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Upgrading two widely used standard plastics, polypropylene (PP) and high density polyethylene (HDPE), and generating a variety of useful engineering materials based on these blends have been the main objective of this study. Upgradation was effected by using nanomodifiers and/or fibrous modifiers. PP and HDPE were selected for modification due to their attractive inherent properties and wide spectrum of use. Blending is the engineered method of producing new materials with tailor made properties. It has the advantages of both the materials. PP has high tensile and flexural strength and the HDPE acts as an impact modifier in the resultant blend. Hence an optimized blend of PP and HDPE was selected as the matrix material for upgradation. Nanokaolinite clay and E-glass fibre were chosen for modifying PP/HDPE blend. As the first stage of the work, the mechanical, thermal, morphological, rheological, dynamic mechanical and crystallization characteristics of the polymer nanocomposites prepared with PP/HDPE blend and different surface modified nanokaolinite clay were analyzed. As the second stage of the work, the effect of simultaneous inclusion of nanokaolinite clay (both N100A and N100) and short glass fibres are investigated. The presence of nanofiller has increased the properties of hybrid composites to a greater extent than micro composites. As the last stage, micromechanical modeling of both nano and hybrid A composite is carried out to analyze the behavior of the composite under load bearing conditions. These theoretical analyses indicate that the polymer-nanoclay interfacial characteristics partially converge to a state of perfect interfacial bonding (Takayanagi model) with an iso-stress (Reuss IROM) response. In the case of hybrid composites the experimental data follows the trend of Halpin-Tsai model. This implies that matrix and filler experience varying amount of strain and interfacial adhesion between filler and matrix and also between the two fillers which play a vital role in determining the modulus of the hybrid composites.A significant observation from this study is that the requirement of higher fibre loading for efficient reinforcement of polymers can be substantially reduced by the presence of nanofiller together with much lower fibre content in the composite. Hybrid composites with both nanokaolinite clay and micron sized E-glass fibre as reinforcements in PP/HDPE matrix will generate a novel class of high performance, cost effective engineering material.


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Across Europe, elevated phosphorus (P) concentrations in lowland rivers have made them particularly susceptible to eutrophication. This is compounded in southern and central UK by increasing pressures on water resources, which may be further enhanced by the potential effects of climate change. The EU Water Framework Directive requires an integrated approach to water resources management at the catchment scale and highlights the need for modelling tools that can distinguish relative contributions from multiple nutrient sources and are consistent with the information content of the available data. Two such models are introduced and evaluated within a stochastic framework using daily flow and total phosphorus concentrations recorded in a clay catchment typical of many areas of the lowland UK. Both models disaggregate empirical annual load estimates, derived from land use data, as a function of surface/near surface runoff, generated using a simple conceptual rainfall-runoff model. Estimates of the daily load from agricultural land, together with those from baseflow and point sources, feed into an in-stream routing algorithm. The first model assumes constant concentrations in runoff via surface/near surface pathways and incorporates an additional P store in the river-bed sediments, depleted above a critical discharge, to explicitly simulate resuspension. The second model, which is simpler, simulates P concentrations as a function of surface/near surface runoff, thus emphasising the influence of non-point source loads during flow peaks and mixing of baseflow and point sources during low flows. The temporal consistency of parameter estimates and thus the suitability of each approach is assessed dynamically following a new approach based on Monte-Carlo analysis. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The rate and scale of human-driven changes can exert profound impacts on ecosystems, the species that make them up and the services they provide that sustain humanity. Given the speed at which these changes are occurring, one of society's major challenges is to coexist within ecosystems and to manage ecosystem services in a sustainable way. The effect of possible scenarios of global change on ecosystem services can be explored using ecosystem models. Such models should adequately represent ecosystem processes above and below the soil surface (aboveground and belowground) and the interactions between them. We explore possibilities to include such interactions into ecosystem models at scales that range from global to local. At the regional to global scale we suggest to expand the plant functional type concept (aggregating plants into groups according to their physiological attributes) to include functional types of aboveground-belowground interactions. At the scale of discrete plant communities, process-based and organism-oriented models could be combined into "hybrid approaches" that include organism-oriented mechanistic representation of a limited number of trophic interactions in an otherwise process - oriented approach. Under global change the density and activity of organisms determining the processes may change non-linearly and therefore explicit knowledge of the organisms and their responses should ideally be included. At the individual plant scale a common organism-based conceptual model of aboveground-belowground interactions has emerged. This conceptual model facilitates the formulation of research questions to guide experiments aiming to identify patterns that are common within, but differ between, ecosystem types and biomes. Such experiments inform modelling approaches at larger scales. Future ecosystem models should better include this evolving knowledge of common patterns of aboveground-belowground interactions. Improved ecosystem models are necessary toots to reduce the uncertainty in the information that assists us in the sustainable management of our environment in a changing world. (C) 2004 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The DNA G-qadruplexes are one of the targets being actively explored for anti-cancer therapy by inhibiting them through small molecules. This computational study was conducted to predict the binding strengths and orientations of a set of novel dimethyl-amino-ethyl-acridine (DACA) analogues that are designed and synthesized in our laboratory, but did not diffract in Synchrotron light.Thecrystal structure of DNA G-Quadruplex(TGGGGT)4(PDB: 1O0K) was used as target for their binding properties in our studies.We used both the force field (FF) and QM/MM derived atomic charge schemes simultaneously for comparing the predictions of drug binding modes and their energetics. This study evaluates the comparative performance of fixed point charge based Glide XP docking and the quantum polarized ligand docking schemes. These results will provide insights on the effects of including or ignoring the drug-receptor interfacial polarization events in molecular docking simulations, which in turn, will aid the rational selection of computational methods at different levels of theory in future drug design programs. Plenty of molecular modelling tools and methods currently exist for modelling drug-receptor or protein-protein, or DNA-protein interactionssat different levels of complexities.Yet, the capasity of such tools to describevarious physico-chemical propertiesmore accuratelyis the next step ahead in currentresearch.Especially, the usage of most accurate methods in quantum mechanics(QM) is severely restricted by theirtedious nature. Though the usage of massively parallel super computing environments resulted in a tremendous improvement in molecular mechanics (MM) calculations like molecular dynamics,they are still capable of dealing with only a couple of tens to hundreds of atoms for QM methods. One such efficient strategy that utilizes thepowers of both MM and QM are the QM/MM hybrid methods. Lately, attempts have been directed towards the goal of deploying several different QM methods for betterment of force field based simulations, but with practical restrictions in place. One of such methods utilizes the inclusion of charge polarization events at the drug-receptor interface, that is not explicitly present in the MM FF.


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Data assimilation is predominantly used for state estimation; combining observational data with model predictions to produce an updated model state that most accurately approximates the true system state whilst keeping the model parameters fixed. This updated model state is then used to initiate the next model forecast. Even with perfect initial data, inaccurate model parameters will lead to the growth of prediction errors. To generate reliable forecasts we need good estimates of both the current system state and the model parameters. This paper presents research into data assimilation methods for morphodynamic model state and parameter estimation. First, we focus on state estimation and describe implementation of a three dimensional variational(3D-Var) data assimilation scheme in a simple 2D morphodynamic model of Morecambe Bay, UK. The assimilation of observations of bathymetry derived from SAR satellite imagery and a ship-borne survey is shown to significantly improve the predictive capability of the model over a 2 year run. Here, the model parameters are set by manual calibration; this is laborious and is found to produce different parameter values depending on the type and coverage of the validation dataset. The second part of this paper considers the problem of model parameter estimation in more detail. We explain how, by employing the technique of state augmentation, it is possible to use data assimilation to estimate uncertain model parameters concurrently with the model state. This approach removes inefficiencies associated with manual calibration and enables more effective use of observational data. We outline the development of a novel hybrid sequential 3D-Var data assimilation algorithm for joint state-parameter estimation and demonstrate its efficacy using an idealised 1D sediment transport model. The results of this study are extremely positive and suggest that there is great potential for the use of data assimilation-based state-parameter estimation in coastal morphodynamic modelling.


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Water consumed directly by the construction industry is known to be of little importance. However, water consumed in the manufacture of goods and services required by construction may be significant in the context of a building's life cycle water requirements and the national water budget. This paper evaluates the significance of water embodied in the construction of individual buildings. To do this, an input-output-based hybrid embodied water analysis was undertaken on 17 Australian non-residential case studies. It was found that there is a considerable amount of water embodied in construction. The highest value was 20.1 kilolitres (kL)/m2 gross floor area (GFA), representing many times the enclosed volume of the building, and many years worth of operational water. The water required by the main construction process is minimal. However, the water embodied in building materials is considerable. These findings suggest that the selection of elements and materials has a great impact on a building's embodied water. This research allows the construction industry to evaluate design and construction in broad environmental terms to select options that might be cost neutral or possibly cost positive while retaining their environmental integrity. The research suggests policies focused on operational water consumption alone are inadequate.


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The radial return mapping algorithm within the computational context of a hybrid Finite Element and Particle-In-Cell (FE/PIC) method is constructed to allow a fluid flow FE/PIC code to be applied solid mechanic problems with large displacements and large deformations. The FE/PIC method retains the robustness of an Eulerian mesh and enables tracking of material deformation by a set of Lagrangian particles or material points. In the FE/PIC approach the particle velocities are interpolated from nodal velocities and then the particle position is updated using a suitable integration scheme, such as the 4th order Runge-Kutta scheme[1]. The strain increments are obtained from gradients of the nodal velocities at the material point positions, which are then used to evaluate the stress increment and update history variables. To obtain the stress increment from the strain increment, the nonlinear constitutive equations are solved in an incremental iterative integration scheme based on a radial return mapping algorithm[2]. A plane stress extension of a rectangular shape J2 elastoplastic material with isotropic, kinematic and combined hardening is performed as an example and for validation of the enhanced FE/PIC method. It is shown that the method is suitable for analysis of problems in crystal plasticity and metal forming. The method is specifically suitable for simulation of neighbouring microstructural phases with different constitutive equations in a multiscale material modelling framework.


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Multi-agent Systems (MASs) offer strong models for representing complex and dynamic real-world environments. Taking financial investment planning as an example, this paper describes how to model complex systems from agent perspectives. Different agents and their behaviours are identified for financial investment planning. These agents are put together as an agent-based system. The experimental results show that all agents in the system can work cooperatively to provide reasonable investment advice. The system is very flexible and robust. The success of the system indicates that (MASs) can significantly facilitate the modelling of complex systems.


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The modelling and simulation approach is employed to develop an intelligent energy management system for hybrid electric vehicles. The aim is to optimize fuel consumption and reduce emissions. An analysis of the role of drivetrain, energy management control strategy and the associated impacts on the fuel consumption with combined wind/drag, slope, rolling, and accessories loads are included.


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The research applies the TARDIS system security analysis and modelling framework to an adverse critical infrastructure system incident. This paper reports on the practical application of the framework to a case study based on an actual critical infrastructure system failure and the resultant implications for the system and the wider regional community. Then a reflective discussion is undertaken reviewing the TARDIS framework approaches employed within the blended hybrid approach incorporated into the framework, before speculating on future research areas of framework development and application.


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A three stage-treatment of domestic wastewater including anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic phases is employed in this study while a clarifier unit is replaced with a submerged membrane in the aerobic unit. The effects of operational parameters on the performance of a pilot scale submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) namely hydraulic retention time (HRT), ratio of return activated sludge (QRS), ratio of internal recycle (QIR), solid retention time (SRT) and dissolved oxygen (DO) are evaluated by simulations, using a hybrid model composed of TUDP model, oxygen transfer model, biofouling model due to extra-cellular polymeric substances (EPS) and turbulent shear model. The results showed that anaerobic HRT of 3 hours, anoxic HRT of 6 hours, QRS of 20% and QIR of 300 % are satisfactory in obtaining a high removal efficiency (>90%) of COD, NH4-N, P04-P as well as a less sludge production. An increase of sludge production causes an increase in EPS, which fouls the membrane surface and increase the cleaning cycle of membrane. Operation of 5MBR system at 2 mg/I of DO and 30 days of SRT can extend the membrane cleaning cycle dramatically. The membrane cleaning cycle however is strongly dependent on the initial and terminal specific fluxes and displays inverse power relationships to those fluxes.


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The research addressed performance issues for wireless signal transmission and has shown that performance improves with the help of relays due to increased diversity. Further, the areas of antenna selection and channel estimation and modelling has been investigated for improved cost and complexity and has shown to further enhance the performance of the wireless relay systems.


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his study investigates the role of system dynamics (SD) modeling to support strategic decision making for an aviation training continuum that is going through major change. The Australian helicopter training continuum (HTC) is currently undergoing transformation, with restructure and consolidation of training schools and training platforms across multiple services. In this research, we introduce a novel SD-based HTC simulation architecture to facilitate the discovery of relationships between student and instructor development and flow dynamics. The proposed simulation architecture employs hybrid push – pull flow control to quantify transience and estimate recovery time after a policy change or disturbance. This architecture allows for multiple student and instructor types, and their respective intake levels and pass rates. Here the instructor variables include availability, specialization and experience. Enos (2011) successfully explored the application of SD modeling to understand the behavior for combat aviation training in an individual school. This research employs a similar modeling philosophy, but takes a higher level view of the system by looking across multiple training schools, which introduces complexity due to pooling, latency and the amplification of affects across the system. The ability to identify causal relationships allowed stakeholders to develop a deeper understanding of the underlying systemic problems, such as delayed transitions between schools and instructor shortages, whilst the hybrid “push-pull” design allowed us to quantify the pooling of students between schools.


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The modelling of the local structure of sol-gel derived Eu3+-based organic/inorganic hybrids is reported, based on Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), photoluminescence and mid-infrared spectroscopy. The hybrid matrix of these organically modified silicates, classed as di-ureasils and termed U(2000) and U(600), is formed by poly( oxyethylene) (POE) chains of variable length grafted to siloxane domains by means of urea cross-linkages. Europium triflate, Eu(CF3SO3)(3), was incorporated in the two di-ureasil matrices with compositions 400 greater than or equal ton greater than or equal to 10, n is the molar ratio of ether oxygens per Eu3+. The SAXS data for undoped hybrids (n=infinity) show the presence of a well-defined peak attributed to the existence of a liquid-like spatial correlation of siloxane rich domains embedded in the polymer matrix and located at the ends of the organic segments. The obtained siloxane particle gyration radius Rg(1) is around 5 Angstrom (error within 10%), whereas the interparticle distance d is 25 +/-2 Angstrom and 40 +/-2 Angstrom, for U(600) and U(2000), respectively. For the Eu3+-based nanocomposites the formation of a two-level hierarchical local structure is discerned. The primary level is constituted by strongly spatially correlated siloxane particles of gyration radius Rg(1) (4-6 and 3-8 Angstrom, errors within 5%, for U(600())n Eu(CF3SO3)(3), 200 greater than or equal ton greater than or equal to 40, and U(2000)(n)Eu(CF3SO3)(3), 400 greater than or equal ton greater than or equal to 40, respectively) forming large clusters of gyration radius Rg(2) (approximate to 75 +/- 10 Angstrom). The local coordination of Eu3+ in both di-ureasil series is described combining the SAXS, photoluminescence and mid-infrared results. In the di-ureasils containing long polymer chains, U(2000)(n)Eu(CF3SO3)(3), the cations interact exclusively with the carbonyl oxygens atoms of the urea bridges at the siloxane-POE interface. In the hybrids containing shorter chains, U(600)(n)Eu(CF3SO3)(3) with n ranging from 200 to 60, the Eu3+ ions interact solely with the ether-type oxygens of the polymer chains. Nevertheless, in this latter family of hybrids a distinct Eu3+ local site environment involving the urea cross-linkages is detected when the europium content is increased up to n=40.


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Many combinatorial problems coming from the real world may not have a clear and well defined structure, typically being dirtied by side constraints, or being composed of two or more sub-problems, usually not disjoint. Such problems are not suitable to be solved with pure approaches based on a single programming paradigm, because a paradigm that can effectively face a problem characteristic may behave inefficiently when facing other characteristics. In these cases, modelling the problem using different programming techniques, trying to ”take the best” from each technique, can produce solvers that largely dominate pure approaches. We demonstrate the effectiveness of hybridization and we discuss about different hybridization techniques by analyzing two classes of problems with particular structures, exploiting Constraint Programming and Integer Linear Programming solving tools and Algorithm Portfolios and Logic Based Benders Decomposition as integration and hybridization frameworks.