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To study some of the interfacial properties of PtSi/Si diodes, Schottky structures were fabricated on (100) crystalline silicon substrates by conventional thermal evaporation of Pt on Si followed by annealing at different temperatures (from 400 degrees C to 700 degrees C) to form PtSi. The PtSi/n-Si diodes, all yielded Schottky barrier (SB) heights that are remarkably temperature dependent. The temperature range (20-290 K) over which the I-V characteristics were measured in the present study is broader with a much lower limit (20 K), than what is usually reported in literature. These variations in the barrier height are adequately interpreted by introducing spatial inhomogeneity into the barrier potential with a Gaussian distribution having a mean barrier of 0.76 eV and a standard deviation of 30 meV. Multi-frequency capacitance-voltage measurements suggest that the barrier is primarily controlled by the properties of the silicide-silicon interface. The forward C-V characteristics, in particular, show small peaks at low frequencies that can be ascribed to interface states rather than to a series resistance effect.


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Thin, oxidised Al films grown an one face of fused silica prisms are exposed. tinder ambient conditions, to single shots from an excimer laser operating at wavelength 248 nm. Preliminary characterisation of the films using attenuated total reflection yields optical and thickness data for the Al and Al oxide layers; this step facilitates the subsequent, accurate tuning of the excimer laser pulse to the: surface plasmon resonance at the Al/(oxide)/air interface and the calculation of the fluence actually absorbed by the thin film system. Ablation damage is characterised using scanning electron, and atomic force microscopy. When the laser pulse is incident, through the prism on the sample at less than critical angle, the damage features are molten in nature with small islands of sub-micrometer dimension much in evidence, a mechanism of film melt-through and subsegment blow-off due to the build up of vapour pressure at the substrate/film interface is appropriate. By contrast, when the optical input is surface plasmon mediated, predominately mechanical damage results with the film fragmenting into large flakes of dimensions on the order of 10 mu m. It is suggested that the ability of surface plasmons to transport energy leads to enhanced, preferential absorption of energy at defect sites causing stress throughout the film which exceeds the ultimate tensile stress for the film: this in turn leads to film break-up before melting can onset. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The current-voltage-temperature characteristics of PtSi/p-Si Schottky barrier diodes were measured in the temperature range 60-115 K. Deviation of the ideality factor from unity below 80 K may be modelled using the so-called T-0 parameter with T-0 = 18 K. It is also shown that the curvature in the Richardson plots may be remedied by using the flatband rather than the zero-bias saturation current density. Physically, the departure from ideality is interpreted in terms of an inhomogeneous Schottky contact. Here we determine a mean barrier height at T = 0 K, phi(b)(-0) = 223 mV, with an (assumed) Gaussian distribution of standard deviation sigma(phi) = 12.5 mV. These data are correlated with the zero-bias barrier height, phi(j)(0) = 192 mV (at T = 90 K), the photoresponse barrier height, phi(ph) = 205 mV, and the flatband barrier height, phi(fb) = 214 mV. Finally, the temperature coefficient of the flatband barrier was found to be -0.121 mV K-1, which is approximately equal to 1/2(dE(g)(i)/dT), thus suggesting that the Fermi level at the interface is pinned to the middle of the band gap.


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We report the static & dynamic magnetic characteristics of a high-layer-number NiFe/FeMn multilayer test structure with potential applications in broadband absorber and filter devices. To allow fine control over the absorption linewidths and to understand the mechanisms governing the resonances in a tailored structure similar to that expected to be used in real world applications, the multilayer was intentionally designed to have layer thickness and interface roughness variations. Magnetometry measurements show the sample has complex hysteresis loops with features consistent with single ferromagnetic film reversals. Structural characterisation by transmission electron microscopy allows us to correlate the magnetic properties with structural features. Analysis of resonance frequencies from broadband ferromagnetic resonance measurements as a function of field magnitude and orientation provide values of the local exchange bias, rotatable anisotropy, and uniaxial anisotropy fields for specific layers in the stack and explain the observed mode softening. The linewidths of the multilayer are adjustable around the bias field, approaching twice that seen at larger fields, allowing control over the bandwidth of devices formed from the structure.


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The annealing effect on the spectral and nonlinear optical NLO characteristics of ZnO thin films deposited on quartz substrates by sol-gel process is investigated. As the annealing temperature increases from 300–1050 °C, there is a decrease in the band gap, which indicates the changes of the interface of ZnO. ZnO is reported to show two emission bands, an ultraviolet UV emission band and another in the green region. The intensity of the UV peak remains the same while the intensity of the visible peak increases with increase in annealing temperature. The role of oxygen in ZnO thin films during the annealing process is important to the change in optical properties. The mechanism of the luminescence suggests that UV luminescence of ZnO thin films is related to the transition from conduction band edge to valence band, and green luminescence is caused by the transition from deep donor level to valence band due to oxygen vacancies. The NLO response of these samples is studied using nanosecond laser pulses at off-resonance wavelengths. The nonlinear absorption coefficient increases from 2.9 ×10−6 to 1.0 ×10−4 m/W when the annealing temperature is increased from 300 to 1050 °C, mainly due to the enhancement of interfacial state and exciton oscillator strength. The third order optical susceptibility x(3) increases with increase in annealing temperature (T) within the range of our investigations. In the weak confinement regime, T2.4 dependence of x(3) is obtained for ZnO thin films. The role of annealing temperature on the optical limiting response is also studied.


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Im Rahmen dieser interdisziplinären Doktorarbeit wird eine (Al)GaN Halbleiteroberflächenmodifikation untersucht, mit dem Ziel eine verbesserte Grenzfläche zwischen dem Material und dem Dielektrikum zu erzeugen. Aufgrund von Oberflächenzuständen zeigen GaN basierte HEMT Strukturen üblicherweise große Einsatzspannungsverschiebungen. Bisher wurden zur Grenzflächenmodifikation besonders die Entfernung von Verunreinigungen wie Sauerstoff oder Kohlenstoff analysiert. Die nasschemischen Oberflächenbehandlungen werden vor der Abscheidung des Dielektrikums durchgeführt, wobei die Kontaminationen jedoch nicht vollständig entfernt werden können. In dieser Arbeit werden Modifikationen der Oberfläche in wässrigen Lösungen, in Gasen sowie in Plasma analysiert. Detaillierte Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die inerte (0001) c-Ebene der Oberfläche kaum reagiert, sondern hauptsächlich die weniger polaren r- und m- Ebenen. Dies kann deutlich beim Defektätzen sowie bei der thermischen Oxidation beobachtet werden. Einen weiteren Ansatz zur Oberflächenmodifikation stellen Plasmabehandlungen dar. Hierbei wird die Oberflächenterminierung durch eine nukleophile Substitution mit Lewis Basen, wie Fluorid, Chlorid oder Oxid verändert, wodurch sich die Elektronegativitätsdifferenz zwischen dem Metall und dem Anion im Vergleich zur Metall-Stickstoff Bindung erhöht. Dies führt gleichzeitig zu einer Erhöhung der Potentialdifferenz des Schottky Kontakts. Sauerstoff oder Fluor besitzen die nötige thermische Stabilität um während einer Silicium-nitridabscheidung an der (Al)GaN Oberfläche zu bleiben. Sauerstoffvariationen an der Oberfläche werden in NH3 bei 700°C, welches die nötigen Bedingungen für die Abscheidung darstellen, immer zu etwa 6-8% reduziert – solche Grenzflächen zeigen deswegen auch keine veränderten Ergebnisse in Einsatzspannungsuntersuchungen. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigt die fluorierte Oberfläche ein völlig neues elektrisches Verhalten: ein neuer dominanter Oberflächendonator mit einem schnellen Trapping und Detrapping Verhalten wird gefunden. Das Energieniveau dieses neuen, stabilen Donators liegt um ca. 0,5 eV tiefer in der Bandlücke als die ursprünglichen Energieniveaus der Oberflächenzustände. Physikalisch-chemische Oberflächen- und Grenzflächenuntersuchung mit XPS, AES oder SIMS erlauben keine eindeutige Schlussfolgerung, ob das Fluor nach der Si3N4 Abscheidung tatsächlich noch an der Grenzfläche vorhanden ist, oder einfach eine stabilere Oberflächenrekonstruktion induziert wurde, bei welcher es selbst nicht beteiligt ist. In beiden Fällen ist der neue Donator in einer Konzentration von 4x1013 at/cm-2 vorhanden. Diese Dichte entspricht einer Oberflächenkonzentration von etwa 1%, was genau an der Nachweisgrenze der spektroskopischen Methoden liegt. Jedoch werden die elektrischen Oberflächeneigenschaften durch die Oberflächenmodifikation deutlich verändert und ermöglichen eine potentiell weiter optimierbare Grenzfläche.


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The characteristics of the boundary layer separating a turbulence region from an irrotational (or non-turbulent) flow region are investigated using rapid distortion theory (RDT). The turbulence region is approximated as homogeneous and isotropic far away from the bounding turbulent/non-turbulent (T/NT) interface, which is assumed to remain approximately flat. Inviscid effects resulting from the continuity of the normal velocity and pressure at the interface, in addition to viscous effects resulting from the continuity of the tangential velocity and shear stress, are taken into account by considering a sudden insertion of the T/NT interface, in the absence of mean shear. Profiles of the velocity variances, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), viscous dissipation rate (epsilon), turbulence length scales, and pressure statistics are derived, showing an excellent agreement with results from direct numerical simulations (DNS). Interestingly, the normalized inviscid flow statistics at the T/NT interface do not depend on the form of the assumed TKE spectrum. Outside the turbulent region, where the flow is irrotational (except inside a thin viscous boundary layer), epsilon decays as z^{-6}, where z is the distance from the T/NT interface. The mean pressure distribution is calculated using RDT, and exhibits a decrease towards the turbulence region due to the associated velocity fluctuations, consistent with the generation of a mean entrainment velocity. The vorticity variance and epsilon display large maxima at the T/NT interface due to the inviscid discontinuities of the tangential velocity variances existing there, and these maxima are quantitatively related to the thickness delta of the viscous boundary layer (VBL). For an equilibrium VBL, the RDT analysis suggests that delta ~ eta (where eta is the Kolmogorov microscale), which is consistent with the scaling law identified in a very recent DNS study for shear-free T/NT interfaces.


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To retain competitiveness, succeed and flourish, organizations are forced to continuously innovate. This drive for innovation is not solely limited to product/process innovation but more profoundly relates to a continuous process of improving how organizations work internally, requiring a constant stream of ideas and suggestions from motivated employees. In this chapter we investigate some recent developments and propose a conceptual framework for creative participation as a personality driven interface between creativity and innovation. Under the assumption that employees’ intrinsic willingness to contribute novel ideas and solutions requires a set of personal characteristics and necessary skill that might well be unique to each organizational unit, the chapter then explores personal characteristics associated with creativity, innovation and innovative behavior. Various studies on the correlation between creativity and personality types are also reviewed. The chapter provides a discussion of solutions and future development together with recommendations for the future research.


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In this work, we present a detailed study on the optical properties of two GaAs/Al(0.35)Ga(0.65)As coupled double quantum wells (CDQWs) with inter-well barriers of different thicknesses, by using photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The two CDQWs were grown in a single sample, assuring very similar experimental conditions for measurements of both. The PL spectrum of each CDQW exhibits two recombination channels which can be accurately identified as the excitonic e(1)-hh(1) transitions originated from CDQWs of different effective dimensions. The PL spectra characteristics and the behavior of the emissions as a function of temperature and excitation power are interpreted in the scenario of the bimodal interface roughness model, taking into account the exciton migration between the two regions considered in this model and the difference in the potential fluctuation levels between those two regions. The details of the PL spectra behavior as a function of excitation power are explained in terms of the competition between the band gap renormalization (BGR) and the potential fluctuation effects. The results obtained for the two CDQWs, which have different degrees of potential fluctuation, are also compared and discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The adsorption of DPKSH onto Amberlite XAD-2 (styrene resin) and XAD-7 (acrylic ester resin) has been investigated, at (25 +/- 1)degrees C and pH 4.7. The experimental equilibrium data were fitted to the Langmuir, Freundlich, and Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) models. These three models provide a very good fit for both resins and the respective constants K(L), K(F), and K(DR) were calculated. For the same DPKSH concentration interval, the minimum time of contact for adsorption maximum at XAD-7 was smaller than at XAD-2 and the maximum amount of DPKSH adsorbed per gram of XAD-2 is smaller than at XAD-7. The investigation indicates that the mean sorption energy (E) characterizes a physical adsorption and the surfaces of both resins are energetically heterogeneous. The constants obtained in these studied systems were correlated and compared with those obtained for the silica gel/DPKSH system. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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We present the electron field-emission (FE) characteristics of conical boron nitride nanorods grown on a (1 0 0) n-type silicon substrate. The emission current can be up to ~60 µA at an applied voltage of ~3 kV. Two distinct slopes are evident in the Fowler–Nordheim (FN) plot. The FE characteristics can be explained using a site-related tunnelling-controlled mechanism. The occurrence of two FN slopes is attributed to the switchover from tip emission to side emission, which results from the differences in interface barrier, geometry, as well as the total emission area of the two emission interfaces.


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This study explored the interface between the forces of globalization and a given place, at a given time, the Gold Coast during the 1980s. The global economic boom of the 1980s was one in which the role of Japan was particularly important. In less than half a decade capital flows from Japan surged to make it the world's largest investor. Locations in the Pacific Basin were favoured destinations for Japanese investment, one of the most significant was the Gold Coast. Japanese capital and tourism helped transform its urban area from a national resort to an international tourist destination and resort centre, The surge of capital arriving to the Gold Coast was a function of economic conditions in Japan, as was its steep reduction after November 1989, Thus the Gold Coast became integrated into global capital flows and so dependent on decisions made in Tokyo, one of the main financial centres of the world. However this study has also sought to explore a more complex reality; namely, that this place also became the interface of complex cultural forces and perceptions. The wealth of the Japanese investors on the Gold Coast enabled them to realize their dream of developing projects in the most fashionable global styles. These styles were essentially Western, and it was onto these that their Japanese owners ascribed their own meanings; meanings that reflected the cultural baggage that they had brought from Japan, and through which were filtered the economic and environmental realities of the Gold Coast. The Gold Coast as locality also included residents. Hence it became an interface between two different groups of people, the Japanese and the strongly Anglo-Celtic local community. Some in the local community perceived the Japanese presence as a threat to their perception of the Gold Coast, in fact, a threat to their perception of Australia's national identity. A campaign based on the politics of memory of the Japanese developed on the Gold Coast. Within weeks it became a national debate in which isolationalist, if not xenophobic traditionalists, concentrated on the Gold Coast challenged the economic rationalism and multicultural tolerance of the self-interested and ideologically convinced advocates of globalization. Governments at all levels sought to arbitrate, to legitimize standpoints, but more often than not were seen to move into positions of ineffectual flexibility. The forces of globalization on the Gold Coast were catalysts for change that in turn provoked local opposition which rapidly became a debate about national identity and direction. It is in the exploration of the complex and contradictory economic, cultural and political forces engendered by globalization that this study has sought to make a distinctive contribution.


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Deakin University’s futuristic Universal Motion simulator will overcome the limitations of current motion simulator platforms by employing an anthropomorphic robot arm to provide the motion fidelity necessary to exploit the potential of modern simulation environments. Full motion simulators frequently utilize Stewart platforms to mimic the movement of vehicles during simulation. However, due to the limited motion range and dexterity of such systems, and their inability to convey realistic accelerations, they are unable to represent accurate motion characteristics. The Universal Motion Simulation aims to close the gap between the limitations of the current motion technology and real world, by introducing a flexible, modular, high-fidelity motion system that can be used for a variety of immersive training applications. The modular nature of the design allows interchangeable and configurable simulation pods to be attached to the end effectors.


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Carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) has been used frequently to retrofit concrete structures. Strengthening efficiency is related to the CFRP application process and the characteristics of the bonding agent. In this paper the mechanism of interface shear behaviour in CFRP to concrete beams is discussed considering previous test observations and mathematical models. This paper then discusses the consequences of introducing interface slip which reduces the integrity of the composite section, however improve ductility and delay debonding failure. The paper suggests that using softer bonding agent as well as setting limits on the interface slip could ensure acceptable serviceability and ductile behaviour.