990 resultados para Imaging systems.
Els objectius del projecte es divideixen en tres blocs: Primerament, realitzar una segmentació automàtica del contorn d'una imatge on hi ha una massa central. Tot seguit, a partir del contorn trobat, caracteritzar la massa. I finalment, utilitzant les característiques anteriors classificar la massa en benigne o maligne. En el projecte s'utilitza el Matlab com a eina de programació. Concretament les funcions enfocades al processat de imatges del toolbox de Image processing (propi de Matlab) i els classificadors de la PRTools de la Delft University of Technology
We present a new approach to model and classify breast parenchymal tissue. Given a mammogram, first, we will discover the distribution of the different tissue densities in an unsupervised manner, and second, we will use this tissue distribution to perform the classification. We achieve this using a classifier based on local descriptors and probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA), a generative model from the statistical text literature. We studied the influence of different descriptors like texture and SIFT features at the classification stage showing that textons outperform SIFT in all cases. Moreover we demonstrate that pLSA automatically extracts meaningful latent aspects generating a compact tissue representation based on their densities, useful for discriminating on mammogram classification. We show the results of tissue classification over the MIAS and DDSM datasets. We compare our method with approaches that classified these same datasets showing a better performance of our proposal
Detecting changes between images of the same scene taken at different times is of great interest for monitoring and understanding the environment. It is widely used for on-land application but suffers from different constraints. Unfortunately, Change detection algorithms require highly accurate geometric and photometric registration. This requirement has precluded their use in underwater imagery in the past. In this paper, the change detection techniques available nowadays for on-land application were analyzed and a method to automatically detect the changes in sequences of underwater images is proposed. Target application scenarios are habitat restoration sites, or area monitoring after sudden impacts from hurricanes or ship groundings. The method is based on the creation of a 3D terrain model from one image sequence over an area of interest. This model allows for synthesizing textured views that correspond to the same viewpoints of a second image sequence. The generated views are photometrically matched and corrected against the corresponding frames from the second sequence. Standard change detection techniques are then applied to find areas of difference. Additionally, the paper shows that it is possible to detect false positives, resulting from non-rigid objects, by applying the same change detection method to the first sequence exclusively. The developed method was able to correctly find the changes between two challenging sequences of images from a coral reef taken one year apart and acquired with two different cameras
Seafloor imagery is a rich source of data for the study of biological and geological processes. Among several applications, still images of the ocean floor can be used to build image composites referred to as photo-mosaics. Photo-mosaics provide a wide-area visual representation of the benthos, and enable applications as diverse as geological surveys, mapping and detection of temporal changes in the morphology of biodiversity. We present an approach for creating globally aligned photo-mosaics using 3D position estimates provided by navigation sensors available in deep water surveys. Without image registration, such navigation data does not provide enough accuracy to produce useful composite images. Results from a challenging data set of the Lucky Strike vent field at the Mid Atlantic Ridge are reported
In order to develop applications for z;isual interpretation of medical images, the early detection and evaluation of microcalcifications in digital mammograms is verg important since their presence is often associated with a high incidence of breast cancers. Accurate classification into benign and malignant groups would help improve diagnostic sensitivity as well as reduce the number of unnecessa y biopsies. The challenge here is the selection of the useful features to distinguish benign from malignant micro calcifications. Our purpose in this work is to analyse a microcalcification evaluation method based on a set of shapebased features extracted from the digitised mammography. The segmentation of the microcalcifications is performed using a fixed-tolerance region growing method to extract boundaries of calcifications with manually selected seed pixels. Taking into account that shapes and sizes of clustered microcalcifications have been associated with a high risk of carcinoma based on digerent subjective measures, such as whether or not the calcifications are irregular, linear, vermiform, branched, rounded or ring like, our efforts were addressed to obtain a feature set related to the shape. The identification of the pammeters concerning the malignant character of the microcalcifications was performed on a set of 146 mammograms with their real diagnosis known in advance from biopsies. This allowed identifying the following shape-based parameters as the relevant ones: Number of clusters, Number of holes, Area, Feret elongation, Roughness, and Elongation. Further experiments on a set of 70 new mammogmms showed that the performance of the classification scheme is close to the mean performance of three expert radiologists, which allows to consider the proposed method for assisting the diagnosis and encourages to continue the investigation in the sense of adding new features not only related to the shape
A new approach to segmentation based on fusing circumscribed contours, region growing and clustering
One of the major problems in machine vision is the segmentation of images of natural scenes. This paper presents a new proposal for the image segmentation problem which has been based on the integration of edge and region information. The main contours of the scene are detected and used to guide the posterior region growing process. The algorithm places a number of seeds at both sides of a contour allowing stating a set of concurrent growing processes. A previous analysis of the seeds permits to adjust the homogeneity criterion to the regions's characteristics. A new homogeneity criterion based on clustering analysis and convex hull construction is proposed
It has been shown that the accuracy of mammographic abnormality detection methods is strongly dependent on the breast tissue characteristics, where a dense breast drastically reduces detection sensitivity. In addition, breast tissue density is widely accepted to be an important risk indicator for the development of breast cancer. Here, we describe the development of an automatic breast tissue classification methodology, which can be summarized in a number of distinct steps: 1) the segmentation of the breast area into fatty versus dense mammographic tissue; 2) the extraction of morphological and texture features from the segmented breast areas; and 3) the use of a Bayesian combination of a number of classifiers. The evaluation, based on a large number of cases from two different mammographic data sets, shows a strong correlation ( and 0.67 for the two data sets) between automatic and expert-based Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System mammographic density assessment
A recent trend in digital mammography is computer-aided diagnosis systems, which are computerised tools designed to assist radiologists. Most of these systems are used for the automatic detection of abnormalities. However, recent studies have shown that their sensitivity is significantly decreased as the density of the breast increases. This dependence is method specific. In this paper we propose a new approach to the classification of mammographic images according to their breast parenchymal density. Our classification uses information extracted from segmentation results and is based on the underlying breast tissue texture. Classification performance was based on a large set of digitised mammograms. Evaluation involves different classifiers and uses a leave-one-out methodology. Results demonstrate the feasibility of estimating breast density using image processing and analysis techniques
A new approach to mammographic mass detection is presented in this paper. Although different algorithms have been proposed for such a task, most of them are application dependent. In contrast, our approach makes use of a kindred topic in computer vision adapted to our particular problem. In this sense, we translate the eigenfaces approach for face detection/classification problems to a mass detection. Two different databases were used to show the robustness of the approach. The first one consisted on a set of 160 regions of interest (RoIs) extracted from the MIAS database, being 40 of them with confirmed masses and the rest normal tissue. The second set of RoIs was extracted from the DDSM database, and contained 196 RoIs containing masses and 392 with normal, but suspicious regions. Initial results demonstrate the feasibility of using such approach with performances comparable to other algorithms, with the advantage of being a more general, simple and cost-effective approach
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és integrar a la plataforma Starviewer ( plataforma informàtica de processament i visualització d’imatges mèdiques creada fruit de la col•laboració del Laboratori de Gràfics i Imatge (GILab) de la Universitat de Girona i l’Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge (IDI) de l’hospital Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona) per donar suport al diagnòstic un entorn de suport a la inserció de pròtesis, que permeti automatitzar al màxim les operacions que actualment es realitzen de forma manual. Hem de tenir en compte que, tot i que, la imatge més usada pel radiòleg es la radiografia (Rx) també treballa amb tomografia computada (TAC). El TAC dona una visió 3D de l’organisme, mentre que la Rx és 2D
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és ampliar la plataforma Starviewer integrant els mòduls necessaris per donar suport al diagnòstic de l’estenosi de caròtida permetent interpretar de forma més fàcil les imatges Angiografia per Ressonància Magnètica (ARM). La plataforma Starviewer és un entorn informàtic que integra funcionalitats bàsiques i avançades pel processament i la visualització d’imatges mèdiques. Està desenvolupat pel Grup d’Informàtica Gràfica de la Universitat de Girona i l’Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge (IDI) de l’hospital Dr. Josep Trueta. Una de les limitacions de la plataforma és el no suportar el tractament de lesions del sistema vascular. Per això ens proposem a corregir-ho i ampliar les seves extensions per a poder diagnosticar l’estenosi de caròtida
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte es dissenyar i implementar un entorn de suport al diagnòstic dels aneurismes. Aquest entorn s’haurà d’integrar en la plataforma Starviewer. La plataforma Starviewer és un entorn de processament i visualització de dades mèdiques desenvolupat conjuntament entre el Laboratori de Gràfics i Imatge de la UdG i l’ Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge de l’Hospital Josep Trueta de Girona. Aquesta plataforma ofereix les funcionalitats bàsiques per diagnosticar a partir d’imatges. Tot i les funcionalitats de la plataforma, en la versió actual no es suporta el processament avançat d’imatge d’angiografia. En aquest projecte ens proposem ampliar aquesta plataforma integrant els mòduls necessaris que permetin el processament d’angiografies usades en el diagnòstic dels aneurismes
One of the key aspects in 3D-image registration is the computation of the joint intensity histogram. We propose a new approach to compute this histogram using uniformly distributed random lines to sample stochastically the overlapping volume between two 3D-images. The intensity values are captured from the lines at evenly spaced positions, taking an initial random offset different for each line. This method provides us with an accurate, robust and fast mutual information-based registration. The interpolation effects are drastically reduced, due to the stochastic nature of the line generation, and the alignment process is also accelerated. The results obtained show a better performance of the introduced method than the classic computation of the joint histogram
In rapid scan Fourier transform spectrometry, we show that the noise in the wavelet coefficients resulting from the filter bank decomposition of the complex insertion loss function is linearly related to the noise power in the sample interferogram by a noise amplification factor. By maximizing an objective function composed of the power of the wavelet coefficients divided by the noise amplification factor, optimal feature extraction in the wavelet domain is performed. The performance of a classifier based on the output of a filter bank is shown to be considerably better than that of an Euclidean distance classifier in the original spectral domain. An optimization procedure results in a further improvement of the wavelet classifier. The procedure is suitable for enhancing the contrast or classifying spectra acquired by either continuous wave or THz transient spectrometers as well as for increasing the dynamic range of THz imaging systems. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.
Traditional content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems use low-level features such as colors, shapes, and textures of images. Although, users make queries based on semantics, which are not easily related to such low-level characteristics. Recent works on CBIR confirm that researchers have been trying to map visual low-level characteristics and high-level semantics. The relation between low-level characteristics and image textual information has motivated this article which proposes a model for automatic classification and categorization of words associated to images. This proposal considers a self-organizing neural network architecture, which classifies textual information without previous learning. Experimental results compare the performance results of the text-based approach to an image retrieval system based on low-level features. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.