953 resultados para Here I Come!
Le présent mémoire porte sur la question de la mort de Dieu dans la philosophie allemande du XIXe siècle. Plus précisément elle entend mettre en lumière le rôle qu’un auteur comme Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872) a pu jouer dans la réception d’un tel événement pour la philosophie de cette époque. On observe en effet chez Hegel et Nietzsche, certainement les deux philosophes les plus importants à s’être intéressés au thème de la mort de Dieu, deux manières tout à fait différentes, voire antinomiques, d’interpréter un tel événement. Ce qui fera dire à certains auteurs comme Deleuze et Foucault notamment, qu’entre Hegel et Nietzsche il ne saurait y avoir qu’une coupure radicale tant leurs compréhensions de la mort de Dieu diffère. Un tel geste trahit cependant un certain arbitraire qui empêche de comprendre la genèse philosophique d’un tel déplacement, entre Hegel et Nietzsche, dans la manière d’aborder la mort de Dieu. C’est ici que l’étude de la philosophie feuerbachienne s’avère fructueuse, car si elle demeure dans un dialogue critique par rapport à la conception hégélienne de la mort de Dieu, sa réponse opère cependant un déplacement qui anticipe certains aspects de la pensée nietzschéenne. C’est à partir de l’analyse de sa critique de la religion chrétienne et de l’anthropologie philosophique nouvelle qui l’y oppose que l’on sera en mesure de saisir la nature de ce déplacement feuerbachien.
Le présent mémoire se penche sur la dramaturgie que mettent en scène le Banquet et le Phédon de Platon. Dans le cas du premier dialogue, une étude de l'épilogue et du discours d'Alcibiade, assortie de parallèles ponctuels dans la République et la Lettre VII, permet de déceler un exemple de la rétention d'information platonicienne, telle que comprise sous l'égide des écoles platoniciennes de Tübingen et de Milan, de même qu'une attestation de l'existence de doctrines non-écrites qualitativement supérieures à celles que renferment les dialogues. L'épilogue du Banquet fait ensuite, à la lumière des conclusions susmentionnées, l'objet d'une interprétation qui distingue trois niveaux de lecture des dialogues platoniciens : l'extériorité, l'intériorité et l'oralité philosophique, symbolisées respectivement par le poète comique Aristophane, le poète tragique Agathon et le poète philosophique Socrate. Il va de soi que ce dernier renvoie sémantiquement au philosophe par excellence, titre que Platon endosse volontiers. L'essai exégétique touchant le Phédon se concentre pour sa part sur la dernière volonté de Socrate. Celle-ci survient au dénouement de la partie la plus « dramaturgique » du dialogue, c'est-à-dire après les discours proprement philosophiques sur l'immortalité de l'âme. En ciblant ces moments, de même que l'introduction, nous distinguons l'adjonction des tons tragique et comique, illustrant par là un procédé inhabituel dont le but, ultimement, est de soustraire le dialogue au registre tragique afin d'éviter la propagation d'émotions contraires à la philosophie. En exploitant l'oxymore comique-tragique sur un plan mimétique, nous montrerons que la dernière volonté de Socrate véhicule un dessein parénétique.
Aitchison and Bacon-Shone (1999) considered convex linear combinations of compositions. In other words, they investigated compositions of compositions, where the mixing composition follows a logistic Normal distribution (or a perturbation process) and the compositions being mixed follow a logistic Normal distribution. In this paper, I investigate the extension to situations where the mixing composition varies with a number of dimensions. Examples would be where the mixing proportions vary with time or distance or a combination of the two. Practical situations include a river where the mixing proportions vary along the river, or across a lake and possibly with a time trend. This is illustrated with a dataset similar to that used in the Aitchison and Bacon-Shone paper, which looked at how pollution in a loch depended on the pollution in the three rivers that feed the loch. Here, I explicitly model the variation in the linear combination across the loch, assuming that the mean of the logistic Normal distribution depends on the river flows and relative distance from the source origins
This is the second part of a 2 part video from my talk in May 2008 on open source content creation. Here I am talking about the Making of Doljer
En el presente artículo, continúo con el titulado “Pensar pedagógicamente desde el constructivismo: de las concepciones a las prácticas pedagógicas”, publicado en la Revista de Estudios Sociales de la Universidad de los Andes (1). Allí presentaba las que son para mí las principales concepciones constructivistas y sustentaba que ellas nos permiten a los profesores de cualquier disciplina y nivel educativo cambiar nuestras concepciones tradicionales asociadas con la transmisión del conocimiento. Al hacerlo, los principios constructivistas nos permiten también renovar nuestra visión de lo que es el aprendizaje y cómo ocurre, y crear nuevas prácticas pedagógicas para un mejor aprendizaje crítico en los alumnos. Aquí discuto cómo estas concepciones no han logrado realmente penetrar nuestra práctica pedagógica a ningún nivel, desde los currículos hasta las prácticas de aula, y describo un panorama posible de verdadero uso de principios constructivistas en pedagogía.
Este artículo analiza los cambios recientes en la competencia partidista en México, haciendo énfasis en la elección de julio de 2006 a través de la cual se elige presidente de la República y miembros del Congreso. Dicha elección muestra la transición de elecciones competitivas, concentradas en el binomio autoritarismodemocracia, a elecciones temáticas, de asuntos o issues, centradas en las propuestas de política pública de los candidatos a la presidencia y en las que los ciudadanos, asociaciones civiles y organizaciones no gubernamentales, entre otras, juegan un papel activo. Con ese fin en el artículo se expone primero un breve recuento de los ejes medulares de la actual competencia partidista como la última reforma electoral realizada para mover al sistema electoral hacia elecciones justas, libres y transparentes, los desafíos del sistema de partidos y elementos contextuales socioeconómicos y políticos relevantes. Se analiza en segundo término la evolución de la competitividad y los cambios en la estructura de la competencia, lo cual permite entender el tránsito a elecciones temáticas centradas en las propuestas de política pública de los candidatos. En tercer lugar se presentan las principales propuestas de los candidatos en áreas prioritarias y su evaluación. Finalmente se hace una reflexión de conjunto sobre el significado de esta elección, el contexto que domina la actual contienda por la presidencia y la incertidumbre y competitividad que la caracterizan.-----This paper analyses recent changes in Mexican political parties’ competition for national presidency, with an emphasis on July’s 2006 Congressional and Presidential elections. The latter revealed a transition from an old competitive ballot race focused on the antithetic duet authoritarianism-democracy, to what could be called topical elections, focused on issues concerning presidential candidates’ public policy proposals in which citizens, civil associations, and nongovernmental organizations, among other groups, play an active role. With this purpose in mind, the paper starts with a brief exposition of the parties’ core contentions, including debates such as that around the last election reform aiming at pushing the ballot system towards fairer and more transparent elections, the challenges ahead for the party system, and other relevant contextual, political and socio-economic issues. Secondly, the evolution of the new terms of the competition and its structural changes are examined, in order to better understand our main concern here, i.e., the transition to a topical election contest focused on candidates’ public policy proposals. Thirdly, the candidates’ main proposals in crucial priority areas are presented and assessed. Finally, a global reflection is made on the meaning of these elections, on the context that has prevailed alongside, and on the uncertainty and competitiveness that have characterized them.
La investigación se focaliza en el análisis de la crisis ambiental considerada como un fenómeno complejo de evolución incierta producto de un proceso socio histórico, cuyos orígenes se remontan a los albores del proyecto moderno y deben rastrearse en un cúmulo de circunstancias que expresan las contradicciones de un modelo socioeconómico identificado con el crecimiento sostenido de la producción y las magnitudes económicas. Partiendo de esta base, se propone abordar la relación entre saber sociológico y crisis ambiental, a partir de las contribuciones de la teoría crítica a la compresión de las causas profundas de la crisis ambiental y de sus elementos constitutivos. Para lo cual se propone profundizar en algunas categorías desarrolladas por la corriente social crítica, las cuales si bien no se refieren en forma directa a la problemática ambiental, se vislumbran como campos fértiles para comprender los procesos sociales generadores de la crisis ambiental así como las alternativas que han de adoptarse para su resolución, teniendo en cuenta los mecanismos que ejerce el sistema para neutralizar los cambios que implica la conformación de una racionalidad alternativa. Acorde con ello, la primera parte del trabajo se centra en el abordaje de la relación sociedad naturaleza en el marco de tres grandes procesos sociales identificados como cosmológico, teocéntrico y antropocéntrico, haciendo especial hincapié en la correlación que en cada una de las etapas consideradas se establece entre racionalidad dominante, producción de conocimiento y conceptualización de naturaleza. El segundo capítulo profundiza en los efectos de la racionalidad instrumental sobre la ruptura del proyecto moderno y su incidencia sobre la emergencia de la crisis ambiental, a partir de la posición adoptada por Heidegger y por los referentes de la Escuela de Frankfurt. Posteriormente el análisis se estructura en torno a las dimensiones críticas de la modernidad avanzada, considerada como contexto situacional de desarrollo y profundización de la crisis ambiental, teniendo en cuenta los aportes teóricos desarrollados por Zygmunt Bauman e Immanuel Wallerstein. Al finalizar se presentan las conclusiones generales de la tesis y las posibles líneas de investigación que se abren a partir del trabajo desarrollado.
The amateur birding community has a long and proud tradition of contributing to bird surveys and bird atlases. Coordinated activities such as Breeding Bird Atlases and the Christmas Bird Count are examples of "citizen science" projects. With the advent of technology, Web 2.0 sites such as eBird have been developed to facilitate online sharing of data and thus increase the potential for real-time monitoring. However, as recently articulated in an editorial in this journal and elsewhere, monitoring is best served when based on a priori hypotheses. Harnessing citizen scientists to collect data following a hypothetico-deductive approach carries challenges. Moreover, the use of citizen science in scientific and monitoring studies has raised issues of data accuracy and quality. These issues are compounded when data collection moves into the Web 2.0 world. An examination of the literature from social geography on the concept of "citizen sensors" and volunteered geographic information (VGI) yields thoughtful reflections on the challenges of data quality/data accuracy when applying information from citizen sensors to research and management questions. VGI has been harnessed in a number of contexts, including for environmental and ecological monitoring activities. Here, I argue that conceptualizing a monitoring project as an experiment following the scientific method can further contribute to the use of VGI. I show how principles of experimental design can be applied to monitoring projects to better control for data quality of VGI. This includes suggestions for how citizen sensors can be harnessed to address issues of experimental controls and how to design monitoring projects to increase randomization and replication of sampled data, hence increasing scientific reliability and statistical power.
Throughout the central nervous system a dominant form of inhibition of neurotransmitter release from presynaptic terminals is mediated by G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Neurotransmitter release is typically induced by action potentials (APs), but can also occur spontaneously. Presynaptic inhibition by GPCRs has been associated with modulation of voltage-dependent ion channels. However, electrophysiological recordings of spontaneous, AP-independent (so-called ‘miniature’) postsynaptic events reveal an additional, important form of GPCR-mediated presynaptic inhibition, distinct from effects on ionic conductances and consistent with a direct action on the vesicle release machinery. Recent studies suggest that such miniature events might be of physiological relevance not only in signalling but also in development. In the cerebellum, neurotransmitter release onto Purkinje cells occurs by AP-dependent and AP-independent pathways. Here, I focus on inhibitory synapses between interneurons and Purkinje cells, which are subject to strong, identifiable regulation by endogenous GPCR agonists, to consider mechanisms of GPCR-mediated presynaptic inhibition.
Many multicellular organisms have evolved a dedicated germline. This can benefit the whole organism, but its advantages to genetic parasites have not been explored. Here I model the evolutionary success of a selfish element, such as a transposable element or endosymbiont, which is capable of creating or strengthening a germline-soma distinction in a primitively multicellular host, and find that it will always benefit the element to do so. Genes causing germline sequestration can therefore spread in a population even if germline sequestration is maladaptive for the host organism. Costly selfish elements are expected to survive only in sexual populations, so sexual species may experience an additional push toward germline-soma distinction, and hence toward cell differentiation and multicellularity.
A useful way of summarizing genetic variability among different populations is through estimates of the inbreeding coefficient, F-st. Several recent studies have tried to use the distribution of estimates of F-st from individual genetic loci to detect the effects of natural selection. However, the promise of this approach has yet to be fully realized owing to the pervasive dogma that this distribution is highly dependent on demographic history. Here, I review recent theoretical results that indicate that the distribution of estimates of F-st is generally expected to be robust to the vagaries of demographic history. I suggest that analyses based on it provide a useful first step for identifying candidate genes that might be under selection, and explore the ways in which this information can be used in ecological and evolutionary studies.
Organic farming has increased in popularity in recent years, primarily as a response to the perceived health and conservation benefits. While it is likely that conventional farming will be able to respond rapidly to variations in pest numbers and distribution resulting from climatic change, it is not clear if the same is true for organic farming. Few studies have looked at the responses of biological control organisms to climate change. Here, I review the direct and indirect eects of changes in temperature, atmospheric carbon dioxide and other climatic factors on the predators, parasitoids and pathogens of pest insects in temperate agriculture. Finally, I consider what research is needed to manage the anticipated change in pest insect dynamics and distributions.
Measurements of affinity and efficacy are fundamental for work on agonists both in drug discovery and in basic studies on receptors. In this review I wish to consider methods for measuring affinity and efficacy at G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Agonist affinity may be estimated in terms of the dissociation constant for agonist binding to a receptor using ligand binding or functional assays. It has, however, been suggested that measurements of affinity are always contaminated by efficacy so that it is impossible to separate the two parameters. Here I show that for many GPCRs, if receptor/G protein coupling is suppressed, experimental measurements of agonist affinity using ligand binding (K-obs) provide quite accurate measures of the agonist microscopic dissociation constant (K-A). Also in pharmacological functional studies, good estimates of agonist dissociation constants are possible. Efficacy can be quantitated in several ways based on functional data ( maximal effect of the agonist (E-max), ratio of agonist dissociation constant to concentration of agonist giving half maximal effect in functional assay ( K-obs/ EC50), a combined parameter EmaxKobs/EC50). Here I show that EmaxKobs/EC50 provides the best assessment of efficacy for a range of agonists across the full range of efficacy for full to partial agonists. Considerable evidence now suggests that ligand efficacy may be dependent on the pathway used to assess it. The efficacy of a ligand may, therefore, be multidimensional. It is still, however, necessary to have accurate measures of efficacy in different pathways.
Here I argue that the best form of deontology is an ethic of prima facie duties, and that this form of deontology is especially resistant to any form of reduction to a single principle.
This article discusses the links between poverty, HIV/AIDS, and barriers to education, based on the first-hand experiences of ‘street children’ in northern Tanzania. Within the context of national levels of poverty, ‘cost-sharing’ in health and education sectors, and the AIDS epidemic, poor families in Tanzania are under considerable pressure, and increasing numbers of girls and boys are consequently seeking a living independently on the streets of towns and cities. My research with street children shows that some children orphaned by AIDS are subject to rejection and exploitation by the extended family after the death of their parent(s). They are exposed to considerable risks of abuse, sexual violence and HIV within the street environment. Here, I discuss the links between poverty, HIV and barriers to education, which compound young people’s vulnerability, and offer some policy recommendations in response to the young people’s experiences.