más utilizado hasta el momento: el método no paramétrico de Wilks, junto con su extensión, hecha por Wald, al caso multidimensional. Se decribe su método P homólogo, el intervalo de Clopper-Pearson, típicamente ignorado en el ámbito BEPU. En este contexto, se menciona el problema del coste computacional del análisis de incertidumbre. Los métodos de Wilks, Wald y Clopper-Pearson requieren que la muestra aleatortia utilizada tenga un tamaño mínimo, tanto mayor cuanto mayor el nivel de tolerancia exigido. El tamaño de muestra es un indicador del coste computacional, porque cada elemento muestral es un valor de la magnitud de seguridad, que requiere un cálculo con modelos predictivos. Se hace especial énfasis en el coste computacional cuando la magnitud de seguridad es multidimensional; es decir, cuando el CRA es un criterio múltiple. Se demuestra que, cuando las distintas componentes de la magnitud se obtienen de un mismo cálculo, el carácter multidimensional no introduce ningún coste computacional adicional. Se prueba así la falsedad de una creencia habitual en el ámbito BEPU: que el problema multidimensional sólo es atacable desde la extensión de Wald, que tiene un coste de computación creciente con la dimensión del problema. En el caso (que se da a veces) en que cada componente de la magnitud se calcula independientemente de los demás, la influencia de la dimensión en el coste no se puede evitar. Las primeras metodologías BEPU hacían la propagación de incertidumbres a través de un modelo sustitutivo (metamodelo o emulador) del modelo predictivo o código. El objetivo del metamodelo no es su capacidad predictiva, muy inferior a la del modelo original, sino reemplazar a éste exclusivamente en la propagación de incertidumbres. Para ello, el metamodelo se debe construir con los parámetros de input que más contribuyan a la incertidumbre del resultado, y eso requiere un análisis de importancia o de sensibilidad previo. Por su simplicidad, el modelo sustitutivo apenas supone coste computacional, y puede estudiarse exhaustivamente, por ejemplo mediante muestras aleatorias. En consecuencia, la incertidumbre epistémica o metaincertidumbre desaparece, y el criterio BEPU para metamodelos se convierte en una probabilidad simple. En un resumen rápido, el regulador aceptará con más facilidad los métodos estadísticos que menos hipótesis necesiten; los exactos más que los aproximados; los no paramétricos más que los paramétricos, y los frecuentistas más que los bayesianos. El criterio BEPU se basa en una probabilidad de segundo orden. La probabilidad de que las magnitudes de seguridad estén en la región de aceptación no sólo puede asimilarse a una probabilidad de éxito o un grado de cumplimiento del CRA. También tiene una interpretación métrica: representa una distancia (dentro del recorrido de las magnitudes) desde la magnitud calculada hasta los límites reguladores de aceptación. Esta interpretación da pie a una definición que propone esta tesis: la de margen de seguridad probabilista. Dada una magnitud de seguridad escalar con un límite superior de aceptación, se define el margen de seguridad (MS) entre dos valores A y B de la misma como la probabilidad de que A sea menor que B, obtenida a partir de las incertidumbres de A y B. La definición probabilista de MS tiene varias ventajas: es adimensional, puede combinarse de acuerdo con las leyes de la probabilidad y es fácilmente generalizable a varias dimensiones. Además, no cumple la propiedad simétrica. El término margen de seguridad puede aplicarse a distintas situaciones: distancia de una magnitud calculada a un límite regulador (margen de licencia); distancia del valor real de la magnitud a su valor calculado (margen analítico); distancia desde un límite regulador hasta el valor umbral de daño a una barrera (margen de barrera). Esta idea de representar distancias (en el recorrido de magnitudes de seguridad) mediante probabilidades puede aplicarse al estudio del conservadurismo. El margen analítico puede interpretarse como el grado de conservadurismo (GC) de la metodología de cálculo. Utilizando la probabilidad, se puede cuantificar el conservadurismo de límites de tolerancia de una magnitud, y se pueden establecer indicadores de conservadurismo que sirvan para comparar diferentes métodos de construcción de límites y regiones de tolerancia. Un tópico que nunca se abordado de manera rigurosa es el de la validación de metodologías BEPU. Como cualquier otro instrumento de cálculo, una metodología, antes de poder aplicarse a análisis de licencia, tiene que validarse, mediante la comparación entre sus predicciones y valores reales de las magnitudes de seguridad. Tal comparación sólo puede hacerse en escenarios de accidente para los que existan valores medidos de las magnitudes de seguridad, y eso ocurre, básicamente en instalaciones experimentales. El objetivo último del establecimiento de los CRA consiste en verificar que se cumplen para los valores reales de las magnitudes de seguridad, y no sólo para sus valores calculados. En la tesis se demuestra que una condición suficiente para este objetivo último es la conjunción del cumplimiento de 2 criterios: el CRA BEPU de licencia y un criterio análogo, pero aplicado a validación. Y el criterio de validación debe demostrarse en escenarios experimentales y extrapolarse a plantas nucleares. El criterio de licencia exige un valor mínimo (P0) del margen probabilista de licencia; el criterio de validación exige un valor mínimo del margen analítico (el GC). Esos niveles mínimos son básicamente complementarios; cuanto mayor uno, menor el otro. La práctica reguladora actual impone un valor alto al margen de licencia, y eso supone que el GC exigido es pequeño. Adoptar valores menores para P0 supone menor exigencia sobre el cumplimiento del CRA, y, en cambio, más exigencia sobre el GC de la metodología. Y es importante destacar que cuanto mayor sea el valor mínimo del margen (de licencia o analítico) mayor es el coste computacional para demostrarlo. Así que los esfuerzos computacionales también son complementarios: si uno de los niveles es alto (lo que aumenta la exigencia en el cumplimiento del criterio) aumenta el coste computacional. Si se adopta un valor medio de P0, el GC exigido también es medio, con lo que la metodología no tiene que ser muy conservadora, y el coste computacional total (licencia más validación) puede optimizarse. ABSTRACT Deterministic Safety Analysis (DSA) is the procedure used in the design of safety-related systems, structures and components of nuclear power plants (NPPs). DSA is based on computational simulations of a set of hypothetical accidents of the plant, named Design Basis Scenarios (DBS). Nuclear regulatory authorities require the calculation of a set of safety magnitudes, and define the regulatory acceptance criteria (RAC) that must be fulfilled by them. Methodologies for performing DSA van be categorized as conservative or realistic. Conservative methodologies make use of pessimistic model and assumptions, and are relatively simple. They do not need an uncertainty analysis of their results. Realistic methodologies are based on realistic (usually mechanistic) predictive models and assumptions, and need to be supplemented with uncertainty analyses of their results. They are also termed BEPU (“Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty”) methodologies, and are typically based on a probabilistic representation of the uncertainty. For conservative methodologies, the RAC are simply the restriction of calculated values of safety magnitudes to “acceptance regions” defined on their range. For BEPU methodologies, the RAC cannot be so simple, because the safety magnitudes are now uncertain. In the present Thesis, the inclusion of uncertainty in RAC is studied. Basically, the restriction to the acceptance region must be fulfilled “with a high certainty level”. Specifically, a high probability of fulfillment is required. The calculation uncertainty of the magnitudes is considered as propagated from inputs through the predictive model. Uncertain inputs include model empirical parameters, which store the uncertainty due to the model imperfection. The fulfillment of the RAC is required with a probability not less than a value P0 close to 1 and defined by the regulator (probability or coverage level). Calculation uncertainty is not the only one involved. Even if a model (i.e. the basic equations) is perfectly known, the input-output mapping produced by the model is imperfectly known (unless the model is very simple). This ignorance is called epistemic uncertainty, and it is associated to the process of propagation). In fact, it is propagated to the probability of fulfilling the RAC. Another term used on the Thesis for this epistemic uncertainty is metauncertainty. The RAC must include the two types of uncertainty: one for the calculation of the magnitude (aleatory uncertainty); the other one, for the calculation of the probability (epistemic uncertainty). The two uncertainties can be taken into account in a separate fashion, or can be combined. In any case the RAC becomes a probabilistic criterion. If uncertainties are separated, a second-order probability is used; of both are combined, a single probability is used. On the first case, the regulator must define a level of fulfillment for the epistemic uncertainty, termed regulatory confidence level, as a value close to 1. The pair of regulatory levels (probability and confidence) is termed the regulatory tolerance level. The Thesis concludes that the adequate way of setting the BEPU RAC is by separating the uncertainties. There are two reasons to do so: experts recommend the separation of aleatory and epistemic uncertainty; and the separated RAC is in general more conservative than the joint RAC. The BEPU RAC is a hypothesis on a probability distribution, and must be statistically tested. The Thesis classifies the statistical methods to verify the RAC fulfillment in 3 categories: methods based on tolerance regions, in quantile estimators and on probability (of success or failure) estimators. The former two have been termed Q-methods, whereas those in the third category are termed P-methods. The purpose of our categorization is not to make an exhaustive survey of the very numerous existing methods. Rather, the goal is to relate the three categories and examine the most used methods from a regulatory standpoint. Special mention deserves the most used method, due to Wilks, and its extension to multidimensional variables (due to Wald). The counterpart P-method of Wilks’ is Clopper-Pearson interval, typically ignored in the BEPU realm. The problem of the computational cost of an uncertainty analysis is tackled. Wilks’, Wald’s and Clopper-Pearson methods require a minimum sample size, which is a growing function of the tolerance level. The sample size is an indicator of the computational cost, because each element of the sample must be calculated with the predictive models (codes). When the RAC is a multiple criteria, the safety magnitude becomes multidimensional. When all its components are output of the same calculation, the multidimensional character does not introduce additional computational cost. In this way, an extended idea in the BEPU realm, stating that the multi-D problem can only be tackled with the Wald extension, is proven to be false. When the components of the magnitude are independently calculated, the influence of the problem dimension on the cost cannot be avoided. The former BEPU methodologies performed the uncertainty propagation through a surrogate model of the code, also termed emulator or metamodel. The goal of a metamodel is not the predictive capability, clearly worse to the original code, but the capacity to propagate uncertainties with a lower computational cost. The emulator must contain the input parameters contributing the most to the output uncertainty, and this requires a previous importance analysis. The surrogate model is practically inexpensive to run, so that it can be exhaustively analyzed through Monte Carlo. Therefore, the epistemic uncertainty due to sampling will be reduced to almost zero, and the BEPU RAC for metamodels includes a simple probability. The regulatory authority will tend to accept the use of statistical methods which need a minimum of assumptions: exact, nonparametric and frequentist methods rather than approximate, parametric and bayesian methods, respectively. The BEPU RAC is based on a second-order probability. The probability of the safety magnitudes being inside the acceptance region is a success probability and can be interpreted as a fulfillment degree if the RAC. Furthermore, it has a metric interpretation, as a distance (in the range of magnitudes) from calculated values of the magnitudes to acceptance regulatory limits. A probabilistic definition of safety margin (SM) is proposed in the thesis. The same from a value A to other value B of a safety magnitude is defined as the probability that A is less severe than B, obtained from the uncertainties if A and B. The probabilistic definition of SM has several advantages: it is nondimensional, ranges in the interval (0,1) and can be easily generalized to multiple dimensions. Furthermore, probabilistic SM are combined according to the probability laws. And a basic property: probabilistic SM are not symmetric. There are several types of SM: distance from a calculated value to a regulatory limit (licensing margin); or from the real value to the calculated value of a magnitude (analytical margin); or from the regulatory limit to the damage threshold (barrier margin). These representations of distances (in the magnitudes’ range) as probabilities can be applied to the quantification of conservativeness. Analytical margins can be interpreted as the degree of conservativeness (DG) of the computational methodology. Conservativeness indicators are established in the Thesis, useful in the comparison of different methods of constructing tolerance limits and regions. There is a topic which has not been rigorously tackled to the date: the validation of BEPU methodologies. Before being applied in licensing, methodologies must be validated, on the basis of comparisons of their predictions ad real values of the safety magnitudes. Real data are obtained, basically, in experimental facilities. The ultimate goal of establishing RAC is to verify that real values (aside from calculated values) fulfill them. In the Thesis it is proved that a sufficient condition for this goal is the conjunction of 2 criteria: the BEPU RAC and an analogous criterion for validation. And this las criterion must be proved in experimental scenarios and extrapolated to NPPs. The licensing RAC requires a minimum value (P0) of the probabilistic licensing margin; the validation criterion requires a minimum value of the analytical margin (i.e., of the DG). These minimum values are basically complementary; the higher one of them, the lower the other one. The regulatory practice sets a high value on the licensing margin, so that the required DG is low. The possible adoption of lower values for P0 would imply weaker exigence on the RCA fulfillment and, on the other hand, higher exigence on the conservativeness of the methodology. It is important to highlight that a higher minimum value of the licensing or analytical margin requires a higher computational cost. Therefore, the computational efforts are also complementary. If medium levels are adopted, the required DG is also medium, and the methodology does not need to be very conservative. The total computational effort (licensing plus validation) could be optimized.