984 resultados para Independent-particle shell model


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Drying is a key processing techniques used in food engineering which demands continual developments on advanced analysis techniques in order to optimize the product and the process. In this regard, plant based materials are a frequent subject of interest where microstructural studies can provide a clearer understanding on the fundamental physical mechanisms involved. In this context, considering numerous challenges of using conventional numerical grid-based modelling techniques, a meshfree particle based model was developed to simulate extreme deformations of plant microstructure during drying. The proposed technique is based on a particle based meshfree method: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and a Discrete Element Method (DEM). A tissue model was developed by aggrading individual cells modelled with SPH-DEM coupled approach by initializing the cells as hexagons and aggregating them to form a tissue. The model also involves a middle lamella resembling real tissues. Using the model, different dried tissue states were simulated with different moisture content, the turgor pressure, and cell wall contraction effects. Compared to the state of the art grid-based microscale plant tissue drying models, the proposed model is capable of simulating plant tissues at lower moisture contents which results in excessive shrinkage and cell wall wrinkling. Model predictions were compared with experimental findings and a fairly good agreement was observed both qualitatively and quantitatively.


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Out-of-plane behaviour of mortared and mortarless masonry walls with various forms of reinforcement, including unreinforced masonry as a base case is examined using a layered shell element based explicit finite element modelling method. Wall systems containing internal reinforcement, external surface reinforcement and intermittently laced reinforced concrete members and unreinforced masonry panels are considered. Masonry is modelled as a layer with macroscopic orthotropic properties; external reinforcing render, grout and reinforcing bars are modelled as distinct layers of the shell element. Predictions from the layered shell model have been validated using several out-of-plane experimental datasets reported in the literature. The model is used to examine the effectiveness of two retrofitting schemes for an unreinforced masonry wall.


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An explicit finite element modelling method is formulated using a layered shell element to examine the behaviour of masonry walls subject to out-of-plane loading. Masonry is modelled as a homogenised material with distinct directional properties that are calibrated from datasets of a “C” shaped wall tested under pressure loading applied to its web. The predictions of the layered shell model have been validated using several out-of-plane experimental datasets reported in the literature. Profound influence of support conditions, aspect ratio, pre-compression and opening to the strength and ductility of masonry walls is exhibited from the sensitivity analyses performed using the model.


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Pion photoproduction processes14Ngs(gamma, pgr +)14C and14Ngs(gamma, pgr –)14O have been studied in the threshold region. These processes provide an excellent tool to study the corrections to soft pion theorems and Kroll-Ruderman limit as applied to nuclear processes. The agreement with the available experimental data for these processes is better with the empirical wave functions while the shell-model wave functions predict a much higher value. Detailed experimental studies of these reactions at threshold, it is shown, are expected to lead to a better understanding of the shell-model inputs and radial distributions in the 1p state. We thank Dr. S.C.K. Nair for a helpful discussion during the initial stages of this work. One of us (MVN) thanks Dr. J.M. Laget for sending some unpublished data on pion photoproduction. He is also thankful to Dr. J. Pasupathy and Dr. R. Rajaraman for their interest and encouragement.


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Raman spectrum of rubidium iodide has been recorded for the first time using the resonance radiation of mercury (λ 2537 ) as the exciter. The frequencies of the 24p limiting modes (p = 2, the number of non-equivalent atoms in the unit cell), postulated by Raman in 1943, which correspond to the frequencies from the critical points Γ, L and X, have been worked out using the shell model of Cochran, taking into account the nearest and the next-nearest neighbour short-range interactions and the polarization of both the ions. The observed Raman lines have been assigned to the overtones and the combinations of the phonon branches from Γ, L and X.


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Hanuman langur is one of the widely distributed and extensively studied non-human diurnal primates in India. Until recently it was believed to be a single species - Semnopithecus entellus. Recent molecular and morphological studies suggest that the Hanuman langurs consists of at least three species S. entellus, S. hypoleucos and S. priam. Furthermore, morphological studies suggested that both S. hypoleucos and S. priam have at least three subspecies in each. We explored the use of ecological niche modeling (ENM) to confirm the validity of these seven taxa and an additional taxon S. johnii belonging to the same genus. MaxEnt modeling tool was used with 19 bioclimatic, 12 vegetation and 6 hydrological environmental layers. We reduced total environmental variables to 14 layers after testing for collinearity and an independent test for model prediction was done using ENMTools. A total of 196 non-overlapping data points from primary and secondary sources were used as inputs for ENM. Results showed eight distinct ecological boundaries, corroborating the eight taxa mentioned above thereby confirming validity of these eight taxa. The study, for the first time provided ecological variables that determined the ecological requirements and distribution of members of the Hanuman langur species complex in the Indian peninsula.


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Hanuman langur is one of the widely distributed and extensively studied non-human diurnal primates in India. Until recently it was believed to be a single species - Semnopithecus entellus. Recent molecular and morphological studies suggest that the Hanuman langurs consists of at least three species S. entellus, S. hypoleucos and S. priam. Furthermore, morphological studies suggested that both S. hypoleucos and S. priam have at least three subspecies in each. We explored the use of ecological niche modeling (ENM) to confirm the validity of these seven taxa and an additional taxon S. johnii belonging to the same genus. MaxEnt modeling tool was used with 19 bioclimatic, 12 vegetation and 6 hydrological environmental layers. We reduced total environmental variables to 14 layers after testing for collinearity and an independent test for model prediction was done using ENMTools. A total of 196 non-overlapping data points from primary and secondary sources were used as inputs for ENM. Results showed eight distinct ecological boundaries, corroborating the eight taxa mentioned above thereby confirming validity of these eight taxa. The study, for the first time provided ecological variables that determined the ecological requirements and distribution of members of the Hanuman langur species complex in the Indian peninsula.


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The plastic collapse response of aluminium egg-box panels subjected to out-of-plane compression has been measured and modelled. It is observed that the collapse strength and energy absorption are sensitive to the level of in-plane constraint, with collapse dictated either by plastic buckling or by a travelling plastic knuckle mechanism. Drop weight tests have been performed at speeds of up to 6 m s-1, and an elevation in strength with impact velocity is noted. A 3D finite element shell model is needed in order to reproduce the observed behaviours. Additional calculations using an axisymmetric finite element model give the correct collapse modes but are less accurate than the more sophisticated 3D model. The finite element simulations suggest that the observed velocity dependence of strength is primarily due to strain-rate sensitivity of the aluminium sheet, with material inertia playing a negligible role. Finally, it is shown that the energy absorption capacity of the egg-box material is comparable to that of metallic foams. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider a straight cylindrical duct with a steady subsonic axial flow and a reacting boundary (e.g. an acoustic lining). The wave modes are separated into ordinary acoustic duct modes, and surface modes confined to a small neighbourhood of the boundary. Many researchers have used a mass-spring-damper boundary model, for which one surface mode has previously been identified as a convective instability; however, we show the stability analysis used in such cases to be questionable. We investigate instead the stability of the surface modes using the Briggs-Bers criterion for a Flügge thin-shell boundary model. For modest frequencies and wavenumbers the thin-shell has an impedance which is effectively that of a mass-spring-damper, although for the large wavenumbers needed for the stability analysis the thin-shell and mass-spring-damper impedances diverge, owing to the thin shell's bending stiffness. The thin shell model may therefore be viewed as a regularization of the mass-spring-damper model which accounts for nonlocally-reacting effects. We find all modes to be stable for realistic thin-shell parameters, while absolute instabilities are demonstrated for extremely thin boundary thicknesses. The limit of vanishing bending stiffness is found to be a singular limit, yielding absolute instabilities of arbitrarily large temporal growth rate. We propose that the problems with previous stability analyses are due to the neglect of something akin to bending stiffness in the boundary model. Our conclusion is that the surface mode previously identified as a convective instability may well be stable in reality. Finally, inspired by Rienstra's recent analysis, we investigate the scattering of an acoustic mode as it encounters a sudden change from a hard-wall to a thin-shell boundary, using a Wiener-Hopf technique. The thin-shell is considered to be clamped to the hard-wall. The acoustic mode is found to scatter into transmitted and reflected acoustic modes, and surface modes strongly linked to the solid waves in the boundary, although no longitudinal or transverse waves within the boundary are excited. Examples are provided that demonstrate total transmission, total reflection, and a combination of the two. This thin-shell scattering problem is preferable to the mass-spring-damper scattering problem presented by Rienstra, since the thin-shell problem is fully determined and does not need to appeal to a Kutta-like condition or the inclusion of an instability in order to avoid a surface-streamline cusp at the boundary change.


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Concrete is heterogeneous and usually described as a three-phase material, where matrix, aggregate and interface are distinguished. To take this heterogeneity into consideration, the Generalized Beam (GB) lattice model is adopted. The GB lattice model is much more computationally efficient than the beam lattice model. Numerical procedures of both quasi-static method and dynamic method are developed to simulate fracture processes in uniaxial tensile tests conducted on a concrete panel. Cases of different loading rates are compared with the quasi-static case. It is found that the inertia effect due to load increasing becomes less important and can be ignored with the loading rate decreasing, but the inertia effect due to unstable crack propagation remains considerable no matter how low the loading rate is. Therefore, an unrealistic result will be obtained if a fracture process including unstable cracking is simulated by the quasi-static procedure.


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In order to develop the ultra-large scale integration(ULSI), low pressure and high density plasma apparatus are required for etching and deposit of thin films. To understand critical parameters such as the pressure, temperature, electrostatic potential and energy distribution of ions impacting on the wafer, it is necessary to understand how these parameters are influenced by the power input and neutral gas pressure. In the present work, a 2-D hybrid electron fluid-particle ion model has been developed to simulate one of the high density plasma sources-an Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) plasma system with various pressures and power inputs in a non-uniform magnetic field. By means of numerical simulation, the energy distributions of argon ion impacting on the wafer are obtained and the plasma density, electron temperature and plasma electrostatic potential are plotted in 3-D. It is concluded that the plasma density depends mainly on both the power input and neutral gas pressure. However, the plasma potential and electron temperature can hardly be affected by the power input, they seem to be primarily dependent on the neutral gas pressure. The comparison shows that the simulation results are qualitatively in good agreement with the experiment measurements.


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The small-scale motions relevant to the collision of heavy particles represent a general challenge to the conventional large-eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent particle-laden flows. As a first step toward addressing this challenge, we examine the capability of the LES method with an eddy viscosity subgrid scale (SGS) model to predict the collision-related statistics such as the particle radial distribution function at contact, the radial relative velocity at contact, and the collision rate for a wide range of particle Stokes numbers. Data from direct numerical simulation (DNS) are used as a benchmark to evaluate the LES using both a priori and a posteriori tests. It is shown that, without the SGS motions, LES cannot accurately predict the particle-pair statistics for heavy particles with small and intermediate Stokes numbers, and a large relative error in collision rate up to 60% may arise when the particle Stokes number is near St_K=0.5. The errors from the filtering operation and the SGS model are evaluated separately using the filtered-DNS (FDNS) and LES flow fields. The errors increase with the filter width and have nonmonotonic variations with the particle Stokes numbers. It is concluded that the error due to filtering dominates the overall error in LES for most particle Stokes numbers. It is found that the overall collision rate can be reasonably predicted by both FDNS and LES for St_K>3. Our analysis suggests that, for St_K<3, a particle SGS model must include the effects of SGS motions on the turbulent collision of heavy particles. The spectral analysis of the concentration fields of the particles with different Stokes numbers further demonstrates the important effects of the small-scale motions on the preferential concentration of the particles with small Stokes numbers.


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This study examines the kinetics of carbonation by CO2 at temperatures of ca. 750 °C of a synthetic sorbent composed of 15 wt% mayenite (Ca12Al14O33) and CaO, designated HA-85-850, and draws comparisons with the carbonation of a calcined limestone. In-situ XRD has verified the inertness of mayenite, which neither interacts with the active CaO nor does it significantly alter the CaO carbonation–calcination equilibrium. An overlapping grain model was developed to predict the rate and extent of carbonation of HA-85-850 and limestone. In the model, the initial microstructure of the sorbent was defined by a discretised grain size distribution, assuming spherical grains. The initial input to the model – the size distribution of grains – was a fitted parameter, which was in good agreement with measurements made with mercury porosimetry and by the analysis of SEM images of sectioned particles. It was found that the randomly overlapping spherical grain assumption offered great simplicity to the model, despite its approximation to the actual porous structure within a particle. The model was able to predict the performance of the materials well and, particularly, was able to account for changes in rate and extent of reaction as the structure evolved after various numbers of cycles of calcination and carbonation.


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This study examines the kinetics of carbonation by CO 2 at temperatures of ca. 750°C of a synthetic sorbent composed of 15wt% mayenite (Ca 12Al 14O 33) and CaO, designated HA-85-850, and draws comparisons with the carbonation of a calcined limestone. In-situ XRD has verified the inertness of mayenite, which neither interacts with the active CaO nor does it significantly alter the CaO carbonation-calcination equilibrium. An overlapping grain model was developed to predict the rate and extent of carbonation of HA-85-850 and limestone. In the model, the initial microstructure of the sorbent was defined by a discretised grain size distribution, assuming spherical grains. The initial input to the model - the size distribution of grains - was a fitted parameter, which was in good agreement with measurements made with mercury porosimetry and by the analysis of SEM images of sectioned particles. It was found that the randomly overlapping spherical grain assumption offered great simplicity to the model, despite its approximation to the actual porous structure within a particle. The model was able to predict the performance of the materials well and, particularly, was able to account for changes in rate and extent of reaction as the structure evolved after various numbers of cycles of calcination and carbonation. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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We present a new shell model and an accompanying discretisation scheme that is suitable for thin and thick shells. The deformed configuration of the shell is parameterised using the mid-surface position vector and an additional shear vector for describing the out-of-plane shear deformations. In the limit of vanishing thickness, the shear vector is identically zero and the Kirchhoff-Love model is recovered. Importantly, there are no compatibility constraints to be satisfied by the shape functions used for discretising the mid-surface and the shear vector. The mid-surface has to be interpolated with smooth C 1-continuous shape functions, whereas the shear vector can be interpolated with C 0-continuous shape functions. In the present paper, the mid-surface as well as the shear vector are interpolated with smooth subdivision shape functions. The resulting finite elements are suitable for thin and thick shells and do not exhibit shear locking. The good performance of the proposed formulation is demonstrated with a number of linear and geometrically non-linear plate and shell examples. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.