955 resultados para Impregnated Filter-paper
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Neste trabalho foi avaliado o desempenho de filtros para dióxido de nitrogênio, buscando evitar perdas durante a amostragem de sulfetos orgânicos, provocadas por oxidantes atmosféricos. Diferentes compostos e misturas foram usadas para recobrir superfícies sólidas empregadas na preparação destes filtros. Um sistema automatizado de análise em fluxo foi utilizado para comparar a eficiência de retenção de dióxido de nitrogênio pelos filtros. Entre os materiais testados na preparação dos filtros, as melhores escolhas foram papel ou lã de vidro impregnados com a mistura de sulfato de ferro (II), ácido sulfúrico e ácido pirogalico e ainda os filtros feitos de papel impregnados com trietanolamina. Os resultados obtidos em laboratório com mistura de gás padrão de dimetilsulfeto e experimentos em campo confirmaram a qualidade dos filtros e indicaram que eles podem ser utilizados para evitar a oxidação de sulfetos orgânicos durante a sua amostragem.
O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o efeito do resíduo do chá preto como substrato na produção de mudas de alface, tomate e pepino. Para tal, foram conduzidos testes de germinação e ensaios de crescimento empregando, respectivamente, extrato aquoso e diferentes tipos de resíduo. Nos testes de germinação, sementes de alface, tomate e pepino foram colocadas em bandejas sobre papel de filtro umedecido com água ou extrato aquoso na concentração de 1, 5 e 10%. Nos ensaios de crescimento, sementes das mesmas espécies foram colocadas em bandejas contendo: 1. vermiculita; 2. resíduo decomposto mais vermiculita; 3. resíduo decomposto e 4. resíduo bruto lavado mais vermiculita. O resíduo decomposto foi obtido após processo de decomposição do resíduo bruto e o resíduo bruto lavado foi obtido a partir da lavagem do resíduo bruto em água. Nos testes de germinação e ensaios de crescimento, foi adotado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições com 30 sementes cada. Os resultados indicaram que o extrato aquoso inibiu a germinação das sementes e o crescimento das plântulas de alface, tomate e penino. O uso do resíduo bruto lavado mais vermiculita reduziu a emergência das plântulas. O resíduo decomposto e o resíduo decomposto mais vermiculita estimularam a emergência e o crescimento das plântulas. O processo de decomposição tornou viável a utilização do resíduo da indústria de chá preto como substrato para produção de mudas de hortaliças.
Foram estudados os efeitos de substâncias reguladoras de crescimento, bem como do nitrato de potássio (KNO3), na germinação de sementes do limão 'volkameriano' (Citrus volkameriana Pasq.). O experimento foi realizado em germinador, contendo papel de filtro umedecido com água destilada e gerbox, como meio para a germinação das sementes. Estas foram retiradas de frutas maduras, lavadas, secas à sombra e armazenadas durante 101 dias em câmara fria. Logo após, foram tratadas com os fitorreguladores e o KNO3 por 24 horas, conforme os tratamentos: H2O; 50 mg/l de GA3; 250 mg/l de GA3; 50 mg/l de GA4 + GA7 + fenilmetilaminopurina; 100 mg/l de GA4 + GA7 + fenilmetilaminopurina; 20 mg/lde fenilmetilaminopurina; 40 mg/lde fenilmetilaminopurina e 0,2% de KNO3. As avaliações foram realizadas depois de 15 dias da semeadura, sendo o intervalo de 2 dias. Através da análise estatística dos resultados obtidos, foi possível concluir que no tratamento com 50 mg/lde GA4 + GA7 + fenilmetilaminopurina houve a maior porcentagem de germinação (89,00%) de sementes, num menor tempo médio (22,29 dias).
Foram avaliados os efeitos de fitorreguladores (giberelinas e citocininas) e nitrato de potássio (KNO3), na germinação de sementes e na promoção do crescimento de seedlings do porta-enxerto 'Nasnaran' (Citrus amblycarpa Ochese). Realizou-se primeiramente o experimento em germinador, contendo papel de filtro umedecido com água destilada e gerbox, como meio para a germinação das sementes. Os tratamentos foram realizados mediante imersão das sementes, em soluções preparadas com os fítorreguladores e KNO3, durante 24 horas. Através dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que o tratamento com 100 mg/1 de GA4 + GA7 + fenilmetilaminopurina, apresentou a maior porcentagem de germinação (88%), num tempo médio de 21 dias. Tomando como base o resultado do germinador, sementes de Citrus amblycarpa foram semeadas em canteiros e quando as plantas atingiram a altura de 6,0 cm receberam 2 pulverizações com 0; 50; 100 e 150 mg/1 de GA4 + GA7 + fenilmetilami-nopurina, com intervalo de 21 dias. Avaliou-se a matéria seca total, caule e folhas, área foliar e altura das plantas, sendo que a análise desses parâmetros mostrou que o GA4 + GA7 + fenilmetUaminopurina na concentração de 50 mg/1 foi o tratamento que apresentou os melhores resultados.
Effect of water potential on germination of seeds of Slylosanthes guianensis (Aubl.) Sw. To evaluate the water potential effect on germination of S. guianensis two experiments were performed.The first one used osmotic pre-treatment in the imbibition phase and after this period (14 h) the seeds were germinated on filter paper moistened with distilled water. In the second experiment, besides the imbibition phase, seeds were kept in a range of water potentials during all the process. The potentials ranged from 0 to -18 bars, with 3 bars increments, induced by mannitol or by polyethylene glycol. Each treatment was replicated 3 times with 100 seeds per replication. The seeds pre-treated during imbibition had high germination percentage, the highest being the ones in polhyetylene glycol. In the second experiment the polyethylene glycol solutions reduced dramatically the germination percentage in relation to mannitol. From -12 bars on germination ceased in the polyethylene glycol treatments, while in mannitol solution there was 52,67% of germination, in the same water potential.
In this report an analytical method to determine furosemide by using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy is presented. This study shows that this technique can give quantitative results using spot test analysis, particularly in the case of pharmaceuticals containing furosemide. The color spot test could be obtained by reaction between furosemide with p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde, in acid medium. This reaction produced a stable complex on filter paper after heating to 80degreesC for 5 min. All reflectance measurements were carried out at 585 nm and the linear range was from 7.56 x 10(-3) to 6.05 x 10(-2) mol l(-1), with a correlation coefficient of 0.999. The limit of detection was estimated to be 2.49 x 10(-3) mol l(-1) (R.S.D. = 1.7%) and the effect of common excipients on the reflectance measurements was evaluated. The method was applied to determine furosemide in commercial brands of pharmaceuticals. The results obtained by the proposed method were favorably compared with those of the official method, showing for the first time ever that quantitative spot test analysis by diffuse reflectance could be successfully used to determine furosemide in tablets. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is one of the most applied herbicides around the world to control broad leave herbs in many crops: In this study, a method was developed for simultaneous extraction and determination of 2,4D and its major transformation product, i.e., the 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP), in soil samples. The herbicide and its degradation product were extracted twice from soil samples, after acidification, by dichloromethane on ultrasound system for 1 h. Both extracts were combined and filtrated in qualitative filter paper and Celitee. The total extract was concentrated in rotatory evaporator, dried under N-2 and finally dissolved in 1 ml of methanol. High Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV detection at 230 nm was used for analysis. Recoveries were obtained from soil samples fortified at 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 mg kg(-1) levels and the results varied from 85 to 111% (for 2,4-D) and from 95 to 98% (for 2,4-DCP). For both compounds, the limits of quantification were 0.1 mg kg(-1), which were the loss level at which the accuracy and the precision were studied. Nevertheless, the limits of detection, calculated by considering the blank standard deviation and the minimum concentration level, were 0.03 and 0.02 mg kg for 2,4-D and 2,4-DCP, respectively. This proposed method was applied to soil samples of eucalyptus crops, which was previously treated with the herbicide. Despite that, neither 2,4-D nor its degradation product were detected 30 days after the herbicide application. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
This in vitro study evaluated the cytotoxic effects of a restorative resin composite applied to an immortalized odontoblast-cell line (MDPC-23). Seventy-two round resin discs (2-mm thick and 4 mm in diameter) were light-cured for 20 or 40 seconds and rinsed, or not, with PBS and culture medium. The resin discs were divided into four experimental groups: Group 1: Z-100/20 seconds; Group 2: Z-100/20 seconds/rinsed; Group 3: Z100/40 seconds; Group 4: Z-100/40 seconds/rinsed. Circular filter paper was used as a control material (Group 5). The round resin discs and filter papers were placed in the bottom of wells of four 24-well dishes (18 wells for each experimental and control group). MDPC-23 cells (30,000 cells/cm(2)) were plated in the wells and allowed to incubate for 72 hours. The zone of inhibition around the resin discs was measured under inverted light microscopy; the MTT assay was carried out for mitochondrial respiration and cell morphology was measured under SEM. The scores obtained from inhibition zone and MTT assay were analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis followed by Dunnett tests. In Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, the thickness of the inhibition zone was 1,593 +/- 12.82 mum, 403 +/- 15.49 mum, 1,516 +/- 9.81 mum and 313 +/- 13.56 mum, respectively. There was statistically significant difference among the experimental and control groups at the 0.05 level of significance. The MTT assay demonstrated that the resin discs of the experimental groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 reduced the cell metabolism by 83%, 40.1%, 75.5% and 24.5%. Only between the Groups 2 and 4 was there no statistically significant difference for mitochondrial respiration. Close to the resin discs, the MDPC-23 cells exhibited rounded shapes, with only a few cellular processes keeping the cells attached to the substrate or, even disruption of plasma membrane. Adjacent to the inhibition zone, the cultured cells exhibited multiple fine cellular processes on the cytoplasmic membrane organized in epithelioid nodules, similar to the morphology observed to the control group. Based on the results, the authors may conclude that the Z-100 resin composite light cured for 20 seconds was more cytopathic to MDPC-23 cells than Z-100 light cured for 40 seconds. The cytotoxic effects of the resin discs decreased after rinsing them with PBS and culture medium. This was confirmed by MTT assay and upon evaluation of the inhibition zone, which was narrower following rinsing of the resin discs.
The objective of this study was to test a device developed to improve the functionality, accuracy and precision of the original technique for sweating rate measurements proposed by Schleger and Turner [Schleger AV, Turner HG (1965) Aust J Agric Res 16:92-106]. A device was built for this purpose and tested against the original Schleger and Turner technique. Testing was performed by measuring sweating rates in an experiment involving six Mertolenga heifers subjected to four different thermal levels in a climatic chamber. The device exhibited no functional problems and the results obtained with its use were more consistent than with the Schleger and Turner technique. There was no difference in the reproducibility of the two techniques (same accuracy), but measurements performed with the new device had lower repeatability, corresponding to lower variability and, consequently, to higher precision. When utilizing this device, there is no need for physical contact between the operator and the animal to maintain the filter paper discs in position. This has important advantages: the animals stay quieter, and several animals can be evaluated simultaneously. This is a major advantage because it allows more measurements to be taken in a given period of time, increasing the precision of the observations and diminishing the error associated with temporal hiatus (e.g., the solar angle during field studies). The new device has higher functional versatility when taking measurements in large-scale studies (many animals) under field conditions. The results obtained in this study suggest that the technique using the device presented here could represent an advantageous alternative to the original technique described by Schleger and Turner.
Angelonia salicariifolia is an herbaceous perennial native to Brazil with ornamental potential as garden plant, cut-flower and potted plant. It has blue flowers 1.0 to 1.4 cm long, in 10-30 cm long terminal racemes. In previous studies seeds of A. salicariifolia showed a positive photoblastic behavior under constant temperatures of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C. The present study evaluated the effects of growth regulators (100, 200, 300, 400, 500 mg L-1 of gibberellic acid and 2.25, 11.3, 22.5 mg L-1 of 6-benzylamino-purine) and potassium nitrate (0.2 and 1.0 %) on promoting its seed germination. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with six replications of 25 seeds, for each treatment. Seeds from dehiscent capsules were sown on one layer of filter paper and moistened with growth regulators or KNO3 solutions. Germination was carried out at 25 degrees C +/- 1 degrees C, under continuous light or darkness. Germination (protusion of the radicle) was observed daily for 20 days. In the dark, only gibberellic acid promoted seed germination. The percentage of germination and the speed of germination index at 400 mg L-1 (47.3%; 0.86) and 500 mg L-1 (52.0%; 0.95) were significantly higher compared to 100 mg L-1 (27.8%; 0.38) and 200 mg L-1 (32.3%; 0.49). The mean germination time at 500 mg L-1 (10.0 days) was significantly smaller compared to 100 mg L-1 (11.9 days) and 200 mg L-1 (11.5 days). Under light, treatments did not differ among each other or from the control, except for 22.5 mg L-1 of 6-benzylamino-purine and potassium nitrate (1.0%), which decreased the percentage of germination and the speed of germination index compared to control. The application of growth regulators or potassium nitrate under light condition is not necessary, since these treatments did not improve germination percentage or the speed of germination index.
Objectives: Evaluate the cytotoxic effect of the three dental adhesive systems. Methods: The immortalized mouse odontoblast cell line (MDPC-23) was plated (30,000 cell/cm 2) in 24 well dishes, allowed to grow for 72 h, and counted under inverted light microscopy. Uncured fresh adhesives were added to culture medium to simulate effects of unset adhesive. Three adhesives systems were applied for 120 min to cells in six wells for each group: Group 1) Single Bond (3M), Group 2) Prime & Bond 2.1 (Dentsply), and Group 3) Syntac Sprint (Vivadent). In the control group, PBS was added to fresh medium. The cell number was counted again and the cell morphology was assessed under SEM. In addition, the adhesive systems were applied to circles of filter paper, light-cured for 20 s, and placed in the bottom of 24 wells (six wells for each experimental materials and control group). MDPC-23 cells were plated (30,000 cell/cm 2) in the wells and allowed to incubate for 72 h. The zone of inhibition around the filter papers was measured under inverted light microscopy; cell morphology was evaluated under SEM; and the MTT assay was performed for mitochondrial respiration. Results: The fresh adhesives exhibited more toxic (cytopathic effects) to MDPC-23 cells than polymerized adhesives on filter papers, and as compared to the control group. The cytopathic effect of the adhesive systems occurred in the inhibition zone around the filter papers, which was confirmed by the MTT assay and statistical analysis (ANOVA) combined with Fisher's PLSD test. In the control group, MDPC-23 cells were dense on the plastic substrate and were in contact with the filter paper. In the experimental groups, when acid in the adhesive systems was removed by changing the culture medium, or when the adhesives were light-cured, some cells grew in the wells in spite of the persistent cytotoxic effect. Significance: All dentin adhesive systems were cytotoxic odontoblast-like cells. Both acidity and non-acidic components of these systems were responsible for the high cytopathic effect of those dental materials. © 1999 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To evaluate the quantity of Mitomycin C discharged from different materials with the same size, potentially used in the application of this medicine accessible in the surgery center of an Universitarian Hospital. Material and Method: It was studied 20 fragments with 5 to 5mm, from each 5 materials: Lyostypt, Weck sponge, absorbable cloth which is used to clean, cotton plate and of cotton swab concerning the saturation capacity and the quantity of mitomicyn discharged. In the first stage, it was studied the saturation capacity from each material. In the second stage, it was applied 0,1 ml solution of Mitomicyn C (0,5 mg/ml) and it was measured the biggest discharge halo in the filter paper and the discharged quantity (the difference between the weight before and after the medicine discharge). Results: The absorveble capacity from each material varied from 0,144 ml (absorbable cloth) to 0,216 ml Weck sponge. The discharge of Mitomicyn C was varied too, the biggest was the cotton plate and absorbable cloth. The Weck sponge and the cotton (of cotton swab) discharges the same quantity. Conclusion: The different materials discharged different quantities of Mitomicyn C. This can explain the different results of the trabeculectomy with Mitomicyn C. The surveys must inform not only the material used to apply the mitomycin C but the volume used too. Because the same values of mitomycin C liberation, cotton may substitute Weck sponje in trabeculectomy.
Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville (barbatimão), belonging to Mimosaceae family; it is used as ornamental and the wood is used in civil buildings, edification in wet places, lathe and joinery jobs, being very used also in home-made medicine against hemorrhage, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, injury cleaning, uterus hemorrhage, ulcerous hurt and excessive oily skin. The objective of this research was to determine the allelopathic potential of an aqueous extract, boiled or not of S. adstringens (Mart.) Coville, in the Cucumis sativus germination and initial development. Thus, the aqueous vegetable extract was extracted from the shoot, which was triturated in 1L of distilled water to 100g of leaf, being the extract filtrated and separated in boiled and not boiled. The treatments used were distilled water (0%) and boiled and not boiled extracts, in the concentrations of 50 and 100%. The cucumber seeds were put to germinate in Gerbox, having filter paper as substrate, which was wet with 25mL from different treatments, in constant temperature of 25°C. The reading germination was accomplished in breaks of 24 hours, for a period of five consequently days after the beginning of the experiment, considering germinated the seeds that showed 2mm of root, approximately. To dry matter determination, the seedlings with five days after the germination were separated in shoot and root, dried during three days to a constant weight in a 60°C forced draft oven. Through results, it can be concluded that the extract of S. adstringens affected more the Cucumis sativus seedling development than the germination, and it didn't show difference if boiled or not.
This paper describes a very simple and rapid quantitative reflectance spot test procedure for the determination of methyldopa in pharmaceutical formulations. This method is based on the complexation reaction of methyldopa with molybdate ions yielding a yellow stable complex on filter paper. Reflectance measurements were carried out at 410 nm. Under optimal conditions, the calibration graphs obtained for methyldopa by plotting the optical density of the reflectance signal (A R) vs. the log of the concentration were linear from 6.30 × 10 -3 to 1.89 × 10 -2 mol L -1, with a correlation coefficient of 0.998. The detection limit was 2.74 × 10 -3 mol L -1 (R.S.D. = 1.02%) for methyldopa. The common excipients used as additives in pharmaceuticals do not interfere in the proposed method. The method was applied to determine metyldopa in commercial pharmaceutical formulations. The results obtained by the proposed method compare favorably with those obtained by an official procedure at 95% confidence level. ©2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.