982 resultados para Human supervisory control


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Currently, Power Systems (PS) already accommodate a substantial penetration of DG and operate in competitive environments. In the future PS will have to deal with largescale integration of DG and other distributed energy resources (DER), such as storage means, and provide to market agents the means to ensure a flexible and secure operation. This cannot be done with the traditional PS operation. SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is a vital infrastructure for PS. Current SCADA adaptation to accommodate the new needs of future PS does not allow to address all the requirements. In this paper we present a new conceptual design of an intelligent SCADA, with a more decentralized, flexible, and intelligent approach, adaptive to the context (context awareness). Once a situation is characterized, data and control options available to each entity are re-defined according to this context, taking into account operation normative and a priori established contracts. The paper includes a case-study of using future SCADA features to use DER to deal with incident situations, preventing blackouts.


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Future distribution systems will have to deal with an intensive penetration of distributed energy resources ensuring reliable and secure operation according to the smart grid paradigm. SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is an essential infrastructure for this evolution. This paper proposes a new conceptual design of an intelligent SCADA with a decentralized, flexible, and intelligent approach, adaptive to the context (context awareness). This SCADA model is used to support the energy resource management undertaken by a distribution network operator (DNO). Resource management considers all the involved costs, power flows, and electricity prices, allowing the use of network reconfiguration and load curtailment. Locational Marginal Prices (LMP) are evaluated and used in specific situations to apply Demand Response (DR) programs on a global or a local basis. The paper includes a case study using a 114 bus distribution network and load demand based on real data.


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The implementation of smart homes allows the domestic consumer to be an active player in the context of the Smart Grid (SG). This paper presents an intelligent house management system that is being developed by the authors to manage, in real time, the power consumption, the micro generation system, the charge and discharge of the electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles, and the participation in Demand Response (DR) programs. The paper proposes a method for the energy efficiency analysis of a domestic consumer using the SCADA House Intelligent Management (SHIM) system. The main goal of the present paper is to demonstrate the economic benefits of the implemented method. The case study considers the consumption data of some real cases of Portuguese house consumption over 30 days of June of 2012, the Portuguese real energy price, the implementation of the power limits at different times of the day and the economic benefits analysis.


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The increasing and intensive integration of distributed energy resources into distribution systems requires adequate methodologies to ensure a secure operation according to the smart grid paradigm. In this context, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems are an essential infrastructure. This paper presents a conceptual design of a communication and resources management scheme based on an intelligent SCADA with a decentralized, flexible, and intelligent approach, adaptive to the context (context awareness). The methodology is used to support the energy resource management considering all the involved costs, power flows, and electricity prices leading to the network reconfiguration. The methodology also addresses the definition of the information access permissions of each player to each resource. The paper includes a 33-bus network used in a case study that considers an intensive use of distributed energy resources in five distinct implemented operation contexts.


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O presente relatório reporta o trabalho desenvolvido durante o estágio curricular enquadrado no ciclo de estudos do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto – ISEP. A duração do estágio curricular, inserido em ambiente empresarial, compreendeu um período de seis meses, tendo início em Fevereiro e conclusão no mês de Julho de 2015, decorrendo na empresa ENESCOORD – Coordenação e Gestão de Projetos e Obras, Lda., com o intuito de obter o grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil – ramo de Gestão da Construção. No presente relatório, faz-se o enquadramento do mesmo, bem como a apresentação da empresa onde foi realizado o estágio curricular. De forma a percecionar as obrigações legais a que está sujeita a fiscalização, aborda-se a legislação aplicável às funções da fiscalização no decorrer de uma obra. O presente documento aborda a temática da Fiscalização e as suas responsabilidades durante a obra, apresentando o trabalho desenvolvido pelo estagiário enquanto membro integrante da equipa de fiscalização. Durante o estágio desenvolveu o trabalho de engenheiro fiscal estagiário na empreitada da SOGENAVE que consistiu na ampliação das instalações da empresa, com o intuito de aumentar o espaço de armazenamento e agrupar as empresas do grupo Trivalor, onde se insere a SOGENAVE. O relatório aborda as áreas de controlo da fiscalização aplicadas durante a obra, analisando com ênfase o controlo de qualidade, de custos, de prazos, de segurança e das alterações introduzidas no projeto. Por fim, enunciam-se algumas considerações em jeito de conclusão inerentes ao trabalho desenvolvido.


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The activated sludge process - the main biological technology usually applied to wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) - directly depends on live beings (microorganisms), and therefore on unforeseen changes produced by them. It could be possible to get a good plant operation if the supervisory control system is able to react to the changes and deviations in the system and can take the necessary actions to restore the system’s performance. These decisions are often based both on physical, chemical, microbiological principles (suitable to be modelled by conventional control algorithms) and on some knowledge (suitable to be modelled by knowledge-based systems). But one of the key problems in knowledge-based control systems design is the development of an architecture able to manage efficiently the different elements of the process (integrated architecture), to learn from previous cases (spec@c experimental knowledge) and to acquire the domain knowledge (general expert knowledge). These problems increase when the process belongs to an ill-structured domain and is composed of several complex operational units. Therefore, an integrated and distributed AI architecture seems to be a good choice. This paper proposes an integrated and distributed supervisory multi-level architecture for the supervision of WWTP, that overcomes some of the main troubles of classical control techniques and those of knowledge-based systems applied to real world systems


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Saccadic eye movements and fixations are the behavioral means by which we visually sample text during reading. Human oculomotor control is governed by a complex neurophysiological system involving the brain stem, superior colliculus, and several cortical areas [1, 2]. A very widely held belief among researchers investigating primate vision is that the oculomotor system serves to orient the visual axes of both eyes to fixate the same target point in space. It is argued that such precise positioning of the eyes is necessary to place images on corresponding retinal locations, such that on each fixation a single, nondiplopic, visual representation is perceived [3]. Vision works actively through a continual sampling process involving saccades and fixations [4]. Here we report that during normal reading, the eyes do not always fixate the same letter within a word. We also demonstrate that saccadic targeting is yoked and based on a unified cyclopean percept of a whole word since it is unaffected if different word parts are delivered exclusively to each eye via a dichoptic presentation technique. These two findings together suggest that the visual signal from each eye is fused at a very early stage in the visual pathway, even when the fixation disparity is greater than one character (0.29 deg), and that saccade metrics for each eye are computed on the basis of that fused signal.


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Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems control and monitor industrial and critical infrastructure functions, such as electricity, gas, water, waste, railway, and traffic. Recent attacks on SCADA systems highlight the need for stronger SCADA security. Thus, sharing SCADA traffic data has become a vital requirement in SCADA systems to analyze security risks and develop appropriate security solutions. However, inappropriate sharing and usage of SCADA data could threaten the privacy of companies and prevent sharing of data. In this paper, we present a privacy preserving strategy-based permutation technique called PPFSCADA framework, in which data privacy, statistical properties and data mining utilities can be controlled at the same time. In particular, our proposed approach involves: (i) vertically partitioning the original data set to improve the performance of perturbation; (ii) developing a framework to deal with various types of network traffic data including numerical, categorical and hierarchical attributes; (iii) grouping the portioned sets into a number of clusters based on the proposed framework; and (iv) the perturbation process is accomplished by the alteration of the original attribute value by a new value (clusters centroid). The effectiveness of the proposed PPFSCADA framework is shown through several experiments on simulated SCADA, intrusion detection and network traffic data sets. Through experimental analysis, we show that PPFSCADA effectively deals with multivariate traffic attributes, producing compatible results as the original data, and also substantially improving the performance of the five supervised approaches and provides high level of privacy protection. © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Research on inverted pendulum has gained momentum over the last decade on a number of robotic laboratories over the world; due to its unstable proprieties is a good example for control engineers to verify a control theory. To verify that the pendulum can balance we can make some simulations using a closed-loop controller method such as the linear quadratic regulator or the proportional–integral–derivative method. Also the idea of robotic teleoperation is gaining ground. Controlling a robot at a distance and doing that precisely. However, designing the tool to takes the best benefit of the human skills while keeping the error minimal is interesting, and due to the fact that the inverted pendulum is an unstable system it makes a compelling test case for exploring dynamic teleoperation. Therefore this thesis focuses on the construction of a two-wheel inverted pendulum robot, which sensor we can use to do that, how they must be integrated in the system and how we can use a human to control an inverted pendulum. The inverted pendulum robot developed employs technology like sensors, actuators and controllers. This Master thesis starts by presenting an introduction to inverted pendulums and some information about related areas such as control theory. It continues by describing related work in this area. Then we describe the mathematical model of a two-wheel inverted pendulum and a simulation made in Matlab. We also focus in the construction of this type of robot and its working theory. Because this is a mobile robot we address the theme of the teleoperation and finally this thesis finishes with a general conclusion and ideas of future work.


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This study had as objective to identify to the perception of mothers and professionals of health on the attention to the health of HIV-Positive children/adolescents in the city of Natal-RN. It is a descriptive-exploratory study with quantitative and qualitative approach, carried through in the Giselda Trigueiro Hospital and in the State and Municipal Health Councils in Natal - RN, from march to december of 2005. The sample was composed by 56 participants, 33 mothers of children who use specialized assistance and 23 professionals. Data collection occurred with the application of a half-structuralized interview. Quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and qualitative data were submitted to content analysis. Prevailing categories in relation to the cartography of the attention to seropositive children and adolescents in Natal were: Organization and dynamics of the attention; Institutional management and human development; Control and prevention; other contexts of attention; relationship/communication team-patient and organization and functioning of the services. The profile epidemiologist of the children, adolescents and of the people/mothers, who take care of them with HIV/Aids, followed the evolution of the epidemic in the country and the world. It was verified that mothers need care and information; however they make a positive evaluation of the attendance they receive. It was also observed many gaps in the services of assistance, in which the researched group was attended, beyond imperfections in the communication between health professionals and users. The professionals recognize the advances that the politics represent for the assistance of people with Aids; however feel themselves limited by the precariousness of the system and the partner-economic conditions of the people. According to these data, it can be verified great challenges to go through in the context of integrality of the assistance to HIV positive children and adolescents in the city of Natal and in the improvement of the communication in the institution of reference


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A scorpion control program was proposed for the town of Aparecida (SP), an endemic region of Tityus serrulatus. Clusters of scorpions in urban and rural areas, environmental degradation of the town's outskirts and new scorpion procreation and dispersal habitats were studied. In addition, infrastructure problems such as the disposal and collection of residential and municipal refuse, sanitation (sewage and storm sewer), condition of vacant lots and constructions in the urban area were evaluated. After an epidemiological study, educational measures such as the distribution of pamphlets, cleaning group work, visits to residences and cooperation from High School teachers and students were also suggested. Chemical control was indicated in high-risk sites, especially those of near-school buildings. Furthermore, the use of natural predators was also mentioned within the present sanitation regulations for urban areas. The authors assert that these procedures must be integrated and continued uninterruptedly for several years. They also suggest a collaborative work with those responsible for the dengue eradication program, as well as the institution of the scorpion study week, which would greatly contribute to the education of the population, to preventive programs and to scorpion control.


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Purpose: This study investigates the influence of age at onset of OCS on psychiatric comorbidities, and tries to establish a cut-off point for age at onset. Methods: Three hundred and thirty OCD patients were consecutively recruited and interviewed using the following structured interviews: Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale; Yale Global Tic Severity Scale and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. Data were analyzed with regression and cluster analysis. Results: Lower age at onset was associated with a higher probability of having comorbidity with tic, anxiety, somatoform, eating and impulse-control disorders. Longer illness duration was associated with lower chance of having tics. Female gender was associated with anxiety, eating and impulse-control disorders. Tic disorders were associated with anxiety disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. No cut-off age at onset was found to clearly divide the sample in homogeneous subgroups. However, cluster analyses revealed that differences started to emerge at the age of 10 and were more pronounced at the age of 17, suggesting that these were the best cut-off points on this sample. Conclusions: Age at onset is associated with specific comorbidity patterns in OCD patients. More prominent differences are obtained when analyzing age at onset as an absolute value. © 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.