845 resultados para Identity based encryption


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Para la sociedad del Antiguo Egipto el mito era la forma de legitimación y la explicación de porqué el mundo adquiría determinada forma y orden. El paso de una economía cazadora- recolectora a una propiamente agrícola provoca un cambio de mentalidad en donde la figura del rey aparece como garante del orden dado. En este trabajo analizaremos la construcción de la identidad del rey en el Antiguo Egipto en base a dos interrogantes: los orígenes topográficos del culto a Osiris y cómo a través del mito se produce la identificación de Osiris el rey-padre muerto con su sucesor Horus-rey-hijo-vivo, todo esto vinculado a la formación del Estado


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Para la sociedad del Antiguo Egipto el mito era la forma de legitimación y la explicación de porqué el mundo adquiría determinada forma y orden. El paso de una economía cazadora- recolectora a una propiamente agrícola provoca un cambio de mentalidad en donde la figura del rey aparece como garante del orden dado. En este trabajo analizaremos la construcción de la identidad del rey en el Antiguo Egipto en base a dos interrogantes: los orígenes topográficos del culto a Osiris y cómo a través del mito se produce la identificación de Osiris el rey-padre muerto con su sucesor Horus-rey-hijo-vivo, todo esto vinculado a la formación del Estado


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La tesis doctoral “La construcción de la transparencia. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Siglo 21 de Kanazawa / SANAA” estudia, desde diferentes perspectivas, esta obra de los arquitectos japoneses Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA. El museo, proyectado y construido entre 1999 y 2004, supone un referente arquitectónico de gran relevancia en el cambio de siglo, y está considerado un manifiesto construido en el que resuenan ecos culturales y sociales de su época. La investigación toma como constante el Museo del Siglo 21 de Kanazawa y a través de él se realizan una serie de miradas transversales a modo de narrativas interconectadas. Estas visiones múltiples colaboran, a través de las relaciones que se producen entre ellas, a generar un entendimiento global de esta obra y sus efectos sobre la cultura arquitectónica contemporánea. La tesis se estructura en dos partes: la primera estudia de manera analítica la obra en su contexto cultural, el proceso de proyecto y el edificio construido. La segunda parte propone una triple lectura interpretativa del edificio en relación a temas de especial relevancia para el proyecto y al modelo de espacio que constituye, tomando de nuevo como constante la noción de transparencia. La tesis partirá de la interpretación que hace del museo su directora artística Yuko Hasegawa, cuya colaboración activa durante el proceso de diseño resultó de gran relevancia para el resultado final. Hasegawa define la obra como la materialización de una situación cultural característica del nuevo siglo basada en tres conceptos: La Coexistencia, la Consciencia y la Inteligencia Colectiva. A partir de dichas ideas entenderemos la transparencia no sólo desde el punto de vista de las cualidades físicas y materiales del espacio sino también, desde una perspectiva más amplia: como estrategia utilizada para clarificar la organización funcional del edificio y las relaciones entre sus partes como posición política, catalizadora del espacio público; la producción de consciencia a través de la experiencia del arte y la arquitectura; y como medio de representación y generación de una identidad colectiva basada en la visibilidad mediática. Las conclusiones de esta investigación, extraídas de las confluencias y puntos de intersección de las diferentes miradas transversales proyectadas sobre la obra, determinan una clara voluntad por parte de los arquitectos de construir un espacio donde lo público se entiende como el ensamblaje de diferentes individualidades. De manera similar al proceso de proyecto, la multiplicidad y las relaciones entre elementos autónomos generan un consciencia colectiva del espacio donde, a través de la organización programática, la construcción y el uso de los materiales y la luz, la arquitectura tiene la voluntad de desvanecerse para ofrecer protagonismo a sus usuarios y a las relaciones y encuentros que se producen entre ellos y con el espacio que habitan. ABSTRACT The PhD thesis “The construction of transparency. 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa / SANAA” studies, from different perspectives, this work, realized by Japanese architects Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA. The museum, designed and built between 1999 and 2004, had a huge relevance as an architectural referent in the swift of the century, being considered a built manifesto that echoes the culture and society of its time. The research takes as a constant the 21st Century Museum in Kanazawa and it is studied throughout a series of transversal readings as interconnected narratives. These multiple approaches and the relations among them, help to generate a global understanding of the building and its effects on contemporary architectural culture. The dissertation is structured in two parts: the first one studies from an analytical perspective the project in its cultural context, the process of design and the built work. The second part proposes a triple interpretative reading of the building in relation to topics that are especially relevant for the project and the spatial model that it constitutes, taking again the notion of transparency as a constant concept. The thesis departs from the interpretation expressed by the artistic director of the museum, Yuko Hasegawa, whose active collaboration during the design process had special relevance for the final result. She defines the work as the materialization of the cultural context of the new century based in three concepts: Co-existence, Consciousness and Collective Intelligence. From these concepts we will understand transparency, not only from the point of view of the physical and material qualities of the space, but also from a broader perspective: as an strategy used to clarify the functional organization of the building and the relation of its parts as political stand that catalyzes the public space; the production of consciousness based on the experience of art and architecture; and as a method of representation and construction of a collective identity based in the media visibility. The conclusions of this research -extracted from the confluences and intersections of the different transversal readings projected on the work- determine a clear intention by the architects to build a space where the public is understood as an assembly of different individualities. In a similar way as it happens in the design process, the multiplicity of relations between autonomous elements generate a collective consciousness of the space. Throughout the programmatic organization, the construction and the use of light and materials, the architecture has the will of disappearance to yield protagonist the users and the relations and encounters that happen among them and the space they inhabit.


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For decades, the international community has recognized that youth are some of the most vulnerable to mental and emotional distress within the intractable and cyclical nature of identity-based violent conflict. Exposure to traumatic stressors within these intergroup conflicts poses unique risks not only to the neurological and social development of youth, but also to the capacities of youth to fully participate in peacebuilding interventions. The peacebuilding field has yet to strongly consider how traumatic stress affects dynamics within programs for youth and how these programs may need to modify expectations of youth’s cognitive, social, and emotional functioning to account for the traumatic dimensions of political and social violence. Through a qualitative analysis of practitioner reflections gathered from an online survey distributed worldwide, this study explores how practitioners conceptualize and approach issues of traumatic stress in peacebuilding programs focused on youth in conflict-affected contexts. The objective is to identify the working assumptions undergirding practitioner conceptualizations and approaches to traumatic stress and gaps in trauma interventions in peacebuilding programs for youth. The implications of these findings will support efforts to enhance trauma-sensitive peacebuilding practice by revisiting and reconsidering preexisting norms.


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El artículo tiene como objetivo el análisis del proceso de construcción social del fenómeno de las adopciones en España, que tendrá mayor relevancia numérica e impacto social en la década de los noventa con el incremento de las adopciones internacionales. Las conclusiones que se presentan surgen de la investigación documental llevada a cabo en documentos oficiales y personales. Las leyes, normas y decretos que se revisan son examinados en su estructura social y al hilo de las ideologías dominantes sobre maternidad, crianza, infancia y familia. Se incluye el legado normativo que el movimiento por la recuperación de la memoria histórica ha dotado de contemporaneidad, al tiempo que nos sitúa en la construcción actual de la adopción. Esta visión diacrónica se completa con el análisis de documentos personales autobiográficos. Si significativo es el incremento de las adopciones internacionales en España, también lo es el importante número de documentos personales en los que madres y padres relatan en primera persona su experiencia con la adopción. Sus narraciones son críticas con la gestión del proceso de la adopción y con la ideología que subyace, basada en la construcción de la diferencia con fuerte sesgo a favor del modelo biológico y en la sacralización del niño adoptado. En sus relatos se sigue el proceso contemporáneo de construcción identitario, individual y social de la adopción en España.


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INTRODUCTION In the current times of multifaceted crisis, nationalism looks, more than ever, like a positive and necessary feeling. It seems both natural and indispensable if we are to have viable political and social institutions that meet the needs and preferences of all citizens. The following paper contests this vision. Its criticism of nationalism is directed not only at its national forms, but also at any defence of collective identity based on the same model, such as the various forms of European nationalism. Furthermore, the same overriding criticism can be made of different kinds of nationalism, regardless of their more or less open and progressive political content. In order to ground our argument theoretically and practically, we will try to show that nationalism is always potentially harmful to individual rights, and unnecessary for the maintenance of a just social and political system. We will thus oppose any acritical defence of the intrinsic value of a specific community and the belief in its artificial homogeneity. The historical construction of a supposedly homogeneous community, and the insistence on its values, which are perceived as superior and binding, facilitate the absorption of the individual into the collective. As we will explain further in more details, this holistic approach is typical of communitarian approaches. In that respect, it does not really matter whether they appeal to passion or to reason, to some irrational binding features of the community or to more rational political aspects of a common identity. The main problem in nationalism is not the emotion it can trigger, it is not even its reliance on particular values. What makes nationalism problematic is, firstly, that it tends to overlook the intrinsically divisive and contradictory nature of individual and collective interests in unjust societies; secondly, that it attributes an intrinsic superiority to a particular community over others; and thirdly, that it sees politics as a means to promote the interests, values or identity of that community. As an alternative, we will very briefly advocate a cosmopolitan approach that grounds political legitimacy in a demanding approach to individual freedom, rather than in a shared collective identity. However, even if only briefly, we will also carefully distinguish our own vision of cosmopolitanism from those commonly put forward. Frequently, cosmopolitan perspectives entangle their identity frameworks with concrete political projects, without clearly explaining how the latter derive from the former. Our approach to cosmopolitanism, on the other hand, is, first and foremost, a critical vision of all communitarian postulates according to which politics should be based on some form of collective identity. Thus, we insist on the conceptual distinction between a general stance on identity issues and the more practical political ideology one stands for. In a subsequent step, we link this cosmopolitan framework with a progressive approach to individual rights. Because of our demanding approach to individual freedom, our cosmopolitanism goes hand in hand with a revival of identity-free sovereignty. It is therefore distinct from the severe condemnation of sovereignty often found in most mainstream cosmopolitan positions. Finally, instead of the frequent confusion found in public discourses and in the literature between ideals and reality, our position acknowledges the deep gulf separating these two dimensions. It therefore sketches out very general strategic principles to bring normative ideals closer to political reality.


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The policy of the European Union (EU) towards Taiwan has mostly been analysed either as a by-product of EU-China relations or with reference to the general lack of a European geopolitical approach towards East Asia. By adopting a lobbying approach which focusses on Taiwan’s different ‘channels of influence’ within the complex European foreign policy system in Brussels, this study provides new insights into the functioning of EU-Taiwan relations. It also sheds new light on the implications of the radical change in Taiwanese diplomacy after 2008, when Chen Shui-bian’s assertive and identity-based diplomacy was replaced with the Kuomintang’s new dogma of ‘workable diplomacy’. Based on semi-guided interviews with Taiwanese and European actors, this paper examines why Taiwanese lobbying in Brussels, albeit very active and professional, is not salient enough to meet the challenges arising from the overwhelming Chinese competition and from the increasing proliferation of regional trade agreements – with active EU participation – in the Asia-Pacific region. It argues that the pragmatic ‘workable diplomacy’ approach, while smoothing out working-level relations between Taiwan and the EU, fails to attract a sufficient degree of political and public attention in Europe to the Taiwan question and thus fosters the neglect of Taiwan by European foreign policy-makers. The main challenge faced by Taiwanese diplomacy, however, is not simply one of convincing through technical arguments, but one of agenda setting, that is, of redefining European priorities in Taiwan’s favour.


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O pseudepígrafo José e Asenet é uma obra datada entre os séculos I A.E.C. e I E.C., produto da comunidade judaica que viveu na diáspora em Alexandria. O livro é um romance que conta o encontro de José, patriarca judeu, com Asenet, a conversão de Asenet e o casamento de ambos. Fruto de uma comunidade que vivia os desafios e as hostilidades da diáspora, José e Asenet tem elementos que nos revelam uma identidade desta comunidade. O judaísmo do período helênico sofreu mudanças. A identidade judaica que, até então, se restringia a questões étnicasgeográficas, passava a abrir suas fronteiras para abarcar também os prosélitos e os que se casavam com judeus. Asenet é um modelo de prosélito que se converte ao judaísmo a partir de uma experiência individual com o Deus de José. A inserção dela na comunidade judaica se dá a partir da conversão e do casamento com José. Esta pesquisa teve como escopo encontrar elementos da construção de uma identidade judaica a partir da análise do pseudepígrafo José e Asenet. Esta identidade se configura, no romance: (1) a partir do confronto e da assimilação da cultura e religião grega e egípcia; (2) a partir da inserção de prosélitos na comunidade judaica; (3) numa ética da não-retaliação; (4) numa sexualidade evidente; (5) nas epifanías como elementos autenticadores do novo status.


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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo observar o casamento inter-religioso. O encontro de duas culturas religiosas pode e, provavelmente, constituirá fonte de conflito. Os conflitos emergentes podem ocorrer, não por uma visão diferente de mundo, mas essencialmente porque o outro, por ser diferente, ameaça a identidade do indivíduo. Frente à ameaça, é necessário fortalecer a própria identidade. A partir de entrevistas com seis casais em casamentos inter-religiosos, mais especificamente, entre cristãos e judeus, e com filhos com idade entre zero e cinco anos e entre quatorze e vinte e quatro anos de idade, residentes em São Paulo, Capital, pretendi analisar como os casais lidam com os desafios que surgem quando um cônjuge pertence a uma tradição religiosa diferente da do outro. Dentre os desafios, está o de lidar com a educação religiosa ou a formação espiritual de seus filhos. Utilizando-se como referencial a Terapia Sistêmica Familiar, principalmente o trabalho de Paul Watzlawick sobre a comunicação e o de Murray Bowen sobre o funcionamento humano dentro dos sistemas familiares, além de outros referenciais auxiliares para trabalhar a questão intercultural no casamento, pretendi discutir as implicações para a práxis religiosa e oferecer contribuições à clínica psicológica e às ciências da religião. A psicologia necessita repensar sua prática, deixando o preconceito em relação à religião de lado e incluindo essa em seus estudos, de modo a aproximar o discurso e a prática do terapeuta, uma vez que pode tomar consciência de seus próprios valores religiosos quando buscar compreender a religião e a espiritualidade de sua clientela. Por sua vez, as instituições religiosas necessitam refletir sobre sua práxis, de modo a alcançar as famílias que se encontram na periferia das religiões. Famílias que solicitam uma orientação, uma formação religiosa, mas que, sendo inter-religiosas, necessitam ser reconhecidas e respeitadas como tal. Portanto, as igrejas precisam abrir-se, deixar de olhar para dentro de si mesmas e servir ao mundo, mesmo que parte desse mundo nunca venha a se tornar formalmente membro da comunidade.(AU)


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to challenge the assumption that process losses of individuals working in teams are unavoidable. The paper aims to challenge this assumption on the basis of social identity theory and recent research. Design/methodology/approach – The approach adopted in this paper is to review the mainstream literature providing strong evidence for motivation problems of individuals working in groups. Based on more recent literature, innovative ways to overcome these problems are discussed. Findings – A social identity-based analysis and recent findings summarized in this paper show that social loafing can be overcome and that even motivation gains in group work can be expected when groups are important for the individual group members' self-concepts. Practical implications – The paper provides human resource professionals and front-line managers with suggestions as to how individual motivation and performance might be increased when working in teams. Originality/value – The paper contributes to the literature by challenging the existing approach to reducing social loafing, i.e. individualizing workers as much as possible, and proposes a team-based approach instead to overcome motivation problems.


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The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of environment, behavior, capabilities, beliefs and values, and identity, based on Dilts' (1990) levels of cognitive alignment, on the cognitive construct of sense of competence and related constructs of self-efficacy, motivation, expectations, and goal-setting among adolescent girls. An individual who is aligned is free from conflict among the interaction of these levels. In addition, academic achievement, adolescent culture, parental involvement, and school environment were four of several issues in the lives of adolescent girls examined to explore how these issues might interact with the levels of alignment and sense of competence.^ A case study approach used in-depth interviews with six female seniors from private single-sex and mixed-sex high schools organized around the levels of alignment and school environment. Response patterns were analyzed to determine each girl's varying evidence of alignment or freedom from conflict within her environment.^ The findings indicated that none of the girls were able to meet the conditions for alignment in Dilts' model or a sense of competence. School environment, parental involvement, and adolescent culture were important factors influencing the extent to which conflict was experienced by each girl. The girls with domain-specific successes developed strategies that concentrated their efforts in the domains in which they could demonstrate their best abilities. The results contribute to current theory and research on adolescent girls: and have value for practitioners working with adolescent girls in developing strategies to improve their self-efficacy, motivation, expectations, goal-setting, and overall sense of competence. ^


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This study looks at the broader transformations in Cuban history through the case study of a single, yet symbolic, man, and proposes a new paradigm for understanding the dynamics of Cuban society and culture. It also examines the implications for Cuba’s aspiring national identity at the turn of the twentieth century, by detailing the interplay between fact and fiction in the story of Alberto Yarini: elite born; well-educated; politically and socially well-connected; powerful; and celebrated Cuban racketeer and chulo (pimp). Yarini was described as vibrant and triumphant at a time when other nation-building forces in Cuba were weak and ambivalent. A century after his dramatic death, Yarini became the quintessential public man in Cuban lore who symbolized a cubanidad (Cuban national identity) not defined in terms of the ideological hegemony of class, race, or gender, and who through his actions dispelled the ambivalence that plagued Cuban nationalism. Using archival documents, contemporary newspaper accounts, court records, memoirs, and published works, this study analyzes the confluence of national events and individual action in the formation of Cuban national identity. It contends that for Cuba, the failure of nation-building experiments resulted in an ambivalent national identity based on failed philosophical and political ideals of equality and prosperity. These ideals played out within the context of the realities of racial discrimination, political dissonance, and class and gender barriers. Instead of a cohesive sense of national character, for Cubans the result was a competing set of identities including a populist version that was defined through identification with antitypes and pseudo-heroes such as Alberto Yarini y Ponce de León (1882-1910), a rising politician and celebrated chulo of the early republic. The telling and retelling of his story has given rise to what has been termed the island nation’s first national myth – one that continues to evolve and grow in the twenty-first century. For many Cubans, the Yarini antitype provided an idealized national identity which in many ways was—and many argue continues to be— the expression of an elusive and ambivalent cubanidad.


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Cette thèse étudie la façon dont trois romans latino-canadiens utilisent le trope de l’exil comme allégorie d’un trauma historique qui comprend plus que l’expérience individuelle de ses protagonistes : la transition forcée de l’État vers le Marché en Amérique latine effectuée par les dictatures. Cobro revertido (1992) de José Leandro Urbina; Le pavillon des miroirs (1994) Sergio Kokis; et Rojo, amarillo y verde (2003) de Alejandro Saravia, explorent divers aspects de ce processus à travers les exercices de mémoire de leurs personnages. L’exil oblige les protagonistes de ces oeuvres à se confronter aux limites des structures sémiotiques par lesquelles ils essaient de donner un fondement idéologique à leur existence sociale. Ils découvrent ainsi qu’il n’est pas possible de reproduire des hiérarchies, des valeurs, ni des relations de pouvoir de leur pays d’origine dans leur pays d’accueil, non seulement à cause des différences culturelles, mais aussi à cause d’un changement historique qui concerne la relation du sujet avec la collectivité et le territoire. Ces œuvres abordent l’expérience de ce changement par un dialogue avec différents genres littéraires comme le roman de fondation, la méta-fiction historique du Boom, le roman de formation et le testimonio, mis en relation avec divers moments historiques, de la période nationale-populaire aux transitions, en passant par les dictatures. Cela permet aux auteurs de réfléchir aux mécanismes narratifs que plusieurs œuvres latino-américaines du XXème siècle ont utilisé pour construire et naturaliser des subjectivités favorables aux projets hégémoniques des États nationaux. Ces exercices méta-narratifs comprennent le rôle de l’écriture comme support privilégié pour l’articulation d’une identité avec le type de communauté imaginaire qu’est la nation. Ils servent aussi à signaler les limites de l’écriture dans le moment actuel du développement technologique des médias et de l’expansion du capitalisme transnational. Ainsi, les auteurs de ces œuvres cherchent d’autres formes de représentation pour rendre visibles les traces d’autres histoires qui n’ont pas pu être incorporées dans le discours historique officiel.


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Cloud storage has rapidly become a cornerstone of many businesses and has moved from an early adopters stage to an early majority, where we typically see explosive deployments. As companies rush to join the cloud revolution, it has become vital to create the necessary tools that will effectively protect users' data from unauthorized access. Nevertheless, sharing data between multiple users' under the same domain in a secure and efficient way is not trivial. In this paper, we propose Sharing in the Rain – a protocol that allows cloud users' to securely share their data based on predefined policies. The proposed protocol is based on Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) and allows users' to encrypt data based on certain policies and attributes. Moreover, we use a Key-Policy Attribute-Based technique through which access revocation is optimized. More precisely, we show how to securely and efficiently remove access to a file, for a certain user that is misbehaving or is no longer part of a user group, without having to decrypt and re-encrypt the original data with a new key or a new policy.


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Esta investigación hace un aporte a la construcción de la historia de la televisión colombiana desde la región Caribe, partiendo de los recuerdos de los habitantes de Cartagena, con el objetivo de determinar de qué manera se relacionaron con ella y si existe o no un vínculo con la identidad cultural durante el período 1970-1986. Para identificar este lazo se recurrió a la teoría de las representaciones sociales propuesta por Moscovici y Jodelet, que sirvió como sustento metodológico del trabajo. La información obtenida con la implementación de técnicas cualitativas, dieron origen a una serie de categorías con las cuales se encontró que a través del relacionamiento con la televisión, los cartageneros empezaron a construir una identidad basada en un sentir nacional, que durante un tiempo estuvo influenciada por la mirada construida desde el centro del país. Solo hasta la aparición del canal regional Telecaribe, el televidente de Cartagena inició la construcción de una identidad regional con la cual si se sentía cercano. Las principales representaciones relacionadas con la identidad cultural se refieren a “colombianidad”, “falsa costeñidad” y “costeñidad”, entre otras; la manera en que se nombraron y describieron estas representaciones serán descritas en este informe.