984 resultados para Hydro power reliability


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This in situ study evaluated the discriminatory power and reliability of methods of dental plaque quantification and the relationship between visual indices (VI) and fluorescence camera (FC) to detect plaque.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the intra-reader and inter-reader reliabilities of interpreting ultrasonography by several experts using video clips. METHOD: 99 video clips of healthy and rheumatic joints were recorded and delivered to 17 physician sonographers in two rounds. The intra-reader and inter-reader reliabilities of interpreting the ultrasound results were calculated using a dichotomous system (normal/abnormal) and a graded semiquantitative scoring system. RESULTS: The video reading method worked well. 70% of the readers could classify at least 70% of the cases correctly as normal or abnormal. The distribution of readers answering correctly was wide. The most difficult joints to assess were the elbow, wrist, metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and knee joints. The intra-reader and inter-reader agreements on interpreting dynamic ultrasound images as normal or abnormal, as well as detecting and scoring a Doppler signal were moderate to good (kappa = 0.52-0.82). CONCLUSIONS: Dynamic image assessment (video clips) can be used as an alternative method in ultrasonography reliability studies. The intra-reader and inter-reader reliabilities of ultrasonography in dynamic image reading are acceptable, but more definitions and training are needed to improve sonographic reproducibility.


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Models based on degradation are powerful and useful tools to evaluate the reliability of those devices in which failure happens because of degradation in the performance parameters. This paper presents a procedure for assessing the reliability of concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules operating outdoors in real-time conditions. With this model, the main reliability functions are predicted. This model has been applied to a real case with a module composed of GaAs single-junction solar cells and total internal reflection (TIR) optics


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Grid computing is an emerging technology for providing the high performance computing capability and collaboration mechanism for solving the collaborated and complex problems while using the existing resources. In this paper, a grid computing based framework is proposed for the probabilistic based power system reliability and security analysis. The suggested name of this computing grid is Reliability and Security Grid (RSA-Grid). Then the architecture of this grid is presented. A prototype system has been built for further development of grid-based services for power systems reliability and security assessment based on probabilistic techniques, which require high performance computing and large amount of memory. Preliminary results based on prototype of this grid show that RSA-Grid can provide the comprehensive assessment results for real power systems efficiently and economically.


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This paper is part of a project which aims to research the opportunities for the re-use of batteries after their primary use in low and ultra low carbon vehicles on the electricity grid system. One potential revenue stream is to provide primary/secondary/high frequency response to National Grid through market mechanisms via DNO's or Energy service providers. Some commercial battery energy storage systems (BESS) already exist on the grid system, but these tend to use costly new or high performance batteries. Second life batteries should be available at lower cost than new batteries but reliability becomes an important issue as individual batteries may suffer from degraded performance or failure. Therefore converter topology design could be used to influence the overall system reliability. A detailed reliability calculation of different single phase battery-to-grid converter interfacing schemes is presented. A suitable converter topology for robust and reliable BESS is recommended.


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Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies provide a means to significantly reduce carbon emissions from the existing fleet of fossil-fired plants, and hence can facilitate a gradual transition from conventional to more sustainable sources of electric power. This is especially relevant for coal plants that have a CO2 emission rate that is roughly two times higher than that of natural gas plants. Of the different kinds of CCS technology available, post-combustion amine based CCS is the best developed and hence more suitable for retrofitting an existing coal plant. The high costs from operating CCS could be reduced by enabling flexible operation through amine storage or allowing partial capture of CO2 during high electricity prices. This flexibility is also found to improve the power plant’s ramp capability, enabling it to offset the intermittency of renewable power sources. This thesis proposes a solution to problems associated with two promising technologies for decarbonizing the electric power system: the high costs of the energy penalty of CCS, and the intermittency and non-dispatchability of wind power. It explores the economic and technical feasibility of a hybrid system consisting of a coal plant retrofitted with a post-combustion-amine based CCS system equipped with the option to perform partial capture or amine storage, and a co-located wind farm. A techno-economic assessment of the performance of the hybrid system is carried out both from the perspective of the stakeholders (utility owners, investors, etc.) as well as that of the power system operator.

In order to perform the assessment from the perspective of the facility owners (e.g., electric power utilities, independent power producers), an optimal design and operating strategy of the hybrid system is determined for both the amine storage and partial capture configurations. A linear optimization model is developed to determine the optimal component sizes for the hybrid system and capture rates while meeting constraints on annual average emission targets of CO2, and variability of the combined power output. Results indicate that there are economic benefits of flexible operation relative to conventional CCS, and demonstrate that the hybrid system could operate as an energy storage system: providing an effective pathway for wind power integration as well as a mechanism to mute the variability of intermittent wind power.

In order to assess the performance of the hybrid system from the perspective of the system operator, a modified Unit Commitment/ Economic Dispatch model is built to consider and represent the techno-economic aspects of operation of the hybrid system within a power grid. The hybrid system is found to be effective in helping the power system meet an average CO2 emissions limit equivalent to the CO2 emission rate of a state-of-the-art natural gas plant, and to reduce power system operation costs and number of instances and magnitude of energy and reserve scarcity.


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Several studies have reported changes in spontaneous brain rhythms that could be used asclinical biomarkers or in the evaluation of neuropsychological and drug treatments in longitudinal studies using magnetoencephalography (MEG). There is an increasing necessity to use these measures in early diagnosis and pathology progression; however, there is a lack of studies addressing how reliable they are. Here, we provide the first test-retest reliability estimate of MEG power in resting-state at sensor and source space. In this study, we recorded 3 sessions of resting-state MEG activity from 24 healthy subjects with an interval of a week between each session. Power values were estimated at sensor and source space with beamforming for classical frequency bands: delta (2–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz), low beta (13–20 Hz), high beta (20–30 Hz), and gamma (30–45 Hz). Then, test-retest reliability was evaluated using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). We also evaluated the relation between source power and the within-subject variability. In general, ICC of theta, alpha, and low beta power was fairly high (ICC > 0.6) while in delta and gamma power was lower. In source space, fronto-posterior alpha, frontal beta, and medial temporal theta showed the most reliable profiles. Signal-to-noise ratio could be partially responsible for reliability as low signal intensity resulted inhigh within-subject variability, but also the inherent nature of some brain rhythms in resting-state might be driving these reliability patterns. In conclusion, our results described the reliability of MEG power estimates in each frequency band, which could be considered in disease characterization or clinical trials.


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In the last years the increasing demand of higher torque and power densities has led to the adoption of hairpin windings (HWs) in electrical machines, mainly in those intended for automotive applications. However, this winding topology is quite sensitive to AC losses, hence one of their main challenges is represented by their reduction. This work deals with different design aspects related to the enhancements of some performance figures of rotating electrical machines for traction applications, above all power density and reliability, mainly through the adoption of HWs.


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The world is quickly changing, and the field of power electronics assumes a pivotal role in addressing the challenges posed by climate change, global warming, and energy management. The introduction of wide-bandgap semiconductors, particularly gallium nitride (GaN), in contrast to the traditional silicon technology, is leading to lightweight, compact and evermore efficient circuitry. However, GaN technology is not mature yet and still presents reliability issues which constrain its widespread adoption. Therefore, GaN reliability is a hotspot for the research community. Extensive efforts have been directed toward understanding the physical mechanisms underlying the performance and reliability of GaN power devices. The goal of this thesis is to propose a novel in-circuit degradation analysis in order to evaluate the long-term reliability of GaN-based power devices accurately. The in-circuit setup is based on measure-stress-measure methodology where a high-speed synchronous buck converter ensures the stress while the measure is performed by means of full I-V characterizations. The switch from stress mode to characterization mode and vice versa is automatic thanks to electromechanical and solid-state relays controlled by external unit control. Because these relays are located in critical paths of the converter layout, the design has required a comprehensive study of electrical and thermal problems originated by the use of GaN technology. In addition, during the validation phase of the converter, electromagnetic-lumped-element circuit simulations are carried out to monitor the signal integrity and junction temperature of the devices under test. However, the core of this work is the in-circuit reliability analysis conducted with 80 V GaN HEMTs under several operating conditions of the converter in order to figure out the main stressors which contribute to the device's degradation.