753 resultados para Iguaçu, Avenida (Curitiba, PR)


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This study had as objective to evaluate the effect of yam starch, modified starch from Cargill-Brasil (Amidomax 4800 (R)) and gelatin from Gelita-Brasil (GEL-LAC) as stabilizers/thickeners in different ratios and combinations in the soy yoghurt fermented with Enterococcus faecium and Lactobacillus helveticus ssp jugurti. Ten soy yoghurt formulations containing these different stabilizers/thickeners, always totalizing 0.5% in relation to the final formulation, were analyzed in sensorial and physical-chemical terms. Based on the observed results, it was concluded in relation to the sensorial point of view that the more appropriate product was processed only with gelatin at 0.5% concentration. This product also presented the best physical-chemical results related to consistency, syneresis and water holding capacity. However, the isolated use of gelatin increased fermentation time of the soy yoghurt.


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Background: Leptospirosis is an important zoonotic disease associated with poor areas of urban settings of developing countries and early diagnosis and prompt treatment may prevent disease. Although rodents are reportedly considered the main reservoirs of leptospirosis, dogs may develop the disease, may become asymptomatic carriers and may be used as sentinels for disease epidemiology. The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) combined with spatial analysis techniques allows the mapping of the disease and the identification and assessment of health risk factors. Besides the use of GIS and spatial analysis, the technique of data mining, decision tree, can provide a great potential to find a pattern in the behavior of the variables that determine the occurrence of leptospirosis. The objective of the present study was to apply Geographical Information Systems and data prospection (decision tree) to evaluate the risk factors for canine leptospirosis in an area of Curitiba, PR.Materials, Methods & Results: The present study was performed on the Vila Pantanal, a urban poor community in the city of Curitiba. A total of 287 dog blood samples were randomly obtained house-by-house in a two-day sampling on January 2010. In addition, a questionnaire was applied to owners at the time of sampling. Geographical coordinates related to each household of tested dog were obtained using a Global Positioning System (GPS) for mapping the spatial distribution of reagent and non-reagent dogs to leptospirosis. For the decision tree, risk factors included results of microagglutination test (MAT) from the serum of dogs, previous disease on the household, contact with rats or other dogs, dog breed, outdoors access, feeding, trash around house or backyard, open sewer proximity and flooding. A total of 189 samples (about 2/3 of overall samples) were randomly selected for the training file and consequent decision rules. The remained 98 samples were used for the testing file. The seroprevalence showed a pattern of spatial distribution that involved all the Pantanal area, without agglomeration of reagent animals. In relation to data mining, from 189 samples used in decision tree, a total of 165 (87.3%) animal samples were correctly classified, generating a Kappa index of 0.413. A total of 154 out of 159 (96.8%) samples were considered non-reagent and were correctly classified and only 5/159 (3.2%) were wrongly identified. on the other hand, only 11 (36.7%) reagent samples were correctly classified, with 19 (63.3%) samples failing diagnosis.Discussion: The spatial distribution that involved all the Pantanal area showed that all the animals in the area are at risk of contamination by Leptospira spp. Although most samples had been classified correctly by the decision tree, a degree of difficulty of separability related to seropositive animals was observed, with only 36.7% of the samples classified correctly. This can occur due to the fact of seronegative animals number is superior to the number of seropositive ones, taking the differences in the pattern of variable behavior. The data mining helped to evaluate the most important risk factors for leptospirosis in an urban poor community of Curitiba. The variables selected by decision tree reflected the important factors about the existence of the disease (default of sewer, presence of rats and rubbish and dogs with free access to street). The analyses showed the multifactorial character of the epidemiology of canine leptospirosis.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the satisfaction of patients rehabilitated with zygomatic fixtures and prosthesis with immediate loading.Materials and Methods: The study selected patients who were rehabilitated with zygomatic implants at the clinic of the Latin American Institute for Dental Research and Education (ILAPEO. Curitiba-PR. Brasil) between 2005 and 2009. The patients were asked to answer a control-questionnaire during their follow-up visits. Data were collected regarding the level of patient satisfaction, reason for dissatisfaction, number of post-operative clinical sessions, and the type of complication. Sixteen patients were selected: 10 females and 6 males.Results: Half of the patients were completely satisfied while the other half were satisfied with some complaints. The complaints were related to hygiene, esthetics, phonetics, and discomfort during chewing. Regarding the post-operative evaluation, 50% of the patients were attended due to the prosthesis (62.5%) and the implant (37.5%).Conclusions: The treatment with zygomatic fixtures is predictable and reliable. The patients were satisfied both with implants and prosthesis. (C) 2012 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 70: 314-319, 2012


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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COMBINED METHODS TO OBTAIN DRIED PAPAYA of FORMOSA CULTIVAR (Carica papaya) The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of blanching in hot water, osmotic dehydration in sucrose solution and pectin coating on color and water activity of papaya slices after convective drying. on the first experiments, the influence of concentration and time of dehydration on color changes and water activity of fresh and blanched papaya slices was evaluated based on a factorial design. It was not verified significant color changes at the studied ranges. An expression for the water activity of osmotically dehydrated blanched samples was found. Then, the influences of blanching, osmotic dehydration, edible coating and combinations among these pre-treatments on color and water activity were evaluated after convective drying of papaya slices. Blanching was not an advantageous pre-treatment to maintain color and reduce water activity of dried fruits. Osmotically dehydrated fresh samples with or without coating presented the best results.


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OBJETIVO: investigar a pré-fragilidade e os fatores associados a essa condição, considerando as medidas de velocidade da marcha dos idosos. MÉTODO: a seleção dos participantes ocorreu por meio de critérios de inclusão/exclusão e teste de rastreamento cognitivo. A amostra foi calculada com base na estimativa da proporção populacional e constituída por 195 idosos, usuários de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Curitiba, PR. Os dados foram coletados mediante questionário sociodemográfico/clínico e teste de velocidade da marcha. RESULTADOS: a pré-fragilidade para velocidade da marcha possui moderada prevalência (27,3%) e associou-se à faixa etária entre 60 e 69 anos, baixa escolaridade, não se sentir solitário, utilizar anti-hipertensivo, apresentar doença cardiovascular e sobrepeso. CONCLUSÃO: considera-se relevante identificar os idosos na condição de pré-fragilidade, pois, dessa maneira, existe a possibilidade de intervenção imediata com a finalidade de estacionamento do quadro. É significativo o déficit de estudos sobre a síndrome da fragilidade em idosos brasileiros, principalmente aqueles que se referem a um componente isolado. Visto que a enfermagem gerontológica se encontra nos primeiros passos referentes à temática, entende-se que a identificação da prevalência deve ser o ponto primordial das pesquisas sobre o tema.


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The primary complex like Ghon was observed in a child's clinical roentgenographic study. C.S., white, male, 6 years old, was born in Curitiba (PR), Brazil and living in Guaratingueta (SP), Brazil, developed common cold, bimodal diary fever, chills, shake and sweats. Dyspnea, cough with general lymphadenopathy. Foot and right shoulder arthralgias. Six months ago visited a cave, equitation practice, dog and cat contacts and no transfusion, frontal sweats, fever (38.4 degrees C). T.A. was 8/6, tachycardia in generalized lymphadenopathy. Cardiopulmonary system was normal, mesogastric tumoral mass, hepatosplenomegaly and no ascites. Bone marrow with eosinophilia; nodule demonstrated presence of P. brasiliensis, hypoalbuminemia; hyperglobulinemia; anemia; leukocytosis with eosinophilia. Immunodiffusion with exoantigen 43 kd of P. brasiliensis was 1/32. Primary complex like Ghon was observed in interstitial pneumonia followed by mediastinal and mesogastric mass (35 to 40 days). Clavicular osteolytic lesions (45 to 60 days) appeared during paracoccidioidomycosis therapy. Recovery was observed 2 months after treatment of acute infantile paracoccidioidomycosis.


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Myxoma of bone (fibromyxoma) is a slowly growing, locally invasive tumor that almost always occurs in the facial bones. The tumor has a potential to recur, but does not metastasize. The lesion is usually painless but causes slowly progressive swelling, sometimes resulting in severe facial deformity. Aim: Review of myxoma of bone experience in two institutions. Methods: Retrospective chart review of all patients with diagnose of myxoma/fibromyxoma of bone identified in the tumor registry of two referral cancer centers: Hospital Erasto Gaerntner (HEG), Curitiba, PR Brazil and University of Sao Paulo (UNESP), Aracaatuba Campus, Sao Paulo, SP Brazil. We reviewed the age, sex, ace, presenting symptoms, topography of lesion and treatment. Results: From January 1972 to July 2000 we found 17 patients from both institutions that met the diagnostic criteria; 15 from HEG and two from UNESP. The median age was 32 years (range 10-55 years). Eleven patients were male, 14 were white and three were black. Only three patients presented with local pain, the remaining were free of symptoms, presenting only with local tumor. The tumor affected the maxilla in 11 patients (six on the right), the mandible in five and the zygomatic bone in one. All patients were treated by excisional surgery and one patient received adjuvant radiation therapy. Nine patients needed reconstruction after the tumor excision. Five of them were reconstructed with local soft tissue flaps; two received iliac crest autologous bone graft; and two had a microvascularized autologous fibula graft. Conclusion: The myxoma of bone in our experience is a rare tumor and occurs more frequently in the maxilly bone in young males. These findings are consistent with the literature data.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Em outubro e dezembro de 1960, foram inauguradas em Curitiba, respectivamente, as TVs Paranaense e Paraná. Assim, com dez anos de atraso em relação a São Paulo, foram ao ar em caráter definitivo as duas primeiras emissoras de televisão (TV) do Estado. Em setembro de 1963, entrou em funcionamento a TV Coroados de Londrina, a primeira do interior. Em 1967 e 1969, começaram a operar as TVs Iguaçu de Curitiba e Tibagi de Apucarana, ambas pertencentes ao então governador Paulo Pimentel e as primeiras concedidas pelo governo militar. Este artigo objetiva historiar, analisar e interpretar as relações políticas existentes entre empresários da comunicação e autoridades do poder federal – quase sempre intermediadas pelo Palácio Iguaçu – para a conquista das concessões destas cinco emissoras. Elas só foram concretizadas porque havia reciprocidade entre os interesses empresariais paranaenses e os projetos políticos dos mandatários nacionais.


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Several countries have been passed by change processes in their fundamental geodesic structure with the focus on the adoption of geocentric reference systems. In Brazil, the adoption of the SIRGAS2000 evolves the coexistence of two realizations from the COrrego Alegre system, two realizations from the SAD69 system and one realization from the SIRGAS2000 system. To make use of products in the old reference systems, methods of coordinate transformation between the existent reference frames are necessary. So, in this paper one solution for the transformation between coordinates from different reference frames, based on Thin-Plate Splines (TPS), that allows the estimation of parameters from one linear transformation and also one non-linear model is presented. The TPS model was developed to work with tridimensional coordinates and in this paper the results and analysis are performed with simulated data and also with data from the official Brazilian Geodetic System (SGB). In the check points from SAD69 stations (realization of 1996 - SAD69/96), the values of RMSE obtained were of 78,2 mm in latitude and 67,5 mm in longitude, before the transformation to the SIRGAS2000. In the comparison between the TPS model and ProGriD (Brazilian software provided by IBGE), the statistical indicators were reduced in 97%, by using the TPS model. Based in the obtained results from real dataset, the TPS model appears to be promising, since it allows improving the quality of transformation process with simultaneous distortion modeling.


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Digital Elevation Model (DEM) validation is often carried out by comparing the data with a set of ground control points. However, the quality of a DEM can also be considered in terms of shape realism. Beyond visual analysis, it can be verified that physical and statistical properties of the terrestrial relief are fulfilled. This approach is applied to an extract of Topodata, a DEM obtained by resampling the SRTM DEM over the Brazilian territory with a geostatistical approach. Several statistical indicators are computed, and they show that the quality of Topodata in terms of shape rendering is improved with regards to SRTM.


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The goal of this paper is to analyze the influence of the intense geomagnetic storms in the ionosphere and GNSS (GPS) positioning. It was analyzed the effects of intense geomagnetic storm of November 20th 2003 using GPS data from RBMC (Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring) located in different sites in the Brazilian region and ionosphere global maps. While analyzing the results, it can be observed an increase in the electron density of the ionosphere in the regions near to the geomagnetic equator in the afternoon on the day of the storm. In the period after the sunset of the storm day, there is an increase in the density of free electrons and ionospheric irregularities in regions furthest from the geomagnetic equator, when compared to geomagnetically quiet days. When the positioning point is analyzed, it is observed high discrepancies values in planimetry and altimetry at the same position for periods of changes that occurred in the ionosphere, especially for the GPS stations located furthest from the geomagnetic equator in the period after the sunset Sun.