983 resultados para IRON-SULFUR PROTEIN


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The effect of sulfur vapor pressure in preparing the FeS2 films has been discussed and some incongruous views about sulfur pressure have been clarified in this paper based on experimental results and theoretical analysis. It is shown that lower sulfur pressures than the saturation value only result in poorer crystallization and worse performances, and in other words the FeS2 films could be optimized through improving the sulfur pressure till the saturation point. However for a certain temperature the sulfur pressure is limited by its saturated vapor pressure, and further increase of the sulfur quantity reacted with Fe films has little influence on the structure and properties of the pyrite films. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The microstructures in iron- and sulphur-doped InP crystals were studied using both electron microscopy and electron diffraction. A modulated structure has been found in S-doped InP crystal, where the commensurate modulations corresponded to periodicities of 0.68 nm and 0.7 nm in real space and were related to the reflections of the cubic lattice in [111] and [113BAR] directions; they were indexed as q111* = 1/2(a* + b* + c*) and q113BAR* = 1/4(-a* - b* + 3c*), respectively. Single atomic layers of iron precipitate were observed, with preferred orientations along which precipitates are formed. Simulated calculations by means of the dynamical theory of electron diffraction using models for the precipitate structure were in good agreement with our experimental results. The relation between the modulated structure and the precipitates is also discussed.


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The complex, K2.5Na2NH4[Mo2O2S2(cit)(2)]. 5H(2)O (1), was obtained by crystallization from a solution of (NH4)(2)MoS4, potassium citrate (K(3)cit) and hydroxyl sodium in methanol and water under an atmosphere of pure nitrogen at ambient temperature. The crystals are triclinic, space group , a = 7.376 (3)Angstrom, b = 14.620 (2) Angstrom, c = 14.661 (1) Angstrom, alpha = 71.10 (1)degrees, beta = 81.77 (1)degrees, gamma = 78.27(2)degrees, R = 0.0584 for 2545 observed (I > 2 sigma (I)) reflections. Single crystal structure analysis reveals that citrate ligand coordinated to molybdenum atom through two carboxylato oxygens and one deprotonated hydroxyl oxygen together with two bridging sulfur atoms and a terminal oxygen atom completes distorted coordination octahedron around each molybdenum atom. Principal dimensions are: Mo = O-t, 1.707 Angstrom (av); Mo-S-b, 2.341 Angstrom (av); Mo-O-(hydroxyl), 2.021 Angstrom (av); Mo-O(alpha-carboxyl), 2.1290 Angstrom (av) and Mo-O(beta-carboxyl), 2.268(av) Angstrom. IR spectrum is in agreement with the structure.


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Our recent study reported that conformation change of granule-associated Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) may influence the role of the protein controlling colloid deposition in porous media (Flynn et al., 2012). The present study conceptualized the observed phenomena with an ellipsoid morphology model, describing BSA as an ellipsoid taking a side-on or end-on conformation on granular surface, and identified the following processes: (1) at low adsorbed concentrations, BSA exhibited a side-on conformation blocking colloid deposition; (2) at high adsorbed concentrations, BSA adapted to an end-on conformation promoted colloid deposition; and (3) colloid deposition on the BSA layer may progressively generate end-on molecules (sites) by conformation change of side-on BSA, resulting in sustained increasing deposition rates. Generally, the protein layer lowered colloid attenuation by the porous medium, suggesting the overall effect of BSA was inhibitory at the experimental time scale. A mathematical model was developed to interpret the ripening curves. Modeling analysis identified the site generation efficiency of colloid as a control on the ripening rate (declining rate in colloid concentrations), and this efficiency was higher for BSA adsorbed from a more dilute BSA solution. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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J Biol Inorg Chem. 2008 Jun;13(5):737-53. doi: 10.1007/s00775-008-0359-6


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The ability of Staphylococcus aureus to colonize the human nares is a crucial prerequisite for disease. IsdA is a major S. aureus surface protein that is expressed during human infection and required for nasal colonization and survival on human skin. In this work, we show that IsdA binds to involucrin, loricrin, and cytokeratin K10, proteins that are present in the cornified envelope of human desquamated epithelial cells. To measure the forces and dynamics of the interaction between IsdA and loricrin (the most abundant protein of the cornified envelope), single-molecule force spectroscopy was used, demonstrating high-specificity binding. IsdA acts as a cellular adhesin to the human ligands, promoting whole-cell binding to immobilized proteins, even in the absence of other S. aureus components (as shown by heterologous expression in Lactococcus lactis). Inhibition experiments revealed the binding of the human ligands to the same IsdA region. This region was mapped to the NEAT domain of IsdA. The NEAT domain also was found to be required for S. aureus whole-cell binding to the ligands as well as to human nasal cells. Thus, IsdA is an important adhesin to human ligands, which predominate in its primary ecological niche.


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The yncE gene of Escherichia coli encodes a predicted periplasmic protein of unknown function. The gene is de-repressed under iron restriction through the action of the global iron regulator Fur. This suggests a role in iron acquisition, which is supported by the presence of the adjacent yncD gene encoding a potential TonB-dependent outer-membrane transporter. Here, the preliminary crystallographic structure of YncE is reported, revealing that it consists of a seven-bladed beta-propeller which resembles the corresponding domain of the `surface-layer protein' of Methanosarcina mazei. A full structure determination is under way in order to provide insight into the function of this protein.


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YcdB is a periplasmic haem-containing protein from Escherichia coli that has a potential role in iron transport. It is currently the only reported haem-containing Tat-secreted substrate. Here, the overexpression, purification, crystallization and structure determination at 2.0 angstrom resolution are reported for the apo form of the protein. The apo-YcdB structure resembles those of members of the haem-dependent peroxidase family and thus confirms that YcdB is also a member of this family. Haem-soaking experiments with preformed apo-YcdB crystals have been optimized to successfully generate haem-containing YcdB crystals that diffract to 2.9 angstrom. Completion of model building and structure refinement are under way.


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High spatial resolution vertical profiles of pore-water chemistry have been obtained for a peatland using diffusive equilibrium in thin films (DET) gel probes. Comparison of DET pore-water data with more traditional depth-specific sampling shows good agreement and the DET profiling method is less invasive and less likely to induce mixing of pore-waters. Chloride mass balances as water tables fell in the early summer indicate that evaporative concentration dominates and there is negligible lateral flow in the peat. Lack of lateral flow allows element budgets for the same site at different times to be compared. The high spatial resolution of sampling also enables gradients to be observed that permit calculations of vertical fluxes. Sulfate concentrations fall at two sites with net rates of 1.5 and 5.0nmol cm− 3 day− 1, likely due to a dominance of bacterial sulfate reduction, while a third site showed a net gain in sulfate due to oxidation of sulfur over the study period at an average rate of 3.4nmol cm− 3 day− 1. Behaviour of iron is closely coupled to that of sulfur; there is net removal of iron at the two sites where sulfate reduction dominates and addition of iron where oxidation dominates. The profiles demonstrate that, in addition to strong vertical redox related chemical changes, there is significant spatial heterogeneity. Whilst overall there is evidence for net reduction of sulfate within the peatland pore-waters, this can be reversed, at least temporarily, during periods of drought when sulfide oxidation with resulting acid production predominates.


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Speciations of sulfur (sulfide S, pyrite S, sulfate S) and of reactive iron (Fe3+, Fe2+, sulfide Fe) in bottom sediments have been studied in gravity cores and drill cores collected on the shelf of the southwest Caspian Sea. It has been shown that intensity of reduction processes, in particular sulfate reduction, as well as speciations of S and reactive Fe reflect the change of transgressive and regressive stages of the Caspian basin. Characteristic features for the investigated area are high sedimentation rate and high reactivity of organic matter entering bottom sediments.