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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of increased soil moisture levels on the decomposition processes in a peat-extracted bog. Field experiments, in which soil moisture levels were manipulated, were conducted using 320 microcosms in the Wainfleet Bog from May 2002 to November 2004. Decomposition was measured using litter bags and monitoring the abundance of macro invertebrate decomposers known as Collembola. Litter bags containing wooden toothpicks (n=2240), filter paper (n=480) and Betula pendula leaves (n=40) were buried in the soil and removed at regular time intervals up to one year. The results of the litter bag studies demonstrated a significant reduction of the decomposition of toothpicks (p<0.001), filter paper (p<0.001), and Betula pendula leaves (pfilter paper by 20 % and Betula pendula leaves by 18 % over one year when compared to the control. The abundance of Collembola was monitored using a non-destructive method in the microcosms. By contrast the effect of increased moisture levels on the abundance of Collembola was more variable and difficult to interpret. The conclusions of this study indicate that the Wainfleet Bog is a highly disturbed peatland and that the greatest reductions in decomposition can be obtained by restoring the soil moisture levels near those of undisturbed conditions.


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A series of permanent line transects established on fourteen reefs on the eastern seaboard of the Gulf of Thailand were monitored through a three-year period (1995- 1998) using a video transect method. Hierarchical cluster analysis shows three distinctive reef community types dominated by 1) Porites, 2) Acropora and 3) zoantharians. The reefs are developed under naturally turbid conditions and relatively low salinity due to the proximity of four major river outlets located in the uppermost area of the gulf. The number of Acroporid species on the reefs is positively correlated with distance from the major flver outlets. Eighty-seven species of scleractinian coral were found on the transects. Over the three-year period, the comparison of 1995-97-98 matched stations using Repeated Measures ANOV A reveals no significant time-dependent change in percent area cover of reef components except for an overall significant reduction in the faviid coral component. In the 1997-98 matched station comparison, statistical tests reveal significant increases in both Acropora and Porites components that translated into an overall increase in total living coral cover. These findings indicate that the overall environmental conditions have been favorable for coral growth. Outcompetition of massive corals by faster growing corals on several reefs also indicates conditions favorable for reef expansion. Growth of newlyformed Porites colonies over primary rock substrate and dead coral skeleton was presumably responsible for its rapid increase. Although these reefs are in an area of rapid industrialization and population growth, resultant anthropogenic effects have not yet stopped active coral accretion.


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The effect of age on the structure and composition of isolated and purified cell walls from cultures of Choanephora cucurbitarum was investigated by microchemical analyses, visible and infrared spectrophotometry, x-ray diffractometry and electron microscopy. Qualitative evaluation revealed the presence of lipids, proteins, neutral sugars, strong alkali soluble sugars, chitin, chitosan and uronic acids in the cell walls of both the 1 and 7 day old cultures. As the mycelium aged, there was a slight but statistically significant increase in the protein content, and a pronounced rise in the chitin and neutral sugar constituents of the cell walls. Conversely, the decrease in the chitosan content during this period had the net effect of altering the chitin: chitosan ratio from near unity in the younger cultures, to a 2:1 ratio in the 7 day old cell wall samples. Glutaraldehyde-osmium fixed thin sections of the 1 day old vegetative hyphae of £. curbitarum revealed the presence of a monolayered cell wall, which upon aging became bilayered. Replicas of acid hydrolysed cell walls demonstrated that both the 1 and 7 day old samples possessed an outer layer which was composed of finely granular amorphous material and randomly distributed microfibrils. The deposition of an inner secondary layer composed of parallel oriented microfibrils in the older hypha was correlated with an increase in the chitin content in the cell wall. The significance of these results with respect to the intimate relationship between composition and structure is discussed.


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Five laboratory incubation experiments were carried out to assess the salinity-induced changes in the microbial use of sugarcane filter cake added to soil. The first laboratory experiment was carried out to prove the hypothesis that the lower content of fungal biomass in a saline soil reduces the decomposition of a complex organic substrate in comparison to a non-saline soil under acidic conditions. Three different rates (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0%) of sugarcane filter cake were added to both soils and incubated for 63 days at 30°C. In the saline control soil without amendment, cumulative CO2 production was 70% greater than in the corresponding non-saline control soil, but the formation of inorganic N did not differ between these two soils. However, nitrification was inhibited in the saline soil. The increase in cumulative CO2 production by adding filter cake was similar in both soils, corresponding to 29% of the filter cake C at all three addition rates. Also the increases in microbial biomass C and biomass N were linearly related to the amount of filter cake added, but this increase was slightly higher for both properties in the saline soil. In contrast to microbial biomass, the absolute increase in ergosterol content in the saline soil was on average only half that in the non-saline soil and it showed also strong temporal changes during the incubation: A strong initial increase after adding the filter cake was followed by a rapid decline. The addition of filter cake led to immobilisation of inorganic N in both soils. This immobilisation was not expected, because the total C-to-total N ratio of the filter cake was below 13 and the organic C-to-organic N ratio in the 0.5 M K2SO4 extract of this material was even lower at 9.2. The immobilisation was considerably higher in the saline soil than in the non-saline soil. The N immobilisation capacity of sugarcane filter cake should be considered when this material is applied to arable sites at high rations. The second incubation experiment was carried out to examine the N immobilizing effect of sugarcane filter cake (C/N ratio of 12.4) and to investigate whether mixing it with compost (C/N ratio of 10.5) has any synergistic effects on C and N mineralization after incorporation into the soil. Approximately 19% of the compost C added and 37% of the filter cake C were evolved as CO2, assuming that the amendments had no effects on the decomposition of soil organic C. However, only 28% of the added filter cake was lost according to the total C and d13C values. Filter cake and compost contained initially significant concentrations of inorganic N, which was nearly completely immobilized between day 7 and 14 of the incubation in most cases. After day 14, N re-mineralization occurred at an average rate of 0.73 µg N g-1 soil d-1 in most amendment treatments, paralleling the N mineralization rate of the non-amended control without significant difference. No significant net N mineralization from the amendment N occurred in any of the amendment treatments in comparison to the control. The addition of compost and filter cake resulted in a linear increase in microbial biomass C with increasing amounts of C added. This increase was not affected by differences in substrate quality, especially the three times larger content of K2SO4 extractable organic C in the sugarcane filter cake. In most amendment treatments, microbial biomass C and biomass N increased until the end of the incubation. No synergistic effects could be observed in the mixture treatments of compost and sugarcane filter cake. The third 42-day incubation experiment was conducted to answer the questions whether the decomposition of sugarcane filter cake also result in immobilization of nitrogen in a saline alkaline soil and whether the mixing of sugarcane filter cake with glucose (adjusted to a C/N ratio of 12.5 with (NH4)2SO4) change its decomposition. The relative percentage CO2 evolved increased from 35% of the added C in the pure 0.5% filter cake treatment to 41% in the 0.5% filter cake +0.25% glucose treatment to 48% in the 0.5% filter cake +0.5% glucose treatment. The three different amendment treatments led to immediate increases in microbial biomass C and biomass N within 6 h that persisted only in the pure filter cake treatment until the end of the incubation. The fungal cell-membrane component ergosterol showed initially an over-proportionate increase in relation to microbial biomass C that fully disappeared at the end of the incubation. The cellulase activity showed a 5-fold increase after filter cake addition, which was not further increased by the additional glucose amendment. The cellulase activity showed an exponential decline to values around 4% of the initial value in all treatments. The amount of inorganic N immobilized from day 0 to day 14 increased with increasing amount of C added in comparison to the control treatment. Since day 14, the immobilized N was re-mineralized at rates between 1.31 and 1.51 µg N g-1 soil d-1 in the amendment treatments and was thus more than doubled in comparison with the control treatment. This means that the re-mineralization rate is independent from the actual size of the microbial residues pool and also independent from the size of the soil microbial biomass. Other unknown soil properties seem to form a soil-specific gate for the release of inorganic N. The fourth incubation experiment was carried out with the objective of assessing the effects of salt additions containing different anions (Cl-, SO42-, HCO3-) on the microbial use of sugarcane filter cake and dhancha leaves amended to inoculated sterile quartz sand. In the subsequent fifth experiment, the objective was to assess the effects of inoculum and temperature on the decomposition of sugar cane filter cake. In the fourth experiment, sugarcane filter cake led to significantly lower respiration rates, lower contents of extractable C and N, and lower contents of microbial biomass C and N than dhancha leaves, but to a higher respiratory quotient RQ and to a higher content of the fungal biomarker ergosterol. The RQ was significantly increased after salt addition, when comparing the average of all salinity treatments with the control. Differences in anion composition had no clear effects on the RQ values. In experiment 2, the rise in temperature from 20 to 40°C increased the CO2 production rate by a factor of 1.6, the O2 consumption rate by a factor of 1.9 and the ergosterol content by 60%. In contrast, the contents of microbial biomass N decreased by 60% and the RQ by 13%. The effects of the inoculation with a saline soil were in most cases negative and did not indicate a better adaptation of these organisms to salinity. The general effects of anion composition on microbial biomass and activity indices were small and inconsistent. Only the fraction of 0.5 M K2SO4 extractable C and N in non-fumigated soil was consistently increased in the 1.2 M NaHCO3 treatment of both experiments. In contrast to the small salinity effects, the quality of the substrate has overwhelming effects on microbial biomass and activity indices, especially on the fungal part of the microbial community.


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I have investigated the effect of the nuclear motion on the energy eigenvalues in muonic atoms. In addition to the usually used reduced-mass correction, I have calculated the relativistic influences including the magnetic and retardation interaction between the nucleus and the muon for the inner orbitals of muonic atoms.


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Nonpolarizing edge filters have recently becmoe important to separate those IR gas bands used in atmospheric sensing into their P and R branches, namely, the v2 of C02 at a 15µm wavelength. Whereas Thelen has developed all necessary principles for the entire class of nonpolarizing filters it remains difficult to subsittute ither refractive indices (such as infrared) into a visible-region design or assess the effect on consequent performance.


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We report a clear transition through a reconnection layer at the low-latitude magnetopause which shows a complete traversal across all reconnected field lines during northwestward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions. The associated plasma populations confirm details of the electron and ion mixing and the time history and acceleration through the current layer. This case has low magnetic shear with a strong guide field and the reconnection layer contains a single density depletion layer on the magnetosheath side which we suggest results from nearly field-aligned magnetosheath flows. Within the reconnection boundary layer, there are two plasma boundaries, close to the inferred separatrices on the magnetosphere and magnetosheath sides (Ssp and Ssh) and two boundaries associated with the Alfvén waves (or Rotational Discontinuities, RDsp and RDsh). The data are consistent with these being launched from the reconnection site and the plasma distributions are well ordered and suggestive of the time elapsed since reconnection of the field lines observed. In each sub-layer between the boundaries the plasma distribution is different and is centered around the current sheet, responsible for magnetosheath acceleration. We show evidence for a velocity dispersion effect in the electron anisotropy that is consistent with the time elapsed since reconnection. In addition, new evidence is presented for the occurrence of partial reflection of magnetosheath electrons at the magnetopause current layer.


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This paper considers the effect of using a GARCH filter on the properties of the BDS test statistic as well as a number of other issues relating to the application of the test. It is found that, for certain values of the user-adjustable parameters, the finite sample distribution of the test is far-removed from asymptotic normality. In particular, when data generated from some completely different model class are filtered through a GARCH model, the frequency of rejection of iid falls, often substantially. The implication of this result is that it might be inappropriate to use non-rejection of iid of the standardised residuals of a GARCH model as evidence that the GARCH model ‘fits’ the data.


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In general, particle filters need large numbers of model runs in order to avoid filter degeneracy in high-dimensional systems. The recently proposed, fully nonlinear equivalent-weights particle filter overcomes this requirement by replacing the standard model transition density with two different proposal transition densities. The first proposal density is used to relax all particles towards the high-probability regions of state space as defined by the observations. The crucial second proposal density is then used to ensure that the majority of particles have equivalent weights at observation time. Here, the performance of the scheme in a high, 65 500 dimensional, simplified ocean model is explored. The success of the equivalent-weights particle filter in matching the true model state is shown using the mean of just 32 particles in twin experiments. It is of particular significance that this remains true even as the number and spatial variability of the observations are changed. The results from rank histograms are less easy to interpret and can be influenced considerably by the parameter values used. This article also explores the sensitivity of the performance of the scheme to the chosen parameter values and the effect of using different model error parameters in the truth compared with the ensemble model runs.


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Yano Y, Cesar KR, Araujo M, Rodrigues Jr. AC, Andrade LC, Magaldi AJ. Aquaporin 2 expression increased by glucagon in normal rat inner medullary collecting ducts. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 296: F54-F59, 2009. First published October 1, 2008; doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.90367.2008.-It is well known that Glucagon (Gl) is released after a high protein diet and participates in water excretion by the kidney, principally after a protein meal. To study this effect in in vitro perfused inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCD), the osmotic water permeability (Pf; mu m/s) at 37 degrees C and pH 7.4 in normal rat IMCDs (n = 36) perfused with Ringer/HCO(3) was determined. Gl (10(-7) M) in absence of Vasopressin (AVP) enhanced the Pf from 4.38 +/- 1.40 to 11.16 +/- 1.44 mu m/s (P < 0.01). Adding 10(-8), 10(-7), and 10(-6) M Gl, the Pf responded in a dose-dependent manner. The protein kinase A inhibitor H8 blocked the Gl effect. The specific Gl inhibitor, des-His(1)-[Glu(9)] glucagon (10(-7) M), blocked the Gl-stimulated Pf but not the AVP-stimulated Pf. There occurred a partial additional effect between Gl and AVP. The cAMP level was enhanced from the control 1.24 +/- 0.39 to 59.70 +/- 15.18 fm/mg prot after Gl 10(-7) M in an IMCD cell suspension. The immunoblotting studies indicated an increase in AQP2 protein abundance of 27% (cont 100.0 +/- 3.9 vs. Gl 127.53; P = 0.0035) in membrane fractions extracted from IMCD tubule suspension, incubated with 10(-6) M Gl. Our data showed that 1) Gl increased water absorption in a dose-dependent manner; 2) the anti-Gl blocked the action of Gl but not the action of AVP; 3) Gl stimulated the cAMP generation; 4) Gl increased the AQP2 water channel protein expression, leading us to conclude that Gl controls water absorption by utilizing a Gl receptor, rather than a AVP receptor, increasing the AQP2 protein expression.


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In this paper, we construct a dynamic portrait of the inner asteroidal belt. We use information about the distribution of test particles, which were initially placed on a perfectly rectangular grid of initial conditions, after 4.2 Myr of gravitational interactions with the Sun and five planets, from Mars to Neptune. Using the spectral analysis method introduced by Michtchenko et al., the asteroidal behaviour is illustrated in detail on the dynamical, averaged and frequency maps. On the averaged and frequency maps, we superpose information on the proper elements and proper frequencies of real objects, extracted from the data base, AstDyS, constructed by Milani and Knezevic. A comparison of the maps with the distribution of real objects allows us to detect possible dynamical mechanisms acting in the domain under study; these mechanisms are related to mean-motion and secular resonances. We note that the two- and three-body mean-motion resonances and the secular resonances (strong linear and weaker non-linear) have an important role in the diffusive transportation of the objects. Their long-lasting action, overlaid with the Yarkovsky effect, may explain many observed features of the density, size and taxonomic distributions of the asteroids.


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Cytochrome c exhibits two positively charged sites: site A containing lysine residues with high pK(a) values and site L containing ionizable groups with pK(aobs),values around 7.0. This protein feature implies that cytochrome c can participate in the fusion of mitochondria and have its detachment from the inner membrane regulated by cell acidosis and alkalosis. In this study, We demonstrated that both horse and tuna cytochrome c exhibited two types of binding to inner mitochondrial membranes that contributed to respiration: a high-affinity and low-efficiency pi-I-independent binding (microscopic dissociation constant K(sapp2), similar to 10 nM) and a low-affinity and high-efficiency pH-dependent binding that for horse cytochrome c had a pK(a) of similar to 6.7. For tuna cytochrome c (Lys22 and His33 replaced with Asn and Trp, respectively), the effect of pH on K(sapp1), was less striking than for the horse heme protein, and both tuna and horse cytochrome c had closed K(sapp1) values at pH 7.2 and 6.2, respectively. Recombinant mutated cytochrome c H26N and H33N also restored the respiration of the cytochrome c-depleted mitoplast in a pH-dependent manner. Consistently, the detachment of cytochrome c from nondepleted mitoplasts was favored by alkalinization, suggesting that site Lionization influences the participation of cytochrome c in the respiratory chain and apoptosis.


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This work describes the partial oxypropylation of filter paper cellulose fibers, employing two different basic catalyst, viz., potassium hydroxide and 1,4-diazabicyclo [2.2.2] octane, to activate the hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide and thus provide the anionic initiation sites for the ""grafting-from"" polymerization of propylene oxide. The success of this chemical modification was assessed by FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and contact angle measurements. The study of the role of the catalyst employed on the extent of the modification and on the mechanical properties of the ensuing composites, after hot pressing, showed that both the Bronsted and the Lewis base gave satisfactory results, without any marked difference.


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Aim: The mitochondrial uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) is able to lower the proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, thereby uncoupling substrate oxidation from ATP production and dissipating energy as heat. What the effect of endurance training on UCP3 is, is still  controversial. Endurance-trained athletes are characterized by lower levels of UCP3, but longitudinal studies in rodents reported no effect of endurance training on muscular UCP3 levels. Here, we examined the effect of a 2-week training programme on skeletal muscle UCP3 protein content in untrained human subjects, and hypothesized that UCP3 will be reduced after the training programme. Methods: Nine untrained men [age: 23.3±3.2 years; BMI: 22.6±2.6 kg m-2; maximal power output (Wmax): 3.8±0.6 W kg-1 body weight] trained for 2 weeks. Before and at least 72 h after the training period, muscle biopsies were taken for determination of UCP3 protein content. Results: UCP3 protein content tended to be lower after the training programme [95±10 vs. 109±12 arbitrary units (AU), P= 0.08]. Cytochrome c content tended to increase with 33% in response to endurance training (52± 6 vs. 39± 6 AU, P = 0.08). The ratio UCP3 relative to cytochrome c tended to decrease significantly upon endurance training (2.0±0.4 vs. 3.2±0.6 AU, P = 0.01). Conclusion: A short-term (2-week) endurance training programme decreased UCP3 protein levels and significantly reduced the ratio of UCP3 to cytochrome c.


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Objective: To examine the relationship between overweight/obesity in children, socioeconomic status and ethnicity/cultural background.

Design: Cross-sectional survey of children aged 4–13 years.

Setting: A total of 23 primary (elementary) schools in an inner urban municipality of Melbourne, Australia.

Participants: A total of 2685 children aged 4–13 years and their parents.

Main exposure measures: Ethnicity/cultural background – maternal region of birth; socioeconomic position (SEP) indicators – maternal and paternal educational attainment, family employment status, possession of a healthcare card, ability to buy food, indicator of disadvantage (Socioeconomic Index for Areas, SEIFA) score for school; parental weight status.

Main outcome measure: Prevalence of overweight/obesity.

Results: Prevalence of overweight/obesity approached 1 in 3 (31%) in this sample. Prevalence of overweight/obesity was greater for children of both North Africa and Middle Eastern background and children of Southern, South Eastern and Eastern European background compared with children of Australian background. This difference remained after adjusting for age, sex, height, clustering by school, SEP indicators and parental weight status; odds ratio, OR=1.57 (95% confidence interval, CI 1.12–2.19) and 1.88 (95%CI 1.24–2.85), respectively.

Conclusions: There is a clear independent effect of ethnicity above and beyond the effect of socioeconomic status on overweight and obesity in children. Further research is required to explore the mediators of this gradient.