972 resultados para IRRADIATION REACTORS
Pure tungsten and tantalum plates and tungsten-tantalum composites produced via mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering were bombarded with He+ and D+ energetic ion beams and deuterium plasmas. The aim of this experiment is to study the effects caused by individual helium and deuterium exposures and to evidence that the modifications induced in the composites at different irradiation energies could be followed by irradiating the pristine constituent elements under the same experimental conditions, which is relevant considering the development of tailored composites for fusion applications. Higher D retentions, especially in tungsten, and superficial blistering are observed in both components after helium exposure. The blistering is magnified in the tantalum phase of composites due to its higher ductility and to water vapour production under deuterium irradiation. At lower irradiation energies the induced effects are minor. After plasma exposure, the presence of tantalum does not increase the D content in the composites. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dissertation to obtain the degree of master in Bioorganic
Dissertation for the Master degree in Biotechnology
[Excerpt] Mycotoxins are secondary toxic metabolites of filamentous fungi. Aflatoxins (AFs) are produced to Aspergillus species such as A. flavus and A. parasiticus. These fungi are ubiquitous in nature and usually found on agricultural commodities. Therefore, AFs are encountered in many important foodstuff, including wheat, rice, maize, peanuts, sorghum, pearl millet, spices, oilseeds, tree nuts and milk. Due to the high toxicity of AFs, many methods have been studied to reduce or eliminate these mycotoxins from food and feed. Gamma irradiation is one technology that has been investigated with promising results. The aims of this study were (I) to study the effect of gamma radiation on aflatoxin B1, aflatoxin B2, aflatoxin G1 and aflatoxin G2 (II) to evaluate the effect of the presence of water on AFs degradation during the irradiation process; and (IV) to evaluate the cytotoxicity of radiolytic products formed. (...)
Los materiales lignocelulósicos residuales de las actividades agroindustriales pueden ser aprovechados como fuente de lignina, hemicelulosa y celulosa. El tratamiento químico del material lignocelulósico se debe enfrentar al hecho de que dicho material es bastante recalcitrante a tal ataque, fundamentalmente debido a la presencia del polímero lignina. Esto se puede lograr también utilizando hongos de la podredumbre blanca de la madera. Estos producen enzimas lignolíticas extracelulares fundamentalmente Lacasa, que oxida la lignina a CO2. Tambien oxida un amplio rango de sustratos ( fenoles, polifenoles, anilinas, aril-diaminas, fenoles metoxi-sustituídos, y otros), lo cual es una buena razón de su atracción para aplicaciones biotecnológicas. La enzima tiene potencial aplicación en procesos tales como en la delignificación de materiales lignocelulósicos y en el bioblanqueado de pulpas para papel, en el tratamiento de aguas residuales de plantas industriales, en la modificación de fibras y decoloración en industrias textiles y de colorantes, en el mejoramiento de alimentos para animales, en la detoxificación de polutantes y en bioremediación de suelos contaminados. También se la ha utilizado en Q.Orgánica para la oxidación de grupos funcionales, en la formación de enlaces carbono- nitrógeno y en la síntesis de productos naturales complejos. HIPOTESIS: Los hongos de podredumbre blanca, y en condiciones óptimas de cultivo producen distintos tipos de enzimas oxidasas, siendo las lacasas las más adecuadas para explorarlas como catalizadores en los siguientes procesos: Delignificación de residuos de la industria forestal con el fin de aprovechar tales desechos en la alimentación animal. Decontaminación/remediación de suelos y/o efluentes industriales. Se realizarán los estudios para el diseño de bio-reactores que permitan responder a las dos cuestiones planteadas en la hipótesis. Para el proceso de delignificación de material lignocelulósico se proponen dos estrategias: 1- tratar el material con el micelio del hongo adecuando la provisión de nutrientes para un desarrollo sostenido y favorecer la liberación de la enzima. 2- Utilizar la enzima lacasa parcialmente purificada acoplada a un sistema mediador para oxidar los compuestos polifenólicos. Para el proceso de decontaminación/remediación de suelos y/o efluentes industriales se trabajará también en dos frentes: 3) por un lado, se ha descripto que existe una correlación positiva entre la actividad de algunas enzimas presentes en el suelo y la fertilidad. En este sentido se conoce que un sistema enzimático, tentativamente identificado como una lacasa de origen microbiano es responsable de la transformación de compuestos orgánicos en el suelo. La enzima protege al suelo de la acumulación de compuestos orgánicos peligrosos catalizando reacciones que involucran degradación, polimerización e incorporación a complejos del ácido húmico. Se utilizarán suelos incorporados con distintos polutantes(por ej. policlorofenoles ó cloroanilinas.) 4) Se trabajará con efluentes industriales contaminantes (alpechínes y/o el efluente líquido del proceso de desamargado de las aceitunas). The lignocellulosic raw materials of the agroindustrial activities can be taken advantage as source of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose. The chemical treatment of this material is not easy because the above mentioned material is recalcitrant enough to such an assault, due to the presence of the lignin. This can be achieved also using the white-rot fungi of the wood. It produces extracellular ligninolitic enzymes, fundamentally Laccase, which oxidizes the lignin to CO2. The enzyme has application in such processes as in the delignification of lignocellulosic materials and in the biobleaching of fibers for paper industry, in the treatment of waste water of industrial plants, in the discoloration in textile industries, in the improvement of food for ruminants, in the detoxification of polutants and in bioremediation of contaminated soils. HYPOTHESIS: The white-rot fungi produce different types of enzymes, being the laccases the most adapted to explore them as catalysts in the following processes: Delignification of residues of the forest industry in order to take advantage of such waste in the animal feed. Decontamination of soils and / or waste waters. The studies will be conducted for the design of bio reactors that allow to answer to both questions raised in the hypothesis. For the delignification process of lignocellulosic material they propose two strategies: 1- to treat the material with the fungi 2-to use the partially purified enzyme to oxidize the polyphenolic compounds. For the soil and/or waste water decontamination process, we have: 3- Is know that the enzyme protects to the soil of the accumulation of organic dangerous compounds catalyzing reactions that involve degradation, polymerization and incorporation to complexes of the humic acid. There will be use soils incorporated into different pollutants. 4- We will work with waste waters (alpechins or the green olive debittering effluents.
Passive trip system, reactor trip, runaway reaction, batch reactor
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2010
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2015
The cercarial glycocalyx and schistosomulum surface contains a number of glycoproteins which are expressed in very variable amounts within a parasite population. Tunicamycin inhibits glycoprotein synthesis of schistosomula if the parasites are incubated for 24hr with the drug (10µg ml[raised to the power of -1]). An unexpected increase in lectin binding to the parasite surface was observed but no other changes were detected. Schistosomula treated in this way did not develop in the host past the lung stage. Ultraviolet irradiation (400µW min cm[raised to the power of-2]) also inhibited glycoprotein synthesis. Synthesis of other proteins, and in particular heat shock proteins, were also inhibited. Sera from mice (NIH strain) infected with irradiated cercariae contained antibodies which bound to normal schistosomula with lower affinity than to irradiated parasites. This is evidence that irradiation modifies the surface and secreted glycoproteins of schistosomula, so they are processed in a different way to normal glycoproteins by the host's immune system. The effects of irradiation on heat shock protein synthesis may allow the parasite to release a variety of proteins and glycoproteins in abnormal conformations. This may explain the enhanced immunogenicity of irradiated cercariae.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of first-line chemotherapy (CT) in preventing external-beam radiotherapy (EBR) and/or enucleation in patients with retinoblastoma (Rbl). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-four patients with newly diagnosed unilateral or bilateral Rbl received CT associated with local treatment (LT). Two to five courses of etoposide and carboplatin were administered at 3- to 4-week intervals, depending on tumor response, and were completed each time by LT. RESULTS: Tumor response was observed in all eyes. Twenty-one of 24 patients showed a complete response (CR) that persisted at a median follow-up (FU) of 31 months (range, 4 to 41 months). Among the three patients who relapsed, two were lost to FU and one died of progressive disease. CR was achieved by CT and LT alone in 15 (71.4%) of 21 patients with less advanced disease (groups I to III). Six other patients with advanced disease (groups IV and V) experienced treatment failure and needed salvage treatment by EBR and/or enucleation. The difference between the two patient groups with regard to disease stage was statistically significant (P <.0001). EBR could be avoided in 13 (68.4%) of 19 patients, who presented with groups I to III (15 eyes) and group V (one eye) disease, whereas enucleation could be avoided in only two (40%) of five. CONCLUSION: CT combined with intensive LT is effective in patients with groups I to III Rbl, permitting the avoidance of EBR in the majority of these young children and, thus, reducing the risk of long-term sequelae. This is in contrast with the disappointing results for patients with groups IV and V Rbl, in whom EBR and/or enucleation was needed.
PIDD has been implicated in survival and apoptotic pathways in response to DNA damage, and a role for PIDD was recently identified in non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair induced by γ-irradiation. Here, we present an interaction of PIDD with PCNA, first identified in a proteomics screen. PCNA has essential functions in DNA replication and repair following UV irradiation. Translesion synthesis (TLS) is a process that prevents UV irradiation-induced replication blockage and is characterized by PCNA monoubiquitination and interaction with the TLS polymerase eta (polη). Both of these processes are inhibited by p21. We report that PIDD modulates p21-PCNA dissociation, and promotes PCNA monoubiquitination and interaction with polη in response to UV irradiation. Furthermore, PIDD deficiency leads to a defect in TLS that is associated, both in vitro and in vivo, with cellular sensitization to UV-induced apoptosis. Thus, PIDD performs key functions upon UV irradiation, including TLS, NHEJ, NF-κB activation and cell death.