342 resultados para INPATIENTS


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Extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) in enterobacteria are recognized worldwide as a great hospital problem. In this study, 127 ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolated in one year from inpatients and outpatients at a public teaching hospital at São Paulo, Brazil, were submitted to analysis by PCR with specific primers for blaSHV, blaTEM and blaCTX-M genes. From the 127 isolates, 96 (75.6%) Klebsiella pneumoniae, 12 (9.3%) Escherichia coli, 8 (6.2%) Morganella morganii, 3 (2.3%) Proteus mirabilis, 2 (1.6%) Klebsiella oxytoca, 2 (1.6%) Providencia rettgeri, 2 (1.6%) Providencia stuartti, 1 (0.8%) Enterobacter aerogenes and 1 (0.8%) Enterobacter cloacae were identified as ESBL producers. BlaSHV, blaTEM and blaCTX-M were detected in 63%, 17.3% and 33.9% strains, respectively. Pulsed field gel eletrophoresis genotyping of K. pneumoniae revealed four main molecular patterns and 29 unrelated profiles. PCR results showed a high variety of ESBL groups among strains, in nine different species. The results suggest the spread of resistance genes among genetically different strains of ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae in some hospital wards, and also that some strongly related strains were identified in different hospital wards, suggesting clonal spread in the institutional environment.


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Neurological disorders caused by Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are rarely reported in the Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) period. The objective of this study was to describe the main clinical and laboratory features of patients with CMV-related neurological complications in HIV-infected patients admitted to a referral center in São Paulo, Brazil. CMV disease requires the identification of the virus in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Thirteen cases were identified between January, 2004 and December, 2008. The median age of patients was 38 years and nine (69%) were men. At admission all patients were aware of their HIV status and only four (31%) patients were on HAART. Patients who were not on antiretroviral therapy before admission received HAART while inpatients. CMV disease was the first AIDS-defining illness in eight (62%) patients. The neurologic syndromes identified were diffuse encephalitis (n = 7; 62%), polyradiculopathy (n = 7; 54%), focal encephalitis (rhombencephalitis) (n = 1; 8%), and ventriculo-encephalitis (n = 1; 8%). Seven (54%) patients presented extra-neural CMV disease and four (31%) had retinitis. The median of CD4+ T-cell count was 13 cells/µL (range: 1-124 cells/µL). Overall in-hospital mortality was 38%. Eight patients used ganciclovir or foscarnet (in-hospital mortality: 50%) and five patients used ganciclovir and foscarnet (in-hospital mortality: 20%). None of the patients fulfilled the diagnosis criteria of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. Four patients were lost to follow-up, and three patients presented immune recovery and discontinued secondary prophylaxis. Although infrequent, distinct neurological syndromes caused by CMV continue to cause high mortality among AIDS patients. Survival depends upon the use of effective antiviral therapy against CMV and the early introduction of HAART.


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INTRODUCTION: Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) presenting reduced susceptibility to vancomycin has been associated to therapeutic failure. Some methods used by clinical laboratories may not be sufficiently accurate to detect this phenotype, compromising results and the outcome of the patient. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the performance of methods in the detection of vancomycin MIC values among clinical isolates of MRSA. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Vancomycin Minimal Inhibitory Concentration was determined for 75 MRSA isolates from inpatients of Mãe de Deus Hospital, Porto Alegre, Brazil. The broth microdilution (BM) was used as the gold-standard technique, as well as the following methods: E-test® strips (BioMérieux), M.I.C.E® strips (Oxoid), PROBAC® commercial panel and the automated system MicroScan® (Siemens). Besides, the agar screening test was carried out with 3 µg/mL of vancomycin. RESULTS: All isolates presented MIC ≤ 2 µg/mL for BM. E-test® had higher concordance (40%) in terms of global agreement with the gold standard, and there was not statistical difference among E-test® and broth microdilution results. PROBAC® panels presented MICs, in general, lower than the gold-standard panels (58.66% major errors), while M.I.C.E.® MICs were higher (67.99% minor errors). CONCLUSIONS: For the population of MRSA in question, E-test® presented the best performance, although with a heterogeneous accuracy, depending on MIC values.


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Abnormalities of renal function have been demonstrated inpatients with visceral leishmaniasis; although there was a trend toward normalization following antiparasitic therapy, some abnormalities persisted. With thepurpose of studying the long- term clinical course of renal involvement in visceral leishmaniasis, 32 patients with a diagnosis of this parasitic disease were evaluated in the endemic area and at least 6 months after the clinical cure of the disease and compared with a control group of 28 individuals. No patient had a history or clinical findings suggestive of renal disease and all were normotensive. Laboratory evaluation was normal in all except 3 patients with abnormal urinalysis. Mild proteinuria and microscopic hematuria were seen in a single urinalysis in one patient (although three other urinalysis were normal), and leucocyturia in two female patients. It was concluded that the renal involvement in visceral leishmaniasis is mild and transient, with normal renal function observed on long-term follow-up after cure of the parasitic infection.


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The authors evaluated the isoniazid acetylating phenotype and measured hematocrit, hemoglobin, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase activities plus serum sulfadoxin levels in 39 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis (33 males and 6 females) aged 17 to 58 years. Twenty one (53.84%) of the patients presented a slow acetylatingphenotype and 18(46.16%) a fast acetylating phenotype. Glucose-6-phosphate- dehydrogenase (G6PD) acti vity was decreased in 5(23.80%) slow acetylators and in 4(22.22%) fast acetylators. Glutathione reductase activity was decreased in 14 (66.66%) slow acetylators and in 12 (66.66%) fast acetylators. Serum levels of free and total sulfadoxin Were higher in slow acetylator (p < 0.02). Analysis of the resultspermitted us to conclude that serum sulfadoxin levels are related to the acetylatorphenotype. Furthermore, sulfadoxin levels were always above 50 µg/ml, a value considered therapeutic. Glutathione reductase deficiency observed in 66% of patients may be related to the intestinal malabsorption of nutrients, among them riboflavin, a FAD precursor vitamin, inpatients with paracoceidioidomycosis.


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INTRODUCTION: The objective of the study is to identify the main risk factors for death by New World visceral leishmaniasis and establish a coherent pathogenic substrate of severe disease based on clinical findings. METHODS: Seventy-six deceased inpatients and 320 successfully treated inpatients with VL were studied in a case control study. RESULTS: Bacterial infection and bleeding were mutually exclusive events leading to death. Five risk factors were unique for death by bacterial infection (malnutrition, pulmonary rales, severe anemia, severe absolute neutropenia and higher neutrophil count), while another six were unique for death by bleeding (jaundice, severe relative neutropenia, severe thrombocytopenia, liver injury, kidney failure, higher bone marrow parasite load). Bacterial infection, bleeding, severe anemia, diarrhea, dyspnea, edema, jaundice and bone marrow parasite load were the main syndromes of visceral leishmaniasis among successfully treated patients. CONCLUSIONS: The data support the idea that bacterial infections are due to immune paralysis. Broad organ and system involvement is plausibly due to the high production of proinflammatory cytokines, whose actions fit well with visceral leishmaniasis. The syndromes and causative mediators are typical of a slowly developing systemic inflammatory response syndrome.


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RESUMO - Introdução As quedas ocorridas em ambiente hospitalar são um dos principais eventos reportados e são responsáveis por consequências físicas, psicológicas e sociais nos doentes e seus familiares, mas também nos profissionais e nas organizações de saúde. Paralelamente, tais ocorrências representam significativo impacto clínico, económico e social. Objetivo, material e métodos O propósito desta investigação é caracterizar o impacte clínico e económico da ocorrência de quedas em ambiente hospitalar. De forma a alcançar este objetivo, optou-se por um estudo assente no paradigma quantitativo, observacional, transversal, com recolha de informação de forma retrospetiva. Resultados e discussão No ano de 2013, ocorreram 118 quedas, num total de 108 indivíduos hospitalizados no CHMT. A incidência de quedas foi 0,84 quedas por mil dias de internamento. Do total de doentes em que ocorreu a queda, verificou-se que 59% tiveram consequências físicas e estimou-se um aumento de dias de internamento num total de 1114 dias, com consequente aumento dos custos totais em cerca de 1.027.591,2€. Conclusões A incidência de quedas verificada neste estudo, quando comparada com outros estudos internacionais, é menor. No que se refere ao impacto clínico e económico, constatou-se que a maioria das quedas teve consequências físicas e que, os custos adicionais relacionados com o aumento da demora média de internamento são de uma magnitude importante. Tal circunstância, justifica assim, a necessidade de desenvolvimento de estudos nesta área, no sentido de implementar estratégias efetivas que atuem ao nível do sistema e do individuo, com vista à redução deste tipo de ocorrências.


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RESUMO - Contexto: O presente estudo teve como objetivo apurar a demora média (DM) em doentes admitidos com pneumonia adquirida de comunidade (PAC), nos hospitais públicos portugueses, que tiveram alta durante os anos de 2009, 2010 e 2011, identificar se esta é influenciada por um grupo de fatores selecionados para o efeito e determinar se existe margem para a reduzir nos hospitais com uma DM mais elevada, através da comparação da mesma com as respetivas taxas de readmissão até 30 dias após a alta. Metodologia: Para responder aos objetivos definidos recorreu-se à base de dado dos resumos de alta, referente aos anos de 2009, 2010 e 2011, tendo-se selecionado, para o efeito, todos os episódios de internamento com diagnóstico de admissão de PAC. O estudo considerou como medidas “chave” a DM e a taxa de readmissão até 30 dias após alta. Para identificar a influência de um conjunto de fatores na duração de internamento utilizaram-se duas abordagens: análise descritiva dos dados e análise estatística dos dados, com recurso a uma Regressão Linear Múltipla. Numa última fase e com recurso à análise descritiva dos resultados obtidos, procedeu-se à comparação da taxa de readmissão até 30 dias após alta, por hospital, com as DM de internamento que mais se distanciaram das DM nacional e corrigida da população em estudo. Resultados: Constatou-se que a no tratamento da PAC, em Portugal, entre 2009 e 2011, não sofreu em termos globais grandes oscilações, tendo registado um valor de 9,47 dias nos três anos em análise. Concluiu-se ainda existir uma elevada variabilidade da DM entre hospitais e por hospital. Apesar das limitações identificadas verificou-se que os fatores idade, sexo, quantidade de diagnósticos adicionais, quantidade de procedimentos, destino após alta e tipo de hospital têm influência sobre a duração de internamento dos doentes admitidos com PAC. Por fim conclui-se que os cinco hospitais com DM mais baixa apresentam, de uma forma geral e com exceção do hospital 44, uma taxa de readmissão até 30 dias após alta inferior aos hospitais com DM mais elevada. Conclusão: Os resultados apurados apontam no sentido de existir margem para reduzir a DM no tratamento da PAC, nos hospitais que registaram valores mais elevados entre 2009 e 2011, permitindo que os mesmos obtenham resultados mais custo-efetivos sem piorar os resultados em saúde, medidos pela taxa de readmissões até 30 dias após a alta e, simultaneamente garantindo que a qualidade dos cuidados prestados e a segurança do doente se mantêm nos níveis desejados e exigidos. Sugere-se, no entanto, que em estudos futuros se detalhem algumas das matérias abordadas neste estudo com o objetivo de completar ou corroborar os resultados apresentados.


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INTRODUCTION: There is no study relating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to ultrasound (US) findings in patients with Schistosomiasis mansoni. Our aim was to describe MRI findings inpatients with schistosomal liver disease identified by US. METHODS: Fifty-four patients (mean age 41.6±13.5years) from an area endemic for Schistosomiasis mansoni were selected for this study.All had US indicating liver schistosomal fibrosis and were evaluated with MRI performed witha 1.5-T superconducting magnet unit (Sigma). RESULTS: Forty-seven (87%) of the 54 patientsshowing signs of periportal fibrosis identified through US investigation had confirmed diagnosesby MRI. In the seven discordant cases (13%), MRI revealed fat tissue filling in the hilar periportalspace where US indicated isolated thickening around the main portal vein at its point of entryto the liver. We named this the fatty hilum sign. One of the 47 patients with MRI evidence ofperiportal fibrosis had had his gallbladder removed previously. Thirty-five (76.1%) of the other46 patients had an expanded gallbladder fossa filled with fat tissue, whereas MRI of the remainingeleven showed pericholecystic signs of fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: Echogenic thickening of thegallbladder wall and of the main portal vein wall heretofore attributed to fibrosis were frequentlyidentified as fat tissue in MRI. However, the gallbladder wall thickening shown in US (expandedgallbladder fossa in MRI) is probably secondary to combined hepatic morphologic changes inschistosomiasis, representing severe liver involvement.


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INTRODUCTION: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can be difficult to detect at the clinical practice. METHODS: We analyzed 140 MRSA isolates from inpatients to correlate the antimicrobial susceptibility with the SCCmec types. RESULTS: Type III (n = 63) isolates were more resistant to ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, cloramphenicol, erythromycin, gentamicin, and rifampin than type IV (n = 65) ones (p < 0.05). Moreover, type IV isolates were susceptible to tetracycline (100%) and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (98%), while type III isolates presented resistance to them. CONCLUSIONS: In regions where these SCCmec types are prevalent, the detection of specific resistant phenotypes could help to predict them, mainly when there are no technical conditions to SCCmec typing.


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Introduction Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates related to nosocomial infections are often resistant to multiple antibacterial agents. In this study, antimicrobial combinations were evaluated to detect in vitro synergy against clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa. Methods Four clinical P. aeruginosa isolates were selected at random among other isolates from inpatients treated at the public University hospital in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Two isolates were susceptible to imipenem (IPM-S) and several other antimicrobials, while the other two isolates were imipenem and multidrug resistant (IPM-R). The checkerboard method was used to assess the interactions between antimicrobials. Results Combinations of imipenem or other anti-Pseudomonas drugs with complementary antibiotics, such as aminoglycosides, fosfomycin and rifampin, reached synergy rates of 20.8%, 50%, 62.5% and 50% for the two IPM-S and two IPM-R Pseudomonas isolates, respectively. Imipenem, piperacillin-tazobactam and ceftazidime yielded a greater synergy rate than cefepime or ciprofloxacin. Synergist combinations were more commonly observed when the complementary drug was tobramycin (65%) or fosfomycin (57%). Conclusions Some antibacterial combinations led to significant reductions of the minimum inhibitory concentrations of both drugs, suggesting that they could be clinically applied to control infections caused by multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa.


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An increasing number of m-Health applications are being developed benefiting health service delivery. In this paper, a new methodology based on the principle of calm computing applied to diagnostic and therapeutic procedure reporting is proposed. A mobile application was designed for the physicians of one of the Portuguese major hospitals, which takes advantage of a multi-agent interoperability platform, the Agency for the Integration, Diffusion and Archive (AIDA). This application allows the visualization of inpatients and outpatients medical reports in a quicker and safer manner, in addition to offer a remote access to information. This project shows the advantages in the use of mobile software in a medical environment but the first step is always to build or use an interoperability platform, flexible, adaptable and pervasive. The platform offers a comprehensive set of services that restricts the development of mobile software almost exclusively to the mobile user interface design. The technology was tested and assessed in a real context by intensivists.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency of oral antihypertensive medication preceding the increase in blood pressure in patients in a university hospital, the drug of choice, and the maintained use of antihypertensive medication. METHODS: Data from January to June 1997 from the University Hospital Professor Edgard Santos Pharmacy concerning the prescriptions of all inpatients were used. Variables included in the analysis were: antihypertensive medication prescription preceding increase in blood pressure, type of antihypertensive medication, gender, clinical or surgical wards, and the presence of maintained antihypertensive medication. RESULTS: The hospital admitted 2,532 patients, 1,468 in surgical wards and 818 in medical wards. Antihypertensive medication prescription preceding pressure increase was observed in 578 patients (22.8%). Nifedipine was used in 553 (95.7%) and captopril in 25 (4.3%). In 50.7% of patients, prescription of antihypertensive medication was not associated with maintained antihypertensive medication. Prescription of antihypertensive drugs preceding elevation of blood pressure was significantly (p<0.001) more frequent on the surgical floor (27.5%; 405/1468) than on the medical floor (14.3%; 117/818). The frequency of prescription of antihypertensive drugs preceding elevation of blood pressure without maintained antihypertensive drugs and the ratio between the number of prescriptions of nifedipine and captopril were greater in surgical wards. CONCLUSION: The use of antihypertensive medication, preceding elevation of blood pressure (22.8%) observed in admitted patients is not supported by scientific evidence. The high frequency of this practice may be even greater in nonuniversity hospitals.


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Background: Studies on atrial fibrillation (AF) in decompensated heart failure (DHF) are scarce in Brazil. Objectives: To determine AF prevalence, its types and associated factors in patients hospitalized due to DHF; to assess their thromboembolic risk profile and anticoagulation rate; and to assess the impact of AF on in-hospital mortality and hospital length of stay. Methods: Retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study of incident cases including 659 consecutive hospitalizations due to DHF, from 01/01/2006 to 12/31/2011. The thromboembolic risk was assessed by using CHADSVASc score. On univariate analysis, the chi-square, Student t and Mann Whitney tests were used. On multivariate analysis, logistic regression was used. Results: The prevalence of AF was 40%, and the permanent type predominated (73.5%). On multivariate model, AF associated with advanced age (p < 0.0001), non-ischemic etiology (p = 0.02), right ventricular dysfunction (p = 0.03), lower systolic blood pressure (SBP) (p = 0.02), higher ejection fraction (EF) (p < 0.0001) and enlarged left atrium (LA) (p < 0.0001). The median CHADSVASc score was 4, and 90% of the cases had it ≥ 2. The anticoagulation rate was 52.8% on admission and 66.8% on discharge, being lower for higher scores. The group with AF had higher in-hospital mortality (11.0% versus 8.1%, p = 0.21) and longer hospital length of stay (20.5 ± 16 versus 16.3 ± 12, p = 0.001). Conclusions: Atrial fibrillation is frequent in DHF, the most prevalent type being permanent AF. Atrial fibrillation is associated with more advanced age, non-ischemic etiology, right ventricular dysfunction, lower SBP, higher EF and enlarged LA. Despite the high thromboembolic risk profile, anticoagulation is underutilized. The presence of AF is associated with longer hospital length of stay and high mortality.


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Background: Burnout Syndrome is the extreme emotional response to chronic occupational stress, manifesting as physical and mental exhaustion. Although associated with higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, no study so far has evaluated whether the Burnout Syndrome could be a prevalent factor in non-elderly individuals active in the labor market, admitted for acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of the Burnout Syndrome in non-elderly, economically active patients, hospitalized with ACS. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted in a tertiary and private cardiology center, with economically active patients aged <65 years, hospitalized with diagnosis of ACS. The Burnout Syndrome was evaluated with the Burnout Syndrome Inventory (BSI), which assesses workplace conditions and four dimensions that characterize the syndrome: emotional exhaustion (EE), emotional distancing (EmD), dehumanization (De) and professional fulfillment (PF). The Lipp’s Stress Symptoms Inventory for Adults (LSSI) was applied to evaluate global stress. Results: Of 830 patients evaluated with suspected ACS, 170 met the study criteria, 90% of which were men, overall average age was 52 years, and 40.5% had an average income above 11 minimum wages. The prevalence of the Burnout Syndrome was 4.1%. When we evaluated each dimension individually, we found high EE in 34.7%, high De in 52.4%, high EDi in 30.6%, and low PF in 5.9%. The overall prevalence of stress was 87.5%. Conclusion: We found a low prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in an economically active, non-elderly population among patients admitted for ACS in a tertiary and private hospital.