953 resultados para Height Velocity
In experiments on isolated animal muscle, the force produced during active lengthening contractions can be up to twice the isometric force, whereas in human experiments lengthening force shows only modest, if any, increase in force. The presence of synergist and antagonist muscle activation associated with human experiments in situ may partly account for the difference between animal and human studies. Therefore, this study aimed to quantify the force-velocity relationship of the human soleus muscle and assess the likelihood that co-activation of antagonist muscles was responsible for the inhibition of torque during submaximal voluntary plantar flexor efforts. Seven subjects performed submaximal voluntary lengthening, shortening(at angular, velocities of +5, -5, +15, -15 and +30, and -30degrees s(-1)) and isometric plantar flexor efforts against an ankle torque motor. Angle-specific (90degrees) measures of plantar flexor torque plus surface and intramuscular electromyography from soleus, medial gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior were made. The level of activation (30% of maximal voluntary isometric effort) was maintained by providing direct visual feedback of the soleus electromyogram to the subject. In an attempt to isolate the contribution of soleus to the resultant plantar flexion torque, activation of the synergist and antagonist muscles were minimised by: (1) flexing the knee of the test limb, thereby minimising the activation of gastrocnemius, and (2) applying an anaesthetic block to the common peroneal nerve to eliminate activation of the primary antagonist muscle, tibialis anterior and the synergist muscles, peroneus longus and peroneus brevis. Plantar flexion torque decreased significantly (P<0.05) after blocking the common peroneal nerve which was likely due to abolishing activation of the peroneal muscles which are synergists for plantar flexion. When normalised to the corresponding isometric value, the force-velocity relationship between pre- and post-block conditions was not different. In both conditions, plantar flexion torques during shortening actions were significantly less than the isometric torque and decreased at faster velocities. During lengthening actions, however, plantar flexion torques were not significantly different from isometric regardless of angular velocity. It was concluded that the apparent inhibition of lengthening torques during voluntary activation is not due to co-activation of antagonist muscles. Results are presented as mean (SEM).
The present fundamental knowledge of fluid turbulence has been established primarily from hot- and cold-wire measurements. Unfortunately, however, these measurements necessarily suffer from contamination by noise since no certain method has previously been available to optimally filter noise from the measured signals. This limitation has impeded our progress of understanding turbulence profoundly. We address this limitation by presenting a simple, fast-convergent iterative scheme to digitally filter signals optimally and find Kolmogorov scales definitely. The great efficacy of the scheme is demonstrated by its application to the instantaneous velocity measured in a turbulent jet.
We investigated the impact of obesity on the abnormalities of systolic and diastolic regional left ventricular (LV) function in patients with or without hypertension or hypertrophy, and without heart failure. We studied 120 individuals divided into 6 groups of 20 patients (42 +/- 6 years, 60 females) using standard and pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) echocardiography, and heterogeneity index (HI): nonobese (I: no hypertension, no hypertrophy, control group; II: hypertension, no hypertrophy; III: hypertension and hypertrophy) and obese (IV: no hypertension, no hypertrophy; V: hypertension, no hypertrophy; VI: hypertension and hypertrophy). The criterion for obesity was BMI >= 30 kg/m(2), for hypertension was blood pressure >= 140/90 mm Hg, for hypertrophy in nonobese was LV mass/body surface area (BSA) >134 g/m(2) (men) and >110 mg/m(2) (women), and in obese was LV mass/height((2.7)) >50 (men) and >40 (women). Obese groups had normal LV ejection fraction compared with nonobese groups, but decreased longitudinal and radial systolic myocardial peak velocities (S`), and early diastolic myocardial peak velocity (E`). Also, a great variability of E` and late diastolic myocardial peak velocity (A`) from the longitudinal basal region was observed in obese groups (E` basal nonobese: 11 +/- 7 vs. obese 19 +/- 11, P < 0.001, A` basal nonobese: 7 +/- 4 vs. obese 11 +/- 7, P < 0.001). Our findings were more evident when comparing groups IV with V and VI, with the latter having concentric hypertrophy and obvious segmental systolic and diastolic dysfunctions. Subclinical myocardial alterations and increased variability of the velocities were observed in obese groups, especially with hypertension and hypertrophy, reflecting impaired regional LV relaxation, segmental atrial, and systolic dysfunctions.
Objective: To evaluate nutritional recovery patterns in 106 undernourished children assisted by the Center of Nutritional Recovery and Education (CREN, in Portuguese) between January 1995 and December 1999. Design: CREN assists undernourished children aged 0 to 72 months living in the southern regions of Sao Paulo, in an outpatient setting. Nutritional status was assessed by Z-scores of weight-for-age, height-for-age and weight-for-height. Nutritional recovery evaluation considered Z-score gains in weight-for-age and height-for-age, grouping into four categories (Z-score increment of 0.50 between groups). Children with birth weight less than 2500 g were classified as low birth weight (LBW), while those born at term and with LBW were classified as small for gestational age. Setting: CREN (Center of Nutritional Recovery and Education in Portuguese), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Subjects: One hundred and six children from CREN. Results: Among the 106 evaluated children, ninety-eight (92.5%)recovered their weight or height and seventy-two (67.9%) recovered both. Nearly half of studied children presented a nutritional recovery (increase in Z-score) of more than 0.50 in height-for-age (46.2%) and about 40% in weight-for-age (38.7%). Multivariate analysis showed that treatment duration and initial weight-for-age contributed to weight-for-age Z-score increment, explaining 25% of the variation; and treatment duration, initial height-for-age and weight-for-age Z-score increment contributed to height-for-age Z-score increment, explaining 62% of the variation. Conclusions: Our findings show that nutritional recovery among children who attended CREN was influenced primarily by the degree of nutritional deficit at admission. It has also been shown that biological variables are more important than socio-economic status in determining the rate of nutritional recovery.
Arterial stiffness is an independent marker of cardiovascular events. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a validated method to detect arterial stiffness that can be influenced by several factors including age and blood pressure. However, it is not clear whether PWV could be influenced by circadian variations. In the present study, the authors measured blood pressure and carotid-femoral PWV measurements in 15 young healthy volunteers in 4 distinct periods: 8 am, noon, 4 pm, and 8 pm. No significant variations of systolic (P=.92), mean (P=.77), and diastolic (P=.66) blood pressure among 8 am (113 +/- 15, 84 +/- 8, 69 +/- 6 mm Hg), noon (114 +/- 13, 83 +/- 8, 68 +/- 6 mm Hg), 4 pm (114 +/- 13, 85 +/- 8, 70 +/- 7 mm Hg), and 8 pm (113 +/- 7, 83 +/- 10, 68 +/- 7 mm Hg), respectively, were observed. Similarly, carotid-femoral PWV did not change among the periods (8 am: 7.6 +/- 1.4 m/s, noon: 7.4 +/- 1.1 m/s, 4 pm: 7.6 +/- 1.0 m/s, 8 pm, 7.6 +/- 1.3 m/s; P=.85). Considering all measurements, mean blood pressure significantly correlated with PWV (r=.31; P=.016). In young healthy volunteers, there is no significant circadian variation of carotid-femoral PWV. These findings support the concept that it does not appear mandatory to perform PWV measurements at exactly the same period of the day. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2011;13:19-22. (c) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Background: The relation between left ventricular filing velocities determined by Doppler echocardiography and autonomic nervous system function assessed by heart rate variability (HRV) is unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the autonomic nervous system assessed by the time and frequency domain indices of HRV in the Doppler indices of left ventricular diastolic filling velocities in patients without heart disease. Methods: We studied 451 healthy individuals (255 female [56.4%]) with normal blood pressure, electrocardiogram, chest x-ray, and treadmill electrocardiographic exercise stress test results, with a mean age of 43 +/- 12 (range 15-82) years, who underwent transthoracic Doppler echocardiography and 24-hour electrocardiographic ambulatory monitoring. We studied indices of HRV on time (standard deviation [SD] of all normal sinus RR intervals during 24 hours, SD of averaged normal sinus RR intervals for all 5-minute segments, mean of the SD of all normal sinus RR intervals for all 5-minute segments, root-mean-square of the successive normal sinus RR interval difference, and percentage of successive normal sinus RR intervals > 50 ms) and frequency (low frequency, high frequency, very low frequency, low frequency/high frequency ratio) domains relative to peak flow velocity during rapid passive filling phase (E), atrial contraction (A), E/A ratio, E-wave deceleration time, and isovolumic relaxation time. Statistical analysis was performed with Pearson correlation and logistic regression. Results: Peak flow velocity during rapid passive filling phase (E) and atrial contraction (A), E/A ratio, and deceleration time of early mitral inflow did not demonstrate a significant correlation with indices of HRV in time and frequency domain. We found that the E/A ratio was < 1 in 45 individuals (10%). Individuals with an E/A ratio < 1 had lower indices of HRV in frequency domain (except low frequency/high frequency) and lower indices of the mean of the SD of all normal sinus RR intervals for all 5-minute segments, root-mean-square of the successive normal sinus RR interval difference, and percentage of successive normal sinus RR intervals > 50 ms in time domain. Logistic regression demonstrated that an E/A ratio < 1 was associated with lower HF. Conclusion: Individuals with no evidence of heart disease and an E/A ratio < 1 demonstrated a significant decrease in indexes of HRV associated with parasympathetic modulation. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2010;23: 762-5.)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the final stature of adults with childhood-onset steroid-responsive idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) and the influence of disease-related issues on the achievement of their target heights. We analyzed 60 (41 male) patients and/or their records, with a minimum age of 19 years or at a Tanner`s pubertal stage 4 for boys or status postmenarche for girls, and normal glomerular filtration rate. Mean age at first and last consultation was 5.3 +/- 2.4 years and 20.5 +/- 3.1 years, respectively. Mean follow-up period was 15.10 years. Mean cumulative dose of prednisone was 1254 +/- 831.40 mg/kg. Mean initial and final height Z scores (HtZ) were, respectively, -0.60 +/- 1.0 and -0.64 +/- 0.92 (p = 0.72). The final HtZ showed a significant correlation only with the initial HtZ and the target HtZ (THZ). Six patients achieved a final HtZ below -2, which in male patients correlated strongly to the initial HtZ and THZ. A strong correlation was demonstrated between final HtZ, initial HtZ, and THZ. INS-related issues did not prevent the final stature to reach the predicted target height.
Context: Several factors can affect adult height (AH) of patients with gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty (GDPP) treated with depot GnRH analogs. Objective: Our objective was to determine factors influencing AH in patients with GDPP treated with depot GnRH analogs. Patients: A total of 54 patients (45 girls) with GDPP treated with depot GnRH analog who reached AH was included in the study. Design: Univariate and multivariate analyses of the factors potentially associated with AH were performed in all girls with GDPP. In addition, clinical features of the girls who attained target height (TH) range were compared with those who did not. Predicted height using Bayley and Pinneau tables was compared with attained AH. Results: In girls the mean AH was 155.3 +/- 6.9 cm (-1.2 +/- 1 SD) with TH range achieved by 81% of this group. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the interval between chronological age at onset of puberty and at the start of GnRH analog therapy, height SD scores (SDSs) at the start and end of therapy, and TH explained 74% of AH variance. The predicted height at interruption of GnRH therapy, obtained from Bayley and Pinneau tables for average bone age, was more accurate than for advanced bone age in both sexes. In boys the mean AH was 170.6 +/- 9.2 cm (-1 +/- 1.3 SDS), whereas TH was achieved by 89% of this group. Conclusions: The major factors determining normal AH in girls with GDPP treated with depot GnRH analogs were shorter interval between the onset of puberty and start of therapy, higher height SDS at the start and end of therapy, and TH. Therefore, prompt depot GnRH analog therapy in properly selected patients with GDPP is critical to obtain normal AH.
The biomechanics of the sacroiliac joint makes the pelvic segment responsible for proper weight distribution between lower extremities; however, it is known to be susceptible to altered mobility. The objective of this study was to analyze baropodometric responses following thrust manipulation on subjects with sacroiliac joint restrictions. Twenty asymptomatic subjects were submitted to computerized baropodometric analysis before, after, and seven days following sacroiliac manipulation. The variables peak pressure and contact area were obtained at each of these periods as the average of absolute values of the difference between the right and left foot based on three trials. Data revealed significant reduction only in peak pressure immediately after manipulation and at follow-up when compared to pre-manipulative values (p < 0.05). Strong correlation was found between the dominant foot and the foot with greater contact area (r - 0.978), as well as between the side of joint restriction and the foot with greater contact area (r = 0.884). Weak correlation was observed between the dominant foot and the foot with greater peak pressure (r = 0.501), as well as between the side of joint restriction and the foot with greater peak pressure (r = 0.694). The results suggest that sacroiliac joint manipulation can influence peak pressure distribution between feet, but contact area does not seem to be related to the biomechanical aspects addressed in this study. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ultrasonometry seems to have a future for the evaluation of fracture healing. Ultrasound propagation velocity (USPV) significantly decreases at the same time that bone diameter decreases as healing takes place, thus approaching normal values. In this investigation, both USPV and broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) were measured using a model of a transverse mid-diaphyseal osteotomy of sheep tibiae. Twenty-one sheep were operated and divided into three groups of seven, according to the follow-up period of 30, 60, and 90 days, respectively. The progress of healing of the osteotomy was checked with monthly conventional radiographs. The animals were killed at the end of the period of observation of each group, both operated-upon and intact tibiae being resected and submitted to the measurement of underwater transverse and direct contact transverse and longitudinal USPV and BUA at the osteotomy site. The intact left tibia of the 21 animals was used for control, being examined on a symmetrical diaphyseal segment. USPV increased while BUA decreased with the progression of healing, with significant differences between the operated and untouched tibiae and between the periods of observation, for most of the comparisons. There was a strong negative correlation between USPV and BUA. Both USPV and BUA directly reflect and can help predict the healing of fractures, but USPV alone can be used as a fundamental parameter. Ultrasonometry may be of use in clinical application to humans provided adequate adaptations can be developed. (C) 2010 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 29:444-451, 2011
The aim of this study was to evaluate the arterial and venous blood flow in women who underwent upper limb axillary dissection surgery for the treatment of breast cancer. Sixty women were divided into two groups: group 1 (G1)-30 women who underwent breast surgery with axillary dissection level II or III (55.6 +/- A 8.6 years); group 2 (G2)-control, 30 women with no breast cancer (57.4 +/- A 7.0 years). Blood flow profile was evaluated by a continuous wave ultrasound Doppler device (Nicolet Vascular Versalab SE(A (R))) with an 8 MHz probe. Axillary, brachial arteries and veins, arm circumference, volumes, and the ankle-brachial index (ABI) were examined. Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney tests were applied to analyze blood flow velocity intra-group and between G1 and G2, respectively. The G1 results showed no lymphedema and no peripheral arterial disease (ABI > 0.9). Moreover, the mean blood flow velocity of the vessels ipsilateral to the surgery was significantly higher than the contralateral ones for all vessels examined (P < 0.05). The mean velocity of blood flow of the vessels contralateral to surgery was significantly higher than the axillary artery in G2 (P < 0.05). It can be concluded that women who underwent axillary dissection due to breast cancer showed probable stenosis in the arterial and venous axillary and brachial vessels of the upper limb ipsilateral to the surgery, confirmed by the increase of blood flow velocity, and such obstruction might affect the limb contralateral to the operation site.
Context: Melanocortin receptor 4 (MC4R) deficiency is characterized by increased linear growth greater than expected for the degree of obesity. Objective: The objective of the investigation was to study the somatotroph axis in obese MC4R-deficient patients and equally obese controls. Patients and Methods: We obtained anthropometric measurements and insulin concentrations in 153 MC4R-deficient subjects and 1392 controls matched for age and severity of obesity. We measured fasting IGF-I, IGF-II, IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-1, IGFBP-3, and acid-labile subunit levels in a subset of 33 MC4R-deficient patients and 36 control subjects. We examined pulsatile GH secretion in six adult MC4R-deficient subjects and six obese controls. Results: Height so score was significantly greater in MC4R-deficient children under 5 yr of age compared with controls (mean +/- SEM: 2.3 +/- 0.06 vs. 1.8 +/- 0.04, P < 0.001), an effect that persisted throughout childhood. Final height (cm) was greater in MC4R-deficient men (mean +/- SEM 173 +/- 2.5 vs. 168 +/- 2.1, P < 0.001) and women (mean 165 +/- 2.1 vs. 158 +/- 1.9, P < 0.001). Fasting IGF-I, IGF-II, acid-labile subunit, and IGFBP-3 concentrations were similar in the two groups. GH levels were markedly suppressed in obese controls, but pulsatile GH secretion was retained in MC4R deficiency. The mean maximal GH secretion rate per burst (P < 0.05) and mass per burst (P < 0.05) were increased in MC4R deficiency, consistent with increased pulsatile and total GH secretion. Fasting insulin levels were markedly elevated in MC4R-deficient children. Conclusions: In MC4R deficiency, increased linear growth in childhood leads to increased adult final height, greater than predicted by obesity alone. GH pulsatility is maintained in MC4R deficiency, a finding consistent with animal studies, suggesting a role for MC4R in controlling hypothalamic somatostatinergic tone. Fasting insulin levels are significantly higher in children carrying MC4R mutations. Both of these factors may contribute to the accelerated growth phenotype characteristic of MC4R deficiency. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 96: E181-E188, 2011)