927 resultados para Heck reaction


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Numerical methods ave used to solve double diffusion driven reactive flow transport problems in deformable fluid-saturated porous media. in particular, thp temperature dependent reaction rate in the non-equilibrium chemical reactions is considered. A general numerical solution method, which is a combination of the finite difference method in FLAG and the finite element method in FIDAP, to solve the fully coupled problem involving material deformation, pore-fluid flow, heat transfer and species transport/chemical reactions in deformable fluid-saturated porous media has been developed The coupled problem is divided into two subproblems which are solved interactively until the convergence requirement is met. Owing to the approximate nature of the numerical method, if is essential to justify the numerical solutions through some kind of theoretical analysis. This has been highlighted in this paper The related numerical results, which are justified by the theoretical analysis, have demonstrated that the proposed solution method is useful for and applicable to a wide range of fully coupled problems in the field of science and engineering.


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General measures of reaction to noise, which assess the respondent's perceived affectedness or dissatisfaction, appear to be more valid and internally consistent than more narrow measures, such as specific assessment of noise annoyance. However, the test-retest reliability of general and specific measures has yet to be compared. As a part of the large-scale Sydney Airport Health Study, 97 respondents participated in the same interview twice, several weeks apart. Test-retest reliabilities were found to be significant (p


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The number of repeats in repetitive DNA like micro- and minisatellites is often determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). When we counted repeats in an array of mitochondrial repeats in the cattle tick (Boophilus microplus) we found that the number of repeats increased during PCR. Multiplication of the repeats was independent of the primers used to amplify the region, the PCR annealing temperature and the length of the PCR product. The use of PCR to determine the number of repeats in arrays needs to be reassessed. For long repeats, a subset of samples should always be analysed by Southern blot hybridization to confirm the PCR results.


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The effect that the difficulty of the discrimination between task-relevant and task-irrelevant stimuli has on the relationship between skin conductance orienting and secondary task reaction time (RT) was examined. Participants (N = 72) counted the number of longer-than-usual presentations of one shape (task-relevant) and ignored presentations of another shape (task-irrelevant). The difficulty of discriminating between the two shapes varied across three groups (low, medium, and high difficulty). Simultaneous with the primary counting task, participants performed a secondary RT task to acoustic probes presented 50, 150, and 2000 ms following shape onset. Skin conductance orienting was larger, and secondary RT at the 2000 ms probe position was slower during task-relevant shapes than during task-irrelevant shapes in the low-difficulty group. This difference declined as the discrimination difficulty was increased, such that there was no difference in the high-difficulty group. Secondary RT was slower during task-irrelevant shapes than during task-relevant shapes only in the medium-difficulty group-and only at the 150 ms probe position in the first half of the experiment. The close relationship between autonomic orienting and secondary RT at the 2000 ms probe position suggests that orienting reflects the resource allocation that results from the number of matching features between a stimulus input and a mental representation primed as significant.


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Background. We aimed at investigating the influence of diabetic neuropathy and previous history of plantar ulcers on electromyography (EMG) of the thigh and calf and on vertical ground reaction forces during gait. Methods. This study involved 45 adults divided into three groups: a control group (n = 16), diabetic neuropathic group (n = 19) and diabetic neuropathic group with previous history of plantar ulceration (it = 10). EMG of the right vastus lateralis, lateral gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior were studied during the stance phase. The peaks and time of peak occurrence were determined and a co-activation index between tibialis anterior and lateral gastrocnemius. In order to represent the effect of the changes in EMG, the first and second peaks and the minimum value of the vertical ground reaction force were also determined. Inter-group comparisons of the electromyographical and ground reaction forces variables were made using three MANCOVA (peaks and times of EMG and peaks of force) and one ANCOVA (co-activation index). Findings. The ulcerated group presented a delayed in the time of the lateral gastrocnemius and vastus lateralis peak occurrence in comparison to control`s. The lateral gastrocnemius delay may be related to the lower second vertical peak in diabetic subjects. However, the delay of the vastus lateralis did not cause any significant change on the first vertical peak. Interpretations. The vastus lateralis and lateral gastrocnemius delay demonstrate that ulcerated diabetic neuropathic patients have a motor deficit that could compromise their ability to walk, which was partially confirmed by changes on ground reaction forces during the push-off phase. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background Recently, there has been an increase in the incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), which represents an important health problem. This increase may be related to the epidemiologic expansion of the infective agent and the increase in tourism in tropical areas. The difficulty in clinical diagnosis, mainly in areas in which CL is not the first consideration of local physicians, has intensified efforts to describe diagnostic tests, which should be specific, sensitive, and practical. Amongst the new tests described are those including nucleic acid amplification (polymerase chain reaction, PCR) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Methods In this study, we evaluated the sensitivity of a PCR based on small subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA, in comparison with IHC using Leishmania spp. antibodies, in biopsies embedded in paraffin. Result The results indicated a total sensitivity of 96% (90.9% with PCR and 68.8% with IHC), showing the possibility of using paraffin-embedded biopsies to diagnose CL. Conclusion We propose the use of the two tests together as a routine protocol for diagnosis. This would require the provision of local medical services to perform molecular biology techniques and adequate Leishmania antibodies.


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BACKGROUND: Chagas` disease reactivation (CDR) after heart transplantation is characterized by relapse of the infectious disease, with direct detection of Trypanosoma cruzi parasites in blood, cerebrospinal fluid, or tissues. CDR affecting the myocardium induces lymphocytic myocarditis and should be distinguished from acute cellular rejection in endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) specimens. METHODS: We performed retrospectively qualitative polymerase chain reaction for T cruzi DNA using 2 sets of primers targeting nuclear DNA (nDNA) or kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) in 61 EMB specimens of 11 chagasic heart transplant recipients who presented with CDR. Thirty-five EMB specimens were obtained up to 6 months before (pre-CDR group) and 26 up to 2 years after the diagnosis of CDR. The control group consisted of 6 chagasic heart transplant recipients with 18 EMB specimens who never experienced CDR. RESULTS: Amplification of kDNA occurred in 8 of 35 (22.9%) EMB specimens of the pre-CDR group, in 5 of 18(27.8%) of the control group, and in 17 of 26(65.4%) EMB specimens obtained after the successful treatment of CDR. Amplification of nDNA occurred in 3 of 35 (8.6%) EMB specimens of the pre-CDR group, 0 of 18 (0%) of the control group, and 6 of 26 (23.1%) EMB specimens obtained after the successful treatment of CDR. CONCLUSIONS: Amplification of kDNA in EMB specimens is not specific for the diagnosis of CDR, occurring also in patients with no evidence of CDR (control group). However, amplification of nDNA occurred in a few EMB specimens obtained before CDR, but in none of the control group specimens. Qualitative PCR for T cruzi DNA in EMB specimens should not be used as a criterion for cure of CDR because it can persist positive despite favorable clinical evolution of the patients. J Heart Lung Transplant 2011;30:799-804 (C) 2011 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. All rights reserved.


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This paper analyzes the astroglial and neuronal responses in subtelencephalic structures, following a bilateral ablation of the telencephalon in the Columba livia pigeons. Control birds received a sham operation. Four months later the birds were sacrificed and their brains processed for glial fribillary acid protein (GFAP) and neurofilament immunohistochemistry, markers for astrocytes and neurons, respectively. Computer-assisted image analysis was employed for quantification of the immunoreactive labeling in the nucleus rotundus (N.Rt) and the optic tectum (OT) of the birds. An increased number of GFAP immunoreactive astrocytes were found in several subregions of the N.Rt (p .001), as well as in layers 1, 2cd, 3, and 6 of the OT (p .001) of the lesioned animals. Neurofilament immunoreactivity decreased massively in the entire N.Rt of the lesioned birds; however, remaining neurons with healthy aspect showing large cytoplasm and ramified branches were detected mainly in the periphery of the nucleus. In view of the recently described paracrine neurotrophic properties of the activated astrocytes, the data of the present study may suggest a long-lasting neuroglial interaction in regions of the lesioned bird brain far from injury. Such events may trigger neuronal plasticity in remaining brain structures that may lead spontaneous behavior recovery as the one promoted here even after a massive injury.


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The use of improved microbiological procedures associated with molecular techniques has increased the identification of Candida bloodstream infections, even if the isolation of more than one species by culture methods remains uncommon. We report the cases of two children presenting with severe gastrointestinal disorders and other risk factors that contribute to Candida infections. In the first patient, C. albicans DNA was initially detected by a nested-amplification and C. tropicalis was found later during hospitalization, while blood cultures were persistently negative. In the second child, there was amplification of C. albicans and C. glabrata DNA in the same samples, but blood cultures yielded only C. albicans. Both patients received antifungal therapy but had unfavorable outcomes. These two cases illustrate that PCR was more successful than culture methods in detecting Candida in the bloodstream of high risk children, and was also able to detect the presence of more than one species in the same patient that might impact therapy when the fungi are resistant to azole compounds.


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The majority of severe hypersensitivity reactions in hemodialysis patients have occurred due to sensitization to ethylene oxide or to nonbiocompatible membrane dialyzers. The use of polysulfone dialyzers rarely causes hypersensitivity reactions. In the present study, we describe a case of severe life-threatening reactions induced by polysulfone dialyzers (from different manufacturers subjected to a variety of sterilization methods), which occurred after 9 sessions of hemodialysis with the same prescription, exemplifying the complexity of such reactions.


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Cutaneous tuberculosis has re-emerged in the last 15 years together with the higher incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis and multidrug resistance. The choice for a single diagnostic tool among the many available today is a challenge. Our objective was to compare polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with other exams in the diagnosis of cutaneous tuberculosis and atypical mycobacteria skin infection. PCR and a set of five different exams were performed in 32 patients (34 samples of paraffin-embedded tissue) evaluated for 3 years in a university hospital, considering the response to mycobacterial infection treatment as a positive case. PCR was the most sensitive (88%) and specific (83%) exam. Culture, immunohistochemistry and acid-fast bacilli were not in agreement with clinical response to treatment. Although PCR is a useful tool, careful clinical exam is still the gold standard for the evaluation and treatment of cutaneous tuberculosis and mycobacteria skin infection.


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Background: Blood screening for hepatitis B virus (HBV) is not universally performed for donor selection in human milk banks. Objectives: To evaluate the frequency of detection of HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) and HBV-DNA in colostrum of HBV-infected nursing mothers before and after Holder pasteurization. Study design: Forty-two concentrated breast milk samples were obtained within two postnatal weeks from 24 HBsAg-positive women (4 HBeAg-positive and 20 HBeAg-negative, anti-HBe-positive) were tested for the presence of HBsAg and HBV-DNA before and after Holder pasteurization (30 min at 62.5 degrees C). Results: Before pasteurization, HBsAg and HBV-DNA were found in 14/24 (58%), and 20/24 (75%) first milk samples, respectively, obtained by 4 days after delivery. At least one marker was detected in 20/24 (83%) milk samples. Both markers were identified in milk of HBeAg-positive mothers, and most mothers with anti-HBe in blood had at least one HBV marker. Once detected, viral markers were frequently found in milk samples subsequently obtained from the same woman. Holder pasteurization did not affect the probability of detecting HBsAg (8/18, 44%), HBV-DNA (12/18, 67%). or at least one of them (15118, 83%). Conclusions: Although the biological implications of these findings remain to be determined, considering that HBV is highly contagious and most recipients of banked human milk are preterm infants, these findings should be taken into account when donors are enlisted for human milk banks without serological screening. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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HIV patients frequently have opportunistic oesophageal infections. We report Haemophilus ducreyi genetic material detected by polymerase chain reaction in biopsies of oesophageal lesions in three HIV-1-infected patients. This finding may be an indication of its aetiopathological role in oesophageal lesions of HIV patients.


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Endothelins (ETs) are involved in inflammatory events, including pain, fever, edema, and cell migration. ET-1 levels are increased in plasma and synovial membrane of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, but the evidence that ETs participate in RA physiopathology is limited. The present study investigated the involvement of ETs in neutrophil accumulation and edema formation in the murine model of zymosan-induced arthritis. Intra-articular (i.a.) administration of selective ETA or ETB receptor antagonists (BQ-123 and BQ-788, respectively; 15 pmol/cavity) prior to i.a. zymosan injection (500 mu g/cavity) markedly reduced knee-joint edema formation and neutrophil influx to the synovial cavity 6 h and 24 h after stimulation. Histological analysis showed that ETA or ETB receptor blockade suppressed zymosan-induced neutrophil accumulation in articular tissue at 6 h. Likewise, dual blockade of ETA/ETB with bosentan (10 mg/kg, i.v.) also reduced edema formation and neutrophil counts 6 h after zymosan stimulation. Pretreatment with BQ-123 or BQ-788 (i.a.; 15 pmol/cavity) also decreased zymosan-induced TNF-alpha production within 6 h, keratinocyte-derived chemokine/CXCL1 production within 24 h, and leukotriene B-4 at both time-points. Consistent with the demonstration that ET receptor antagonists inhibit zymosan-induced inflammation, i.a. injection of ET-1 (1-30 pmol/cavity) or sarafotoxin S6c (0.1-30 pmol/cavity) also triggered edema formation and neutrophil accumulation within 6 h. Moreover, knee-joint synovial tissue expressed ETA and ETB receptors. These findings suggest that endogenous ETs contribute to knee-joint inflammation, acting through ETA and ETB receptors and modulating edema formation, neutrophil recruitment, and production of inflammatory mediators.