816 resultados para Inc. 5000


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A proposta deste trabalho é criar um Jogo de Tabuleiro Empresarial voltado para a capacitação de profissionais de micro e pequenas empresas em comunicação, juntamente com a aluna de Design da Unesp - Bauru, Tatiana Kurokawa Hasimoto. Observando o poder dessa ferramenta em outras áreas do conhecimento (como administração e empreendedorismo) exploramos o potencial da área de comunicação para a criação de um Jogo de Tabuleiro Empresarial, voltado para a capacitação e seleção. O trabalho tem como base um mapeamento de microempresas da cidade de Bauru, realizado pelo Núcleo de Opinião da UNESP, coordenado pela Profª Drª Célia Maria Retz Godoy dos Santos, onde foi possível perceber a falta de conhecimento sobre a área de comunicação por essas empresas. O objetivo é mostrar a importância da comunicação e principalmente como o profissional de Relações Públicas pode atuar nessas empresas


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Academics across the country are having an allergic reaction to the corporate model of operation being adopted by many universities. Terms like branding, collateral materials, budget controls, marketing strategies, and outcomes are causing a panic among faculty who believe that a customer satisfaction approach to higher education is anti-intellectual and that it leads to grade inflation, teaching toward evaluations, and learning as product, not process. Honors programs in particular, often the standard bearers of undergraduate academic standards, are being asked to market themselves not only to the top prospective students, but also to the university administration at large. Honors is frequently the default focus group expected to show the rest of the university programs and departments ‘How it is done,’ or rather, ‘How it is done according to standard.’ By ‘it,’ of course, I mean marketing our curriculum, selling our program, and branding our product.


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It’s a pleasure to be able to speak with you today. I want you to know that Virginia and I are delighted to be in Nebraska. And I’m especially happy to have arrived in the state at a time where I can, on my 7th day on the job, learn so much about UNL just by reading the state’s largest newspaper.


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Good morning! On behalf of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources representatives here this morning, I want to express our very real pleasure in being with you, and our very great appreciation of all that you do. We in the Institute value the Agriculture Builders of Nebraska highly. Your support for our work and the wise counsel of ABN members has been invaluable to me personally since my arrival in Nebraska, and I know that is true of the entire Institute, as well. In fact, the thoughtful perspective and the confidential advice of the ABN Executive Committee in the recent third-round of budget cutting decisions we faced in the Institute helped me work through what we had to do in that very, very difficult round of cuts.


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There’s a story that a construction foreman one day noticed one of his workers pushing his wheelbarrow upside down around the work site. “Hey,” the foreman shouted, “turn that thing right side up!” The man with the wheelbarrow looked at him in surprise. “Don’t be silly,” he said. “Every time I do that, they put bricks in it!” I think of that story sometimes, in the midst of these difficult economic times, as our states, its people, and its university, in turn, wrestle with budge cuts. Wouldn’t it be great if we all could just turn our wheelbarrows over and say, “No thanks, no more brick! No more heavy loads to haul!”


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What a pleasure it is to be with you here this morning! And How startling it is to realize a whole year has passed since we last gathered at this meeting. So much has occurred in that year.


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Those of us in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at your land-grant university view ourselves as partners with Nebraska. Taking the resources of this great university to the citizens of our state is a mission we take very, very seriously. We work hard to apply the university's resources in a diverse number of ways to benefit Nebraska. Today it is my very great pleasure to have this opportunity to provide a brief report to you, our partners, on some of the ways we are returning your investment in us to benefit our state.


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It's such a pleasure to be here with you this morning. Each year I look forward to this opportunity to visit with you, to hear your thoughts, to thank you for all you do for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and for the University of Nebraska. We truly appreciate your support and your hard work on our behalf. I think Nebraska is extremely fortunate to have ABN at work in our state.


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Let me start today by saying thank you. Thank you, each of you, for your strong support of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the University of Nebraska.


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Good morning! There's a lot of information I want to share with you in a short amount of time, so I'm going to get right to it.


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[ES] Numerosos depósitos de caída de cenizas volcánicas se presentan en las series del Cuaternario superior del noroeste de Argentina, relacionados con erupciones de múltiples volcanes de la Zona Volcánica Central (ZVC) de los Andes. Sin embargo, cuando se considera sólo el holoceno, destacan una serie de depósitos muy discontinuos pero de potencias decimétricas a métricas de naturaleza riolítica en regiones localizadas hasta más de 400 km de los posibles focos volcánicos ubicados en los Andes. La investigación en curso ha permitido verificar que estos depósitos corresponden a una gran erupción del Complejo Volcánico de Cerro Blanco (CVCB) que tuvo lugar hace unos 4200 años y cuyo índice de explosividad volcánica o VEI sería de 7 (en una escala de 0-8). Con un volumen de ~110 km3 de ceniza y un área afectada de ~440.000 km2, es la mayor erupción de los últimos cinco milenios en la ZVC de los Andes. Por otra parte, las implicaciones de los resultados que se están obteniendo van mucho más allá de disponer de un excelente marcador cronoestratigráfico para reconstruir la historia geológica holocena de una extensa área del Cono Sur. La interacción de las cenizas con el viento y el agua en las grandes cuencas hidrológicas afectadas debió movilizar enormes cantidades tanto de material particulado como de elementos químicos a la Llanura Chacopampeana. Cómo impactó esta erupción sobre los registros medioambientales, palinológicos, faunísticos y arqueológicos son aspectos que se están desarrollando en la actualidad. Esta investigación se realiza en el marco del Proyecto QUECA (MINECO CGL2011-23307).


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Tesi rivolta allo studio del comportamento di Google Inc. nel campo delle lobby, in America ed in Europa: quanto investe nell'attività di lobbying, quali leggi vuole far approvare, perché è interessata a quel disegno di legge, differenze tra lobby americane ed europee e difficoltà incontrate in Europa.


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Frazier reviews The Great Pictorial History of World Crime by Jay Robert Nash.


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Three different fissure preparation procedures were tested and compared to the non-invasive approach using a conventional unfilled sealant and a flowable composite. Eighty permanent molars were selected and divided into 4 groups of 20 teeth each. All the teeth were split into 2 halves, and the exposed fissures were photographed under a microscope (35x) before and after being prepared using the following methods: (I) Er:YAG laser (KEY Laser, KaVo) 600 mJ pulse energy, 6 Hz; (II) diamond bur; (III) Er: YAG laser (KEY Laser, KaVo) 200 mJ pulse energy, 4 Hz; (IV) Control group: Powder jet cleaner (Prophyflex, KaVo, Germany). The pre-and postimages were superimposed in order to evaluate the amount of hard tissue removed. Ten teeth in each group were then acid etched and sealed with an unfilled sealant (Delton opaque, Dentsply), while the remaining 10 teeth were acid etched, primed and bonded (Prime ; Bond NT, Dentsply) and sealed with a flowable composite (X-flow, DeTrey, Dentsply). Material penetration and microleakage were evaluated after thermocycling (5000 cycles) and staining with methylene blue 5%. ANOVA and Mann-Whitney tests were applied for statistical analysis. The laser 600 mJ and bur eliminated the greatest amount of hard tissue. The control teeth presented the least microleakage when sealed with Delton or X-flow. A correlation between material penetration and microleakage could not be statistically confirmed. Mechanical preparation prior to fissure sealing did not enhance the final performance of the sealant.