904 resultados para Human Reaction Time.


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Knockout mice lacking the alpha-1b adrenergic receptor were tested in behavioral experiments. Reaction to novelty was first assessed in a simple test in which the time taken by the knockout mice and their littermate controls to enter a second compartment was compared. Then the mice were tested in an open field to which unknown objects were subsequently added. Special novelty was introduced by moving one of the familiar objects to another location in the open field. Spatial behavior and memory were further studied in a homing board test, and in the water maze. The alpha-1b knockout mice showed an enhanced reactivity to new situations. They were faster to enter the new environment, covered longer paths in the open field, and spent more time exploring the new objects. They reacted like controls to modification inducing spatial novelty. In the homing board test, both the knockout mice and the control mice seemed to use a combination of distant visual and proximal olfactory cues, showing place preference only if the two types of cues were redundant. In the water maze the alpha-1b knockout mice were unable to learn the task, which was confirmed in a probe trial without platform. They were perfectly able, however, to escape in a visible platform procedure. These results confirm previous findings showing that the noradrenergic pathway is important for the modulation of behaviors such as reaction to novelty and exploration, and suggest that this is mediated, at least partly, through the alpha-1b adrenergic receptors. The lack of alpha-1b adrenergic receptors in spatial orientation does not seem important in cue-rich tasks but may interfere with orientation in situations providing distant cues only.


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Several recent studies have described the period of impaired alertness and performance known as sleep inertia that occurs upon awakening from a full night of sleep. They report that sleep inertia dissipates in a saturating exponential manner, the exact time course being task dependent, but generally persisting for one to two hours. A number of factors, including sleep architecture, sleep depth and circadian variables are also thought to affect the duration and intensity. The present study sought to replicate their findings for subjective alertness and reaction time and also to examine electrophysiological changes through the use of event-related potentials (ERPs). Secondly, several sleep parameters were examined for potential effects on the initial intensity of sleep inertia. Ten participants spent two consecutive nights and subsequent mornings in the sleep lab. Sleep architecture was recorded for a fiiU nocturnal episode of sleep based on participants' habitual sleep patterns. Subjective alertness and performance was measured for a 90-minute period after awakening. Alertness was measured every five minutes using the Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS) and a visual analogue scale (VAS) of sleepiness. An auditory tone also served as the target stimulus for an oddball task designed to examine the NlOO and P300 components ofthe ERP waveform. The five-minute oddball task was presented at 15-minute intervals over the initial 90-minutes after awakening to obtain six measures of average RT and amplitude and latency for NlOO and P300. Standard polysomnographic recording were used to obtain digital EEG and describe the night of sleep. Power spectral analyses (FFT) were used to calculate slow wave activity (SWA) as a measure of sleep depth for the whole night, 90-minutes before awakening and five minutes before awakening.


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Die fliegerische Tätigkeit auf der Kurzstrecke in der zivilen Luftfahrt unterliegt arbeitsspezifischen Belastungsfaktoren, die sich in wesentlichen Punkten von denen auf der Langstrecke unterscheiden. Eine hohe Arbeitsbelastung auf der Kurzstrecke ist mit vielen Starts und Landungen am Tag verbunden. Neben der Anzahl der Flugabschnitte können auch lange Flugdienstzeiten und/oder unregelmäßige Arbeitszeiten sowie der Zeitdruck während der Einsätze auf der Kurzstrecke zur Belastung für Cockpitbesatzungsmitglieder werden und zu Ermüdungserscheinungen führen. Bisher wurden flugmedizinische und -psychologische Daten hauptsächlich auf der Langstrecke in Bezug auf die Auswirkungen der Jet-Leg Symptomatik und kaum auf der Kurzstrecke erhoben. Deshalb wurde im Rahmen des DLR- Projekts „Untersuchungen zu kumulativen psychischen und physiologischen Effekten des fliegenden Personals auf der Kurzstrecke“ eine Langzeituntersuchung zur Belastung/Beanspruchung, Ermüdung sowie Erholung des Cockpitpersonals auf der Kurzstrecke über jeweils 56 Tage durchgeführt. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Lufthansa AG dauerte die Untersuchung zu den Auswirkungen arbeitsspezifischer Belastungsfaktoren auf die Cockpitbesatzungsmitglieder der Boeing 737-Flotte von 2003 bis 2006. ZIEL: Unter Berücksichtigung theoretisch fundierter arbeitspsychologischer Konzepte war das Ziel der Studie, kumulative und akute Effekte auf das Schlaf-Wach-Verhalten, auf die Belastung/Beanspruchung sowie auf die Müdigkeit zu identifizieren, die durch aufeinander folgende Einsätze auf der Kurzstrecke innerhalb eines Zeitraums von acht Wochen auftreten können. Hierfür wurden Daten von 29 Piloten (N=13 Kapitäne; N=16 Erste Offiziere) aufgezeichnet. Das Durchschnittsalter lag bei 33,8 ± 7,9 Jahren (Kapitäne: 42,0 ± 3,8 Jahre; Erste Offiziere: 27,4 ± 2,2 Jahre). METHODEN: Über ein Handheld PC konnten effizient Fragebögen bearbeitet und das Sleep Log sowie das Flight Log geführt werden. Die subjektive Ermüdung und Arbeitsbeanspruchung wurden durch standardisierte Fragebögen (z.B. Ermüdungsskala von Samn & Perelli (1982), NASA-TLX) operationalisiert. Im Sleep Log und im Flight Log wurden das Schlaf-Wach-Verhalten sowie flugspezifische Daten dokumentiert (z.B. Dienstbeginn, Dienstende, Flugabschnitte, Zielorte, etc.). Der Schlaf-Wach-Zyklus wurde mittels der Aktimetrie während des gesamten Messverlaufs aufgezeichnet. Die objektive Leistungsfähigkeit wurde täglich morgens und abends mit Hilfe einer computergestützten Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) nach Dinges & Powell (1985) erfasst. Die Leistung in der PVT diente als Indikator für die Ermüdung eines Piloten. Zusätzliche Befragungen mit Paper-Pencil-Fragebögen sollten Aufschluss über relevante, psychosoziale Randbedingungen geben, die bei den täglichen Erhebungen nicht berücksichtigt wurden (z.B. Arbeitszufriedenheit; Essgewohnheiten; Kollegenbeziehungen). ERGEBNISSE: Unter Beachtung kumulativer Effekte wurde über die Studiendauer keine Veränderung in der Schlafqualität und im Schlafbedürfnis festgestellt. Die Müdigkeit nahm dagegen während der achtwöchigen Untersuchung zu. Die Reaktionszeit in der PVT zeigte an Flugdiensttagen eine Verschlechterung über die Zeit. Insgesamt wurden keine kritischen längerfristigen Effekte analysiert. Akute signifikante Effekte wurden bei der Ermüdung, der Gesamtbelastung und der Leistungsfähigkeit an Flugdiensttagen gefunden. Die Ermüdung als auch die Gesamtbelastung stiegen bei zunehmender Flugdienstdauer und Leganzahl und die Leistung nahm in der PVT ab. Der „time on task“ Effekt zeigte sich besonders in der Ermüdung durch die fliegerische Tätigkeit ab einer Flugdienstzeit von > 10 Stunden und > 4 Legs pro Tag. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Mit diesen Ergebnissen konnte eine wissenschaftliche Datenbasis geschaffen werden aus der Empfehlungen resultieren, wie die Einsatzplanung für das Cockpitpersonal auf der Kurzstrecke unter flugmedizinischen und flugpsychologischen Gesichtspunkten optimiert werden kann. Zudem kann ein sachgerechter Beitrag im Rahmen der Diskussion zur Flugdienst- und Ruhezeitenregelung auf europäischer Ebene geleistet werden.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Einflüssen visuell wahrgenommener Bewegungsmerkmale auf die Handlungssteuerung eines Beobachters. Im speziellen geht es darum, wie die Bewegungsrichtung und die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit als aufgabenirrelevante Reize die Ausführung von motorischen Reaktionen auf Farbreize beeinflussen und dabei schnellere bzw. verzögerte Reaktionszeiten bewirken. Bisherige Studien dazu waren auf lineare Bewegungen (von rechts nach links und umgekehrt) und sehr einfache Reizumgebungen (Bewegungen einfacher geometrischer Symbole, Punktwolken, Lichtpunktläufer etc.) begrenzt (z.B. Ehrenstein, 1994; Bosbach, 2004, Wittfoth, Buck, Fahle & Herrmann, 2006). In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Gültigkeit dieser Befunde für Dreh- und Tiefenbewegungen sowie komplexe Bewegungsformen (menschliche Bewegungsabläufe im Sport) erweitert, theoretisch aufgearbeitet sowie in einer Serie von sechs Reaktionszeitexperimenten mittels Simon-Paradigma empirisch überprüft. Allen Experimenten war gemeinsam, dass Versuchspersonen an einem Computermonitor auf einen Farbwechsel innerhalb des dynamischen visuellen Reizes durch einen Tastendruck (links, rechts, proximal oder distal positionierte Taste) reagieren sollten, wobei die Geschwindigkeit und die Richtung der Bewegungen für die Reaktionen irrelevant waren. Zum Einfluss von Drehbewegungen bei geometrischen Symbolen (Exp. 1 und 1a) sowie bei menschlichen Drehbewegungen (Exp. 2) zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass Probanden signifikant schneller reagieren, wenn die Richtungsinformationen einer Drehbewegung kompatibel zu den räumlichen Merkmalen der geforderten Tastenreaktion sind. Der Komplexitätsgrad des visuellen Ereignisses spielt dabei keine Rolle. Für die kognitive Verarbeitung des Bewegungsreizes stellt nicht der Drehsinn, sondern die relative Bewegungsrichtung oberhalb und unterhalb der Drehachse das entscheidende räumliche Kriterium dar. Zum Einfluss räumlicher Tiefenbewegungen einer Kugel (Exp. 3) und einer gehenden Person (Exp. 4) belegen unsere Befunde, dass Probanden signifikant schneller reagieren, wenn sich der Reiz auf den Beobachter zu bewegt und ein proximaler gegenüber einem distalen Tastendruck gefordert ist sowie umgekehrt. Auch hier spielt der Komplexitätsgrad des visuellen Ereignisses keine Rolle. In beiden Experimenten führt die Wahrnehmung der Bewegungsrichtung zu einer Handlungsinduktion, die im kompatiblen Fall eine schnelle und im inkompatiblen Fall eine verzögerte Handlungsausführung bewirkt. In den Experimenten 5 und 6 wurden die Einflüsse von wahrgenommenen menschlichen Laufbewegungen (freies Laufen vs. Laufbandlaufen) untersucht, die mit und ohne eine Positionsveränderung erfolgten. Dabei zeigte sich, dass unabhängig von der Positionsveränderung die Laufgeschwindigkeit zu keiner Modulation des richtungsbasierten Simon Effekts führt. Zusammenfassend lassen sich die Studienergebnisse gut in effektbasierte Konzepte zur Handlungssteuerung (z.B. die Theorie der Ereigniskodierung von Hommel et al., 2001) einordnen. Weitere Untersuchungen sind nötig, um diese Ergebnisse auf großmotorische Reaktionen und Displays, die stärker an visuell wahrnehmbaren Ereignissen des Sports angelehnt sind, zu übertragen.


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A relatively simple, selective, precise and accurate high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method based on a reaction of phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) with glucosamine (GL) in alkaline media was developed and validated to determine glucosamine hydrochloride permeating through human skin in vitro. It is usually problematic to develop an accurate assay for chemicals traversing skin because the excellent barrier properties of the tissue ensure that only low amounts of the material pass through the membrane and skin components may leach out of the tissue to interfere with the analysis. In addition, in the case of glucosamine hydrochloride, chemical instability adds further complexity to assay development. The assay, utilising the PITC-GL reaction was refined by optimizing the reaction temperature, reaction time and PITC concentration. The reaction produces a phenylthiocarbarnyl-glucosamine (PTC-GL) adduct which was separated on a reverse-phase (RP) column packed with 5 mu m ODS (C-18) Hypersil particles using a diode array detector (DAD) at 245 nm. The mobile phase was methanol-water-glacial acetic acid (10:89.96:0.04 v/v/v, pH 3.5) delivered to the column at 1 ml min(-1) and the column temperature was maintained at 30 degrees C Using a saturated aqueous solution of glucosamine hydrochloride, in vitro permeation studies were performed at 32 +/- 1 degrees C over 48 h using human epidermal membranes prepared by a heat separation method and mounted in Franz-type diffusion cells with a diffusional area 2.15 +/- 0.1 cm(2). The optimum derivatisation reaction conditions for reaction temperature, reaction time and PITC concentration were found to be 80 degrees C, 30 min and 1 % v/v, respectively. PTC-Gal and GL adducts eluted at 8.9 and 9.7 min, respectively. The detector response was found to be linear in the concentration range 0-1000 mu g ml(-1). The assay was robust with intra- and inter-day precisions (described as a percentage of relative standard deviation, %R.S.D.) < 12. Intra- and inter-day accuracy (as a percentage of the relative error, %RE) was <=-5.60 and <=-8.00, respectively. Using this assay, it was found that GL-HCI permeates through human skin with a flux 1.497 +/- 0.42 mu g cm(-2) h(-1), a permeability coefficient of 5.66 +/- 1.6 x 10(-6) cm h(-1) and with a lag time of 10.9 +/- 4.6 h. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In over forty years of research robots have made very little progress still largely confined to industrial manufacture and cute toys, yet in the same period computing has followed Moores Law where the capacity double roughly every two years. So why is there no Moores Law for robots? Two areas stand out as worthy of research to speedup progress. The first is to get a greater understanding of how human and animal brains control movement, the second to build a new generation of robots that have greater haptic sense, that is a better ability to adapt to the environment as it is encountered. A remarkable property of the cognitive-motor system in humans and animals is that it is slow. Recognising an object may take 250 mS, a reaction time of 150 mS is considered fast. Yet despite this slow system we are well designed to allow contact with the world in a variety of ways. We can anticipate an encounter, use the change of force as a means of communication and ignore sensory cues when they are not relevant. A better understanding of these process has allowed us to build haptic interfaces to mimic the interaction. Emerging from this understanding are new ways to control the contact between robots, the user and the environment. Rehabilitation robotics has all the elements in the subject to not only enable and change the lives of people with disabilities, but also to facilitate revolution change in classic robotics.


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The ozone-ethene reaction has been investigated at low pressure in a flow-tube interfaced to a u.v. photoelectron spectrometer. Photoelectron spectra recorded as a function of reaction time have been used to estimate partial pressures of the reagents and products, using photoionization cross-sections for selected photoelectron bands of the reagents and products, which have been measured separately. Product yields compare favourably with results of other studies, and the production of oxygen and acetaldehyde have been measured as a function of time for the first time. A reaction scheme developed for the ozone-ethene reaction has been used to simulate the reagents and products as a function of time. The results obtained are in good agreement with the experimental measurements. For each of the observed products, the simulations allow the main reaction (or reactions) for production of that product to be established. The product yields have been used in a global model to estimate their global annual emissions in the atmosphere. Of particular interest are the calculated global annual emissions of formaldehyde (0.96 ± 0.10 Tg) and formic acid, (0.05 ± 0.01 Tg) which are estimated as 0.04% and 0.7% of the total annual emission respectively.


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In a study using UV photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) of the atmospherically relevant reaction CH3SCH3 + Cl2 → CH3SCH2Cl + HCl bands associated with a reaction intermediate have been observed. These have been assigned to ionization of the covalently bound molecule (CH3)2SCl2 on the basis of the intensity of the observed bands as a function of reaction time, molecular orbital calculations of vertical ionization energies and evidence from infrared spectroscopy. A method has also been developed, with the flow-tube/PE spectrometer combination used, to measure photoionization cross-sections of the reagents and products at the photon energy utilized and this has allowed the photoionization cross-section of the intermediate to be estimated. This work augments an earlier study in which the rate constant of the reaction between CH3SCH3 (DMS) and Cl2 has been measured at room temperature.


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Previous research has indicated a potential discontinuity between monkey and human ventral premotor-parietal mirror systems, namely that monkey mirror systems process only transitive (object-directed) actions, whereas human mirror systems may also process intransitive (non-object-directed) actions. The present study investigated this discontinuity by seeking evidence of automatic imitation of intransitive actions—hand opening and closing—in humans using a simple reaction time (RT), stimulus–response compatibility paradigm. Left–right and up–down spatial compatibility were controlled by ensuring that stimuli were presented and responses executed in orthogonal planes, and automatic imitation was isolated from simple and complex orthogonal spatial compatibility by varying the anatomical identity of the stimulus hand and response hemispace, respectively. In all conditions, action compatible responding was faster than action incompatible responding, and no effects of spatial compatibility were observed. This experiment therefore provides evidence of automatic imitation of intransitive actions, and support for the hypothesis that human and monkey mirror systems differ with respect to the processing of intransitive actions.


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1,1′-Diacetylferrocene reacts with neat hydrate over a period of 72 h at 20°C to give the dihydrazone [H2NN(Me)CC5H4FeC5H4C(Me)NNH2] (6) in almost quantitative yield. Either prolonging the reaction time or reacting 6 with fresh hydrazine causes the iron to be stripped from the metallocene and bis(hydrazine)bis(hydrazinecarboxylato-N′,O) iron(II), [Fe(N2H4)2(OOCNHNH2)2] (11), crystallizes. In the presence of Ba2+ or Mo2+ ions two molecules of complex 6 react to give the cyclic diazine [N(Me)CC5H4FeC5H4C (Me)N]2 (7) in high yield. Hydrazine is liberated in this reaction. Complexes 6 and 11 have been characterized crystallographically. The cyclic voltammograms of complexes 6 and 7 contain essentially non-reversible oxidation peaks.


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This study investigated the orienting of visual attention in rats using a 3-hole nose-poke task analogous to Posner, Information processing in cognition: the Loyola Symposium, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, (1980) covert attention task for humans. The effects of non-predictive (50% valid and 50% invalid) and predictive (80% valid and 20% invalid) peripheral visual cues on reaction times and response accuracy to a target stimulus, using Stimuli-Onset Asynchronies (SOAs) varying between 200 and 1,200 ms, were investigated. The results showed shorter reaction times in valid trials relative to invalid trials for both subjects trained in the non-predictive and predictive conditions, particularly when the SOAs were 200 and 400 ms. However, the magnitude of this validity effect was significantly greater for subjects exposed to predictive cues, when the SOA was 800 ms. Subjects exposed to invalid predictive cues exhibited an increase in omission errors relative to subjects exposed to invalid non-predictive cues. In contrast, valid cues reduced the proportion of omission errors for subjects trained in the predictive condition relative to subjects trained in the non-predictive condition. These results are congruent with those usually reported for humans and indicate that, in addition to the exogenous capture of attention promoted by both predictive and non-predictive peripheral cues, rats exposed to predictive cues engaged an additional slower process equivalent to human`s endogenous orienting of attention. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of an endogenous-like process of covert orienting of visual attention in rats.


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Evidence exists that both right and left hemisphere attentional mechanisms are mobilized when attention is directed to the right visual hemifield and only right hemisphere attentional mechanisms are mobilized when attention is directed to the left visual hemifield. This arrangement might lead to a rightward bias of automatic attention. The hypothesis was investigated by testing male volunteers, wherein a ""location discrimination"" reaction time task (Experiments 1 and 3) and a ""location and shape discrimination"" reaction time task (Experiments 2 and 4) were used. Unilateral (Experiments 1 and 2) and unilateral or bilateral (Experiments 3 and 4) peripheral visual prime stimuli were used to control attention. Reaction time to a small visual target stimulus in the same location or in the horizontally opposite location was evaluated. Stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) were 34, 50, 67, 83 and 100 ms. An important prime stimulus attentional effect was observed as early as 50 ms in the four experiments. In Experiments 2, 3 and 4, this effect was larger when the prime stimulus occurred in the right hemifield than when it occurred in the left hemifield for SOA 100 ms. In Experiment 4, when the prime stimulus occurred simultaneously in both hemifields, reaction time was faster for the right hemifield and for SOA 100 ms. These results indicate that automatic attention tends to favor the right side of space, particularly when identification of the target stimulus shape is required. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Prehension is a fundamental skill usually performed as part of a complex action sequence in everyday tasks. Using an information processing framework, these studies examined the effects of task complexity, defined by the number of component movement elements (MEs), on performance of prehension tasks. Of interest was how motor control and organisation might be influenced by age and/or motor competence. Three studies and two longitudinal case studies examined kinematic characteristics of prehension tasks involving one-, two- and three-MEs: reach and grasp (low-complexity); reach, grasp and object placement (moderate-complexity); and reach, grasp and double placement of object (high-complexity). A pilot study established the suitability of tasks and procedures for children aged 5-, 8- and 11-years and showed that responses to task complexity and object size manipulations were sensitive to developmental changes, with increasing age associated with faster movements. Study 2 explored complexity and age effects further for children aged 6- and 11-years and adults. Increasing age was associated with shorter and less variable movement times (MTs) and proportional deceleration phases (%DTs) across all MEs. Task complexity had no effect on simple reaction time (SRT), suggesting that there may be little preprogramming of movements beyond the first ME. In addition, MT was longer and more on-line corrections were evident for the high- compared to the moderate-complexity task for ME1. Task complexity had a greater influence on movements in ME2 and ME3 than ME1. Adults, but not children, showed task specific adaptations in ME2. Study 3 examined performance of children with different levels of motor competence aged between 5- and 10-years. Increasing age was associated with shorter SRTs, and MTs for ME1 only. A decrease in motor competence was associated with greater difficulty in planning and controlling movements as indicated by longer SRTs, higher %DTs and more on-line corrections, especially in ME2. Task complexity affected movements in all MEs, with a greater influence on ME1 compared to Study 2. Findings also indicated that performance in MEs following prehension may be especially sensitive to motor competence effects on movement characteristics. Case studies for two children at risk of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) revealed two different patterns of performance change over a 16-17 month period, highlighting the heterogeneous nature of DCD. Overall, findings highlighted age-related differences, and the role of motor competence, in the ability to adapt movements to task specific requirements. Results are useful in guiding movement education programmes for children with both age-appropriate and lower levels of motor competence.


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While the traditional dependent variables of motor skill learning are accuracy and consistency of movement outcome, there has been increasing interest in aspects of motor performance that are described as reflecting the ‘energetics’ of motor behaviour. One defining characteristic of skilled motor performance is the ability to complete the task with minimum energy expenditure (Sparrow & Newell, 1998). A further consideration is that movements also have costs in terms of cognitive ‘effort’ or ‘energy’. The present project extends previous work on energy expenditure and motor skill learning within a coordination dynamics framework. From the dynamic pattern perspective, a coordination pattern lowest on the 11KB model potential curve (Haken, Kelso & Bunz, 1985) is more stable and least energy is required to maintain pattern stability (Temprado, Zanone, Monno & Laurent, 1999). Two experiments investigated the learning of stable and unstable coordination patterns with high metabolic energy demand. An experimental task was devised by positioning two cycle ergometers side-by-side, placing one foot on each, with the pedals free to move independently at any metronome-paced relative phase, Experiment 1 investigated practice-related changes to oxygen consumption, heart rate, relative phase, reaction time and muscle activation (EMG) as participants practiced anti-phase, in-phase and 90°-phase cycling. Across six practice trials metabolic energy cost reduced and AE and VE of relative phase declined. The trend in the metabolic and reaction time data and percent co-contraction of muscles was for the in-phase cycling to demonstrate the highest values, anti-phase the lowest and 90°-phase cycling in-between. It was found that anti- and in-phase cycling were both kinematically stable but anti-phase coordination revealed significantly lower metabolic energy cost. It was, therefore, postulated that of two equally stable coordination patterns, that associated with lower metabolic energy expenditure would constitute a stronger attractor. Experiment 2 was designed to determine whether a lower or higher energy-demanding coordination pattern was a stronger attractor by scanning the attractor layout at thirty-degree intervals from 0° to 330°. The initial attractor layout revealed that in-phase was most stable and accurate, but the remaining coordination patterns were attracted to the low energy cost anti-phase cycling. In Experiment 2 only 90°- phase cycling was practiced with a post-test attractor layout scan revealing that 90°-phase and its symmetrical partner 270°-phase had become attractors of other coordination patterns. Consistent with Experiment 1, practicing 90°-phase cycling revealed a decline in AE and VE and a reduction in metabolic and cognitive cost. Practicing 90°-phase cycling did not, however, destabilise the in-phase or anti-phase coordination patterns either kinematically or energetically. In summary, the findings suggest that metabolic and mental energy can be considered different representations of a ‘global’ energy expenditure or ‘energetic’ phenomenon underlying human coordination. The hypothesis that preferred coordination patterns emerge as stable, low-energy solutions to the problem of inter-and intra-limb coordination is supported here in showing that the low-energy minimum of coordination dynamics is also an energetic minimum.


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This study aimed to analyze the phytoremediation potential of Eichhornia crassipes in natural environments, optimize the extraction process of crude protein from plant tissue and, obtain and characterize this process in order to determine its viability of use instead of the protein sources of animal and/or human feed. For this, it has been determined in Apodi/Mossoró river water the concentration of ammonium ions, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, aluminum, cádmium, lead, and total chromium; It was determined in plant tissue of aquatic macrophytes of Eichhornia crassipes species present in Apodi/Mossoró River the moisture content, ash, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, aluminum, cadmium, lead, total chromium, total nitrogen and crude protein. It was also determined the translocation factor and bioaccumulation of all the quantified elements; It was developed and optimized the extraction procedure of crude protein based on the isoelectric method and a factorial design 24 with repetition; It was extracted and characterized the extract obtained by determining the moisture content, ash, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, cadmium, total nitrogen and crude protein. And finally, it was also characterized the protein extract using Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG), Derived Thermogravimetric (DTG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and jelly-like electrophoresis of polyacrylamide (SDS -PAGE) to assess the their molecular weights/mass. Thus, from the results obtained for the translocation and bioaccumulation factors was found that the same can be used as phytoremediation agent in natural environments of all quantified elements. It was also found that the developed method of extraction and protein precipitation was satisfactory for the purpose of the work, which gave the best conditions of extraction and precipitation of proteins as: pH extraction equal to 13.0, extraction temperature equals 60 ° C, reaction time equals to 30 minutes, and pH precipitation equals to 4.0. As for the extract obtained, the total nitrogen and crude protein were quantified higher than those found in the plant, increasing the crude protein content approximately 116.88% in relation to the quantified contente in the vegetal tissue of macrophyte. The levels of nickel and cadmium were the unique that were found below the detection limit of used the equipment. The electrophoretic analysis allowed us to observe that the protein extract obtained is composed of low polypeptide chains by the molecular and phytochelatins, with 6 and 15 kDa bands. Analysis of TG, DTG, DSC and FT-IR showed similarities in protein content of the obtained extracts based on different collection points and 9 parts of the plant under study, as well as commercial soy protein and casein. Finally, based on all these findings, it was concluded that the obtained extract in this work can be used instead of the protein sources of animal feed should, before that, test its digestibility. As human supplementation, it is necessary to conduct more tests associated with the optimization process in the sense of removing undesirable components and constant monitoring of the water body and the raw material used