145 resultados para Insomnia


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O Eupatorium ayapana Vent., da família Asteraceae, conhecida popularmente como japana é utilizada em infusões, decocção, banhos e chá, com ação sedativa, febrífuga, estimulante e tônica, utilizada também no combate à insônia, dor de cabeça, dor de garganta, diarréia, etc., sendo muito utilizada pela população amazônica. Este estudo avaliou a ação de diferentes doses do extrato hidroalcoólico de Eupatorium ayapana Vent (EHAEA) sobre o comportamento de ratos Wistar, na faixa etária de 2 meses. Foram utilizados 8 grupos de ratos machos (n= 7-10), divididos em controle, droga padrão de ação ansiolítica (diazepam), droga padrão de ação antidepressiva (fluoxetina) e 5 doses do extrato (100, 200, 400, 600, 800 mg/Kg), que foram solubilizados com tween 80 a 1%. A administração do extrato foi realizada de forma aguda por gavagem. No teste de toxicidade oral realizado, verificou-se que o extrato não é tóxico. Os testes comportamentais utilizados foram: o campo aberto, o Labirinto em Cruz Elevado (LCE) e o nado forçado. Após os testes comportamentais foi realizada a coleta de sangue na região do plexo retroorbital dos ratos, para avaliação dos níveis de estresse oxidativo como: Capacidade Antioxidante Total, malondialdeído (MDA) e NO, e também a ação antioxidante total do EHAEA. Os resultados obtidos no teste do campo aberto demonstraram atividade do tipo ansiolítica, resultado confirmado com o teste do LCE. No teste do Nado Forçado, o EHAEA demonstrou ação do tipo antidepressiva. Nos testes de nocicepção, o qual se utilizou camundongos, ocorreu atividade antinociceptiva no teste de contorção abdominal induzido, nas doses de 200, 400, 600 e 800 mg/Kg. Na avaliação da bioquímica oxidativa, observou-se que não ocorreu dano oxidativo nos grupos tratados com o EHAEA, os níveis de NO permaneceram inalterados nas doses de 200, 400 e 600 mg, e a capacidade antioxidante total mostrou-se aumentada. Com estes resultados apresentados, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir com futuros trabalhos, haja vista, serem escassos os trabalhos na área comportamental, de nocicepção e estresse oxidativo com esta espécie vegetal, e que estudos posteriores possam reforçar o uso do extrato da japana na medicina popular.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Introdução: A fibromialgia é uma doença caracterizada principalmente por dor músculo-esquelética difusa e crônica. Os distúrbios do sono em fibromiálgicos podem ter papel não somente na etiologia da dor crônica, mas também na perpetuação dos sintomas, portanto o estudo das condições do sono nestes pacientes é relevante na medida em que possibilita um entendimento das condições fisiopatológicas e permite uma abordagem ampla para o tratamento da fibromialgia. Objetivo: Apresentar a relação entre os distúrbios do sono e os sintomas da fibromialgia e sua importância na avaliação dos fibromiálgicos. Metodologia: Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico do período de 1990-2009, nas bases de dados Medline, Pubmed, Lilacs e Scielo, através das palavras chaves: sleep, fibromyalgia, sleep disorders, insomnia, pain. Resultados: A literatura demonstra uma alta prevalência de distúrbios do sono em pacientes portadores de fibromialgia e uma relevante relação entre as anormalidades no padrão do sono e o sintoma da dor crônica.


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The experience of menopause is increasingly present, and demand strategies to improve the quality of life of women during this period. This research aimed to evaluate the quality of life for women in the climacteric phase, with or without the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This is a longitudinal epidemiological study of a sample of 99 women per group. It was evaluated the sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral characteristics. It was used the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) and the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). For data analysis, it was used the Student t test, chi-square and Tukey. HRT users had an average age of 50.76 ± 3.63 years, and nonusers of 48.95 ± 6,27anos (p = 0.01). It was identified a higher frequency of moderate climacteric symptoms of mild intensity. The social aspects evidenced scores below 50 for the two groups. There were differences between groups with respect to the components of the SF-36 and MRS to general health, functional capacity, lower capacity, depression, insomnia and vasomotor phenomena.


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Difficulties with sleep are frequent in the pre-schooler children. The aim of this study was to present a case report of behavioural intervention by parental guidance to sleeping problems in a pre-schooler child. Participated in this study a four years old boy that had difficulties to sleep without the presence of his parents and his mother who was oriented through a parental program. The program of intervention was composed by five sessions in which the mother acquired education about the child’s sleep, received orientation about the establishment of time and routine to sleep and about the use of techniques (extinction and positive reinforcement) for the improvement of the sleep difficulties. The sleep and behaviour were evaluated in four periods (pre-treatment, post-treatment, one and six months follow up) according to the following instruments: 1) UNESP Scale of Habits and Hygiene of the Sleep – Children Version, 2) Scale of Sleep Disorders for Children and Teenagers, 3) Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL 1,5-5) and 4) sleep diary. The results showed that after intervention the child developed independent sleep, reduced the bed resistance and showed improvement in daily behaviors. To conclude: a behavioral intervention by parental guidance was effective to sleep problems of the child.


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Patients with primary malignant brain tumor endure several motor and cognitive dysfunctions, demanding the presence of a caregiver even more because the time necessary for their assistance increases considerably. Usually this task is performed by a family relative, whose activities include taking care of the patient’s personal hygiene, escorting them to medical appointments, managing their money and performing their housework. All of this overwhelms the caregiver both physical and psychologically. This bibliographic research intends to analyze the role in which a caregiver plays in the quality of life of those kinds of patients, the complications of such task, the caregivers’ needs and the daily life of those terminal patients. It was used CAPES, PubMed and Google Academic databases for researching articles related to family caregivers who assisted adult patients with primary malignant brain tumor. The study concluded that being a caregiver of patients in such conditions harms one’s quality of life, with consequences such as stress, insomnia, financial problems and lack of social support. Theirs needs include: having someone to talk to about the matter, attending programs for reducing stress and increasing their knowledge about the disease. In advanced phases of the condition, the patient shows great mobility problems, aphasia and regular seizures, which end up overwhelming the caregiver. The level of quality of life found was above other types of cancer’s caregivers. Therefore, they represent a group with special needs, which should be especially handled by health professionals.


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Aim: To report a possible case of tremor fluoxetine-induced treated as Parkinson’s disease in an elderly female patient noncompliant with the pharmacotherapy, with uncontrolled hypertension and using fluoxetine to treat depression. Presentation of Case: Patient complained of sleepiness in the morning, agitation, anxiety, insomnia and mental confusion. Her greatest concern was about bilateral hand tremors which, in her view became, worse after biperiden was prescribed. Therefore, she stopped taking it. The initial medication was: omeprazole, losartan, biperiden, fluoxetine, atenolol + chlorthalidone, acetylsalicylic acid, atorvastatin and diazepam. Pharmacotherapeutic follow up was performed in order to check the necessity, safety and effectiveness of treatment. Discussion: During the analysis of pharmacotherapy, the patient showed uncontrolled blood pressure and had difficulty complying with the treatment. Thus, in view of the complaints expressed by the patient, our first hypothesis was a possible serotonin syndrome related to fluoxetine use. We proposed a change in the fluoxetine regime and discontinuation of biperiden. As tremors persisted, we suggested the replacement of fluoxetine by sertraline, since a possible tremor fluoxetine-induced could explain the complaint. This approach solved the drug-related problem identified. Conclusion: Tremors reported by the patient was identified as an iatrogenic event related to fluoxetine, which was solved by management of serotonin-reuptake inhibitors.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB


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The concept of need for recovery from work (NFR) was deduced from the effort recuperation model. In this model work produces costs in terms of effort during the working day. When there is enough time and possibilities to recuperate, a worker will arrive at the next working day with no residual symptoms of previous effort. NFR evaluates work characteristics such as psychosocial demands, professional work hours or schedules. However, sleep may be an important part of the recovery process. The aim of the study was to test the association between sleep-related complaints and NFR. A cross-sectional study was carried out at three hospitals. All females nursing professionals engaged in assistance to patients were invited to participate (N=1,307). Participants answered a questionnaire that included four sleep-related complaints (insomnia, unsatisfactory sleep, sleepiness during work hours and insufficient sleep), work characteristics and NRF scale. Binomial logistic regression analysis showed that all sleep-related complaints are associated with a high need for recovery from work. Those who reported insufficient sleep showed a greater chance of high need for recovery; OR=2.730 (CI 95% 2.074-3.593). These results corroborate the hypothesis that sleep is an important aspect of the recovery process and, therefore, should be thoroughly investigated.


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Introduction: This paper examines the various factors that contribute to the occurrence of sleep alterations during peri and post climacteric and thus produce significant imperil to women's quality of life. Among the probable causes of insomnia or sleep disorders associated to climacteric stand out the occurrence of vasomotor symptoms, depressive state and respiratory distress during sleep, such as sleep apnea, along with chronic pain, although psychosocial factors related to the climacteric bear major influence on such clinical status. Method: The bibliographic analysis was carried out using several electronic data base namely: Cochrane, Medline, Embase, Bni Plus, Biological Abstracts, Psycinfo, Web Of Science, Sigle, Dissertation Abstracts and ZETOC published in English, Spanish and Poruguese. The key terms used were: sleep, REM sleep, slow wave sleep polysomnography; electroencephalogram; sleep disturbances; disturbances of sleep onset and maintenance; excessive somnolence disturbances; climacteric; menopause; depression; neurobiology; biologic models; circadian rhythm; mental health and epidemiology. Case studies and letters to the editor were excluded. The summaries of the identified studies found in the data base were analyzed and assessed, and the data analyzed separately according to the subjective or objective criteria for data collection. Results: The climacteric transition constitutes a period of major risk for the development of depressive, vasomotor and insomnia symptoms although not caused solely by hypoestrogenism. The diagnostic methods used in the study of sleep disorders range from subjective assessment by means of response to specific questionnaires to the objective analysis of actigraphic or polissonographic daytime and nocturnal reports. Polissonographic studies of the whole night, performed at the laboratory, are the golden method of choice for diagnostic of sleep disorders. Studies point to the high prevalence of sleep disorders in the climacteric, especially insomnia, apnea and periodic movement of legs and also to the fact that this phase of life presents decrease in the quality of sleep. Women in peri and post climacteric show higher sleep latency and difficulty in its maintenance and refer being less satisfied with its quality even when compared to those who are not climacteric. Exception made to the vasomotor symptomatology, the other climacteric complaints such as mood disturbances, libido alterations, cognitive deficit, articular pain and sleep disorders are markedly associated to psychosocial factors, lifestyle and especially to women's perception of what the climacteric means to their lives. Conclusion: The analysis of the available studies revealed a proneness to deterioration of quality of life of climacteric women markedly in the sleep disturbances, depressed mood and anxiety domains and should not to be basically attributed to the climacteric. It is necessary that the professionals consider the need of assessment of such pathologies as complex phenomena and the literature lacks studies contemplating such dimensions.


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The objective of this study was to verify the effect of acupuncture on the sleep quality of obese workers in a teaching hospital. Data were collected from July to October 2009, focusing on 37 workers who attended eight weekly acupuncture sessions. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was used to assess their sleep quality before and after the intervention. Results show that before the intervention, five (13.5%) people experienced good quality of sleep whereas at the end of the study 14 (37.8%) showed this condition. Statistic significance (p=0.0001) was found in comparing the mean scores obtained before and after acupuncture. Acupuncture had effects on the quality of sleep in the studied sample, presenting itself as a complementary technique for treating sleep disorders and consequently improving the quality of life in this population.