997 resultados para Implant design


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the deformation suffered by cantilevered implant-supported fixed prostheses frameworks cast in silver-palladium alloy and coated with two occlusal veneering materials: acrylic resin or porcelain. Material and Methods: Two strain gauges were bonded to the inferior surface of the silver-palladium framework and two other were bonded to the occlusal surface of the prosthesis framework covered with ceramic and acrylic resin on each of its two halves. The framework was fixed to a metallic master model and a 35.2 N compression force was applied to the cantilever at 10, 15 and 20 mm from the most distal implant. The measurements of deformation by compression and tension were obtained. The statistical 2-way ANOVA test was used for individual analysis of the experiment variables and the Tukey test was used for the interrelation between all the variables (material and distance of force application). Results: The results showed that both variables had influence on the studied factors (deformation by compression and tension). Conclusion: The ceramic coating provided greater rigidity to the assembly and therefore less distortion compared with the uncoated framework and with the resin-coated framework. The cantilever arm length also influenced the prosthesis rigidity, causing higher deformation the farther the load was applied from the last implant.


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PURPOSE. The aim of the present study was to evaluate if a smaller morse taper abutment has a negative effect on the fracture resistance of implant-abutment connections under oblique compressive loads compared to a conventional abutment MATERIALS AND METHODS. Twenty morse taper conventional abutments (4.8 mm diameter) and smaller abutments (3.8 mm diameter) were tightened (20 Ncm) to their respective implants (3.5 x 11 mm) and after a 10 minute interval, implant/abutment assemblies were subjected to static compressive test, performed in a universal test machine with 1 mm/min displacement, at 45 degrees inclination. The maximum deformation force was determined. Data were statistically analyzed by student t test. RESULTS. Maximum deformation force of 4.8 mm and 3.8 mm abutments was approximately 95.33 kgf and 95.25 kgf, respectively, but no fractures were noted after mechanical test. Statistical analysis demonstrated that the evaluated abutments were statistically similar (P=.230). CONCLUSION. Abutment measuring 3.8 mm in diameter (reduced) presented mechanical properties similar to 4.8 mm (conventional) abutments, enabling its clinical use as indicated. [J Adv Prosthodont 2012;4:158-61]


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The benefits of cochlear implants (CI) for communication skills are obtained over the years. There are but a few studies regarding the long-term outcomes in postlingual deaf children who grew up using the electronic device. Aim: To assess the functional results in a group of postlingual children, 10 years after using a CI. Methods: Ten postlingual deaf children, implanted before 18 years of age, participated in this study. We assessed: sentence recognition and speech intelligibility. We documented: device use and function and the patient's academic/occupational status. Study design: series. Results: The mean scores were 73% for sentence recognition in silence and 40% in noise. The average write-down intelligibility score was 92% and the average rating-scale intelligibility score was 4.15. There were no cases of device failure. Regarding educational/vocational status, three subjects graduated from the University. Five quit education after completing high school. Eight subjects had a professional activity. Conclusion: This study showed that cochlear implantation is a safe and reliable procedure. The postlingual profoundly hearing-impaired children after 10 years of CI use developed satisfactory levels regarding speech perception and intelligibility, and completed at least high school and were inserted in the labor market. Clinical Trials Registry: NCT01400178.


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Objective: To evaluate the role of keratinized mucosa around dental implants, correlating with other clinical parameters related to the success of dental implants. Design: Cross-section. Setting: Institutional tertiary referral hospital. Patients: A total of 202 dental implants fixed in the cleft area of 109 patients with cleft lip and/or palate were evaluated. Interventions: The evaluated clinical parameters were probing depth and gingival and plaque indexes on the buccal surface (three sites). Main Outcome Measures: All clinical parameters were correlated with the width of keratinized mucosa around the implants. Results: The largest probing depths were detected when the width of keratinized mucosa was 2 mm or more, with a statistically significant difference between the means of the probing depth and keratinized mucosa width. Conclusion: Even though the present results suggest that peri-implant health can be observed in areas with keratinized mucosa width under 2 mm provided an adequate oral hygiene control is performed, longitudinal randomized studies are necessary to analyze the relationship between the width of keratinized mucosa and the health of peri-implant tissues.


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Objective: To evaluate healing time before loading, areas compression and tension and location of insertion on mini-implant stability. Design: Six minipigs were used. Each animal received 3 mini-implants in each quadrant: 1 mini-implant was used as an unloaded control (G1, n = 24); the other 2 were loaded with 150 g-force at three time intervals (G2: immediate loading, G3: after 15 days and G4: after 30 days), with 16 mini-implant in each experimental group. After 120 days, tissue blocks of the areas of interest were harvested. Clinical analysis (exact Fisher test) determined the survival rate. Histological analysis (Kontron KS 300TM, Zeiss) quantified the fractional bone-toimplant contact (%BIC) and bone area (%BA) at each healing time point, areas of interest, and insertion site (ANOVA and t tests for dependent and independent samples). Results: The mini-implant survival rates were G1: 71%, G2: 50%, G3: 75% and G4: 63%, with no statistical differences between them. The groups presented similar %BIC and %BA. There were no differences between the compression and tension sides or maxillary and mandibular insertion sites. Conclusions: These results suggest that low-intensity immediate or early orthodontic loading does not affect mini-implant stability, because similar histomorphometric results were observed for all the groups, with partial osseointegration of the mini-implants present.


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Background. The surgical treatment of dysfunctional hips is a severe condition for the patient and a costly therapy for the public health. Hip resurfacing techniques seem to hold the promise of various advantages over traditional THR, with particular attention to young and active patients. Although the lesson provided in the past by many branches of engineering is that success in designing competitive products can be achieved only by predicting the possible scenario of failure, to date the understanding of the implant quality is poorly pre-clinically addressed. Thus revision is the only delayed and reliable end point for assessment. The aim of the present work was to model the musculoskeletal system so as to develop a protocol for predicting failure of hip resurfacing prosthesis. Methods. Preliminary studies validated the technique for the generation of subject specific finite element (FE) models of long bones from Computed Thomography data. The proposed protocol consisted in the numerical analysis of the prosthesis biomechanics by deterministic and statistic studies so as to assess the risk of biomechanical failure on the different operative conditions the implant might face in a population of interest during various activities of daily living. Physiological conditions were defined including the variability of the anatomy, bone densitometry, surgery uncertainties and published boundary conditions at the hip. The protocol was tested by analysing a successful design on the market and a new prototype of a resurfacing prosthesis. Results. The intrinsic accuracy of models on bone stress predictions (RMSE < 10%) was aligned to the current state of the art in this field. The accuracy of prediction on the bone-prosthesis contact mechanics was also excellent (< 0.001 mm). The sensitivity of models prediction to uncertainties on modelling parameter was found below 8.4%. The analysis of the successful design resulted in a very good agreement with published retrospective studies. The geometry optimisation of the new prototype lead to a final design with a low risk of failure. The statistical analysis confirmed the minimal risk of the optimised design over the entire population of interest. The performances of the optimised design showed a significant improvement with respect to the first prototype (+35%). Limitations. On the authors opinion the major limitation of this study is on boundary conditions. The muscular forces and the hip joint reaction were derived from the few data available in the literature, which can be considered significant but hardly representative of the entire variability of boundary conditions the implant might face over the patients population. This moved the focus of the research on modelling the musculoskeletal system; the ongoing activity is to develop subject-specific musculoskeletal models of the lower limb from medical images. Conclusions. The developed protocol was able to accurately predict known clinical outcomes when applied to a well-established device and, to support the design optimisation phase providing important information on critical characteristics of the patients when applied to a new prosthesis. The presented approach does have a relevant generality that would allow the extension of the protocol to a large set of orthopaedic scenarios with minor changes. Hence, a failure mode analysis criterion can be considered a suitable tool in developing new orthopaedic devices.


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Infektiöse Komplikationen im Zusammenhang mit Implantaten stellen einen Großteil aller Krankenhausinfektionen dar und treiben die Gesundheitskosten signifikant in die Höhe. Die bakterielle Kolonisation von Implantatoberflächen zieht schwerwiegende medizinische Konsequenzen nach sich, die unter Umständen tödlich verlaufen können. Trotz umfassender Forschungsaktivitäten auf dem Gebiet der antibakteriellen Oberflächenbeschichtungen ist das Spektrum an wirksamen Substanzen aufgrund der Anpassungsfähigkeit und Ausbildung von Resistenzen verschiedener Mikroorganismen eingeschränkt. Die Erforschung und Entwicklung neuer antibakterieller Materialien ist daher von fundamentaler Bedeutung.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden auf der Basis von Polymernanopartikeln und anorganischen/polymeren Verbundmaterialien verschiedene Systeme als Alternative zu bestehenden antibakteriellen Oberflächenbeschichtungen entwickelt. Polymerpartikel finden Anwendung in vielen verschiedenen Bereichen, da sowohl Größe als auch Zusammensetzung und Morphologie vielseitig gestaltet werden können. Mit Hilfe der Miniemulsionstechnik lassen sich u. A. funktionelle Polymernanopartikel im Größenbereich von 50-500 nm herstellen. Diese wurde im ersten System angewendet, um PEGylierte Poly(styrol)nanopartikel zu synthetisieren, deren anti-adhesives Potential in Bezug auf P. aeruginosa evaluiert wurde. Im zweiten System wurden sog. kontakt-aktive kolloide Dispersionen entwickelt, welche bakteriostatische Eigenschaften gegenüber S. aureus zeigten. In Analogie zum ersten System, wurden Poly(styrol)nanopartikel in Copolymerisation in Miniemulsion mit quaternären Ammoniumgruppen funktionalisiert. Als Costabilisator diente das zuvor quaternisierte, oberflächenaktive Monomer (2-Dimethylamino)ethylmethacrylat (qDMAEMA). Die Optimierung der antibakteriellen Eigenschaften wurde im nachfolgenden System realisiert. Hierbei wurde das oberflächenaktive Monomer qDMAEMA zu einem oberflächenaktiven Polyelektrolyt polymerisiert, welcher unter Anwendung von kombinierter Miniemulsions- und Lösemittelverdampfungstechnik, in entsprechende Polyelektrolytnanopartikel umgesetzt wurde. Infolge seiner oberflächenaktiven Eigenschaften, ließen sich aus dem Polyelektrolyt stabile Partikeldispersionen ohne Zusatz weiterer Tenside ausbilden. Die selektive Toxizität der Polyelektrolytnanopartikel gegenüber S. aureus im Unterschied zu Körperzellen, untermauert ihr vielversprechendes Potential als bakterizides, kontakt-aktives Reagenz. rnAufgrund ihrer antibakteriellen Eigenschaften wurden ZnO Nanopartikel ausgewählt und in verschiedene Freisetzungssysteme integriert. Hochdefinierte eckige ZnO Nanokristalle mit einem mittleren Durchmesser von 23 nm wurden durch thermische Zersetzung des Precursormaterials synthetisiert. Durch die nachfolgende Einkapselung in Poly(L-laktid) Latexpartikel wurden neue, antibakterielle und UV-responsive Hybridnanopartikel entwickelt. Durch die photokatalytische Aktivierung von ZnO mittels UV-Strahlung wurde der Abbau der ZnO/PLLA Hybridnanopartikel signifikant von mehreren Monaten auf mehrere Wochen verkürzt. Die Photoaktivierung von ZnO eröffnet somit die Möglichkeit einer gesteuerten Freisetzung von ZnO. Im nachfolgenden System wurden dünne Verbundfilme aus Poly(N-isopropylacrylamid)-Hydrogelschichten mit eingebetteten ZnO Nanopartikeln hergestellt, die als bakterizide Oberflächenbeschichtungen gegen E. coli zum Einsatz kamen. Mit minimalem Gehalt an ZnO zeigten die Filme eine vergleichbare antibakterielle Aktivität zu Silber-basierten Beschichtungen. Hierbei lässt sich der Gehalt an ZnO relativ einfach über die Filmdicke einstellen. Weiterhin erwiesen sich die Filme mit bakteriziden Konzentrationen an ZnO als nichtzytotoxisch gegenüber Körperzellen. Zusammenfassend wurden mehrere vielversprechende antibakterielle Prototypen entwickelt, die als potentielle Implantatbeschichtungen auf die jeweilige Anwendung weiterhin zugeschnitten und optimiert werden können.


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Background: After oral tumor resection, structural and functional rehabilitation by means of dental prostheses is complex, and positive treatment outcome is not always predictable. Purpose: The objective of the study was to report on oral rehabilitation and quality of life 2-5 years after resection of malignant oral tumors. Materials and Methods: Data of 46 patients (57 ± 7 years) who underwent oral tumor surgery were available. More than 50% of tumors were classified T3 or T4. Open oro-nasal defects resulted in 12 patients and full mandibulary block resections in 23 patients. Comprehensive planning, implant placement, and prosthetic rehabilitation followed an interdisciplinary protocol. Analysis comprised tumor location, type of prostheses, implant survival, and quality of life. Results: Because of advanced tumor status, resections resulted in marked alteration of the oral anatomy requiring complex treatment procedures. Prosthetic rehabilitation comprised fixed and removable prostheses, with 104 implants placed in 28 patients (60%). Early implant loss was high (13%) and cumulative survival rate of loaded implants was <90% after 5 years. Prosthetic plans had to be modified because of side effects of tumor therapy, complications with implants and tumor recurrence. The majority of patients rated quality of life favorable, but some experienced impaired swallowing, dry mouth, limited mouth opening, appearance, and soreness. Conclusions: Some local effects of tumor therapy could not be significantly improved by prosthetic rehabilitation leading to functional and emotional disability. Many patients had passed away or felt too ill to fill the questionnaires. This case series confirms the complex anatomic alterations after tumor resection and the need for individual treatment approaches especially regarding prosthesis design. In spite of disease-related local and general restrictions, most patients gave a positive assessment of quality of life.


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To analyze maintenance service of fixed maxillary prostheses and overdentures based on conventional gold bars or titanium bars and frameworks fabricated with computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM) technology.


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OBJECTIVES: This article describes reconstruction of the severely atrophic mandible using calvarial bone grafts for implant-supported prosthetic oral rehabilitation. The study aim was to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment by determining implant survival and complication rates, and the extent of the postoperative graft resorption. STUDY DESIGN: Ten patients who underwent the treatment were followed clinically and radiologically using panoramic radiographs and CT scans during a mean postoperative period of 30 months. RESULTS: Good bone healing was observable 6 months postoperatively. The height reduction measured on panoramic radiographs was insignificant (mean 0.68 mm). Only minor complications occurred. Implant survival was 95%. Prosthodontic treatment was successfully performed in all cases, resulting in an improvement of oral function. Histological analysis of 1 bone biopsy showed minimal resorptive changes in otherwise very dense bone. CONCLUSION: Augmentation using calvarial grafts is a promising treatment alternative for the severely atrophic mandible.


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Clinical aspects of a simple treatment concept with fixed prostheses in the edentulous jaw are described. Fixed implant-supported reconstructions in the edentulous jaw require multiple implants, are technically complex, aesthetically demanding and metal-ceramic solutions are expensive. Specific surgical techniques to enhance the hard and soft tissue conditions become often necessary. Thus the bar-supported overdenture may be preferred, because problems with aesthetics and alveolar ridge deficiencies can be solved more easily and the number of implants is reduced. Both, the "All-on-Four" technique and the "Procera implant bridge" are simple type of fixed prostheses, comparable to overdentures or complete dentures with regard to design and technology. They present a cost-effective alternative, with predictable aesthetics and optimum passive fit.


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The new Swiss implant system SPI became available three years ago and is used in combination with fixed and removable prosthetic reconstructions. In a pilot study the clinical procedures were evaluated and data of prosthetic complications of maintenance service were collected. 25 patients participated in the study with a total of 79 SPI implants during the time period from 2003-2004. 37 implants were located in the maxilla and 42 implants in the mandible. Two implants failed during the healing period, but no loaded implant was lost. Thus, the survival rate was 97.5% (77/79). 44 implants supported a fixed prosthesis, including nine single crowns and 33 implants were used in combination with removable partial denture. Four implants were used with ball anchor retention, 29 with bar support. The ELEMENT implant with the low implant shoulder allows very good esthetics. Prosthetic complications and maintenance service during the first year of function was comparable with other implant systems. Since the design of the abutment screws, healing caps and screwdriver was changed, the system has become easier in its application.


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BACKGROUND: Conventionally, endosseous dental implants have required 3 to 6 months of uninterrupted healing based on observations for dental implants that were characterized by a relatively smooth machined surface. Many studies have since demonstrated that implants with a roughened surface resulted in greater bone apposition, earlier bone contact, and a stronger bond between the implant and the bone, suggesting that implants with roughened surfaces could be loaded earlier than 3 to 6 months. Formal clinical studies confirmed that implants with rough surfaces can have abutments placed and be loaded occlusally as early as 6 weeks postplacement. The purpose of this prospective, human clinical investigation was to evaluate a large number of implants with a specific rough surface (sand-blasted acid-etched [SLA]) placed in everyday practice under routine private-practice conditions. METHODS: A prospective, multicenter, human clinical observational study was initiated with the goal of recruiting a minimum of 500 patients and 800 implants. The implants were to be placed and restored in predominantly private-practice settings around the world. Ninety-two practitioners in 16 countries agreed to participate, and 86 followed the study design. Patients had to be in good health, have sufficient bone to encase the implant, and agree to return for recall appointments. Exclusion criteria included heavy smoking (>10 cigarettes a day) and bone augmentation procedures at the implant site. All implants were two-piece (an abutment was to be placed after 6 weeks of healing) and were characterized by the presence of a transmucosal polished collar. Each implant had an SLA surface. All implants were positioned using a non-submerged (single-stage) surgical technique. Survival and success rates were calculated by life-table analyses. RESULTS: A total of 706 patients were enrolled and 1,406 implants were placed. In the final analyses, 590 patients with 990 implants (70.4% of those enrolled) met all inclusion criteria, including placement of an abutment and provisional restoration within 63 days of surgical placement. The majority of implants were 10 and 12 mm long (78.7%) and were placed in type II and III bone (87%). Seventy-three percent of the implants were placed in the mandible, and 27% were placed in the maxilla. The cumulative survival rate was 99.56% at 3 years and 99.26% at 5 years. The overall success rate was 99.12% at 3 years and 97.38% after 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: Under private-practice conditions, implants with an SLA surface could be placed and restored predictably within 6 to 8 weeks. Data from this prospective, multicenter, human observational study reinforced the results of more formal clinical studies and demonstrated that implants with the SLA surface can be restored in patients in approximately half of the time of conventional healing periods.


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AIM: To assess the clinical and radiographic outcomes of immediate transmucosal placement of implants into molar extraction sockets. STUDY DESIGN: Twelve-month multicenter prospective cohort study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Following molar extraction, tapered implants with an endosseous diameter of 4.8 mm and a shoulder diameter of 6.5 mm were immediately placed into the sockets. Molars with evidence of acute periapical pathology were excluded. After implant placement and achievement of primary stability, flaps were repositioned and sutured allowing a non-submerged, transmucosal healing. Peri-implant marginal defects were treated according to the principles of guided bone regeneration (GBR) by means of deproteinized bovine bone mineral particles in conjunction with a bioresrobable collagen membrane. Standardized radiographs were obtained at baseline and 12 months thereafter. Changes in depth and width of the distance from the implant shoulder (IS) and from the alveolar crest (AC) to the bottom of the defect (BD) were assessed. RESULTS: Eighty-two patients (42 males and 40 females) were enrolled and followed for 12 months. They contributed with 82 tapered implants. Extraction sites displayed sufficient residual bone volume to allow primary stability of all implants. Sixty-four percent of the implants were placed in the areas of 36 and 46. GBR was used in conjunction with the placement of all implants. No post-surgical complications were observed. All implants healed uneventfully yielding a survival rate of 100% and healthy soft tissue conditions after 12 months. Radiographically, statistically significant changes (P<0.0001) in mesial and distal crestal bone levels were observed from baseline to the 12-month follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this 12-month prospective cohort study showed that immediate transmucosal implant placement represented a predictable treatment option for the replacement of mandibular and maxillary molars lost due to reasons other than periodontitis including vertical root fractures, endodontic failures and caries.


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Cochlear implants have been of great benefit in restoring auditory function to individuals with profound bilateral sensorineural deafness. The implants are used to directly stimulate auditory nerves and send a signal to the brain that is then interpreted as sound. This project focuses on the development of a surgical positioning tool to accurately and effectively place an array of stimulating electrodes deep within the cochlea. This will lead to improved efficiency and performance of the stimulating electrodes, reduced surgical trauma to the cochlea, and as a result, improved overall performance to the implant recipient. The positioning tool reported here consists of multiple fluidic chambers providing localized curvature control along the length of the attached silicon electrode array. The chambers consist of 200μm inner diameter PET (polyethylene therephthalate) tubes with 4μm wall thickness. The chambers are molded in a tapered helical configuration to correspond to the cochlear shape upon relaxation of the actuators. This ensures that the optimal electrode placement within the cochlea is retained after the positioning tool becomes dormant (for chronic implants). Actuation is achieved by injecting fluid into the PET chambers and regulating the fluidic pressure. The chambers are arranged in a stacked, overlapping design to provide fluid connectivity with the non-implantable pressure controller and allow for local curvature control of the device. The stacked tube configuration allows for localized curvature control of various areas along the length of the electrode and additional stiffening and actuating power towards the base. Curvature is affected along the entire length of a chamber and the result is cumulative in sections of multiple chambers. The actuating chambers are bonded to the back of a silicon electrode array.