Aquifer denitrification is among the most poorly constrained fluxes in global and regional nitrogen budgets. The few direct measurements of denitrification in groundwaters provide limited information about its spatial and temporal variability, particularly at the scale of whole aquifers. Uncertainty in estimates of denitrification may also lead to underestimates of its effect on isotopic signatures of inorganic N, and thereby confound the inference of N source from these data. In this study, our objectives are to quantify the magnitude and variability of denitrification in the Upper Floridan Aquifer (UFA) and evaluate its effect on N isotopic signatures at the regional scale. Using dual noble gas tracers (Ne, Ar) to generate physical predictions of N2 gas concentrations for 112 observations from 61 UFA springs, we show that excess (i.e. denitrification-derived) N2 is highly variable in space and inversely correlated with dissolved oxygen (O2). Negative relationships between O2 and δ15N NO3 across a larger dataset of 113 springs, well-constrained isotopic fractionation coefficients, and strong 15N:18O covariation further support inferences of denitrification in this uniquely organic-matter-poor system. Despite relatively low average rates, denitrification accounted for 32 % of estimated aquifer N inputs across all sampled UFA springs. Back-calculations of source δ15N NO3 based on denitrification progression suggest that isotopically-enriched nitrate (NO3-) in many springs of the UFA reflects groundwater denitrification rather than urban- or animal-derived inputs. © Author(s) 2012.
A região de Banabuiú situa-se no Domínio Ceará Central, na porção setentrional da Província Borborema, um dos cinturões orogénicos formados durante o evento Brasiliano/Pan-Africano no final do Neoproterozóico. As duas unidades litológicas principais presentes na área são: o complexo gnáissicomigmatítico (metapelitos e metagrauvaques) e granitóides brasilianos. Para além das formações paraderivadas, no substrato da região também foi identificado um conjunto de rochas ortoderivadas, até então não individualizado na cartografia existente. Tanto a sequência paraderivada, como os materiais ortoderivados, foram intensamente afectados por metamorfismo regional da fácies granulítica durante a Orogenia Brasiliana, que atingiu as condições de fusão parcial, gerando migmatitos com um amplo espectro de morfologias. Estes migmatitos apresentam estruturas dominantemente estromáticas, embora localmente se tenham identificado também corpos irregulares de diatexitos de tipo“schlieren”, “schollen” e “maciço (s.s)”, indicando que o processo de migmatização culminou com a produção de maiores quantidades de fundido. Em termos tectónicos, o basamento da região regista os efeitos de três fases de deformação, embora as estruturas concordantes à D3 sejam dominantes e obliterem, em muitos casos, as anisotropias anteriores. A maior parte dos fundidos anatécticos parece ter sido produzida durante tectónica transcorrente D3. No entanto, as condições metamórficas para o início da fusão parcial parece ter sido atingidas antes, durante a D2, já que também existem leucossomas, embora em proporções reduzidas, associados com as estruturas desta fase. A grande quantidade de volumes de leucossomas / veios leucocráticos encontrados na região, está relacionada com a actuação da zona de cisalhamento de Orós e parece corresponder a fundidos anatécticos gerados em níveis mais profundos que foram injectados nas sequências orto- e para-derivadas, devido a notória escassez de leucossomas “in situ” nestas rochas. A presença de fluidos aquosos injectados no complexo migmatítico de Banabuiú terá proporcionado a re-hidratação e retrogradação das rochas hospedeiras, evidenciada, essencialmente, pela presença de moscovite tardia, amplamente distribuída nos metassedimentos e ortognaisses, sobretudo nas zonas próximas aos leucossomas e veios leucocráticos. Dados isotópicos apontam que as rochas da região de Banabuiú apresentam valores fortemente negativos de εNdt e positivos de εSrt sugerindo um significativo envolvimento de materiais supracrustais do grupo Acopiara na formação do complexo migmatítico e na petrogénese do maciço granítico de Banabuiú e o marcado fraccionamento isotópico Sm-Nd observado nalguns dos leucossomas analisados indica que os líquidos anatécticos que lhes deram origem resultaram de processos de fusão em desequilíbrio, em condições anidras, e foram rapidamente extraídos da área-fonte, comprovando o carácter alóctone dos veios leucocráticos intercalados nos ortognaisses e paragnaisses de Banabuiú.
Chlorine stable isotope compositions ( delta Cl-37) of 22 mid- ocean ridge basalts ( MORBs) correlate with Cl content. The high-delta Cl-37, Cl- rich basalts are highly contaminated by Cl- rich materials ( seawater, brines, or altered rocks). The low-delta(37) Cl, Cl- poor basalts approach the composition of uncontaminated, mantle- derived magmas. Thus, most or all oceanic lavas are contaminated to some extent during their emplacement. MORB- source mantle has delta(37) Cl <= -1.6 per mil (%), which is significantly lower than that of surface reservoirs (similar to 0 parts per thousand not equal). This isotopic difference between the surface and deep Earth results from net Cl isotopic fractionation ( associated with removal of Cl from the mantle and its return by subduction over Earth history) and/ or the addition ( to external reservoirs) of a late volatile supply that is Cl-37- enriched.
Calculations of the absorption of solar radiation by atmospheric gases, and water vapor in particular, are dependent on the quality of databases of spectral line parameters. There has been increasing scrutiny of databases such as HITRAN in recent years, but this has mostly been performed on a band-by-band basis. We report nine high-spectral-resolution (0.03 cm(-1)) measurements of the solar radiation reaching the surface in southern England over the wave number range 2000 to 12,500 cm(-1) (0.8 to 5 mm) that allow a unique assessment of the consistency of the spectral line databases over this entire spectral region. The data are assessed in terms of the modeled water vapor column that is required to bring calculations and observations into agreement; for an entirely consistent database, this water vapor column should be constant with frequency. For the HITRAN01 database, the spread in water vapor column is about 11%, with distinct shifts between different spectral regions. The HITRAN04 database is in significantly better agreement (about 5% spread) in the completely updated 3000 to 8000 cm(-1) spectral region, but inconsistencies between individual spectral regions remain: for example, in the 8000 to 9500 cm(-1) spectral region, the results indicate an 18% (+/- 1%) underestimate in line intensities with respect to the 3000 to 8000 cm(-1) region. These measurements also indicate the impact of isotopic fractionation of water vapor in the 2500 to 2900 cm(-1) range, where HDO lines dominate over the lines of the most abundant isotope of H2O.
We report on the consistency of water vapour line intensities in selected spectral regions between 800–12,000 cm−1 under atmospheric conditions using sun-pointing Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Measurements were made across a number of days at both a low and high altitude field site, sampling a relatively moist and relatively dry atmosphere. Our data suggests that across most of the 800–12,000 cm−1 spectral region water vapour line intensities in recent spectral line databases are generally consistent with what was observed. However, we find that HITRAN-2008 water vapour line intensities are systematically lower by up to 20% in the 8000–9200 cm−1 spectral interval relative to other spectral regions. This discrepancy is essentially removed when two new linelists (UCL08, a compilation of linelists and ab-initio calculations, and one based on recent laboratory measurements by Oudot et al. (2010) [10] in the 8000–9200 cm−1 spectral region) are used. This strongly suggests that the H2O line strengths in the HITRAN-2008 database are indeed underestimated in this spectral region and in need of revision. The calculated global-mean clear-sky absorption of solar radiation is increased by about 0.3 W m−2 when using either the UCL08 or Oudot line parameters in the 8000–9200 cm−1 region, instead of HITRAN-2008. We also found that the effect of isotopic fractionation of HDO is evident in the 2500–2900 cm−1 region in the observations.
Os isótopos estáveis do carbono que eram utilizados em estudos ecológicos e paleoecológicos apresentaram um incremento nos últimos trinta anos, na utilização em estudos dietéticos em animais. Entretanto, existem poucas informações sobre o padrão metabólico e sobre as taxas de turnover do 13C em aves. O presente experimento estabeleceu curvas de substituição e taxas de movimentação do 13C no ovo e no fígado de aves de postura adultas, pela substituição da ração comercial por dietas compostas de grãos dos ciclos fotossintéticos C3 e C4, durante 50 dias. A diferença no conteúdo isotópico do delta per mil do carbono-13 (delta 13C) entre as duas dietas foi de 16,13 . A taxa de substituição do 13C das dietas, nos tecidos, adequou-se num modelo exponencial, descrevendo o turnover do carbono nos tecidos analisados. As taxas de movimentação do 13C, nas aves alimentadas com dieta baseada em grãos C3, foi maior no fígado em relação ao ovo, com valores para a meia-vida de 2,9 e 3,7 dias, respectivamente. As aves que receberam ração com grãos C4 apresentaram uma taxa de turnover no ovo superior àquela obtida para o fígado, com meia-vida de 4,0 e 5,3 dias, respectivamente. Os valores do delta 13C observados para ovo e fígado diferiram em aproximadamente 2 daqueles referentes às dietas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
CO((NH2)-N-15)(2) enriched with the stable isotope N-15 was synthesized based on a reaction involving CO, (NH3)-N-15, and S in the presence of CH3OH. The method differs from the industrial method; a stainless steel reactor internally lined with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) was used in a discontinuous process under low pressure and temperature. The yield of the synthesis was evaluated as a function of the parameters: the amount of reagents, reaction time, addition of H2S, liquid solution and reaction temperature. The results showed that under optimum conditions (1.36, 4.01, and 4.48 g of (NH3)-N-15, CO, and S, respectively, 40 ml CH3OH, 40 mg H2S, 100 degrees C and 120 min of reaction) 1.82 g (yield 76.5%) of the compound was obtained per batch. The synthesized CO((NH2)-N-15)(2) contained 46.2% N, 0.55% biuret, melting point of 132.55 degrees C and did not exhibit isotopic fractionation. The production cost of CO((NH2)-N-15)(2) with 90.0 at. % N-15 was US$ 238.60 per gram.
CO(15NH2)2 enriched with the stable isotope 15N was synthesized based on a reaction involving CO, 15NH3, and S in the presence of CH3OH. The method differs from the industrial method; a stainless steel reactor internally lined with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) was used in a discontinuous process under low pressure and temperature. The yield of the synthesis was evaluated as a function of the parameters: the amount of reagents, reaction time, addition of H2S, liquid solution and reaction temperature. The results showed that under optimum conditions (1.36, 4.01, and 4.48 g of 15NH3, CO, and S, respectively, 40 ml CH3OH, 40 mg H2S, 100 ºC and 120 min of reaction) 1.82 g (yield 76.5%) of the compound was obtained per batch. The synthesized CO(15NH2)2 contained 46.2% N, 0.55% biuret, melting point of 132.55 ºC and did not exhibit isotopic fractionation. The production cost of CO(15NH2)2 with 90.0 at. % 15N was US$ 238.60 per gram.
ZusammenfassungDie Analyse von Isotopenverhältnissen ist von wachsender Bedeutung bei der Untersuchung von Quellen, Senken und chemischen Reaktionswegen atmosphärischer Spurengase. Distickstoffoxid (N2O) hat vier isotopisch einfach substituierte Spezies: 14N15N16O, 15N14N16O, 14N217O und 14N218O. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden massenspektrometrische Methoden entwickelt, die eine komplette Charakterisierung der Variationen im Vorkommen dieser Spezies ermöglichen. Es wird die bisher umfassendste Darstellung dieser Variationen in Troposphäre und Stratosphäre gegeben und mit Bezug auf eine Reihe von Laborexperimenten detailliert interpretiert.Die Laborexperimente machen einen großen Anteil dieser Doktorarbeit aus und konzentrieren sich auf die Isotopenfraktionierung in den stratosphärischen N2O-Senken, d. h. Photolyse und Reaktion mit elektronisch angeregten Sauerstoffatomen, O(1D). Diese Prozesse sind von dominantem Einfluß auf die Isotopenzusammensetzung von atmosphärischem N2O. Potentiell wichtige Parameter wie Temperatur- und Druckvariationen, aber auch Veränderungen der Wellenlänge im Fall der Photolyse wurden berücksichtigt. Photolyse bei stratosphärisch relevanten Wellenlängen > 190 nm zeigte immer Anreicherungen von 15N in beiden Stickstoffatomen des verbleibenden N2O wie auch in 17O und 18O. Die Anreicherungen waren am mittelständigen N-Atom signifikant höher als am endständigen N (mit mittleren Werten für 18O) und stiegen zu größeren Wellenlängen und niedrigeren Temperaturen hin an. Erstmalig wurden für 18O und 15N am endständigen N-Atom Isotopenabreicherungen bei 185 nm-Photolyse festgestellt. Im Gegensatz zur Photolyse waren die Isotopenanreicherungen bei der zweiten wichtigen N2O-Senke, Reaktion mit O(1D) vergleichsweise gering. Jedoch war das positionsabhängige Fraktionierungsmuster dem der Photolyse direkt entgegengesetzt und zeigte größere Anreicherungen am endständigen N-Atom. Demgemäß führen beiden Senkenprozesse zu charakteristischen Isotopensignaturen in stratosphärischem N2O. Weitere N2O-Photolyseexperimente zeigten, daß 15N216O in der Atmosphäre höchstwahrscheinlich mit der statistisch zu erwartenden Häufigkeit vorkommt.Kleine stratosphärische Proben erforderten die Anpassung der massenspektrometrischen Methoden an Permanentflußtechniken, die auch für Messungen an Firnluftproben von zwei antarktischen Stationen verwendet wurden. Das 'Firnluftarchiv' erlaubte es, den gegenwärtigen Trend und die präindustriellen Werte der troposphärischen N2O-Isotopensignatur zu bestimmen. Ein daraus konstruiertes globales N2O-Isotopenbudget ist im Einklang mit den besten Schätzungen der Gesamt-N2O-Emissionen aus Böden und Ozeanen.17O-Messungen bestätigten die Sauerstoffisotopenanomalie in atmosphärischem N2O, zeigten aber auch, daß N2O-Photolyse die Sauerstoffisotope gemäß einem massenabhängigen Fraktionierungsgesetz anreichert. Eine troposphärische Ursache für einen Teil des Exzeß-17O wurde vorgeschlagen, basierend auf der Reaktion von NH2 mit NO2, wodurch die Sauerstoffisotopenanomalie von O3 über NO2 an N2O übertragen wird.
A new method to measure the sulfur isotopic composition of individual aerosol particles by NanoSIMS has been developed and tested on several standards such as barite (BaSO4), anhydrite (CaSO4), gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O), mascagnite ((NH4)2SO4), epsomite (MgSO4·7H2O), magnesium sulfate (MgSO4·xH2O), thenardite (Na2SO4), boetite (K2SO4) and cysteine (an amino acid). This ion microprobe technique employs a Cs+ primary ion beam and measures negative secondary ions permitting the analysis of sulfur isotope ratios in individual aerosol particles down to 500 nm in size (0.001-0.5 ng of sample material). The grain-to-grain reproducibility of measurements is typically 5‰ (1σ) for micron-sized grains, <5‰ for submicron-sized grains, and <2‰ for polished thin sections and ultra microtome sections which were studied for comparison. The role of chemical omposition (matrix effect) and sample preparation techniques on the instrumental mass fractionation (IMF) of the 34S/32S ratio in the NanoSIMS has been investigated. The IMF varies by ~15‰ between the standards studied here. A good correlation between IMF and ionic radius of the cations in sulfates was observed. This permits to infer IMF corrections even for sulfates for which no isotope standards are available. The new technique allows to identify different types of primary and secondary sulfates based on their chemical composition and to measure their isotopic signature separately. It was applied to marine aerosol samples collected in Mace Head and urban aerosol samples collected in Mainz. It was shown that primary sulfate particles such as sulfate in NaCl or gypsum particles precipitated from ocean water retain the original isotopic signature of their source. The isotopic composition of secondary sulfate depends on the isotopic composition of precursor SO2 and the oxidation pathway. The 34S/32S fractionation with respect to the precursor SO2 is -9‰ for homogeneous oxidation and +16.5‰ for heterogeneous oxidation. This large difference between the isotopic fractionation of both pathways allows identifying the oxidation pathway from which the SO42- in a secondary sulfate particle is derived, by means of its sulfur isotope ratio, provided that the isotopic signature of the precursor SO2 is known. The isotopic composition of the precursor SO2 of secondary sulfates was calculated based on the isotopic composition of particles with known oxidation pathway such as fine mode ammonium sulfate.
Proxy data are essential for the investigation of climate variability on time scales larger than the historical meteorological observation period. The potential value of a proxy depends on our ability to understand and quantify the physical processes that relate the corresponding climate parameter and the signal in the proxy archive. These processes can be explored under present-day conditions. In this thesis, both statistical and physical models are applied for their analysis, focusing on two specific types of proxies, lake sediment data and stable water isotopes.rnIn the first part of this work, the basis is established for statistically calibrating new proxies from lake sediments in western Germany. A comprehensive meteorological and hydrological data set is compiled and statistically analyzed. In this way, meteorological times series are identified that can be applied for the calibration of various climate proxies. A particular focus is laid on the investigation of extreme weather events, which have rarely been the objective of paleoclimate reconstructions so far. Subsequently, a concrete example of a proxy calibration is presented. Maxima in the quartz grain concentration from a lake sediment core are compared to recent windstorms. The latter are identified from the meteorological data with the help of a newly developed windstorm index, combining local measurements and reanalysis data. The statistical significance of the correlation between extreme windstorms and signals in the sediment is verified with the help of a Monte Carlo method. This correlation is fundamental for employing lake sediment data as a new proxy to reconstruct windstorm records of the geological past.rnThe second part of this thesis deals with the analysis and simulation of stable water isotopes in atmospheric vapor on daily time scales. In this way, a better understanding of the physical processes determining these isotope ratios can be obtained, which is an important prerequisite for the interpretation of isotope data from ice cores and the reconstruction of past temperature. In particular, the focus here is on the deuterium excess and its relation to the environmental conditions during evaporation of water from the ocean. As a basis for the diagnostic analysis and for evaluating the simulations, isotope measurements from Rehovot (Israel) are used, provided by the Weizmann Institute of Science. First, a Lagrangian moisture source diagnostic is employed in order to establish quantitative linkages between the measurements and the evaporation conditions of the vapor (and thus to calibrate the isotope signal). A strong negative correlation between relative humidity in the source regions and measured deuterium excess is found. On the contrary, sea surface temperature in the evaporation regions does not correlate well with deuterium excess. Although requiring confirmation by isotope data from different regions and longer time scales, this weak correlation might be of major importance for the reconstruction of moisture source temperatures from ice core data. Second, the Lagrangian source diagnostic is combined with a Craig-Gordon fractionation parameterization for the identified evaporation events in order to simulate the isotope ratios at Rehovot. In this way, the Craig-Gordon model can be directly evaluated with atmospheric isotope data, and better constraints for uncertain model parameters can be obtained. A comparison of the simulated deuterium excess with the measurements reveals that a much better agreement can be achieved using a wind speed independent formulation of the non-equilibrium fractionation factor instead of the classical parameterization introduced by Merlivat and Jouzel, which is widely applied in isotope GCMs. Finally, the first steps of the implementation of water isotope physics in the limited-area COSMO model are described, and an approach is outlined that allows to compare simulated isotope ratios to measurements in an event-based manner by using a water tagging technique. The good agreement between model results from several case studies and measurements at Rehovot demonstrates the applicability of the approach. Because the model can be run with high, potentially cloud-resolving spatial resolution, and because it contains sophisticated parameterizations of many atmospheric processes, a complete implementation of isotope physics will allow detailed, process-oriented studies of the complex variability of stable isotopes in atmospheric waters in future research.rn
Der zunehmende Anteil von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen erfordert ein dynamisches Konzept, um Spitzenlastzeiten und Versorgungslücken aus der Wind- und Solarenergie ausgleichen zu können. Biogasanlagen können aufgrund ihrer hohen energetischen Verfügbarkeit und der Speicherbarkeit von Biogas eine flexible Energiebereitstellung ermöglichen und darüber hinaus über ein „Power-to-Gas“-Verfahren bei einem kurzzeitigen Überschuss von Strom eine Überlastung des Stromnetzes verhindern. Ein nachfrageorientierter Betrieb von Biogasanlagen stellt jedoch hohe Anforderungen an die Mikrobiologie im Reaktor, die sich an die häufig wechselnden Prozessbedingungen wie der Raumbelastung im Reaktor anpassen muss. Eine Überwachung des Fermentationsprozesses in Echtzeit ist daher unabdingbar, um Störungen in den mikrobiellen Gärungswegen frühzeitig erkennen und adäquat entgegenwirken zu können. rnBisherige mikrobielle Populationsanalysen beschränken sich auf aufwendige, molekularbiologische Untersuchungen des Gärsubstrates, deren Ergebnisse dem Betreiber daher nur zeitversetzt zur Verfügung stehen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde erstmalig ein Laser-Absorptionsspektrometer zur kontinuierlichen Messung der Kohlenstoff-Isotopenverhältnisse des Methans an einer Forschungsbiogasanlage erprobt. Dabei konnten, in Abhängigkeit der Raumbelastung und Prozessbedingungen variierende Isotopenverhältnisse gemessen werden. Anhand von Isolaten aus dem untersuchten Reaktor konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, dass für jeden Methanogenesepfad (hydrogeno-troph, aceto¬klastisch sowie methylotroph) eine charakteristische, natürliche Isotopensignatur im Biogas nachgewiesen werden kann, sodass eine Identifizierung der aktuell dominierenden methanogenen Reaktionen anhand der Isotopen-verhältnisse im Biogas möglich ist. rnDurch den Einsatz von 13C- und 2H-isotopen¬markierten Substraten in Rein- und Mischkulturen und Batchreaktoren, sowie HPLC- und GC-Unter¬suchungen der Stoffwechselprodukte konnten einige bislang unbekannte C-Flüsse in Bioreaktoren festgestellt werden, die sich wiederum auf die gemessenen Isotopenverhältnisse im Biogas auswirken können. So konnte die Entstehung von Methanol sowie dessen mikrobieller Abbauprodukte bis zur finalen CH4-Bildung anhand von fünf Isolaten erstmalig in einer landwirtschaftlichen Biogasanlage rekonstruiert und das Vorkommen methylotropher Methanogenesewege nachgewiesen werden. Mithilfe molekularbiologischer Methoden wurden darüber hinaus methanoxidierende Bakterien zahlreicher, unbekannter Arten im Reaktor detektiert, deren Vorkommen aufgrund des geringen O2-Gehaltes in Biogasanlagen bislang nicht erwartet wurde. rnDurch die Konstruktion eines synthetischen DNA-Stranges mit den Bindesequenzen für elf spezifische Primerpaare konnte eine neue Methode etabliert werden, anhand derer eine Vielzahl mikrobieller Zielorganismen durch die Verwendung eines einheitlichen Kopienstandards in einer real-time PCR quantifiziert werden können. Eine über 70 Tage durchgeführte, wöchentliche qPCR-Analyse von Fermenterproben zeigte, dass die Isotopenverhältnisse im Biogas signifikant von der Zusammensetzung der Reaktormikrobiota beeinflusst sind. Neben den aktuell dominierenden Methanogenesewegen war es auch möglich, einige bakterielle Reaktionen wie eine syntrophe Acetatoxidation, Acetogenese oder Sulfatreduktion anhand der δ13C (CH4)-Werte zu identifizieren, sodass das hohe Potential einer kontinuierlichen Isotopenmessung zur Prozessanalytik in Biogasanlagen aufgezeigt werden konnte.rn
Formation pathways of ancient siliceous iron formations and related Fe isotopic fractionation are still not completely understood. Investigating these processes, however, is difficult as good modern analogues to ancient iron formations are scarce. Modern siliceous Fe oxyhydroxide deposits are found at marine hydrothermal vent sites, where they precipitate from diffuse, low temperature fluids along faults and fissures on the seafloor. These deposits exhibit textural and chemical features that are similar to some Phanerozoic iron formations, raising the question as to whether the latter could have precipitated from diffuse hydrothermal fluids rather than from hydrothermal plumes. In this study, we present the first data on modern Fe oxyhydroxide deposits from the Jan Mayen hydrothermal vent fields, Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The samples we investigated exhibited very low δ56Fe values between -2.09‰ and -0.66‰. Due to various degrees of partial oxidation, the Fe oxyhydroxides are with one exception either indistinguishable from low-temperature hydrothermal fluids from which they precipitated (-1.84‰ and -1.53‰ in δ56Fe) or are enriched in the heavy Fe isotopes. In addition, we investigated Fe isotope variations in Ordovician jasper beds from the Løkken ophiolite complex, Norway, which have been interpreted to represent diagenetic products of siliceous ferrihydrite precursors that precipitated in a hydrothermal plume, in order to compare different formation pathways of Fe oxyhydroxide deposits. Iron isotopes in the jasper samples have higher δ56Fe values (-0.38‰ to +0.89‰) relative to modern, high-temperature hydrothermal vent fluids (ca. -0.40‰ on average), supporting the fallout model. However, formation of the Ordovician jaspers by diffuse venting cannot be excluded, due to lithological differences of the subsurface of the two investigated vent systems. Our study shows that reliable interpretation of Fe isotope variations in modern and ancient marine Fe oxyhydroxide deposits depends on comprehensive knowledge of the geological context. Furthermore, we demonstrate that very negative δ56Fe values in such samples might not be the result of microbial dissimilatory iron reduction, but could be caused instead by inorganic reactions.
Firn and polar ice cores offer the only direct palaeoatmospheric archive. Analyses of past greenhouse gas concentrations and their isotopic compositions in air bubbles in the ice can help to constrain changes in global biogeochemical cycles in the past. For the analysis of the hydrogen isotopic composition of methane (δD(CH4) or δ2H(CH4)) 0.5 to 1.5 kg of ice was hitherto used. Here we present a method to improve precision and reduce the sample amount for δD(CH4) measurements in (ice core) air. Pre-concentrated methane is focused in front of a high temperature oven (pre-pyrolysis trapping), and molecular hydrogen formed by pyrolysis is trapped afterwards (post-pyrolysis trapping), both on a carbon-PLOT capillary at −196 °C. Argon, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, unpyrolysed methane and krypton are trapped together with H2 and must be separated using a second short, cooled chromatographic column to ensure accurate results. Pre- and post-pyrolysis trapping largely removes the isotopic fractionation induced during chromatographic separation and results in a narrow peak in the mass spectrometer. Air standards can be measured with a precision better than 1‰. For polar ice samples from glacial periods, we estimate a precision of 2.3‰ for 350 g of ice (or roughly 30 mL – at standard temperature and pressure (STP) – of air) with 350 ppb of methane. This corresponds to recent tropospheric air samples (about 1900 ppb CH4) of about 6 mL (STP) or about 500 pmol of pure CH4.