984 resultados para Imposition (Printing)


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This paper presents the results of a packaging process based on the stencil printing of isotropic conductive adhesives (ICAs) that form the interconnections of flip-chip bonded electronic packages. Ultra-fine pitch (sub-100-mum), low temperature (100degC), and low cost flip-chip assembly is demonstrated. The article details recent advances in electroformed stencil manufacturing that use microengineering techniques to enable stencil fabrication at apertures sizes down to 20mum and pitches as small as 30mum. The current state of the art for stencil printing of ICAs and solder paste is limited between 150-mum and 200-mum pitch. The ICAs-based interconnects considered in this article have been stencil printed successfully down to 50-mum pitch with consistent printing demonstrated at 90-mum pitch size. The structural integrity or the stencil after framing and printing is also investigated through experimentation and computational modeling. The assembly of a flip-chip package based on copper column bumped die and ICA deposits stencil printed at sub-100-mum pitch is described. Computational fluid dynamics modeling of the print performance provides an indicator on the optimum print parameters. Finally, an organic light emitting diode display chip is packaged using this assembly process


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Lead-free solder paste printing process accounts for majority of the assembly defects in the electronic manufacturing industry. The study investigates rheological behaviour and stencil printing performance of the lead-free solder pastes (Sn/Ag/Cu). Oscillatory stress sweep test was carried out to study the visco-elastic behaviour of the lead-free solder pastes. The visco-elastic behaviour of the paste encompasses solid and liquid characteristic of the paste, which could be used to study the flow behaviour experienced by the pastes during the stencil printing process. From this study, it was found that the solid characteristics (G0) is higher than the liquid characteristic (G0 0) for the pastes material. In addition, the results from the study showed that the solder paste with a large G0 = G0 0 has a higher cohesiveness resulting in poor withdrawal of the paste during the stencil printing process. The phase angles (d) was used to correlate the quality of the dense suspensions to the formulation of solder paste materials. This study has revealed the value of having a rheological measurement for explaining and characterising solder pastes for stencil printing. As the demand for lead free pastes increases rheological measurements can assist with the formulation or development of new pastes.


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Solder paste plays an important role in the electronic assembly process by providing electrical, mechanical and thermal bonding between the components and the substrate. The rheological characterisation of pastes is an important step in the design and development of new paste formulations. With the ever increasing trend of miniaturisation of electronic products, the study of the rheological properties of solder pastes is becoming an integral part in the R&D of new paste formulations and in the quality monitoring and control during paste manufacture and electronic assembly process. This research work outlines some of the novel techniques which can be successfully used to investigate the rheology of leadfree solder pastes. The report also presents the results of the correlation of rheological properties with solder paste printing performance. Four different solder paste samples (namely paste P1, P2, P3 and P4) with different flux vehicle systems and particle size distributions were investigated in the study. As expected, all the paste samples showed shear thinning behaviour. Although the samples displayed similar flow behaviour at high shear rates, differences were observed at low shear rates. In the stencil printing trials, round deposits showed better results than rectangular deposits in terms of paste heights and aperture filling. Our results demonstrate a good correlation between higher paste viscosity and good printing performance. The results of the oscillatory and thixotropy tests were also successfully correlated to the printing behaviour of solder paste.


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As the trend toward further miniaturisation of pocket and handheld consumer electronic products continues apace, the requirements for even smaller solder joints will continue. With further reductions in the size of solder joints, the reliability of solder joints will become more and more critical to the long-term performance of electronic products. Solder joints play an important role in electronics packaging, serving both as electrical interconnections between the components and the board, and as mechanical support for components. With world-wide legislation for the removal/reduction of lead and other hazardous materials from electrical and electronic products, the electronics manufacturing industry has been faced with an urgent search for new lead-free solder alloy systems and other solder alternatives. In order to achieve high volume, low cost production, the stencil printing process and subsequent wafer bumping of solder paste has become indispensable. There is wide agreement in industry that the paste printing process accounts for the majority of assembly defects, and most defects originate from poor understanding of the effect of printing process parameters on printing performance. The printing of ICAs and lead-free solder pastes through the very small stencil apertures required for flip chip applications was expected to result in increased stencil clogging and incomplete transfer of paste to the printed circuit pads. Paste release from the stencil apertures is dependent on the interaction between the solder paste, surface pad and aperture wall; including its shape. At these very narrow aperture sizes the paste rheology becomes crucial for consistent paste withdrawal because for smaller paste volumes surface tension effects become dominant over viscous flow. Successful aperture filling and release will greatly depend on the rheology of the paste material. Wall-slip plays an important role in characterising the flow behaviour of solder paste materials. The wall- slip arises due to the various attractive and repulsive forces acting between the solder particles and the walls of the measuring geometry. These interactions could lead to the presence of a thin solvent layer adjacent to the wall, which gives rise to slippage. The wall slip effect can play an important role in ensuring successful paste release after the printing process. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the paste microstructure on slip formation for the paste materials (lead-free solder paste and isotropic conductive adhesives). The effect of surface roughness on the paste viscosity was investigated. It was also found that altering the surface roughness of the parallel plate measuring geometry did not significantly eliminate wall slip as was expected. But results indicate that the use of a relatively rough surface helps to increase paste adhesion to the plates, inducing structural breakdown of the paste. Most importantly, the study also demonstrated on how the wall slip formation in the paste material could be utilised for understanding of the paste microstructure and its flow behaviour


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Stencil printing of solder pastes is a critical stage in the SMT assembly process as a high proportion of the solder-related defects can be attributed to this stage. As the trend towards product miniaturization continues, there is a greater need for better understanding of the rheological behaviour and printing performance of new paste formulations. This fundamental understanding is crucial for achieving the repeatable solder paste deposits from board-to-board and pad-to-pad required for more reliable solder interconnections. The paper concerns a study on the effect of ageing on the rheological characteristics and printing performance of new lead-free solder pastes formulations used for flip-chip assembly applications. The objective is to correlate the rheological characteristics of aged paste samples to their printing performance. The methodology developed can be used for bench-marking new lead-free paste formulations in terms of shelf life, the potential deterioration in rheological characteristics and their printing performance.


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In this study, calcium phosphate (CaP) powders were blended with a three-dimensional printing (3DP) calcium sulfate (CaSO4)-based powder and the resulting composite powders were printed with a water-based binder using the 3DP technology. Application of a water-based binder ensured the manufacture of CaP:CaSO4 constructs on a reliable and repeatable basis, without long term damage of the printhead. Printability of CaP:CaSO4 powders was quantitatively assessed by investigating the key 3DP process parameters, i.e. in-process powder bed packing, drop penetration behavior and the quality of printed solid constructs. Effects of particle size, CaP:CaSO4 ratio and CaP powder type on the 3DP process were considered. The drop penetration technique was used to reliably identify powder formulations that could be potentially used for the application of tissue engineered bone scaffolds using the 3DP technique. Significant improvements (p < 0.05) in the 3DP process parameters were found for CaP (30-110 μm):CaSO4 powders compared to CaP (< 20 μm):CaSO4 powders. Higher compressive strength was obtained for the powders with the higher CaP:CaSO4 ratio. Hydroxyapatite (HA):CaSO4 powders showed better results than beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP):CaSO4 powders. Solid and porous constructs were manufactured using the 3DP technique from the optimized CaP:CaSO4 powder formulations. High-quality printed constructs were manufactured, which exhibited appropriate green compressive strength and a high level of printing accuracy.


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This study investigated the feasibility of manufacturing hydroxyapatite (HA)-based scaffolds using 3D printing technology by incorporating different binding additives, such as maltodextrin and polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), into the powder formulation. Different grades of PVOH were evaluated in terms of their impact on the printing quality. Results showed that scaffolds with high architectural accuracy in terms of the design and excellent green compressive strength were obtained when the PVOH (high viscosity) was used as the binding additive for HA.


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Inkjet printing is proposed as a means to create the resistively loaded elements of a frequency selective surface (FSS) which suppresses radar backscatter when placed above a metal ground plane. Spectral transmission and reflection measurements from 9 to 18 GHz show that the dot density of the printed features and the volume ratio of an aqueous vehicle and nano-silver (Ag) ink mixture can be selected to obtain surface resistances in the range 1.2-200 Ω/sq.


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During the last 30 years governments almost everywhere in the world are furthering a global neoliberal agenda by withdrawing the state from the delivery of services, decreasing social spending and lowering corporate taxation etc. This restructuring has led to a massive transfer of wealth from the welfare state and working class people into capital. In order to legitimize this restructuring conservative governments engage in collective blaming towards their denizens. This presentation will examine some of the well circulated phrases that have been used by the dominant elite in some countries during the last year to legitimize the imposition of austerity measures. Phrases such as, ‘We all partied’ used by the Irish finance minister, Brian Lenihan, to explain the Irish crisis and collectively blame all Irish people, ‘We must all share the pain’, deployed by another Irish Minister Gilmore and the UK coalition administration’s sound bite ‘We are all in this together’, legitimize the imposition of austerity measures. Utilizing the Gramscian concept of common sense (Gramsci, 1971), I call these phrases ‘austerity common sense’. They are austerity common sense because they both reflect and legitimate the austerity agenda. By deploying these phrases, the ruling economic and political elite seek to influence the perception of the people and pre-empt any intention of resistance. The dominant theme of these phrases is that there is no alternative and that austerity measures are somehow self-inflicted and, as such, should not be challenged because we are all to blame. The purpose of this presentation is to explore the “austerity common sense” theme from a Gramscian approach, focus on its implications for the social work profession and discuss the ways to resist the imposition of the global neoliberal agenda.