993 resultados para Hole diameter


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To better understand the composition, characteristics of helium diffusion, and size distribution of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) responsible for the long-term retention of extraterrestrial 3He, we carried out leaching, stepped heating, and sieving experiments on pelagic clays that varied in age from 0.5 Ma to ~90 Myr. The leaching experiments suggest that the host phase(s) of 3He in geologically old sediments are neither organic matter nor refractory phases, such as diamond, graphite, Al2O3, and SiC, but are consistent with extraterrestrial silicates, Fe-Ni sulfides, and possibly magnetite. Stepped heating experiments demonstrate that the 3He release profiles from the magnetic and non-magnetic components of the pelagic clays are remarkably similar. Because helium diffusion is likely to be controlled by mineral chemistry and structure, the stepped heating results suggest a single carrier that may be magnetite, or more probably a phase associated with magnetite. Furthermore, the stepped outgassing experiments indicate that about 20% of the 3He will be lost through diffusion at seafloor temperatures after 50 Myrs, while sedimentary rocks exposed on the Earth's surface for the same amount of time would lose up to 60%. The absolute magnitude of the 3He loss is, however, likely to depend upon the 3He concentration profile within the IDPs, which is not well known. Contrary to previous suggestions that micrometeorites in the size range of 50-100 µm in diameter are responsible for the extraterrestrial 3He in geologically old sediments [Stuart, F.M., Harrop, P.J., Knott, S., Turner, G., 1999. Laser extraction of helium isotopes from Antarctic micrometeorites: source of He and implications for the flux of extraterrestrial 3He flux to earth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 63, 2653-2665, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(99)00161-1], our sieving experiment demonstrates that at most 20% of the 3He is carried by particles greater than 50 µm in diameter. The size-distribution of the 3He-bearing particles implies that extraterrestrial 3He in sediments record the IDP flux rather than the micrometeorite flux.


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Authigenic gypsum, pyrite, and glauconite are disseminated throughout an unusually long (346 m) Miocene section of mixed biogenic carbonate and diatomaceous ooze drilled on the Falkland Plateau at DSDP Site 329 (water depth, 1519 m). The present organic carbon content of the sediment is low, ranging between 0.1 and 0.7%. Gypsum occurs as euhedral single or twinned crystals of selenite up to 5 mm in diameter, sometimes in the form of gypsum rosettes. These crystals are intact and unabraded, comprising up to 4% of the washed sample. The authigenic nature of the gypsum is demonstrated by the presence of diatoms and radiolarians embedded within the gypsum crystals. The gypsum co-occurs with pyrite and glauconite in these samples. The pyrite occurs as framboids, foraminiferal infillings, rods, and granular sheetlike masses composed of pyrite octahedra. The glauconite occurs as foraminiferal infillings and as free grains. The gypsum and pyrite were identified by energy-dispersive X-ray analysis and scanning electron micrographs. Some of the gypsum has grown on pyrite, indicating that it precipitated after the pyrite, perhaps in response to a change in pH conditions. The formation of the mineral suite can be explained by current models of in situ sulfide and sulfate precipitation coincident with diagenesis and oxidation of much of the original organic carbon.


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The course of sea-level fluctuations during Termination II (TII; the penultimate deglaciation), which is critical for understanding ice-sheet dynamics and suborbital climate variability, has yet to be established. This is partly because most shallow-water sequences encompassing TII were eroded during sea-level lowstands of the last glacial period or were deposited below the present sea level. Here we report a new sequence recording sea-level changes during TII in the Pleistocene sequence at Hole M0005D (water depth: 59.63 m below sea level [mbsl]) off Tahiti, French Polynesia, which was drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310. Lithofacies variations and stratigraphic changes in the taxonomic composition, preservation states, and intraspecific test morphology of large benthic foraminifers indicate a deepening-upward sequence in the interval from Core 310-M0005D-26R (core depth: 134 mbsl) through -16R (core depth: 106 mbsl). Reconstruction of relative sea levels, based on paleodepth estimations using large benthic foraminifers, indicated a rise in sea level of about 90 m during this interval, suggesting its correlation with one of the terminations. Assuming that this rise in sea level corresponds to that during TII, after correcting for subsidence since the time of deposition, a highstand sea-level position would be 2 ± 15 m above present sea level (masl), which is generally consistent with highstand sea-level positions in MIS 5e (4 ± 2 masl). If this rise in sea level corresponds to that during older terminations, the subsidence-corrected highstand sea-level positions (30 ± 15 masl for Termination III and 54 ± 15 masl for Termination IV) are not consistent with reported ranges of interglacial sea-level highstands (-18 to 15 masl). Therefore, the studied interval likely records the rise in sea level and associated environmental changes during TII. In particular, the intervening cored materials between the two episodes of sea-level rise found in the studied interval might record the sea-level reversal event during TII. This conclusion is consistent with U/Th ages of around 133 ka, which were obtained from slightly diagenetically altered (i.e., < 1% calcite) in situ corals in the studied interval (Core 310-M0005D-20R [core depth: 118 mbsl]). This study also suggests that our inverse approach to correlate a stratigraphic interval with an approximate time frame could be useful as an independent check on the accuracy of uranium-series dating, which has been applied extensively to fossil corals in late Quaternary sea-level studies.


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Basalt underlying early Campanian chalk at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 163 is divided into seven extrusive cooling units bounded by glassy margins. The margins have dips of 15° to 70°, suggestive of pillow flows rather than tabular flows. The margins are fresh sideromelane (glass) grading inward to opaque and reddish-brown globules containing microcrystalline material with radial, undulose extinction. Relative to adjacent sideromelane, the reddish-brown globules are enriched in sodium and calcium, whereas the opaque globules are depleted in these elements and enriched in iron and magnesium. It appears that basalt just inside the pillow margins has differentiated in place into globules of two distinct compositions. This globule zone grades inward to less rapidly cooled pyroxene varioles and intergrowths of plagioclase and opaque minerals. In the center of the thicker cooling units, the texture is diabasic. Alteration and calcite vein abundance are greatest at pillow margins and decrease inward; the interior of the thickest cooling unit is only slightly altered, and calcite veins are absent. Chemical analysis of whole rock by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and of sideromelane by electron microprobe, indicates that the rock is a slightly weathered tholeiite. The atomic absorption analyses, except the one nearest the top of the basalt, are relatively uniform and similar to the sideromelane microprobe analyses, including those near the top of the basalt. This suggests that deep penetration is not necessary to get through the severely altered layer at the basalt surface, and that within this altered layer, analyses of sideromelane may be more representative of crustal composition than analyses of whole rock.


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The evolution of calcareous dinoflagellate communities has been investigated for the latest Cretaceous to earliest Neogene interval of the mid-latitude South Atlantic. In doing so, the response of calcareous dinoflagellates to Cenozoic climatic change has been addressed for the first time. Trends in species composition and distribution patterns of wall types indicate significant changes which correlate with major palaeoenvironmental modifications. A first major shift concerning the relative abundance of species and wall types occurred across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. The associations remained stable during the entire Paleocene and Eocene. Only in the late Eocene did a dramatic decrease in temperature cause a slight diversification. A second major shift in the abundance patterns occurred across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. The early Miocene warming is possibly reflected in the distinct increase in relative abundance of one species. The assemblages of calcareous dinoflagellates evidently react to major climatic changes during the Cenozoic. These poorly investigated organisms may thus provide an important contribution to the understanding of earth's palaeoclimatic evolution.


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The sediments collected at Sites 1150 and 1151 during Leg 186 included many tephra layers and volcaniclastic detritus. In order to identify these tephras, the major oxide compositions of individual glass shards were determined by electron probe microanalyzer. The uppermost four tephras in sediments from Hole 1150A are correlated with the Towada-Hachinohe tephra (To-H; Tohoku district), Shikotsu Daiichi (1st) tephra (Spfa-1; Hokkaido district), Narugo-Yanagisawa tephra (Nr-Y; Tohoku district), and Aso-4 tephra (Kyushu district), respectively. The uppermost tephra in Hole 1151C is correlated with To-H tephra. To-H, Spfa-1, and Aso-4 tephras are also present in piston core KH94-3, LM-8, collected between Sites 1150 and 1151. Eruptive ages of To-H and Spfa-1 estimated from the oxygen isotopic Stages of core KH94-3, LM-8 are between 14.9-15.3 and 39.5-40.1 ka.


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Porosity, permeability, and compressional (P-wave) velocity were measured as a function of stress on sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1073, U.S. Mid-Atlantic continental slope. Thin sections, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction analyses provided mineralogical characteristics of the samples. Uniaxial strain boundary conditions were imposed on the samples during consolidation tests with the maximum effective axial stress reaching 13 MPa. The maximum effective radial stress necessary to maintain uniaxial strain was 7.6 MPa. Over an effective axial stress interval of 0 to 5.2 MPa, Sample 174A-1073A-26X-2, 82-89 cm (226.65 meters below seafloor [mbsf]), exhibited the largest decrease in porosity (51% to 41%), whereas Sample 71X-1, 2-8 cm (644.70 mbsf), exhibited the smallest decrease in porosity (48% to 45%). All samples showed negligible porosity increases during unloading. The permeability (on the order of 1 x 10-17 m**2) of Sample 174A-1073A-71X-1, 2-8 cm, was twice that measured on Sample 8H-1, 23-26 cm (63.75 mbsf), even though the former was considerably deeper and older. The differences in porosity-stress behavior and permeability between shallow and deep samples is related to lithologic, mineralogic, and diagenetic differences between the sediments above and below the Pliocene-Pleistocene to Miocene unconformity. P-wave velocity for Samples 174A-1073A-41X-5, 97-103 cm (372.35 mbsf), and 71X-1, 2-8 cm, increased with decreasing porosity, but did not change significantly during unloading.


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Constant-pressure difference and constant-flow permeability tests were conducted on core samples from Ocean Drilling Program Legs 170 and 205 from the Costa Rica subduction zone representing pelagic carbonate and hemipelagic mud lithologies. Seven whole-round core samples from Sites 1040, 1253, and 1255 were tested for vertical permeabilities. The permeabilities of the pelagic carbonate sediments range from ~4 x 10**-16 to ~1 x 10**-15 m**2. The permeabilities of the hemipelagic mud sediments vary from ~2 x 10**-18 to ~4 x 10**-18 m**2. To further characterize the sediments, grain size, total carbon, and total inorganic carbon analyses were conducted.


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