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Purpose The aim was to test the impact of body mass index (BMI) and gender on infectious complications after polytrauma. Methods A total of 651 patients were included in this retrospective study, with an Injury Severity Score (ISS) C16 and age C16 years. The sample was subdivided into three groups: BMI\25 kg/m2, BMI 25–30 kg/m2, and BMI[30 kg/m2, and a female and a male group. Infectious complications were observed for 31 days after admission. Data are given as mean ± standard errors of the means. Analysis of variance, Kruskal–Wallis test, v2 tests, and Pearson’s correlation were used for the analyses and the significance level was set at P\0.05. Results The overall infection rates were 31.0 % in the BMI\25 kg/m2 group, 29.0 % in the BMI 25–30 kg/m2 group, and 24.5 % in the BMI[30 kg/m2 group (P = 0.519). The female patients developed significantly fewer infectious complications than the male patients (26.8 vs. 73.2 %; P\0.001). The incidence of death was significantly decreased according to the BMI group (8.8 vs. 7.2 vs. 1.5 %; P\0.0001) and the female population had a significantly lower mortality rate (4.1 vs. 13.4 %; P\0.0001). Pearson’s correlations between the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) score and the corresponding infectious foci were not significant. Conclusion Higher BMI seems to be protective against polytrauma-associated death but not polytrauma-associated infections, and female gender protects against both polytrauma- associated infections and death. Understanding gender-specific immunomodulation could improve the outcome of polytrauma patients.
Background Honeybees provide economically and ecologically vital pollination services to crops and wild plants. During the last decade elevated colony losses have been documented in Europe and North America. Despite growing consensus on the involvement of multiple causal factors, the underlying interactions impacting on honeybee health and colony failure are not fully resolved. Parasites and pathogens are among the main candidates, but sublethal exposure to widespread agricultural pesticides may also affect bees. Methodology/Principal Findings To investigate effects of sublethal dietary neonicotinoid exposure on honeybee colony performance, a fully crossed experimental design was implemented using 24 colonies, including sister-queens from two different strains, and experimental in-hive pollen feeding with or without environmentally relevant concentrations of thiamethoxam and clothianidin. Honeybee colonies chronically exposed to both neonicotinoids over two brood cycles exhibited decreased performance in the short-term resulting in declining numbers of adult bees (−28%) and brood (−13%), as well as a reduction in honey production (−29%) and pollen collections (−19%), but colonies recovered in the medium-term and overwintered successfully. However, significantly decelerated growth of neonicotinoid-exposed colonies during the following spring was associated with queen failure, revealing previously undocumented long-term impacts of neonicotinoids: queen supersedure was observed for 60% of the neonicotinoid-exposed colonies within a one year period, but not for control colonies. Linked to this, neonicotinoid exposure was significantly associated with a reduced propensity to swarm during the next spring. Both short-term and long-term effects of neonicotinoids on colony performance were significantly influenced by the honeybees’ genetic background. Conclusions/Significance Sublethal neonicotinoid exposure did not provoke increased winter losses. Yet, significant detrimental short and long-term impacts on colony performance and queen fate suggest that neonicotinoids may contribute to colony weakening in a complex manner. Further, we highlight the importance of the genetic basis of neonicotinoid susceptibility in honeybees which can vary substantially.
BACKGROUND Malperfusion adversely affects outcomes in patients with acute type A aortic dissection, but reliable quantitative data are lacking. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of various forms of malperfusion on early outcome. METHODS A total of 2,137 consecutive patients enrolled in GERAADA (German Registry for Acute Aortic Dissection Type A) who underwent surgery between 2006 and 2010, of whom 717 (33.6%) had any kind of pre-operative malperfusion, were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS All-cause 30-day mortality was 16.9% and varied substantially according to the number of organ systems affected by malperfusion (none, 12.6%; 1 system, 21.3%; 2 systems, 30.9%; 3 systems, 43.4%; p < 0.001). Pre-operative cerebral malperfusion, comatose state, peripheral malperfusion, visceral malperfusion, involvement of supra-aortic branches, coronary malperfusion, and renal malperfusion were all independent predictors of developing any post-operative malperfusion syndrome. When survival was considered, age, peripheral malperfusion, involvement of supra-aortic branches, coronary malperfusion, spinal malperfusion, a primary entry in the descending aorta, and pre-operative comatose state were independent predictors, again with increasing significance. CONCLUSIONS Malperfusion remains a severe clinical condition with strong potential for adverse outcomes in patients undergoing surgery for acute type A aortic dissection. The GERAADA registry suggests that the impact of the number of organs involved and the type of malperfusion on outcome differs substantially. Introducing an appropriate classification system, such as "complicated" and uncomplicated" acute type A aortic dissection, might help predict individual risk as well as select a surgical strategy that may quickly resolve malperfusion.
OBJECTIVES The aim of this in vitro study was to examine the effect of different levels of magnification on the accuracy and reliability of visual caries detection using ICDAS criteria. METHODS Occlusal surfaces of 100 extracted molars were assessed by 14 examiners (3rd and the 4th year dental students and dentists) using no magnification aids, a 2.5× Galilean loupe, a 4.5× Keplerian loupe, or a surgical microscope with 10× magnification. The assessments were repeated on a different day. Sensitivity, specificity, AUC and reliabilities were calculated according to the gold standard of histology. RESULTS We found that with increasing magnification, the number of surfaces rated as "sound" (ICDAS code 0) decreased, while the number of surfaces with a localized enamel breakdown (ICDAS code 3) increased. While the sensitivities increased, the values of the specificities decreased to an unacceptably low level irrespective of the clinical experience of the examiners. CONCLUSIONS ICDAS seems to be optimized for natural vision up to 2.0× magnification and not for high magnifications. The use of powerful magnification in visual caries detection involves the risk of unnecessary and premature invasive treatment. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE This paper discusses when it does and does not make sense to use magnification devices for visual caries detection using ICDAS criteria. Strong magnifications should be refrained from for this purpose.
Young peoples’ sport activity differs considerably depending on the linguistic region in Switzerland (Lamprecht, Fischer, & Stamm, 2014). This appears to be based on cultural as well as on structural differences. The question then arises how differing structural conditions in communes (e.g. sport facilities, significance of the municipal promotion of sport) across different linguistic regions of Switzerland cause variation in sport behaviour. Based on the theory of social action (Coleman, 1990), it is assumed that individual behaviour is not only determined by individual but also by structural and socio - cultural factors in which a person is socially embedded . In 33 municipalities of the German and French speaking region of Switzerland, multilevel data was gathered analysing possible influences of structural factors on sports behaviour. Using an online survey, 15 to 30 year old inhabitants (N=3677) were questi oned about their sports participation, as well as their perception of sport - related structural characteristics in their commune. To collect information about communes’ sport facilities, sport providers as well as representatives of the municipal administra tion were interviewed and document analyses were conducted. Representatives of the municipal administration attach more importance to sport promotion in the German speaking than in French - speaking municipalities. Young people living in the French speaking commune are less satisfied with the sport facilities (F(1,3266)=31.31, p<.01) and they are less physically active than their German - speaking counterparts (Chi2(1,N=3537)=22.51, p<.05). These first findings show the impact of structural conditions in commun es on sport participation of adolescents and young people. However, further multilevel analyses will be conducted for a better understanding of correlations between structural conditions and different sports behaviour of young people. References Coleman, J. S. (1990). Foundations of social theory. Cambridge, MA: Belknap. Lamprecht, M., Fischer, A. & Stamm, H. (2014). Sport Schweiz 2014. Sportaktivität und Sportinteresse der Schweizer Bevölkerung. Magglingen: BASPO.
BACKGROUND Sexual transmission of Ebola virus disease (EVD) 6 months after onset of symptoms has been recently documented, and Ebola virus RNA has been detected in semen of survivors up to 9 months after onset of symptoms. As countries affected by the 2013-2015 epidemic in West Africa, by far the largest to date, are declared free of Ebola virus disease (EVD), it remains unclear what threat is posed by rare sexual transmission events that could arise from survivors. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS We devised a compartmental mathematical model that includes sexual transmission from convalescent survivors: a SEICR (susceptible-exposed-infectious-convalescent-recovered) transmission model. We fitted the model to weekly incidence of EVD cases from the 2014-2015 epidemic in Sierra Leone. Sensitivity analyses and Monte Carlo simulations showed that a 0.1% per sex act transmission probability and a 3-month convalescent period (the two key unknown parameters of sexual transmission) create very few additional cases, but would extend the epidemic by 83 days [95% CI: 68-98 days] (p < 0.0001) on average. Strikingly, a 6-month convalescent period extended the average epidemic by 540 days (95% CI: 508-572 days), doubling the current length, despite an insignificant rise in the number of new cases generated. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Our results show that reductions in the per sex act transmission probability via abstinence and condom use should reduce the number of sporadic sexual transmission events, but will not significantly reduce the epidemic size and may only minimally shorten the length of time the public health community must maintain response preparedness. While the number of infectious survivors is expected to greatly decline over the coming months, our results show that transmission events may still be expected for quite some time as each event results in a new potential cluster of non-sexual transmission. Precise measurement of the convalescent period is thus important for planning ongoing surveillance efforts.
Background: Humans have reduced the abundance of many large marine vertebrates, including whales, large fish, and sharks, to only a small percentage of their pre-exploitation levels. Industrial fishing and whaling also tended to preferentially harvest the largest species and largest individuals within a population. We consider the consequences of removing these animals on the ocean's ability to store carbon. Methodology/Principal Findings: Because body size is critical to our arguments, our analysis focuses on populations of baleen whales. Using reconstructions of pre-whaling and modern abundances, we consider the impact of whaling on the amount of carbon stored in living whales and on the amount of carbon exported to the deep sea by sinking whale carcasses. Populations of large baleen whales now store 9.1 x 10(6) tons less carbon than before whaling. Some of the lost storage has been offset by increases in smaller competitors; however, due to the relative metabolic efficiency of larger organisms, a shift toward smaller animals could decrease the total community biomass by 30% or more. Because of their large size and few predators, whales and other large marine vertebrates can efficiently export carbon from the surface waters to the deep sea. We estimate that rebuilding whale populations would remove 1.6 x 10(5) tons of carbon each year through sinking whale carcasses. Conclusions/Significance: Even though fish and whales are only a small portion of the ocean's overall biomass, fishing and whaling have altered the ocean's ability to store and sequester carbon. Although these changes are small relative to the total ocean carbon sink, rebuilding populations of fish and whales would be comparable to other carbon management schemes, including ocean iron fertilization.
In the last two decades, the significance of lead has been addressed in a number of environmental regulations at the national and state levels. This project investigated the environmental regulations (Clean Air Act and Amendments, 1970-1990 and Clean Water Act of 1977) and their cumulative effects on lead in ambient air and water in the state of Texas. For this purpose, historical records from the Texas Water Development Board, Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission, and the United States Geological Survey have been assembled and analyzed for temporal and spatial trends. These trends might correspond to the phase out of lead in gasoline and other regulations.^ This study concluded that there is a significant correlation (p $\leq$.001) between environmental regulations of lead in gasoline and the concentration of lead in ambient air. Lead concentrations in ambient air have been reduced by over 90 percent in the past twenty years. An overall significant difference (p $\leq$.001) was found in mean (94, 15 respectively) lead concentrations in surface water between two time periods, one at the beginning of the twenty year period and one at the end of the study period. There has been an overall reduction of lead concentrations in surface water in Texas of approximately 84 percent. However, this reduction cannot be statistically associated with any one regulation. Groundwater data could not be analyzed for lead concentrations because of limitations of reporting data as "less than". Approximately two percent of the groundwater data was analyzed by Oneway ANOVA and no significant difference was found between the means (18, 19 respectively) of two time periods, 1977-1979 and 1988-1990. This data is consistent with the regulations having a contributory affect on declining concentrations, but other factors cannot be ruled out as having added to these declines. This study can also serve as a starting point for a more in-depth study of environmental regulations and their impact on the environment. ^
BACKGROUND Although one out of every five gastrointestinal cancer patients needs transitional care (home-based skilled care or placement in skilled nursing or rehabilitation facilities) following treatment, few studies have examined outcomes in this population compared to patients who return home without assistance. This study has two primary goals: 1. To evaluate long-term cancer-specific outcomes in colorectal cancer patients utilizing transitional care compared to those that return home without assistance following therapy 2. To compare results using standard regression techniques and propensity scores. ^ METHODS Patients undergoing curative surgery for colorectal adenocarcinoma will be identified using data from a tertiary care Veterans Administration hospital. Survival and recurrence will then be determined from VA records and the Social Security Death Index. ^ The association between transitional care utilization and overall and disease-free survival will be evaluated using Cox proportional hazards regression to adjust for confounding factors. Predictors of transitional care utilization will be assessed using multiple logistic regression to generate a propensity score which will also be used to assess differences in survival based on transitional care use. ^ POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANCE If transitional care utilization is associated with worse survival and recurrence following therapy then it will be important to subsequently assess the mechanism in order to target interventions to improve outcomes. If there is no difference in cancer-specific outcomes, then this project can potentially highlight benefits of supportive therapy following colorectal cancer resection.^
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the association between parent acculturation and parental fruit and vegetable intake, child fruit and vegetable intake, and child access and availability to fruits and vegetables. Secondary data analysis was performed on a convenience sample of low-income Hispanic-identifying parents (n = 177) and children from a baseline survey from the Sprouting Healthy Kids intervention. T tests were used to examine the association between parent acculturation status (acculturated or non-acculturated) and fruit intake, vegetable intake and combined fruit and vegetable intake of both the parent and the child. T tests were also used to determine the relationship between parent acculturation and child access and availability to fruits, vegetables, and combined fruits and vegetables. Statistical significance was set at a p level of 0.05. The mean FVI for the parents and children were 3.41 servings and 2.96 servings, respectively. Statistical significance was found for the relationships between parent acculturation and parent fruit intake and parent acculturation and child fruit access. Lower acculturation of the parent was significantly related to higher fruit intake. Counter to the hypothesis, higher acculturation was found to be associated with greater access to fruits for the child. These findings suggest the necessity for not only culturally specific nutrition interventions, but the need for interventions to target behaviors for specific levels of acculturation within a culture. ^
Cerebral networks are complex sets of connections that resemble a ladder-like web of multiple parallel feedforward, lateral, and feedback connections. This static anatomical description has been pivotal in guiding our understanding of signal processing within cerebral networks. However, measures on both magnitude and functional significance of connections are extremely limited. Here, we compare the anatomically defined strengths of a set of cerebral pathways emerging from the visual middle suprasylvian (MS) cortex of the cat with measures of the functional impact the same region has over distant sites. These functional measures were obtained by analyzing the local and distant effects of MS cooling deactivation on deoxyglucose uptake. Relative to major efferent projections from MS cortex that have a strong influence, projections to early visual processing stages have weaker functional influences than predicted from the anatomy. For higher processing stages, the converse holds: projections from MS cortex have stronger functional influence than predicted from the anatomy. We conclude that these and future functional measures, obtained using the same combination of techniques, will furnish fundamental, new information that complements and extends current models of static cerebral networks, and lead to more realistic models of cerebral network function and component interactions.
Cultural heritage sites all over the world are at risk due to aggressive urban expansion, development, wars and general obsolescence. Not all objects are recorded in detail although they may have social and historical significance. For example more emphasis is placed on the recording of castles and palaces than on crofters’ cottages or tenement blocks, although their history can be just as rich. This paper will investigate the historic fabric of Aberdeen through the use of digital scanning, supported by a range of media including old photographs and paintings. Dissemination of social heritage through visualisations will be explored and how this can aid the understanding of space within the city or specific area. Focus will be given to the major statues/monuments within the context of the city centre, exploring their importance in their environment. In addition studying why many have been re-located away from their original site, the reasons why, and how we have perhaps lost some of the social and historical importance of why that monument was first located there. It will be argued that Digital Media could be utilised for much more than re-creation and re-presentation of physical entities. Digital scanning, in association with visualisation tools, is used to capture the essence of both the cultural heritage and the society that created or used the sites in association with visualisation tools and in some way re-enacting the original importance placed upon the monument in its original location, through adoption of BIM Heritage.
The European Council Summit of 23-24 October 2014 may have been relatively low key, but many important decisions were made which could encourage historical changes. In this post-summit analysis, Janis A. Emmanouilidis examines the agreement reached on a new climate and energy policy framework for 2020-2030 which despite falling short of the European Commission’s original proposals, it nevertheless delivers a positive message to international community ahead of the global climate negotiations next year. He also highlights the significance of the request from euro-zone leaders for a new report on ‘better economic governance’ by December. More broadly, he uses this moment of transition in the EU’s leadership to analyse the current state and future direction of the Union, and underlines the need to provide a coherent and holistic response to the damage caused by the crisis and the challenges facing the Union, on the basis of an ambitious but pragmatic ‘package deal’ – a new pact between EU governments, and between the Union and its citizens – to heal the divisions of recent years and restore public faith in the benefits of EU membership.
Putin's first term in office: The most significant achievement of Vladimir Putin's team over the three years of his term of office is the realisation of legislative changes, which may constitute a base for further - more detailed - political and economic reforms. This is, to a certain degree, a return to the economic tasks set out by a team of reformists in the early 1990s, which were impossible to realise at the time due to conflicts between the Kremlin and legislative powers. Chechnya and Russia: The purpose of this analysis is to examine the significance of the Chechen issue for contemporary Russia. Part I discusses the history of the conflict from 1991 to date and the impact of developments in the republic on Russia as a whole. Part II is an attempt to indicate the areas of Russian reality that are most deeply affected by the Chechen problem.
The Shoemaker impact structure, on the southern margin of the Palaeoproterozoic Earaheedy Basin, with an outer diameter of similar to30 km, consists of two well-defined concentric ring structures surrounding a granitoid basement uplift. The concentric structures, including a ring syncline and a ring anticline, formed in sedimentary rocks of the Earaheedy Group. In addition, aeromagnetic and geological field observations suggest that Shoemaker is a deeply eroded structure. The central 12 km-diameter uplift consists of fractured Archaean basement granitoids of syenitic composition (Teague Granite). Shock-metamorphic features include shatter cones in sedimentary rocks and planar deformation features in quartz crystals of the Teague Granite. Universal-stage analysis of 51 sets of planar deformation features in 18 quartz grains indicate dominance of sets parallel to omega (10 (1) over bar3}, but absence of sets parallel to pi (10 (1) over bar2}, implying peak shock pressures in the range of 10-20 GPa for the analysed sample. Geophysical characteristics of the structure include a -100 mus(-2) gravity anomaly coincident with the central uplift and positive circular trends in both magnetic and gravity correlating with the inner ring syncline and outer ring anticline. The Teague Granite is dominated by albite-quartz-K-feldspar with subordinate amounts of alkali pyroxene. The alkali-rich syenitic composition suggests it could either represent a member of the Late Archaean plutonic suite or the product of alkali metasomatism related to impact-generated hydrothermal activity. In places, the Teague Granite exhibits partial to pervasive silicification and contains hydrothermal minerals, including amphibole, garnet, sericite and prehnite. Recent isotopic age studies of the Teague Granite suggest an older age limit of ca 1300 Ma (Ar-Ar on K-feldspar) and a younger age limit of ca 568 Ma (K-Ar on illite-smectite). The significance of the K-Ar age of 568 Ma is not clear, and it might represent either hydrothermal activity triggered by impact-related energy or a possible resetting by tectonothermal events in the region.