995 resultados para Heavy elements


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Heavy metals is a loose term usually used to indicate environmentally "bad" metals. It is poorly defined with a multitude of often contradictory definitions based on density, atomic weight, atomic number or other properties of the elements or their compounds. Alternative. scientifically rigorous definitions exist for subgroups of metals and should be used instead. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the results of quasi-static and dynamic testing of glass fiber-reinforced polyester leaf suspension for rail freight vehicles named Euroleaf. The principal elements of the suspension's design and manufacturing process are initially summarized. Comparison between quasi-static tests and finite element predictions are then presented. The Euroleaf suspension have been mounted on a tipper wagon and tested dynamically at tare and full load on a purpose-built shaker rig. A shaker rig dynamic testing methodology has been pioneered for rail vehicles, which follows closely road vehicle suspension dynamic testing methodology. The use and evaluation of this methodology have demonstrated that the Euroleaf suspension is dynamically much softer than steel suspensions even though it is statically much stiffer. As a consequence, the suspension dynamic loading at laden loading conditions is reduced compared to the most advanced steel leaf suspension over shaker rig track tests.


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Ambient concentrations of trace elements with 2 h time resolution were measured in PM10–2.5, PM2.5–1.0 and PM1.0–0.3 size ranges at kerbside, urban background and rural sites in London during winter 2012. Samples were collected using rotating drum impactors (RDIs) and subsequently analysed with synchrotron radiation-induced X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (SR-XRF). Quantification of kerb and urban increments (defined as kerb-to-urban and urban-to-rural concentration ratios, respectively), and assessment of diurnal and weekly variability provided insight into sources governing urban air quality and the effects of urban micro-environments on human exposure. Traffic-related elements yielded the highest kerb increments, with values in the range of 10.4 to 16.6 for SW winds (3.3–6.9 for NE) observed for elements influenced by brake wear (e.g. Cu, Sb, Ba) and 5.7 to 8.2 for SW (2.6–3.0 for NE) for other traffic-related processes (e.g. Cr, Fe, Zn). Kerb increments for these elements were highest in the PM10–2.5 mass fraction, roughly twice that of the PM1.0–0.3 fraction. These elements also showed the highest urban increments (~ 3.0), although no difference was observed between brake wear and other traffic-related elements. All elements influenced by traffic exhibited higher concentrations during morning and evening rush hours, and on weekdays compared to weekends, with the strongest trends observed at the kerbside site, and additionally enhanced by winds coming directly from the road, consistent with street canyon effects. Elements related to mineral dust (e.g. Al, Si, Ca, Sr) showed significant influences from traffic-induced resuspension, as evidenced by moderate kerb (3.4–5.4 for SW, 1.7–2.3 for NE) and urban (~ 2) increments and increased concentrations during peak traffic flow. Elements related to regional transport showed no significant enhancement at kerb or urban sites, with the exception of PM10–2.5 sea salt (factor of up to 2), which may be influenced by traffic-induced resuspension of sea and/or road salt. Heavy-duty vehicles appeared to have a larger effect than passenger vehicles on the concentrations of all elements influenced by resuspension (including sea salt) and wearing processes. Trace element concentrations in London were influenced by both local and regional sources, with coarse and intermediate fractions dominated by traffic-induced resuspension and wearing processes and fine particles influenced by regional transport.


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The concentrations of 12 trace metals were assessed in wild and cultured specimens of blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra, from each of two sites, Geelong and Port Fairy, in Victoria, Australia. Cadmium, copper, iron and zinc were quantified in the foot muscle of specimens from all four populations but the concentrations of aluminium, arsenic, beryllium, chromium, lead, manganese, nickel and vanadium were below the detection limits of the instrumental techniques employed. When similar sized specimens from each population were compared, the concentrations of each of the quantifiable metals varied according to location. The Geelong wild population had the highest or equal highest concentrations of each metal. Metal concentrations in the wild populations were usually greater than or equal to the concentrations in the corresponding cultured population. The concentrations of the regulated essential elements, copper and zinc, decreased with an increase in abalone length whereas the concentrations of iron, manganese and cadmium were independent of length. Metal concentrations in H. rubra from all sites complied with the Australian Food Code and other standards of food safety.


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Titanium alloys are excellent implant materials for orthopedic applications due to their desirable properties, such as good corrosion resistance, low elasticity modulus, and excellent biocompatibility. The presence of interstitial elements (such as oxygen and nitrogen) causes strong changes in the material's mechanical properties, mainly in its elastic properties. Study of the interaction among interstitial elements present in metals began with Snoek's postulate, that a stress-induced ordering of interstitials gives rise to a peak in the mechanical relaxation (internal friction) spectra. In the mechanical relaxation spectra, each species of interstitial solute atom gives rise to a distinct Snoek's peak, whose temperature and position depend on the measurement frequency. This effect is very interesting because its peculiar parameters are directly related to the diffusion coefficient (D) for the interstitial solute. This paper presents a study of diffusion of heavy interstitial elements in Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta alloys using mechanical spectroscopy. Pre-exponential factors and activation energies are calculated for oxygen and nitrogen in theses alloys.


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The mechanical properties of metals with bcc structure, such as niobium and its alloys, have changed significantly with the introduction of heavy interstitial elements. These interstitial elements (nitrogen, for example), present in the alloy, occupy octahedral sites and constitute an elastic dipole of tetragonal symmetry and might produce anelastic relaxation. This article presents the effect of nitrogen on the anelastic properties of Nb-1.0 wt% Zr alloys, measured by means of mechanical spectroscopy using a torsion pendulum. The results showed complex anelastic relaxation structures, which were resolved into their constituent peaks, representing each relaxation process. These processes are due to stress-induced ordering of the interstitial elements around the niobium and zirconium of the alloy.


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We report a method for studying global DNA methylation based on using bisulfite treatment of DNA and simultaneous PCR of multiple DNA repetitive elements, such as Alu elements and long interspersed nucleotide elements (LINE). The PCR product, which represents a pool of approximately 15000 genomic loci, could be used for direct sequencing, selective restriction digestion or pyrosequencing, in order to quantitate DNA methylation. By restriction digestion or pyrosequencing, the assay was reproducible with a standard deviation of only 2% between assays. Using this method we found that almost two-thirds of the CpG methylation sites in Alu elements are mutated, but of the remaining methylation target sites, 87% were methylated. Due to the heavy methylation of repetitive elements, this assay was especially useful in detecting decreases in DNA methylation, and this assay was validated by examining cell lines treated with the methylation inhibitor 5-aza-2'deoxycytidine (DAC), where we found a 1-16% decrease in Alu element and 18-60% LINE methylation within 3 days of treatment. This method can be used as a surrogate marker of genome-wide methylation changes. In addition, it is less labor intensive and requires less DNA than previous methods of assessing global DNA methylation.


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Electroweak transition form factors of heavy meson decays are important ingredients in the extraction of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements from experimental data. In this work, within a. light-front framework, we calculate electroweak transition form factor for the semileptonic decay of D mesons into a pion or a kaon. The model results underestimate in both cases the new data of CLEO for the larger momentum transfers accessible in the experiment. We discuss possible reasons for that in order to improve the model.


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The Bura do Itapira pua carbonatite is located in southern Brazil and belongs to the Cretaceous Ponta Grossa alkaline-carbonatitic province related to the opening of the South Atlantic. The carbonatite complex is emplaced in Proterozoic granites and is mainly composed of plutonic magnesio- to ferrocarbonatite, with smaller amounts of subvolcanic magnesiocarbonatite. Hydrothermal alteration of the carbonatite has led to the formation of quartz, apatite, fluorite, rue earth fluorocarbonates, barite and sulfides in variable proportions. Trace element data, delta(13)C and delta(18)O are presented here, with the aim of better understanding the geochemical nature of hydrothermal alteration related to rare earth elements (REE) mineralization. The non-overprinted plutonic carbonatite shows the lowest REE contents, and its primitive carbon and oxygen stable isotopic composition places it in the field of primary igneous carbonatites. Two types of hydrothermally overprinted plutonic carbonatites can be distinguished based on secondary minerals and geochemical composition. Type I contains mainly quartz, rare earth fluorocarbonates and apatite as hydrothermal secondary minerals, and has steep chondrite normalized REE patterns, with Sigma(REE+Y) of up to 3 wt.% (i.e., two orders of magnitude higher than in fresh plutonic samples). In contrast, the Type II overprint contains apatite, fluorite and barite as dominant hydrothermal minerals, and is characterized by heavy REE enrichment relative to the fresh samples, with flat chondrite normalized REE patterns. Carbon and oxygen stable isotope ratios of Types I and II are elevated (delta(18)O + 8 to + 12 parts per thousand; delta(13)C - 6 to - 2 parts per thousand) relative to the fresh samples. Hydrothermally overprinted carbonatites exposed to weathering show even higher delta(18)O values (delta(18)O 13 to 25 parts per thousand) but no additional REE enrichment. The subvolcanic carbonatite has anomalously high delta(13)C of up to + 1 parts per thousand, which suggests crustal contamination through interaction with carbonate-bearing metasediments. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Samples of water, suspended solids, and bottom sediments from the Madeira River, Rondonia state, Brazil, were physically and chemically analyzed to investigate the actual Hg mobilization in the aquatic environment and compare it with that of other heavy metals and elements in the area. Two dimensionless Hg preference ratios were defined, expressing (1) the ratio of Hg and other elements in the liquid phase divided by the ratio of Hg and other elements in bottom sediments (P(l.phase)) and (2) the ratio of Hg and other elements in the particulate matter divided by the ratio of Hg and other elements in bottom sediments (P(s.solids)). These preference ratios are useful for comparing Hg transport in three different phases (liquid, particulate matter, and bottom sediments). They also were applicable to any analyzed elementin the area studied, because they generated an almost constant value when the maximum calculated was divided by the minimum (P(l.phase) = 2931; P(s.solids) = 84) and because of their sensitivity to the dominance of sorption processes by Fe oxides and hydroxides. Mercury could be transported preferentially to other analyzed elements in the particulate phase only if its concentration reached values at least 10(4)-fold higher than those expected or quantified in the area. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The mechanical properties of metals with bee structure, such as niobium and their alloys, are changed of a significant way by the introduction of heavy interstitial elements. These interstitial elements (oxygen, for example) present in the metallic matrix occupy octahedral sites and constitute an elastic dipole of tetragonal symmetry and might produce anelastic relaxation. Polycrystalline samples of Nb-0.3 wt.% Ti (Nb-Ti) alloy with oxygen in solid solution were analysed. The anelastic spectroscopy measurements had been made in a torsion pendulum, with frequencies in the Hz range, in a temperature range between 300 and 700 K. The results showed thermally activated relaxation structures were identified four relaxation process attributed to stress-induced ordering of single oxygen, nitrogen and carbon atoms around niobium and stress-induced ordering of single oxygen atoms around titanium atoms. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Solid-state Ln-L compounds, where Ln stands for heavy trivalent lanthanides or yttrium(III) (Tb-Lu, Y) and L is succinate, have been synthesized. Simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), infrared spectroscopy, TG-DTA coupled to FTIR, elemental analysis, X-ray powder diffractometry and complexometry were used to characterize and study the thermal behavior of these compounds. For the terbium to thulium and yttrium compounds, the dehydration, as well the thermal decomposition of the anhydrous compound occurs in two consecutive steps, while ytterbium and lutetium the dehydration occurs in a single step. The results also led to information about the ligand's denticity, thermal stability and thermal decomposition of these compounds. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)