988 resultados para Hg-II separation


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2-Mercaptobenzothiazole loaded on previously polystyrene treated clay was prepared, characterized and used for sorption and preconcentration of Hg(II) Pb(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) from an aqueous solution. The support used was a natural clay previously treated with sulphuric acid solution. Adsorptiou isotherms of metal ions from aqueous solutions as function of pH were studied at 298 K. Conditions for quantitative retention and elution were established for each metal by batch and column methods. The chemically treated clay was very selective to Hg(II) in solution in which Zn(II), Cd(II), Pb(II) and some transition metal ions were also present.


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2-Mercaptobenzothiazole loaded on previously treated clay was prepared, characterized and used for sorption and preconcentration of Hg(II), Pb(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Cu(II) and Mn(II) from an aqueous solution. The support used was a natural clay previously treated with sulphuric acid solution. Adsorption isotherms of metal ions from aqueous solutions as function of pH were studied at 298 K. Conditions for quantitative retention and elution were established for each metal by batch and column methods. The chemically treated clay was very selective to Hg(II) in solution in which Zn(II), Cd(II), Pb(II), Cu(II) and Mn(II) were also present. © 1995.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Worldwide environmental degradation is an undesirable byproduct resulting from the increasing demand for natural resources. Water sources are suffering intense contamination since they usually receive a huge amount of domestic and industrial effluents - which are mostly wasted without proper treatment - inserting a large number of pollutants in the environment, heavy metals included. Mercury holds great toxicological importance because, under some physicochemical conditions in a water environment, Hg (II) ion turns into methylated compounds stemming from this element, such as methylmercury CH3Hg, which is highly toxic for the aquatic community in which bioaccumulation occurs. Nowadays passive sampling techniques are being developed to enable the analytical procedures which are applied in environmental monitoring. Diffusive gradients in thin-films technique (DGT) has been proven an interesting tool for the determination of labile metal species due to its in situ application. The DGT technique consists of a piston-like device on which the following series of agents is disposed: a binding agent (conventionally Chelex 100 resin), a diffusive agent, usually a polyacrylamide gel, and a membrane filter. Nevertheless, the agents conventinally used for this technique don't usually show satisfactory results in mercury sampling. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the phosphate-treated cellulose membrane (Whatman P 81), an alternative material, as binding agent in the DGT to determine labile mercury fractions in aquatic systems. In this context, we conducted a study of the behavior of this material in relation with system variables, pH and ionic strength. Afterwards we performed immersions of the DGT devices in real and enriched samples and in situ aiming the determination of mercury


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A montmorillonite from Wyoming-USA was used to prepare an organo-clay complex, named 2-thiazoline-2-thiol-hexadecyltrimethylammonium-clay (TZT-HDTA-clay), for the purpose of the selective adsorption of the heavy metals ions and possible use as a chemically modified carbon paste electrode (CMCPE). Adsorption isotherms of Hg 2+, Pb 2+, Cd 2+, Cu 2+, and Zn 2+ from aqueous solutions as a function of the pH were studied at 298 K. Conditions for quantitative retention and elution were established for each metal by batch and column methods. The organo-clay complex was very selective to Hg(II) in aqueous solution in which other metals and ions were also present. The accumulation voltammetry of Hg(II) was studied at a carbon paste electrode chemically modified with this material. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to the pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, cleaning solution, possible interferences and other variables. A carbon paste electrode modified by TZT-HDTA-clay showed two peaks: one cathodic peak at about 0.0 V and an anodic peak at 0.25 V, scanning the potential from -0.2 to 0.8 V (0.05 M KNO 3 vs. Ag/AgCl). The anodic peak at 0.25 V presents excellent selectivity for Hg(II) ions in the presence of foreign ions. The detection limit was estimated as 0.1 μg L -1. The precision of determination was satisfactory for the respective concentration level. 2005 © The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.


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Alkylierte Quecksilberspezies sind hundertfach toxischer als anorganisches Quecksilber (Hg) und werden in der Nahrungskette mit zunehmender Trophieebene im Gewebe von Tieren und dem Menschen akkumuliert. Aufgrund der Relevanz für die Umwelt und den Effekt auf die menschliche Gesundheit kommt der biotischen Transformation von anorganischem Hg zu Monomethylquecksilber (MeHg) eine große Bedeutung zu. Es ist bekannt, dass Sulfat-reduzierende Bakterien zu den Hauptproduzenten von MeHg gehören. Darüber hinaus gibt es jedoch nur wenige Untersuchungen über die biologischen Mechanismen und die Zusammenhänge in terrestrischen und insbesondere in intestinalen Systemen. Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet daher einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Abschätzung des Potentials zur Hg-Methylierung durch intestinale Bakterien und vertieft die Kenntnisse zu der damit verbundenen Akkumulation der organischen Schwermetallverbindung im Gewebe des Kompostwurms Eisenia foetida (E. foetida). rnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde erstmals unter Anwendung der Gas Chromatographie mit induktiv gekoppelter Massenspektrometrie (GC-ICP-MS) und Isotopenverdünnungsanalyse verschiedene Kulturen intestinaler Sulfat-reduzierender Bakterien auf die Bildung von organischem Monomethylquecksilber aus Hg(II) untersucht. Da in komplexen bakteriellen Nährlösungen mit hohem Sulfidgehalt Matrixeffekte auftreten und die Analyse von MeHg im Ultraspurenbereich erschweren können, erfolgte die Probenvorbereitung mittels der Methanol-Kaliumhydroxid-Extraktion unter Verwendung eines Maskierungsreagenzes und der Derivatisierung mit Natriumtetrapropylborat. Das Detektionslimit für MeHg in bakteriellen Nährlösungen betrug 0,03 ng/mL. Die Wiederfindung von zertifiziertem Referenzmaterial ERM® CE-464 Tuna Fish war sehr gut und lag in einem Bereich zwischen 98 – 105%. rnDie Resultate der Untersuchung von 14 verschiedenen Rein- und Anreicherungskulturen Sulfat-reduzierender Bakterien zeigten, dass neun Kulturen innerhalb von 12 h nach einer Inkubation mit 0,1 mg/L Hg2+ im Durchschnitt 100 bis 1200 pg/mL MeHg produzierten. Darunter waren zwei Desulfovibrio sp. Stämme, die Spezies Desulfovibrio piger, Desulfovibrio giganteus, Desulfovibrio termitidis, Desulfotomaculum ruminis, Desulfobulbus propionicus sowie Anreicherungskulturen aus dem Intestinaltrakt einer Zygoptera-Larve Zy1 und E. foetida EF4. Die Fähigkeit zur Hg-Methylierung durch eine Spezies der Ordnung Desulfotomaculum aus der Gruppe der Gram-positiven Firmicutes wurde hiermit erstmals beobachtet.rnWeiterhin wurde gezeigt, dass im Intestinaltrakt von E. foetida im Gegensatz zu mikrobiellen Bodenproben eine signifikante biotische Methylierung von Hg(II) durchgeführt wird. Dass diese Transformationen in hohem Maße von der intestinalen Region ausgeht und somit zur Akkumulation von MeHg im Gewebe beiträgt, konnte durch weiterführende Experimente mittels Laserablations-ICP-MS an histologischen Gefrierschnitten des Invertebraten darge-stellt werden. rn


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A mass‐balance model for Lake Superior was applied to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and mercury to determine the major routes of entry and the major mechanisms of loss from this ecosystem as well as the time required for each contaminant class to approach steady state. A two‐box model (water column, surface sediments) incorporating seasonally adjusted environmental parameters was used. Both numerical (forward Euler) and analytical solutions were employed and compared. For validation, the model was compared with current and historical concentrations and fluxes in the lake and sediments. Results for PCBs were similar to prior work showing that air‐water exchange is the most rapid input and loss process. The model indicates that mercury behaves similarly to a moderately‐chlorinated PCB, with air‐water exchange being a relatively rapid input and loss process. Modeled accumulation fluxes of PBDEs in sediments agreed with measured values reported in the literature. Wet deposition rates were about three times greater than dry particulate deposition rates for PBDEs. Gas deposition was an important process for tri‐ and tetra‐BDEs (BDEs 28 and 47), but not for higher‐brominated BDEs. Sediment burial was the dominant loss mechanism for most of the PBDE congeners while volatilization was still significant for tri‐ and tetra‐BDEs. Because volatilization is a relatively rapid loss process for both mercury and the most abundant PCBs (tri‐ through penta‐), the model predicts that similar times (from 2 ‐ 10 yr) are required for the compounds to approach steady state in the lake. The model predicts that if inputs of Hg(II) to the lake decrease in the future then concentrations of mercury in the lake will decrease at a rate similar to the historical decline in PCB concentrations following the ban on production and most uses in the U.S. In contrast, PBDEs are likely to respond more slowly if atmospheric concentrations are reduced in the future because loss by volatilization is a much slower process for PBDEs, leading to lesser overall loss rates for PBDEs in comparison to PCBs and mercury. Uncertainties in the chemical degradation rates and partitioning constants of PBDEs are the largest source of uncertainty in the modeled times to steady‐state for this class of chemicals. The modeled organic PBT loading rates are sensitive to uncertainties in scavenging efficiencies by rain and snow, dry deposition velocity, watershed runoff concentrations, and uncertainties in air‐water exchange such as the effect of atmospheric stability.


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Since it is very toxic and accumulates in organisms, particularly in fish, mercury is a very important pollutant and one of the most studies. And this concern over the toxicity and human health risks of mercury has prompted efforts to regulate anthropogenic emissions. As mercury pollution problem is getting increasingly serious, we are curious about how serious this problem will be in the future. What is more, how the climate change in the future will affect the mercury concentration in the atmosphere. So we investigate the impact of climate change on mercury concentration in the atmosphere. We focus on the comparison between the mercury data for year 2000 and for year 2050. The GEOS-Chem model shows that the mercury concentrations for all tracers (1 to 3), elemental mercury (Hg(0)), divalent mercury (Hg(II)) and primary particulate mercury (Hg(P)) have differences between 2000 and 2050 in most regions over the world. From the model results, we can see the climate change from 2000 to 2050 would decrease Hg(0) surface concentration in most of the world. The driving factors of Hg(0) surface concentration changes are natural emissions(ocean and vegetation) and the transformation reactions between Hg(0) and Hg(II). The climate change from 2000 to 2050 would increase Hg(II) surface concentration in most of mid-latitude continental parts of the world while decreasing Hg(II) surface concentration in most of high-latitude part of the world. The driving factors of Hg(II) surface concentration changes is deposition amount change (majorly wet deposition) from 2000 to 2050 and the transformation reactions between Hg(0) and Hg(II). Climate change would increase Hg(P) concentration in most of mid-latitude area of the world and meanwhile decrease Hg(P) concentration in most of high-latitude regions of the world. For the Hg(P) concentration changes, the major driving factor is the deposition amount change (mainly wet deposition) from 2000 to 2050.


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Marine endosymbiotic heterocystous cyanobacteria make unique heterocyst glycolipids (HGs) containing pentose (C5) moieties. Functionally similar HGs with hexose (C6) moieties found in free-living cyanobacteria occur in the sedimentary record, but C5 HGs have not been documented in the natural environment. Here we developed a high performance liquid chromatography multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS2) method specific for trace analysis of long chain C5HGs and applied it to cultures of Rhizosolenia clevei Ostenfeld and its symbiont Richelia intracellularis which were found to contain C5 HGs and no C6 HGs. The method was then applied to suspended particulate matter (SPM) and surface sediment from the Amazon plume region known to harbor marine diatoms carrying heterocystous cyanobacteria as endosymbionts. C5 HGs were detected in both marine SPM and surface sediments, but not in SPM or surface sediment from freshwater settings in the Amazon basin. Rather, the latter contained C6 HGs, established biomarkers for free-living heterocystous cyanobacteria. Our results indicate that the C5 HGs may be potential biomarkers for marine endosymbiotic heterocystous cyanobacteria.


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The effects of treatment of an activated carbon with Sulphur precursors on its textural properties and on the ability of the complex synthesized for mercury removal in aqueous solutions are studied. To this end, a commercial activated carbon has been modified by treatments with aqueous solutions of Na2S and H2SO4 at two temperatures (25 and 140 °C) to introduce sulphur species on its surface. The prepared adsorbents have been characterized by N2 (-196 °C) and CO2 (0 °C) adsorption, thermogravimetric analysis, temperature-programmed decomposition and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and their adsorption capacities to remove Hg(II) ions in aqueous solutions have been determined. It has been shown that the impregnation treatments slightly modified the textural properties of the samples, with a small increase in the textural parameters (BET surface area and mesopore volumes). By contrast, surface oxygen content was increased when impregnation was carried out with Na2S, but it decreased when H2SO4 was used. However, the main effect of the impregnation treatments was the formation of surface sulphur complexes of thiol type, which was only achieved when the impregnation treatments were carried out at low temperature (25 °C). The presence of surface sulphur enhances the adsorption behaviour of these samples in the removal of Hg(II) cations in aqueous solutions at pH 2. In fact, complete Hg(II) removal is only obtained with the sulphur-containing activated carbons.


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Xanthate-mediated (reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer) emulsion polymerization has been used to create novel polystyrene nanoparticles with functionalized surfaces (see Figure) for the selective sequestering of heavy metals from water below ppm levels. These nanoparticles show a high degree of selectivity for Hg-II over Co-II. This technology has potential for the selective remediation of heavy metals from the human blood system.


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The Co-III complexes of the hexadentate tripodal ligands HOsen (3-(2'-aminoethylamino)-2,2-bis((2 ''-aminoethylamino) methyl) propan-1-ol) and HOten (3-(2'-aminoethylthia)-2,2-bis((2 ''-aminoethylthia) methyl) propan-1-ol) have been synthesized and fully characterized. The crystal structures of [Co(HOsen)]Cl-3 center dot H2O and [Co(HOten)](ClO4)Cl-2 are reported and in both cases the ligands coordinate as tripodal hexadentate N-6 and N3S3 donors, respectively. Cyclic voltammetry of the N3S3 coordinated complex [Co(HOten)](3+) is complicated and electrode dependent. On a Pt working electrode an irreversible Co-III/II couple ( formal potential - 157 mV versus Ag-AgCl) is seen, which is indicative of dissociation of the divalent complex formed at the electrode. The free HOten released by the dissociation of [Co(HOten)](2+) can be recaptured by Hg as shown by cyclic voltammetry experiments on a static Hg drop electrode ( or in the presence of Hg2+ ions), which leads to the formation of an electroactive Hg-II complex of the N3S3 ligand (formal potential + 60 mV versus Ag-AgCl). This behaviour is in contrast to the facile and totally reversible voltammetry of the hexaamine complex [Co(HOsen)](3+) ( formal potential (Co-III/II) - 519 mV versus Ag-AgCl), which is uncomplicated by any coupled chemical reactions. Akinetic and thermodynamic analysis of the [Co(HOten)](2+)/[Hg(HOten)](2+) system is presented on the basis of digital simulation of the experimental voltammetric data.


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The infra-red detector material cadmium mercury telluride can be grown by the technique of Metal Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy using simple alkyl telluride compounds as the source of tellurium. New tellurium precursors are required in order to overcome handling and toxicity problems and to reduce the growth temperature in preparing the material. A range of diaryltellurium(IV) dicarboxylates and some 2-(2'-pyridyl)phenyl-tellurium(II) and tellurium(IV) monocarboxylates have been synthesised and characterised by infra-red, 13C N.M.R. and mass spectroscopy. Infra-red spectroscopy has been used to determine the mode of bonding of the carboxylate ligand to tellurium. Synthetic methods have been devised for the preparation of diorganotritellurides (R2Te3) and mixed diorganotetrachalcogenides (RTeSeSeTeR). A mechanism for the formation of the tritellurides based on aerobic conditions is proposed. The reaction of ArTe- with (ClCH2CH2)3N leads to tripod-like multidentate ligands (ArTeCH2CH2)3N which form complexes with the ions Hg(II), Cd(II), Cu(I), Pt(II) and Pd(II). Synthetic routes to aryltelluroalkylamines and arylselenoalkylamines are also reported. The crystal structure of 2-(2'-pyridyl)phenyltellurium(II) bromide has been solved in which there are six molecules present within the unit cell. There are no close intermolecular Te---Te interactions and the molecules are stabilised by short Te---N intramolecular contacts. The crystal structure of 2-(2'-pyridyl)phenylselenium(II)-tribromomercurate(II) is also presented. A study of the Raman vibrational spectra of some tellurated azobenzenes and 2-phenylpyridines shows spectra of remarkably far superior quality to those obtained using infra-red spectroscopy.