984 resultados para Induced polarization


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An in vitro assay was used to examine the effect of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Yamaguti, 1934 (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) on the polarization response of pronephric leucocytes of carp, Cyprinus carpio. Leucocytes, isolated from naive, naturally-infected fish and carp injected intraperitoneally with cestode extracts, were exposed to parasite extracts (protein concentrations 0-10.0 mu g ml(-1)), for up to 24 h in the presence or absence of carp serum. In general, polarization responses of the pronephric leucocytes, primarily neutrophils and eosinophils, increased with incubation time although there was no significant difference in the response induced by the different protein concentrations. Differences in the polarization response were, however, observed in naive, naturally infected and injected fish and the cells responded differently in the presence and absence of carp serum. In the absence of carp serum the polarization response of pronephric leucocytes in vitro was significantly reduced with cells obtained from injected and naturally infected fish compared with those obtained from naive carp. This suppression of leucocyte migration was however reduced by the addition of carp serum to the in vitro system. The role of this interaction between the possible suppression of polarization induced by the parasite and stimulation by serum is discussed.


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Polarization-resolved edge-emitting electroluminescence (EL) studies of InGaN/GaN MQWs of wavelengths from near-UV (390 nm) to blue (468 nm) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are performed. Although the TE mode is dominant in all the samples of InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs, an obvious difference of light polarization properties is found in the InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs with different wavelengths. The polarization degree decreases from 52.4% to 26.9% when light wavelength increases. Analyses of band structures of InGaN/GaN quantum wells and luminescence properties of quantum dots imply that quantum-dot-like behavior is the dominant reason for the low luminescence polarization degree of blue LEDs, and the high luminescence polarization degree of UV LEDs mainly comes from QW confinement and the strain effect. Therefore, indium induced carrier confinement (quantum-dot-like behavior) might play a major role in the polarization degree change of InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs from near violet to blue.


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Polarization effects in AlGaN/GaN heterojunction are simulated based on a traditional semiconductor device simulator. A delta doping layer is purposely inserted at the interface of the heterojunction in the simulation, so the ionized donors or acceptors can represent polarization-induced positive or negative fixed charges. The free electron distribution of single AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with Ga-face and N-face growth is compared, and the results of the simulation show that carrier confinement takes place only in the former structure. The dependence of sheet density of free electrons at the interface of Ga-face growth AlGaN/GaN on Al composition and the thickness of AlGaN is also investigated. The consistency of simulation results with the experiments and calculations reported by other researchers shows that this method can be effectively used to deal with the polarization effects in the simulation of GaN-based heterojunction devices. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A method for introducing polarization effects in the simulation of GaN-based heterojunction devices is proposed. A delta doping layer is inserted at the interface of heterojunction and the ionized donors or acceptors act as polarization induced fixed charges. Thus polarization effects can be taken into account in a traditional device simulator. Ga-face and N-face single AlGaN/GaN heterostructures are simulated, and the simulation results show that carrier confinement takes place only in the former structure while not in the latter one. The sheet density of free electrons at the interface of Ga-face AlGaN/GaN increases with the Al composition and the thickness of AlGaN. The consistence of simulation results with the experiments and calculations reported elsewhere shows that this method can effectively introduce polarization effects in the simulation of GaN-based heterojunction devices.


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Linearly polarized light at normal incidence injects a spin current into a strip of two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The authors report observation of an electric current when such light is shed on the vincinity of the junction in a crossbar-shaped InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well Rashba system. The polarization dependence of this electric current was experimentally observed to be the same as that of the spin current. The authors attribute the observed electric current to the scattering of the optically injected spin current at the crossing. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The circular polarization of excitonic luminescence is studied in CdTe/Cd1-xMgxTe quantum wells with excess electrons of low density in an external magnetic field. It is observed that the circular polarization of X and X- emissions has opposite signs and is influenced by the excess electron density. If the electron density is relatively high so that the emission intensity of the negatively charged excitons X- is much stronger than that of the neutral excitons X, a stronger circular polarization degree of both X and X- emissions is observed. We find that the circular polarization of both X- and X emissions is caused by the spin polarization of the excess electrons due to the electron-spin-dependent nature of the formation of X-. If the electron density is relatively low and the emission intensity of X- is comparable to that of X, the circular polarization degree of X and X- emissions is considerably smaller. This fact is interpreted as due to a depolarization of the excess electron spins, which is induced by the spin relaxation of X-.


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The electron spin resonance (ESR) is optically detected by monitoring the microwave-induced changes in the circular polarization of the neutral exciton (X) and the negatively charged exciton (X-) emission in CdTe quantum wells with low density of excess electrons. We find that the circular polarization of the X and X- emission is a mapping of the spin polarization of excess electrons. By analyzing the ESR-induced decrease in the circular polarization degree of the X emission, we deduce the microwave-induced electron spin-flip time >0.1 mus, which is much longer than the recombination time of X and X-. This demonstrates that the optically detected ESR in type I quantum wells with low density of excess electrons does not obey the prerequisite for the conventional optically detected magnetic resonance. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate the photoinduced anisotropy of a photochromic material of pyrrylfulgide/PMMA films. It is proven that when the film is illuminated with a linear polarization light, an optical axis that has the same polarization as the excitation light could be induced in the film. A matrix of light spots with different polarizations is recorded on the pyrrylfulgide/PMMA film. When reading out with non-polarization light, the matrix of light spots shows no information of patterns. However, when reading out with different linear polarization lights, different patterns could be observed. The experiment confirms that the pyrrylfulgide/PMMA film could be used to record two different polarization patterns in a matrix of spots. This property may be applied in camouflage technology.


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Recording with both parallel and orthogonal linearly polarized lights, polarization holographic storage in genetic mutant BR-D96N film is reported with both transmission type geometry and reflection type geometry. Polarization properties of diffraction light and scattering light are discussed for two different cases, parallel polarization recording and orthogonal polarization recording. It shows that, compared with recording with parallel polarization lights, orthogonal polarization holography can separate the diffraction light from the scattering noise, therefore improving the signal-to-noise ratio. It also shows that, compared with reconstruction with reference light, reconstruction with phase conjugated wave of the reference light can improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed diffraction image, and also the wave-front aberration of the object light introduced by irregular phase object in the optical pass-way can also be corrected effectively, which ensures that the reconstructed diffraction image has a better fidelity. The preliminary angle-multiplexed volume holographic storage multiplexed by transmission type geometry and reflection type geometry is demonstrated in the BR-D96N film. Experiment shows that there is no cross-talk between the two pages of images except for some scattering noises.


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In this paper, polarization properties and propagation characteristics of polymer photonic crystal fibres with elliptical core and non-hexagonal symmetry structure are investigated by using the full vectorial plane wave method. The results how that the birefringence of the fibreis induced by asymmetries of both the cladding and the core. Moreover, by adjusting the non-symmetrical ratio factor of cladding eta from 0.4 to 1 in step 0.1, we find the optimized design parameters f the fibre with high birefringence and limited polarization mode dispersion, operating in a single mode regime at an appropriate wavelength range. The range of wavelength approaches the visible and near-infrared which is consistent with the communication windows of polymer optical fibres.


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Based upon a hybrid ferromagnet/semiconductor structure consisting of two-dimensional electron gas and a pair of surface ferromagnetic stripes on top, we have theoretically investigated the effect of in-plane stray field omitted frequently in previous studies on the spin-dependent ballistic transport properties in hybrid structure. It is demonstrated here that, in combination with an external-controllable electrostatic modulation, the concerned structure shows a similar function as a lateral spin-polarized resonant tunneling device, where the strong spin-filtering effect occurs and nearly single-mode polarization is anticipated for the proper modulation. More importantly, the spin polarity of transmission electron can be easily transferred from one extreme to the other by switching the magnetization of stripes, showing the promising application as an efficient spin aligner in the developing semiconductor spintronics.


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The structural changes of genomic DNA upon interaction with small molecules have been studied in real time using dual-polarization interferometry (DPI). Native or thermally denatured DNA was immobilized on the silicon oxynitride surface via a preadsorbed poly(ethylenimine) (PEI) layer. The mass loading was similar for both types of DNA, however, native DNA formed a looser and thicker layer due to its rigidity, unlike the more flexible denatured DNA, which mixed with PEI to form a denser and thinner layer. Ethidium bromide (EtBr), a classical intercalator, induced the large thickness decrease and density increase of native DNA (double-stranded), but a slight increase in both the thickness and density of denatured DNA (partial single-stranded).


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We have identified a patient with a number of neutrophil dysfunctions. The patient was a female baby who lived for 8 months. During her life, she developed severe bacterial infections and showed omphalitis, impaired wound healing, and a pronounced leukocytosis. She was not a patient with leukocyte adhesion deficiency, because all leukocyte CD18 complex proteins were expressed at normal levels. Yet, neutrophil polarization and chemotaxis to platelet-activating factor, leukotriene B4, or formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) were completely absent. We found a strong defect in actin polymerization in response to chemotactic stimuli, but only a retarded or even normal reaction with other stimuli. This indicates that the cellular dysfunctions were not due to an intrinsic defect in actin metabolism. Instead, the regulation of actin polymerization with chemotactic stimuli seemed to be defective. We concentrated on FMLP-induced responses in the patient's neutrophils. Functions dependent on activation of complement receptor type 3, such as aggregation or adherence to endothelial cells, were normally induced. Binding to serum-coated coverslips was normal in cell number; however, spreading was not observed. Exocytosis from the specific granules was readily induced. In contrast, FMLP failed to induce a respiratory burst activity or degranulation of the azurophil granules. FMLP induced a normal increase in free intracellular Ca2+, but a decreased formation of diglycerides (especially the 1-O-alkyl,2-acyl compounds). Thus, we have described a patient whose neutrophils show a severe defect in functional activation via chemotaxin receptors, resulting in a selective absence of NADPH oxidase activity, exocytosis from the azurophil granules, and actin polymerization. Our findings show that actin polymerization for neutrophil spreading and locomotion is regulated differently from that for phagocytosis. Also, the release of azurophil and specific granule contents is clearly shown to be regulated in a different way.


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Pulsed-laser deposition has been used to fabricate Au/Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3/SrRuO3/MgO thin film capacitor structures. Crystallographic and microstructural investigations indicated that the Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) had grown epitaxially onto the SrRuO3 lower electrode, inducing in-plane compressive and out- of-plane tensile strain in the BST. The magnitude of strain developed increased systematically as film thickness decreased. At room temperature this composition of BST is paraelectric in bulk. However, polarization measurements suggested that strain had stabilized the ferroelectric state, and that the decrease in film thickness caused an increase in remanent polarization. An increase in the paraelectric-ferroelectric transition temperature upon a decrease in thickness was confirmed by dielectric measurements. Polarization loops were fitted to Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire (LGD) polynomial expansion, from which a second order paraelectric-ferroelectric transition in the films was suggested at a thickness of similar to500 nm. Further, the LGD analysis showed that the observed changes in room temperature polarization were entirely consistent with strain coupling in the system. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigated the sensitivity of low-frequency electrical measurements to microbe-induced metal sulfide precipitation. Three identical sand-packed monitoring columns were used; a geochemical column, an electrical column and a control column. In the first experiment, continuous upward flow of nutrients and metals in solution was established in each column. Cells of Desulfovibrio vulgaris (D. vulgaris) were injected into the center of the geochemical and electrical columns. Geochemical sampling and post-experiment destructive analysis showed that microbial induced sulfate reduction led to metal precipitation on bacteria cells, forming motile biominerals. Precipitation initially occurred in the injection zone, followed by chemotactic migration of D. vulgaris and ultimate accumulation around the nutrient source at the column base. Results from this experiment conducted with metals show (1) polarization anomalies, up to 14 mrad, develop at the bacteria injection and final accumulation areas, (2) the onset of polarization increase occurs concurrently with the onset of lactate consumption, (3) polarization profiles are similar to calculated profiles of the rate of lactate consumption, and (4) temporal changes in polarization and conduction correlate with a geometrical rearrangement of metal-coated bacterial cells. In a second experiment, the same biogeochemical conditions were established except that no metals were added to the flow solution. Polarization anomalies were absent when the experiment was replicated without metals in solution. We therefore attribute the polarization increase observed in the first experiment to a metal-fluid interfacial mechanism that develops as metal sulfides precipitate onto microbial cells and form biominerals. Temporal changes in polarization and conductivity reflect changes in (1) the amount of metal-fluid interfacial area, and (2) the amount of electronic conduction resulting from microbial growth, chemotactic movement and final coagulation. This polarization is correlated with the rate of microbial activity inferred from the lactate concentration gradient, probably via a common total metal surface area effect.