961 resultados para Inoculation route


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E10-5A3 is a dhfr-ts- Leishmania major double knockout auxotrophic shown previously to induce substantial protection against virulent L. major infection in both genetically susceptible and resistant mice. We investigated the capacity of dhfr-ts- to protect against heterologous infection by L. amazonensis. The degree of protection was evaluated by immunization of BALB/c or C57BL/6 mice with E10-5A3, followed by L. amazonensis challenge. Whether immunized by subcutaneous (SC) or intravenous (IV) inoculation, susceptible and resistant mice displayed a partial degree of protection against challenge with virulent L. amazonensis. SC-immunized BALB/c mice developed lesions 40 to 65% smaller than non immunized mice, while IV immunization led to protection ranging from 40 to 75% in four out of six experiments compared to non immunized animals. The resistant C57BL/6 mice displayed comparable degrees of protection, 57% by SC and 49% by IV immunization. Results are encouraging as it has been previously difficult to obtain protection by SC vaccination against Leishmania, the preferred route for human immunization.


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Five mixed breed dogs were inoculated intradermally (ID) with cultured virulent stationary phase promastigotes of Leishmania infantum Nicole, 1908 stocks recently isolated. Parasite transformations in the skin of ID infected dogs were monitored from the moment of inoculation and for 48 h, by skin biopsies. Anti-Leishmania antibody levels were measured by indirect immunofluorescence assay, counterimmunoelectrophoresis and direct agglutination test, and clinical conditions were examined. Thirty minutes after ID inoculation the first amastigotes were visualised and 3 to 4 h after inoculation the promastigotes were phagocyted by neutrophils and by a few macrophages. These cells parasitised by amastigotes progressively disappeared from the skin and 24 h after inoculation parasites were no longer observed. Local granulomes were not observed, however, serological conversion for antibodies anti-Leishmania was achieved in all dogs. Direct agglutination test was the only technique positive in all inoculated dogs. Amastigotes were found in the popliteal lymph node in one dog three months after inoculation. This work demonstrates that, with this inoculum, the promastigotes were transformed into amastigotes and were up taken by neutrophils and macrophages. The surviving parasites may have been disseminated in the canine organism, eliciting a humoral response in all cases.


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To determine whether Didelphis albiventris is naturally infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, 20 specimens of this mammal were studied by both direct cultivation of their viscera (spleen, liver and lungs) and by inoculation of Swiss mice by the intraperitoneal route with a suspension of fragments of these viscera. No fungal growth or structures similar to this fungus were detected. Probably D. albiventris is not frequently infected with P. brasiliensis.


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Résumé Introduction: La perfusion isolée cytostatique du poumon est une technique attractive qui permet l'administration des doses élevées d'un agent cytostatique tout en épargnant dans la mesure du possible la circulation systémique. Cependant, la perfusion de l'artère pulmonaire risque d'épargner le territoire pulmonaire vascularisé par l'intermédiaire des artères bronchiques, ce qui pourrait diminuer l'efficacité de ce traitement au cas où la lésion ciblée est vascularisée par les artères bronchiques. Ce travail est destiné au développement d'un modèle tumoral au niveau des poumons de rongeur (rat) porteur d'un sarcome pulmonaire afin de déterminer si la voie d'injection des cellules tumorales (intraveineuse, versus intratumorale) influencera la vascularisation des tumeurs (provenant du système artères pulmonaires ou artères bronchiques). Méthod: Des tumeurs de sarcomes pulmonaires ont été générées par injection d'une suspension cellulaire de sarcome, soit par injection intraveineuse, soit directement dans le parenchyme pulmonaire par thoracotomie. Ensuite, une perfusion isolée du poumon porteur de la tumeur à l'aide de l'encre a été effectuée, soit par l'artère pulmonaire, soit par le système des artères bronchiques. La distribution de l'encre dans les vaisseaux tumoraux ainsi que dans les vaisseaux non tumoraux du poumon adjacent a été investiguée à l'aide d'une analyse histologique des poumons perfusés. Résultat: L'administration intraveineuse et intratumorale de la suspension de cellules tumorales résulte en des tumeurs similaires sur le plan histologique. Néanmoins, l'injection intra-parenchymateuse démontre des tumeurs plus homogènes et avec un développement plus prédictible, était associée à une survie plus longue qu'après injection intraveineuse. Les analyses histologiques après perfusion isolée à l'aide de l'encre démontre que les tumeurs résultant de l'injection intraveineuse ont développé une vascularisation se basant sur le système d'artères pulmonaires tandis que les tumeurs émergeant après injection intraparenchymateuse ont développé une vascularisation provenant du système des artères bronchiques. Conclusion: Ce travail démontre pour la première fois l'importance du mode de génération de tumeurs pulmonaires en ce qui concerne leur future vascularisation, ce qui pourrait avoir un impact sur leur traitement par perfusion isolée du poumon. Abstract Isolated cytostatic lung perfusion (ILP) is an attractive technique allowing delivery of a high-dose of cytostatic agents to the lungs while limiting systemic toxicity. In developing a rat model of ILP, we have analysed the effect of the route of tumour cell injection on the source of tumour vessels. Pulmonary sarcomas were estab¬lished by injecting a sarcoma cell suspension either by the intravenous (i.v.) route or directly into the lung paren¬chyma. Ink perfusion through either pulmonary artery (PA) or bronchial arteries (BA) was performed and the characteristics of the tumour deposits defined. i.v. and direct injection methods induced pulmonary sarcoma nodules, with similar histological features. The intraparenchymal injection of tumour cells resulted in more reli¬able and reproducible tumour growth and was associat¬ed with a longer survival of the animals. i.v. injected tumours developed a PA-derived vascular tree whereas directly injected tumours developed a BA-derived vasculature.


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Neutrophils are rapidly and massively recruited to sites of microbial infection, where they can influence the recruitment of dendritic cells. Here, we have analyzed the role of neutrophil released chemokines in the early recruitment of dendritic cells (DCs) in an experimental model of Leishmania major infection. We show in vitro, as well as during infection, that the parasite induced the expression of CCL3 selectively in neutrophils from L. major resistant mice. Neutrophil-secreted CCL3 was critical in chemotaxis of immature DCs, an effect lost upon CCL3 neutralisation. Depletion of neutrophils prior to infection, as well as pharmacological or genetic inhibition of CCL3, resulted in a significant decrease in DC recruitment at the site of parasite inoculation. Decreased DC recruitment in CCL3(-/-) mice was corrected by the transfer of wild type neutrophils at the time of infection. The early release of CCL3 by neutrophils was further shown to have a transient impact on the development of a protective immune response. Altogether, we identified a novel role for neutrophil-secreted CCL3 in the first wave of DC recruitment to the site of infection with L. major, suggesting that the selective release of neutrophil-secreted chemokines may regulate the development of immune response to pathogens.


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Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that DBA/2 mice injected i.p. with syngeneic P815 tumor cells transfected with the HLA-CW3 gene (P815-CW3) showed a dramatic expansion of activated CD8+CD62L- T cells expressing exclusively the Vbeta10 segment. We have used this model to study the regulatory mechanisms involved in the development of the CW3-specific CD8+ response, with respect to different routes of immunization. Whereas both intradermal (i.d.) and i.p. immunization of DBA/2 mice with P815-CW3 cells led to a strong expansion of CD8+CD62L-Vbeta10+ cells, only the i.d. route allowed this expansion after immunization with P815 cells transfected with a minigene coding for the antigenic epitope CW3 170-179 (P815 miniCW3). Furthermore, depletion of CD4+ T cells in vivo completely abolished the specific response of CD8+CD62L-Vbeta10+ cells and prevented the rejection of P815-CW3 tumor cells injected i.p., whereas it did not affect CD8S+CD62L-Vbeta10+ cell expansion after i.d. immunization with either P815-CW3 or P815 miniCW3. Finally, the CW3-specific CD8+ memory response was identical whether or not CD4+ T cells were depleted during the primary response. Collectively, these results suggest that the CD8+ T cell response to P815-CW3 tumor cells injected i.p. is strictly dependent upon recognition of a helper epitope by CD4+ T cells, whereas no such requirement is observed for i.d. injection.


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The course of in vivo infection of five isolates of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis was followed for three weeks in Swiss mice. The strains were isolated from diarrheic and normal feces and mesenteric lymph nodes of healthy and sick stock animals. Four strains of serogroup O:3 and one of serogroup O:1a, with and without the virulence plasmid, were inoculated intragastrically and intravenously in the mice. Groups of five animals were sacrificed at 6 h and 3, 6, 10, 15, and 21 days after inoculation, and organs and tissues were checked for possible macroscopic alterations. Development of infection was monitored at these times by performing viable bacterial counts in homogenates of selected tissues. The animals were cheked daily for clinical alterations. The results of the study showed that strains with the virulence plasmid infected organs and tissues at various times and at varying intensity by both routes of infection, the strain of type O:1a being the most invasive. Moreover, clinical and pathological alterations occurred only in animals inoculated with bacteria carrying the virulence plasmid, regardless of the route of infection.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of transventricular-transseptal approach (TVSA) for extrapleural transcatheter aortic valved stent implantation via a subxyphoidian access. Methods: In five porcine experiments (52.3 +/- 10.9 kg) the right ventricle was exposed via subxyphoidian access. Under the guidance of intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) and fluoroscopy, the transseptal access from right ventricle to left ventricle was created progressively by puncture and dilation with dilators (8F-26F). Valved stents built in-house from commercial tanned pericardium and self-expandable Nitinol stents were loaded into a cartridge. A delivery sheath was then introduced from the right ventricle into the left ventricle and then into the ascending aorta. The cartridge was connected and the valved stent was deployed in the aortic position. Then, the ventricular septal access was sealed with an Amplatzer septal occluder device and the right ventricular access was closed by tying prepared purse-string suture directly. Thirty minutes after the whole procedure, the animals were sacrificed for macroscopic evaluation of the position of valved stent and septal closure device. Result: Procedural success of TVSA was 100% at the first attempt. Mean procedure time was 49 +/- 4 min. Progressive dilatation of the transseptal access resulted in a measurable ventricular septal defect (VSD) after dilator sizes 18F and more. All valved stents were delivered at the target site over the native aortic valve with good acute valve function and no paravalvular leaks. During the procedure, premature beats (5/5) and supraventriclar tachycardias (5/5) were observed, but no atrial-ventricular block (0/5) occurred. Heart rate before (after) was 90 +/- 3 beats min(-1) (100 +/- 2 beats min(-1): p < 0.05), whereas blood pressure was 60 + 1 mm Hg (55 + 2 mm Hg (p < 0.05)). Total blood loss was 280 + 10 ml. The Amplatzer septal occluder devices were fully deployed and the ventricular septal accesses were sealed successfully, without detectable residual shunt. Conclusion: Trans-catheter implantation of aortic valved stent via extrapleural transventricular-transseptal access is technically feasible and has the potential for a simplified procedure under local anaesthesia. (C) 2010 European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Recently, we generated two bacterial recombinant proteins expressing 89 amino acids of the C-terminal domain of the Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein-1 and the hexa-histidine tag (His6MSP1(19)). One of these recombinant proteins contained also the amino acid sequence of the universal pan allelic T-cell epitope (His6MSP1(19)-PADRE). In the present study, we evaluated the immunogenic properties of these antigens when administered via the intra-nasal route in the presence of distinct adjuvant formulations. We found that C57BL/6 mice immunized with either recombinant proteins in the presence of the adjuvants cholera toxin (CT) or the Escherichia coli heat labile toxin (LT) developed high and long lasting titers of specific serum antibodies. The induced immune responses reached maximum levels after three immunizing doses with a prevailing IgG1 subclass response. In contrast, mice immunized by intranasal route with His6MSP1(19)-PADRE in the presence of the synthetic oligonucleotides adjuvant CpG ODN 1826 developed lower antibody titers but when combined to CT, CpG addition resulted in enhanced IgG responses characterized by lower IgG1 levels. Considering the limitations of antigens formulations that can be used in humans, mucosal adjuvants can be a reliable alternative for the development of new strategies of immunization using recombinant proteins of P. vivax.


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Immunization route may be pivotal for tissue-specific localization of the effector T cell response (Sandoval et al., this issue).


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A longitudinal study of malaria vectors aiming to describe the intensity of transmission was carried out in five villages of Southern Venezuela between January 1999-April 2000. The man-biting, sporozoite and entomological inoculation rates (EIR) were calculated based on 121 all-night collections of anophelines landing on humans, CDC light traps and ultra violet up-draft traps. A total of 6,027 female mosquitoes representing seven species were collected. The most abundant species were Anopheles marajoara Galvão & Damasceno (56.7%) and Anopheles darlingi Root (33%), which together accounted for 89.7% of the total anophelines collected. The mean biting rate for An. marajoara was 1.27 (SD + 0.81); it was 0.74 (SD + 0.91) for An. darlingand 0.11 (SD + 0.10) for Anopheles neomaculipalpus Curry and the overall biting rate was 2.29 (SD + 1.06). A total of 5,886 mosquitoes collected by all three methods were assayed by ELISA and 28 pools, equivalent to 28 mosquitoes, yielded positive results for Plasmodium spp. CS protein. An. neomaculipalpus had the highest sporozoite rate 0.84% (3/356), followed by An. darlingi 0.82% (16/1,948) and An. marajoara 0.27% (9/3,332). The overall sporozoite rate was 0.48% (28/5,886). The rates of infection by Plasmodium species in mosquitoes were 0.37% (22/5,886) for Plasmodium vivax(Grassi & Feletti) and 0.10% (6/5,886) for Plasmodium falciparum (Welch). The estimated overall EIR for An. darling was 2.21 infective bites/person/year, 1.25 for An. marajoara and 0.34 for An. neomaculipalpus. The overall EIR was four infective bites/person/year. The biting rate, the sporozoite rate and the EIR are too low to be indicators of the efficacy of control campaigns in this area.


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Frequent reports on outbreaks of acute Chagas' disease by ingestion of food contaminated with parasites from triatomine insects illustrate the importance of this mode of transmission. Studies on oral Trypanosoma cruzi infection in mice have indicated that metacyclic trypomastigotes invade the gastric mucosal epithelium. A key molecule in this process is gp82, a stage-specific surface glycoprotein that binds to both gastric mucin and to target epithelial cells. By triggering Ca2+ signalling, gp82 promotes parasite internalisation. Gp82 is relatively resistant to peptic digestion at acidic pH, thus preserving the properties critical for oral infection. The infection process is also influenced by gp90, a metacyclic stage-specific molecule that negatively regulates the invasion process. T. cruzi strains expressing high gp90 levels invade cells poorly in vitro. However, their infectivity by oral route varies considerably due to varying susceptibilities of different gp90 isoforms to peptic digestion. Parasites expressing pepsin-susceptible gp90 become highly invasive against target cells upon contact with gastric juice. Such is the case of a T. cruzi isolate from an acute case of orally acquired Chagas' disease; the gp90 from this strain is extensively degraded upon short period of parasite permanence in the gastric milieu. If such an exacerbation of infectivity occurs in humans, it may be responsible for the severity of Chagas' disease reported in outbreaks of oral infection.


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Domestic dogs are considered to be the main reservoirs of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis. In this work, we evaluated a protocol to induce Leishmania infantum/Leishmania chagasi-specific cellular and humoral immune responses in dogs, which consisted of two injections of Leishmania promastigote lysate followed by a subcutaneous inoculation of viable promastigotes. The primary objective was to establish a canine experimental model to provide positive controls for testing immune responses to Leishmania in laboratory conditions. After inoculation of viable promastigotes, specific proliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to either Leishmania lysate or recombinant proteins, the in vitro production of interferon-γ by antigen-stimulated PBMCs and a significant increase in circulating levels of anti-Leishmania antibodies were observed. The immunized dogs also displayed positive delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions to Leishmania crude antigens and to purified recombinant proteins. An important finding that supports the suitability of the dogs as positive controls is that they remained healthy for the entire observation period, i.e., more than seven years after infection. Following the Leishmania antigen lysate injections, the infection of dogs by the subcutaneous route appears to induce a sustained cellular immune response, leading to an asymptomatic infection. This provides a useful model for both the selection of immunogenic Leishmania antigens and for immunobiological studies on their possible immunoprotective activities.


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Rabies is a neurotropic disease that is often lethal. The early diagnosis of rabies infection is important and requires methods that allow for the isolation of the virus from animals and humans. The present study compared a modified shell vial (MSV) procedure using 24-well tissue culture plates with the mouse inoculation test (MIT), which is considered the gold standard for rabies virus isolation. Thirty brain samples (25 positive and 5 negative by the fluorescent antibody test) obtained from different animal species at the National Institute of Hygiene Rafael Rangel in Caracas, Venezuela, were studied by the MIT and MSV assays. Nine samples (36%) were positive at 24 h, 10 (40%) were positive at 48 h and six (24%) were positive at 72 h by the MSV assay. With the MIT assay, 76% were positive at six days post inoculation and 12% were positive at 12 and 18 days post inoculation. One sample that was negative according to the MSV assay was positive with MIT on the 12th day. The MSV procedure exhibited a sensitivity of 96.2%, a specificity of 100%, a positive predictive value of 100% and a negative predictive value 80%. This procedure allowed for rapid rabies virus detection. MIT can be employed as an alternative method in laboratories without tissue culture facilities.


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Nowadays, there are several services and applications that allow users to locate and move to different tourist areas using a mobile device. These systems can be used either by internet or downloading an application in concrete places like a visitors centre. Although such applications are able to facilitate the location and the search for points of interest, in most cases, these services and applications do not meet the needs of each user. This paper aims to provide a solution by studying the main projects, services and applications, their routing algorithms and their treatment of the real geographical data in Android mobile devices, focusing on the data acquisition and treatment to improve the routing searches in off-line environments.