204 resultados para Heroic Monomyth
The dissertation regards The memory on the Italian Risorgimento in “Justice and Freedom”(1929-1940) a theoretical core point in the history of the Movement, which so far has not been granted due attention. The work herewith presented is therefore aimed at filling a storiographical gap, analysing the historical events which continue to operate as traditions, raising feelings and passions and hence operating in politics, although as secondary factors. The point made is that the Justice and Freedom Movement, an antifascist political movement born in Paris in October 1929, bases its strength on the heroic choice of the antifascism movement to fight a Second Risorgimento, connecting the fight against the regime to the battles previously fought for the justice and the freedom, an entirely isolated event in the political opposition’s panorama. The dissertation, thus, attempts to explain how and why Justice and Freedom is so tightly interconnected in its political action to the Risorgimento tradition. The first chapter sets the cultural background of the foundation of the Justice and Freedom Movement. The centre of such foundation was Florence, where Gaetano Salvemini, along with a group of young people, would later on carry out some cultural experiences that ideally prepare the ground for the movement’s birth. In the second chapter are found the sites of the memory where the passage of the Risorgimento tradition between the generations takes place. The work therefore shifts from a public to a private level, concentrating on biographical paths. The choice made was for Nello Rosselli, a man very close to the Justice and Freedom Movement but who, as opposed to his comrades-in-arms, did not chose the political way to express his ethical choice, but rather the theoretical one, becoming a Risorgimento historian. The third chapter concentrates on the birth of the Justice and Freedom Movement in France, trying to reconstruct the cultural ties and the confrontation places and sites where the members of the Movement could interact with the French intellectual milieu, bringing back to light the propagandistic usage of the Risorgimento myth carried out by the Movement. Lastly, the fourth chapter focuses on the cultural debate on the Risorgimento, which took place on the press organs of the Movement, pointing out and periodizing the theoretical passages and the propagandistic uses of the myth as related to the stages of the Movement and the political needs.
Eine aktuelle Ausprägung der Veranstaltungslandschaft sind die so genannten Motto-Events, die die Inszenierung einer Anderswelt-Konstruktion einsetzen, um emotionale und kommunikatorische Ziele zu erreichen. Dabei werden themengebundene Entwürfe räumlich und inhaltlich in die lebensweltliche Wirklichkeit transportiert und auf diese Weise eine dynamische und integrative Scheinwelt erschaffen. In dieser konstruierten Welt können schließlich Abenteuer erlebt und heroische Taten begangen werden. Durch die reziproke Beeinflussung von Inszenierung und Handlung befinden sich die Akteure außerhalb der gesellschaftlichen Norm, sie erleben innerhalb der "gated community" der Motto-Veranstaltung eine re-definierte Wirklichkeit. Aus einer Kombination von aktiven und passiven Elementen werden homogene Klischees inszeniert, die durch ihren Bekanntheitsgrad eine hohe Anschlussfähigkeit der Teilnehmer garantieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Mechanismen, die diese re-definierte Wirklichkeit in Szene setzen. Dadurch wird es möglich, in einer zusammenfassenden Betrachtung die Rezeption verschiedener Event-Modelle zu beschreiben und Handlungsempfehlungen zu geben.
Il lavoro di ricerca vuole analizzare, attraverso lo studio specifico della rivista artistico letteraria «L’Eroica» fondata a La Spezia nel 1911 da Ettore Cozzani e Franco Oliva, gli artisti e le situazioni in cui si sviluppa e si diffonde in Italia un linguaggio grafico di tipo fauve-espressionista, in perfetta sintonia con le coeve esperienze straniere. Nello specifico, si è focalizzata l’attenzione sui così detti ‘anni eroici de L’Eroica’ (1911-1917), periodo in cui risulta più evidente il passaggio che si ebbe nel panorama dell’illustrazione italiana da uno stile ancora riconducibile a un linguaggio simbolista a uno, per l’appunto espressionista. Questa rivista, infatti, nella fase conosciuta come “gli anni eroici dell’Eroica” (1911-17), s’interessa in modo quasi esclusivo alla xilografia contemporanea avvalendosi in un primo momento della collaborazione di artisti noti nell’ambito del gusto liberty come, ad esempio, Adolfo De Carolis e dei suoi allievi (Gino Barbieri, Ettore di Giorgio, Antonio Moroni). Tale collaborazione però termina con la cosiddetta “Secessione degli Xilografi”, ossia l’abbandono nel 1914 da parte di De Carolis e dei suoi della testata spezzina, circostanza questa che determinerà un nuovo indirizzo stilistico per la rivista in cui prenderanno sempre più spazio artisti di una generazione più giovane, peraltro già attivi su «L’Eroica» stessa, quali ad esempio Lorenzo Viani, Arturo Martini, Emilio Mantelli, Felice Casorati, Giuseppe Biasi, Roberto Melli e Gino Carlo Sensani, questi ultimi tutti rappresentanti di un espressionismo italiano di primo ordine
Fluxus è stato definito il più radicale e sperimentale movimento artistico degli anni Sessanta. Dalla prima comparsa ad oggi è stato osannato, analizzato, dimenticato e riscoperto molte volte, tuttora però rimane una delle più grandi incognite critiche della storia dell’arte del Novecento. La ricerca si sviluppa secondo uno schema tripartito: indagare origini, ascendenze e ispirazioni; collocare e contestualizzare il periodo di nascita e sviluppo; esaminare influenze e lasciti. Attraverso un confronto di manifesti, scritti autografi e opere si è cercato di verificare punti di contatto e di continuità tra Fluxus e le Avanguardie Storiche, con particolare riferimento a Futurismo e Dadaismo. Successivamente si è cercato di ricostruire le dinamiche che hanno portato, alla fine degli anni Cinquanta, al definirsi di un terreno fertile dal quale sono germinate esperienze strettamente legate quali Happening, Performance Art e lo stesso Fluxus, del quale si sono ripercorsi i cosiddetti “anni eroici” per evidenziarne le caratteristiche salienti. Nella terza sezione sono state individuate diverse ipotesi di continuazione dell’attitudine Fluxus, dal percorso storico-filologico dei precoci tentativi di musealizzazione, alle eredità dirette e indirette sulle generazioni successive di artisti, fino alla individuazione di idee e concetti la cui attualità rende Fluxus un elemento imprescindibile per la comprensione della cultura contemporanea.
Nel 1932 Ernst Robert Curtius pubblica il pamphlet politico culturale Deutscher Geist in Gefahr nel quale chiarisce il suo pensiero di fronte alla grave crisi in cui versa la Germania. Egli si schiera contro le posizioni di destra del suo tempo, delle quali critica apertamente la boria nazionalista, il rozzo antisemitismo e la creazione di un mito nazionale elaborato come strumento di manipolazione dell’opinione pubblica. Ritiene inoltre inaccettabili le posizioni rivoluzionarie, tanto di destra quanto di sinistra, che vogliono liberarsi della tradizione umanistica europea e disprezzano la Zivilisation francese; allo stesso modo rifiuta l’ideale di un germanesimo eroico avulso dalla storia europea e respinge infine tutte le forme di nichilismo che si risolvono in un atteggiamento di indifferenza nei confronti della realtà, dei valori e della storia. Curtius accetta il sistema democratico come unica soluzione e ritiene che le decisioni politiche debbano mirare al bene di tutti i ceti sociali indipendentemente dagli interessi di partiti e di singoli gruppi. Rifiuta qualunque forma, anche culturale, di supremazia della Germania, aspira a un’Europa cosmopolita, le cui nazioni siano valorizzate nelle loro caratteristiche specifiche, ed è convinto che per la costruzione della pace gli europei debbano vivere, studiare e lavorare insieme imparando gli uni le lingue degli altri. Per Curtius l’Umanesimo della tradizione classica e la letteratura del Medioevo sono parte integrante della vita di ogni europeo e fonte di energie spirituali per affrontare in modo creativo il presente e il futuro.
The American Geographical Society (AGS) serves as a case study for considering the nature of “gendered geography” in the nineteenth-century United States. This article links the ideals and programmatic interests of the society—which were fundamentally commercial in nature—with the personal subjectivity of its chief protagonist, Charles P. Daly, AGS president from 1864 until his death in 1899. Daly is presented as an “armchair explorer” who shifted the focus of the society away from statistical representations of the world toward the action packed narrative descriptions of the world supplied by embodied explorers in the field. The gender dynamics associated with the center versus the field provide a useful way to contrast both sides of Daly’s persona—as a scholar performing detached, careful study yet someone who also derived a great deal of personal authority by staging popular and dramatic spectacles in New York City, speechifying and presenting himself on stage at geographical society meetings with returning heroic explorers. Daly not only served as New York’ smost influential access point to the Arctic at the time, he also served as an important node in the reproduction of masculine culture in promotion of a particularly masculinist commercial geography. Key Words: American Geographical Society, Charles Patrick Daly, gender and geography, history of geography, masculinity.
The Copper County Strike of 1913 was heroic, tragic, and large in meaning, both for those who lived in it and for those haunted by it in the years that followed. Carl Ross was born in Hancock only hours before the strike erupted. His father was a printer for Työmies. I had the good fortune to meet Carl and work with him for some twenty years. Carl spoke often of the strike—of what it meant for him, his family, and the radical Finnish community in Superior, Wisconsin, where he grew up. I had never heard of the Copper Country strike before I met Carl, but what I heard about that strike resonated with some of my own experiences. I grew up in New Castle, Indiana, a town that left-wing journalist I.F. Stone called a “labor citadel” in the midst of hostile territory. I want to use these two recollections, Carl’s 1913 Strike reminiscences and my memories of New Castle, to talk about how some strikes carry a moral vision of enormous importance. The presentation will have three parts. In the first part I will relate a little of what Carl had to say about the Copper Country Strike. In the second part I will talk about strikes of my own experience. In the final part, I will talk about the differences in the structures of labor movements and the ethical implications of those differences.
When Alexander von Humboldt reached the village of Calpi in the Andes on 22 June 1802, he was greeted with reverence and enthusiasm. Triumphal arches adorned with cotton, cloth, and silver decorated his path. The natives performed a dance in festive dress. A singer praised the explorer's expedition, which had departed three years earlier from the Spanish port of La Coruña. Like Odysseus on the isle of the Phaeacians, the traveler listened to a local rhapsodist singing about his heroic deeds. Before his adventure ended, it had already spun a popular myth. This episode, which Humboldt recorded in his diary, occurred at a significant moment. One day later, the “Second Discoverer of America” rose to even greater fame on an excursion marking in more ways than one the climax of his enterprise. Humboldt set out to climb Chimborazo (6,310 m/20,702 ft.), the mountain then thought to be the highest in the world. He was accompanied by the French botanist Aimé Bonpland (1773–1858) and the Creole nobleman and future activist Carlos Montúfar (1780–1816), as well as native guides and assistants. They climbed to heights never reached before, setting a new record and catapulting Humboldt to fame on both continents.
The way media depict women and men can reinforce or diminish gender stereotyping. Which part does language play in this context? Are roles perceived as more gender-balanced when feminine role nouns are used in addition to masculine ones? Research on gender-inclusive language shows that the use of feminine-masculine word pairs tends to increase the visibility of women in various social roles. For example, when speakers of German were asked to name their favorite "heroine or hero in a novel," they listed more female characters than when asked to name their favorite "hero in a novel." The research reported in this article examines how the use of gender-inclusive language in news reports affects readers' own usage of such forms as well as their mental representation of women and men in the respective roles. In the main experiment, German participants (N = 256) read short reports about heroes or murderers which contained either masculine generics or gender-inclusive forms (feminine-masculine word pairs). Gender-inclusive forms enhanced participants' own usage of gender-inclusive language and this resulted in more gender-balanced mental representations of these roles. Reading about "heroines and heroes" made participants assume a higher percentage of women among persons performing heroic acts than reading about "heroes" only, but there was no such effect for murderers. A post-test suggested that this might be due to a higher accessibility of female exemplars in the category heroes than in the category murderers. Importantly, the influence of gender-inclusive language on the perceived percentage of women in a role was mediated by speakers' own usage of inclusive forms. This suggests that people who encounter gender-inclusive forms and are given an opportunity to use them, use them more themselves and in turn have more gender-balanced mental representations of social roles.
Desde el concepto de canon como el modelo impuesto por un grupo de poder, el presente trabajo analiza la canonización de la figura sanmartiniana en el cruce de los Andes, según relatos de autores de la clase dirigente. En los cuales se compara este personaje con Napoleón, Aníbal, Alejandro Magno y otras significativas figuras de la tradición occidental. Tres narraciones edifican la imagen de un héroe romántico, luchador a favor de la libertad y protector de los pueblos que libera. San Martín como paladín democrático frente a la tiranía despótica de los españoles, aparece en el relato de Gerónimo Espejo “El paso de los Andes". Este rico trabajo de prolijo historiador pondera la hazaña por sobre las de Napoleón y Aníbal. Bartolomé Mitre en su “Historia de San Martín", enfoca al héroe como paladín de unidad americana en la causa de la independencia, con una maestría superior a los cruces clásicos de Napoleón y Aníbal, parangonándolo con el de Bolívar en los Andes ecuatorianos. Ricardo Rojas en El santo de la espada fabrica una imagen religiosa de San Martín y lo iguala a héroes cristianos como Parsifal, Lohengrin y el Cid Campeador. El parangón con Napoleón. Aníbal y Alejandro Magno, se ve apoyado por la iconografía argentina de la época. La estatua más popular de San Martín repite la pose del retrato de Napoleón por David. Este, a su vez, está inspirado en mayólicas de Alejandro que lo representan en similar postura. Así, la imagen del héroe argentino en su cruce de los Andes se inserta con éxito en la tradición occidental.
Las Vidas de Alejandro y César de Plutarco contienen una comparación agonal entre ambos hegemónes a partir de los relatos heroicos que éstos consideran paradigmáticos y que justifican sus acciones: Alejandro lee las hazañas de Aquiles (Alex. 8; 26) y César lee las hazañas del propio Alejandro (Caes. 11). Esta cualidad lectora de los héroes toma un sesgo marcadamente libresco en dos pasajes de sus biografías, ligados a la ciudad de Alejandría. El primero es la fundación de la capital helenística por Alejandro (Alex. 26). El segundo es el sitio de César a esta ciudad, cuando ocurre el incendio que consume la Gran Biblioteca (Caes. 49). Este trabajo analiza cómo, en las Vidas, la ciudad egipcia concentra un legado del libro paideia, que conduce de Homero a Alejandro y de éste a César como un bastión de integración cultural, no exento de tensiones, en el sincrético y agonal mundo grecorromano
Entre las definiciones que el concepto de ATH presenta en la tragedia griega clásica, en las obras de Esquilo hay elementos que lo aproximan a la definición dada por E. R. Dodds en The greeks and the irrational, en referencia a la presencia del término en la Ilíada como un "state of mind". Este "estado de ánimo", sin embargo, se perfila como una ceguera profunda del héroe, que sólo entiende las consecuencias de sus acciones después de un intenso sufrimiento. En las siete tragedias conservadas de Esquilo, se puede encontrar el concepto íntimamente vinculado a las muertes heroicas, en el destino de Jerjes en Los persas, o en la maldición de los hermanos Etéocles y Polinices, herederos de las aflicciones de Edipo, en Los siete contra Tebas. Por lo tanto, esta ponencia examina algunos aspectos del concepto en Esquilo y cómo esta "ceguera profunda" es el elemento desencadenante de los acontecimientos trágicos
Debato la permanencia de la cultura clásica en Italo Calvino, considerando la producción crítica del propio autor sobre el "clásico" (y los Clásicos) y la relación de su obra ficcional con la épica, la comedia y la tragedia griegas. Más específicamente, comento: 1) en relación con la crítica, las nociones de clásico utilizadas por el autor en el análisis tanto de obras Antiguas como de subsiguientes de estas (y a ellas relacionadas); 2) en relación con la ficción de Calvino, elementos persistentes en la literatura como I) el ideal heroico, II) el pastiche y la crítica mediante figuras fantasiosas e inusitadas y III) el uso de una cultura popular fabulosa como base para la formación de una literatura y para el debate de cuestiones contemporáneas al literato - como un teatrólogo griego. Acredito que la reflexión, aunque sea breve, colabora con el pensamiento de la modernidad no como disociada de una tradición, sino como lugar de debate y uso de esa tradición
En Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, texto inaugural del ciclo novelístico de J. K. Rowling, aparecen diversos elementos y situaciones que inscriben el relato dentro del género bildungsroman (o novela de formación) y que a su vez son constitutivos del monomito estudiado por Joseph Campbell. Dentro de ese marco, el presente trabajo analizará la función que desempeña la palabra en el desarrollo del protagonista de la novela. Se sostendrá que la adquisición y el dominio pleno de una palabra permiten construir la subjetividad del personaje, quien valiéndose de esta herramienta se volverá capaz de disipar sus inquietudes frente a lo desconocido y al peso de la voz popular. El estudio se centrará en el nombre del antagonista, Lord Voldemort, su influencia en la saga y en cuán importante es que Harry sea capaz de nombrarlo por ese apelativo. Para este abordaje se utilizarán algunos conceptos de diversas disciplinas que nos permitirán advertir la injerencia de la palabra en la novela seminal de esta serie literaria y en el tránsito del personaje por la compleja senda del héroe
En el presente trabajo nos proponemos analizar la manera en que se construye la figura de Aquiles en Fuegos (1935) de Marguerite Yourcenar y cómo esa caracterización se relaciona con aquella que se puede observar en Ilíada. Los términos en que se dan los vínculos entre el texto de Yourcenar y la tradición clásica actualizan el código heroico, dando lugar a nuevas interpretaciones del mito