604 resultados para Humanity


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In the light of emerging and overlooked infectious diseases and widespread drug resistance, diagnostics have become increasingly important in supporting surveillance, disease control and outbreak management programs. In many low-income countries the diagnostic service has been a neglected part of health care, often lacking quantity and quality or even non-existing at all. High-income countries have exploited few of their advanced technical abilities for the much-needed development of low-cost, rapid diagnostic tests to improve the accuracy of diagnosis and accelerate the start of appropriate treatment. As is now also recognized by World Healt Organization, investment in the development of affordable diagnostic tools is urgently needed to further our ability to control a variety of diseases that form a major threat to humanity. The Royal Tropical Institute's Department of Biomedical Research aims to contribute to the health of people living in the tropics. To this end, its multidisciplinary group of experts focuses on the diagnosis of diseases that are major health problems in low-income countries. In partnership we develop, improve and evaluate simple and cheap diagnostic tests, and perform epidemiological studies. Moreover, we advice and support others - especially those in developing countries - in their efforts to diagnose infectious diseases.


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Anlisi comparativa de l'obra de Nietzsche i de Wilde en relaci als eixos de la vida, l'home i la societat. S'analitza com ambds autors intenten de fer l'home ms hum i quines mesures proposen, la qual cosa implica tractar tamb qu s'entn per vida (dimensi individual) i com l'home s'ha de relacionar amb la resta de la humanitat (dimensi social).


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Introducci esquemtica a la literatura de l'holocaust i comparaci de l'obra de tres autors: Primo Levi, Imre Kertsz i Maria ngels Anglada. S'analitza una obra de cadascun d'ells. Les tres obres parlen de la vida quotidiana dels camps d'extermini nazis, es compara qu tenen en com i les diferncies entre les tres, des del punt de vista hum i tamb dels recursos literaris; es fa referncia al fet de crear i de conservar la humanitat en circumstncies extremes.


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Un dels conceptes que ms discussions han suscitat en l'mbit de la filosofia social i poltica en l'poca moderna i contempornia s, sens dubte, el concepte d'utopia. La utopia t una gran complexitat a nivell semntic, en la mesura que alludeix a un somni d'una vida millor ancorat en la imaginaci, que no t cap possibilitat d'encarnar-se en la realitat concreta, o b que s concebut com una categoria antropolgica de valor singular, amb capacitat per conduir la humanitat vers la seva realitzaci definitiva.


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Mountains and mountain societies provide a wide range of goods and services to humanity, but they are particularly sensitive to the effects of global environmental change. Thus, the definition of appropriate management regimes that maintain the multiple functions of mountain regions in a time of greatly changing climatic, economic, and societal drivers constitutes a significant challenge. Management decisions must be based on a sound understanding of the future dynamics of these systems. The present article reviews the elements required for an integrated effort to project the impacts of global change on mountain regions, and recommends tools that can be used at 3 scientific levels (essential, improved, and optimum). The proposed strategy is evaluated with respect to UNESCO's network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves (MBRs), with the intention of implementing it in other mountain regions as well. First, methods for generating scenarios of key drivers of global change are reviewed, including land use/land cover and climate change. This is followed by a brief review of the models available for projecting the impacts of these scenarios on (1) cryospheric systems, (2) ecosystem structure and diversity, and (3) ecosystem functions such as carbon and water relations. Finally, the cross-cutting role of remote sensing techniques is evaluated with respect to both monitoring and modeling efforts. We conclude that a broad range of techniques is available for both scenario generation and impact assessments, many of which can be implemented without much capacity building across many or even most MBRs. However, to foster implementation of the proposed strategy, further efforts are required to establish partnerships between scientists and resource managers in mountain areas.


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The purpose of the thesis was to explore expectations of elderly people on the nurse-client relationship and interaction in home care. The aim is to improve the quality of care to better meet the needs of the clients. A qualitative approach was adopted. Semi-structured theme interviews were used for data collection. The interviews were conducted during spring 2006. Six elderly clients of a private home care company in Southern Finland acted as informants. Content analysis was used as the method of data analysis. The findings suggest that clients expect nurses to provide professional care with loving-kindness. Trust and mutual, active interaction were expected from the nurse-client relationship. Clients considered it important that the nurse recognizes each client's individual needs. The nurse was expected to perform duties efficiently, but in a calm and unrushed manner. A mechanic performance of tasks was considered negative. Humanity was viewed as a crucial element in the nurse-client relationship. Clients expressed their need to be seen as human beings. Seeing beyond the illness was considered important. A smiling nurse was described to be able to alleviate pain and anxiety. Clients hoped to have a close relationship with the nurse. The development of a close relationship was considered to be more likely if the nurse is familiar and genuine. Clients wish the nurses to have a more attending presence. Clients suggested that the work areas of the nurses could be limited so that they would have more time to transfer from one place to another. Clients felt that they would benefit from this as well. The nurses were expected to be more considerate. Clients wished for more information regarding changes that affect their care. They wished to be informed about changes in schedules and plans. Clients hoped for continuity from the nurse-client relationship. Considering the expectations of clients promotes client satisfaction. Home care providers have an opportunity to reflect their own care behaviour on the findings. To better meet the needs of the clients, nurses could apply the concept of loving-kindness in their work, and strive for a more attending presence.


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ICRC works to promote safe, just, and inclusive communities. Safe and inclusive communities are free from discrimination and free from loss of dignity and humanity. Civil rights enforcement helps ensure society receives full benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce and reduces economic losses from discrimination. To prevent problems and provide a more welcoming economic climate, our agency educates business and industry on civil rights laws and diversity concerns.


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Dans le cadre du XVe colloque annuel du Groupe d'Etude Pratiques sociales et thories de l'Universit de Lausanne consacr au thme de l'animalit et de l'humanit en rfrence A. Portmann, l'A. tudie l'analyse des structures particulires du ple cphalique et caudal chez les vertbrs suprieurs, dveloppe par le biologiste suisse dans son ouvrage intitul La forme animale (1959), d'une part, et examine quelques nouveaux paradigmes concernant les couleurs des robes et les testicules chez les oiseaux et les mammifres, qui ont t tablis depuis leur sujet, d'autre part


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One of the main problems faced by humanity is pollution caused by residues resulting from the production and use of goods, e.g, sewage sludge. Among the various alternatives for its disposal, the agricultural use seems promising. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity and interaction of soil with sandy-silty texture, classified as Spodosols, from the Experimental Station Itapirema - IPA, in Goiana, state of Pernambuco, in mixtures with sewage sludge from the Mangueira Sewage Treatment Station, in the city of Recife, Pernambuco at rates of 25, 50 and 75 Mg ha-1. Tests were conducted to let water percolate the natural saturated soil and soil-sludge mixtures to characterize their physical, chemical, and microstructural properties as well as hydraulic conductivity. Statistical data analysis showed that the presence of sewage sludge in soils leads to an increase of the < 0.005 mm fraction, reduction in real specific weight and variation in optimum moisture content from 11.60 to 12.90 % and apparent specific dry weight from 17.10 and 17.50 kN m-3. In the sludge-soil mixture, the quartz grains were covered by sludge and filling of the empty soil macropores between grains. There were changes in the chemical characteristics of soil and effluent due to sewage sludge addition and a small decrease in hydraulic conductivity. The results indicate the possibility that soil acidity influenced the concentrations of the elements found in the leachate, showing higher levels at higher sludge doses. It can be concluded that the leaching degree of potentially toxic elements from the sewage sludge treatments does not harm the environment.


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This research project conducted in the Psychology Department of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) evaluated the therapeutic alliance with Hispanic American Patients. From the patient's perspective, the therapeutic alliance was explored in two types of frameworks: the dyadic and the triadic setting. The dyadic setting is the encounter between a therapist (health professional) and a patient who ideally share the same language. The triadic setting is the encounter of a therapist and a patient who speak different languages, but are able to interact using the help of an interpreter. My specific interest focuses on studying the therapeutic alliance in a cross- cultural setting through a mixed methodology. As part of the quantitative phase, non- parametric tests were used to analyze 55 questionnaires of the Therapeutic Alliance for Migrants - Health Professionals' version (QALM-PS). For the qualitative phase, a thematic analysis was used to analyze 20 transcript interviews. While no differences were found concerning the strength of the therapeutic alliance between the triadic and dyadic settings, results showed that the factors that enrich the therapeutic alliance with migrant patients depend more on an emotional alliance (bond) than on a rational alliance (agreements). Indeed, the positive relationship with the interpreter, and especially with the therapist, relies considerably on human qualities and moral values, bringing the conception of humanity as an important need when meeting foreign patients in health care settings. In addition, the quality of communication, which could be attributed to the type of interpreter in the triadic setting, plays an important role in the establishment of a positive therapeutic relationship. Ce projet de recherche men au Dpartement de psychologie de l'Universit de Lausanne (Suisse) a valu l'alliance thrapeutique avec les patients hispano-amricains. Du point de vue du patient, l'alliance thrapeutique a t tudie dans deux types de dispositifs: le cadre dyadique et triadique. Le cadre dyadique est la rencontre d'un thrapeute (professionnel de la sant) et d'un patient qui, idalement, partagent la mme langue. Le cadre triadique est la rencontre d'un thrapeute et d'un patient qui parlent diffrentes langues, mais sont capables d'interagir grce l'aide d'un interprte. Mon intrt porte en particulier sur l'tude de l'alliance thrapeutique dans un cadre interculturel au travers d'une mthodologie mixte. Dans la phase quantitative, des tests non paramtriques ont t utiliss pour les analyses des 55 questionnaires de l'alliance thrapeutique pour les migrants, version - professionnels de la sant (QALM-PS). Pour la phase qualitative, une analyse thmatique a t utilise pour l'analyse des 20 entretiens transcrits. Bien qu'aucune diffrence n'a t constate en ce qui concerne la force de l'alliance thrapeutique entre les cadres dyadiques et triadiques, les rsultats montrent que les facteurs qui enrichissent l'alliance thrapeutique avec les patients migrants dpendent plus de l'alliance motionnelle (lien) que sur une alliance rationnelle (accords). En effet, la relation positive avec l'interprte, et en particulier avec le thrapeute, repose en grande partie sur des qualits humaines et des valeurs morales, ce qui porte la conception de l'humanit comme un besoin important lors de la rencontre des patients trangers dans un cadre de sant. En outre, la qualit de la communication, qui pourrait tre attribue au type d'interprte dans le cadre triadique, joue un rle important dans l'tablissement d'une relation thrapeutique positive.


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Les romans grecs et les Mtamorphoses d'Apule - mme si les modalits sont diffrentes pour ce dernier - sont des fictions en prose qui fonctionnent autour de topoi auxquels la figure de l'Autre n'chappe pas. Bien que le monde grec soit alors radicalement diffrent de ce qu'il tait au Ve sicle avant J.-C, priode laquelle l'identit grecque est construite par opposition la figure du barbare, les romanciers qui prennent la plume partir du 1er sicle avant notre re utilisent un certain nombre de strotypes hrits de l'poque classique, alors mise l'honneur par le mouvement de la Seconde Sophistique. Il s'agit d'tudier dans le dtail certains lments de la reprsentation de l'Autre pour dterminer qui il est, comment il se comporte, ce qui le constitue en Autre. Puis, partir de cette esquisse, ncessairement incomplte, d'valuer ce que cette reprsentation peut induire sur l'image de l'identit grecque l'poque impriale, par le jeu de miroir que F. Hartog a dcel dans l'oeuvre d'Hrodote. Une premire partie est consacre aux rapports entre l'homme et l'animal ainsi qu' l'image de la sauvagerie, ce qui permet d'explorer les bornes romanesques de l'humanit. La seconde partie s'attache des lments que l'poque classique a plus particulirement mis en avant pour distinguer les Grecs des non-Grecs : le critre de la langue, l'art de faire la guerre et le discours politique qui est tenu sur les institutions barbares. La troisime partie tudie la place des dieux et des pratiques religieuses dans la dfinition de l'Autre. J'espre ainsi contribuer la comprhension du genre romanesque et des reprsentations culturelles de l'empire grco-romain . -- The Greek novels and The Metamorphoses of Apuleius, even if it is in different terms for the last, are prose fictions which are based on topoi, and the figure of the Other is one of them. Although the Greek world was radically different of what it was in the fifth century BC, time during which Greek identity is contructed as opposed to the figure of the barbaros, the authors of novels, who wrote from the first century BC onward, used some stereotypes inherited from classical period, which was celebrated by the Second Sophistic movement. The aim of this thesis is to study in detail some elements of the representation of the Other to determine who it is, how he behaves, what makes him other. Then, from this sketch, necessarily incomplete, to evaluate what this representation says about the image of Greek identity in the imperial age, according to the play of the mirror detected by F. Hartog in the text of Herodotus. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the relationship between man and animal and to the image of savagery, in order to explore the novelistic limits of humanity. The second part concentrates on elements that classical period had particularly insisted on to promote the distinction between Greeks and non-Greeks : the linguistic criterion, the way to make war, and the politic discourse on the barbaric institutions. The third part study the place of the gods and of religious practices in the definition of the Other. I hope to contribute to the understanding of novel genre and of cultural representations of the greco- roman- empire .


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<b>Hoitotyn laatu - lasten nkkulma</b> Tmn kolmivaiheisen tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla lasten odotuksia ja arviointeja lasten hoitotyn laadusta sek kehitt mittari kouluikisille sairaalassa oleville lapsille laadun arviointiin. Perimmisen tavoitteena oli lasten hoitotyn laadun kehittminen sairaalassa. Ensimmisess vaiheessa 20 alle kouluikist (4-6v) sek 20 kouluikist (7-11v) lasta kuvailivat odotuksiaan lasten hoitotyn laadusta. Aineisto kerttiin haastattelulla ja lasten piirustusten avulla, sek analysoitiin sislln analyysilla. Lasten odotukset lasten hoitotyn laadusta kohdistuivat hoitajaan, hoitotyn toimintoihin ja ympristn, fyysinen ymprist korostui piirustuksissa. Ensimmisen vaiheen tulosten, aikaisemman kirjallisuuden sek Leino-Kilven HYV HOITO mittarin pohjalta kehitettiin Lasten Hoidon Laatu Sairaalassa (LHLS) mittari ja testattiin sen psykometrisi ominaisuuksia tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa. Mittaria kehitettiin ja testattiin kolmen vaiheen kautta. Aluksi asiantuntijapaneeli (n=7) arvioi mittarin sislt. Seuraavaksi mittari esitestattiin kahdesti kouluikisill sairaalassa olevilla lapsilla (n=41 ja n=16), samassa vaiheessa mys viiden lastenosaston hoitajat (n=19) yhdess arvioivat mittarin sislt sek 8 lasta. Lopuksi mittaria testattiin kouluikisill lapsilla (n=388) sairaalassa sek hoitajat (n=198) arvioivat mittarin sislln validiteettia. Mittarin kehittmisen aikana plaatuluokkien: hoitajan ominaisuudet, hoitotyn toiminnot ja hoitotyn ymprist Cronbachin alfa kertoimet paranivat. Pkomponentti analyysi tuki mittarin hoitotyn toimintojen ja ympristn alaluokkien teoreettista rakennetta. Kolmannessa vaiheessa Lasten Hoidon Laatu Sairaalassa (LHLS III, versio nelj) mittarilla kerttiin aineisto Suomen yliopistosairaaloiden lastenosastoilta kouluikisilt 7-11 -vuotiailta lapsilta (n=388). Mittarin lopussa lapsia pyydettiin lisksi kuvailemaan kivointa ja ikvint kokemustaan sairaalahoidon aikana lauseen tydennystehtvn. Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisesti sek sislln analyysilla. Lapset arvioivat fyysisen hoitoympristn, hoitajien inhimillisyyden ja luotettavuuden sek huolenpidon ja vuorovaikutustoiminnot kiitettviksi. Lapset arvioivat hoitajien viihdyttmistoiminnot kaikkein alhaisimmiksi. Lapsen ik ja sairaalantulotapa olivat yhteydess lasten saamaan tiedon mrn. Lasten kivoimmat kokemukset liittyivt ihmisiin ja heidn ominaisuuksiinsa, toimintoihin, ympristn sek lopputuloksiin. Ikvimmt kokemukset liittyivt potilaana oloon, tuntemuksiin sairauden oireista sek erossaoloon, hoitotyn fyysisiin toimintoihin sek ympristn. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat lasten olevan kykenevi arvioimaan omaa hoitoaan ja heidn nkkulmansa tulisi nhd osana koko laadun kehittmisprosessia parannettaessa laatua kytnnss todella lapsilhtisemmll lhestymistavalla. Lasten Hoidon Laatu Sairaalassa (LHLS) mittari on mahdollinen vline saada tietoa lasten arvioinneista lasten hoitotyn laadusta, mutta mittarin testaamista tulisi jatkaa tulevaisuudessa