990 resultados para Heart score


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Se realiza un estudio de corte transversal en el periodo de enero a septiembre del año 2016 en la unidad coronaria del Hospital San José Centro de la Ciudad de Bogotá; en pacientes con sospecha de enfermedad coronaria (Síndrome coronario agudo y angina estable) y antecedente de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2, se recolectaron 42 pacientes con los criterios de inclusión a quienes se realizó angiografía coronaria como parte del protocolo de estudio y manejo de la unidad, el objetivo primario fue demostrar la posible correlación entre niveles de hemoglobina glicosilada y la escala de severidad SYNTAX Score I y II de enfermedad coronaria, como objetivos secundarios; caracterizar las variables sociodemográficas, comorbilidades y posible relación con el tipo de presentación de enfermedad coronaria. Como hallazgos relevantes no se encontró correlación importante ni significativa entre niveles de hemoglobina glicosilada y la escala Syntax score II ni Syntax score I, a pesar de que la mayoría de pacientes mostraban mal control crónico de su diabetes mellitus tipo 2, con niveles mayores > 7%, como hallazgo positivo se encontro asociación estadísticamente significativa con niveles de LDL y las diferentes formas de presentación de enfermedad coronaria, a mayor niveles de LDL mayor probabilidad de IAM e IAM con elevación del segmento ST. Se considera que con estudios multicentricos en diferentes ciudades y unidades de cuidado cardiovascular con diferentes niveles de riesgo, se podría demostrar la posible correlación entre niveles de hemoglobina glicosilada y los grados de severidad de enfermedad coronaria representados por las escalas Syntax score I y II.


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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is common among subjects who undergo bariatric surgery and its postsurgical improvement has been reported. This study aimed to determine the evolution of liver disease evaluated through NAFLD fibrosis score 12 months after surgery. It is a prospective cohort study which evaluated patients immediately before and 12 months following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Mean score decreased from 1.142 to 0.066; surgery led to a resolution rate of advanced fibrosis of 55 %. Resolution was statistically associated with female gender, percentage of excess weight loss, postsurgical body mass index, postsurgical platelet count, and diabetes resolution. As previously reported by studies in which postsurgical biopsies were performed, RYGB leads to a great resolution rate of liver fibrosis. Since postsurgical biopsy is not widely available and has a significant risk, calculation of NAFLD fibrosis score is a simple tool to evaluate this evolution through a noninvasive approach.


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To evaluate the modified US7 score (MUS7 score SYN) in the assessment of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA). In addition, dorsal and palmar recesses of the wrists as well as of small joints of the hands and feet were examined for the presence of synovitis by means of a global assessment of joints. The study sample comprised 32 patients treated for arthritis, with an average disease duration of 13 months. An ultrasound machine with high frequency transducer was used. Hands were also X-rayed and analysed by Larsen score. Out of the 832 examined joints, synovitis was detected in 173 (20,79%), tenosynovitis in 22 (4,91%), and erosions in 3 (1,56%). Synovitis was predominantly detected in the dorsal recess (73,38%) of MCP and PIP joints, when compared with palmar recess (26%). The presence of synovitis in the joints evaluated correlated with clinical (HAQ-DI, DAS28), laboratory (ACPA, RF, CRP), and ultrasound results (r = 0,37 to r = 0,42; p = 0,04 to p = 0,003). We found correlation of the MUS7 score SYN of the gray scale US or of the power Doppler US with DAS28 (PCR) values (r = 0,38; p = 0,0332), and with CRP results (r = 0,39; p = 0,0280), respectively. The dorsal recess, the wrist, and small joints can be considered as important sites to detect synovitis by the MUS7 score SYN in patients with ERA.


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The electrocardiogram (ECG) is the simplest and most effective non-invasive method to assess the electrical activity of the heart and to obtain information on the heart rate (HR) and rhythm. Because information on the HR of very small reptiles (body mass <10 g) is still scarce in the literature, in the present work we describe a procedure for recording the ECG in non-anesthetized geckos (Hemidactylus mabouia, Moreau de Jonnès, 1818) under different conditions, namely manual restraint (MR), spontaneous tonic immobility (TI), and in the non-restrained condition (NR). In the gecko ECG, the P, QRS and T waves were clearly distinguishable. The HR was 2.83 ± 0.02 Hz under MR, which was significantly greater (p < 0.001) than the HR under the TI (1.65 ± 0.09 Hz) and NR (1.60 ± 0.10 Hz) conditions. Spontaneously beating isolated gecko hearts contracted at 0.84 ± 0.03 Hz. The in vitro beating rate was affected in a concentration-dependent fashion by adrenoceptor stimulation with noradrenaline, as well as by the muscarinic cholinergic agonist carbachol, which produced significant positive and negative chronotropic effects, respectively (p < 0.001). To our knowledge, this is the first report on the ECG morphology and HR values in geckos, particularly under TI. The methodology and instrumentation developed here are useful for non-invasive in vivo physiological and pharmacological studies in small reptiles without the need of physical restraint or anesthesia.


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Purpose: To evaluate the onset time and quality of peribulbar anesthesia with 1% ropivacaine associated or not with hyaluronidase 100 tru/ml for cataract extraction. Methods: Prospective, randomized, double-blind and controlled study including fifty-seven patients, scheduled to undergo peribulbar anesthesia for cataract extraction, allocated to two groups. Group C: 1% ropivacaine with addition of 100 tru/ml hyaluronidase, and Group S 1% ropivacaine, without hyaluronidase. The onset time for globe akinesia was studied at intervals of 2 minutes, using Nicoll's score. We evaluated pain by analogic score during the surgery and the necessity of complementing the anaesthesia. The peribulbar block was considered satisfactory when the Nicoll's score was less than 4. Results: The mean time of onset of block in group C was 4.07 minutes (± 3.24), and in group S 5.03 (± 3.28). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups. Both were similar regarding pain score, no pain was observed in 57.14% of group C, and in 68.97% of group S. The supplementary anesthetic was necessary in 2 cases of group C and in 3 cases of group S. Two cases of bradycardia (heart rate < 50 bpm) were observed during the surgery, and in one case administration of atropine IV was necessary. Conclusion: 1% ropivacaine provided a good quality of anesthesia for cataract extraction, with a faster onset of action in the group with hyaluronidase 100 iu/ml, although without significant difference.


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O tratamento convencionalmente preconizado para cães acometidos pela CMD consiste na prescrição de vasodilatadores, agentes inotrópicos positivos (digitálico), diuréticos, dieta hipossódica e, quando necessário, antiarrítmicos. O carvedilol é um β-bloqueador de 3ª geração, não seletivo, que bloqueia igualmente e competitivamente os receptores (β1, β2 e α1). Produz uma evidente vasodilatação periférica, exerce efeitos anti-oxidantes, removendo radicais livres de oxigênio e prevenindo a peroxidação lipídica nas membranas cardíacas, prevenindo a perda de miócitos e a ocorrência de arritmias e reduzindo a taxa de mortalidade em pacientes humanos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar clínica, eletrocardiográfica, radiográfica e ecocardiograficamente a evolução de cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada (CMD) tratatos com terapia convencional associada ao carvedilol. Para tal foram avaliados 49 cães com CMD divididos em: grupo NT, tratado com terapia convencional, e grupo T, tratado com terapia convencional associada ao carvedilol. Os animais foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e a exames complementares durante o período de um ano. Os resultados demonstraram que a terapia com carvedilol apresentou boa tolerabilidade na dose de 0,3mg kg-1 12-12horas, aumentou a sobrevida dos cães em 30,9%, não alterou as pressões sistólica e diastólica, reduziu a frequência cardíaca após três semanas de terapia, melhorou significantemente as frações de encurtamento e ejeção após seis meses de tratamento, não promoveu alterações radiográficas e da distância E-septo, diminuiu o índice de letalidade da doença, fato demonstrado pela melhora no escore clínico e na classe funcional dos animais, obtida após três semanas de terapia com carvedilol.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the emotional response and level of anxiety of psychopathic murderers, non-psychopathic murderers, and nonpsychopathic non-criminals. METHOD: 110 male individuals aged over 18 years were divided into three groups: psychopathic murderers (n = 38); non-psychopathic murderers (n = 37) serving sentences for murder convictions in Maximum Security Prisons in the State of Sao Paulo; and non-criminal, non-psychopathic individuals (n = 35) according to the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. The emotional response of subjects was assessed by heart rate variation and anxiety level (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) after viewing standardized pictures depicting pleasant, unpleasant and neutral content from the International Affective Picture System. RESULTS: Psychopathic murderers presented lower anxiety levels and smaller heart rate variations when exposed to pleasant and unpleasant stimuli than nonpsychopathic murderers or non-psychopathic non-criminals. The results also demonstrated that the higher the score for factor 1 on the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, the lower the heart rate variation and anxiety level. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that psychopathic murderers do not present variation in emotional response to different visual stimuli. Although the non-psychopathic murderers had committed the same type of crime as the psychopathic murderers, the former tended to respond with a higher level of anxiety and heart rate variation.


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The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis of differences in performance including differences in ST-T wave changes between healthy men and women submitted to an exercise stress test. Two hundred (45.4%) men and 241 (54.6%) women (mean age: 38.7 ± 11.0 years) were submitted to an exercise stress test. Physiologic and electrocardiographic variables were compared by the Student t-test and the chi-square test. To test the hypothesis of differences in ST-segment changes, data were ranked with functional models based on weighted least squares. To evaluate the influence of gender and age on the diagnosis of ST-segment abnormality, a logistic model was adjusted; P < 0.05 was considered to be significant. Rate-pressure product, duration of exercise and estimated functional capacity were higher in men (P < 0.05). Sixteen (6.7%) women and 9 (4.5%) men demonstrated ST-segment upslope ≥0.15 mV or downslope ≥0.10 mV; the difference was not statistically significant. Age increase of one year added 4% to the chance of upsloping of segment ST ≥0.15 mV or downsloping of segment ST ≥0.1 mV (P = 0.03; risk ratio = 1.040, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.002-1.080). Heart rate recovery was higher in women (P < 0.05). The chance of women showing an increase of systolic blood pressure ≤30 mmHg was 85% higher (P = 0.01; risk ratio = 1.85, 95%CI = 1.1-3.05). No significant difference in the frequency of ST-T wave changes was observed between men and women. Other differences may be related to different physical conditioning.


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It has been demonstrated that there is an association between serum lipoproteins and survival rate in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy, as well as in patients with non-ischemic causes of heart failure. We tested the hypothesis of an association between serum lipoprotein levels and prognosis in a cohort of outpatients with heart failure, including Chagas' heart disease. The lipid profile of 833 outpatients with heart failure in functional classes III and IV of the New York Heart Association, with a mean age of 46.9 ± 10.6 years, 655 (78.6%) men and 178 (21.4%) women, was studied from April 1991 to June 2003. The survival rate was estimated by the Kaplan-Meyer's method and the Cox proportional hazards models. Etiology of heart failure was ischemic cardiomyopathy in 171 (21%) patients, Chagas' heart disease in 144 (17%), hypertensive cardiomyopathy in 136 (16%), and other etiologies in 83 (10%). In 299 (36%) patients, heart failure was ascribed to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Variables significantly associated with mortality were age (hazard ratio, HR = 1.02; 95%CI = 1.01-1.03; P = 0.0074), male gender (HR = 1.77; 95%CI = 1.2-2.62; P = 0.004), idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (HR = 1.81; 95%CI = 1.16-2.82; P = 0.0085), serum triglycerides (HR = 0.97; 95%CI = 0.96-0.98; P < 0.0001), and HDL cholesterol (HR = 0.99; 95%CI = 0.99-1.0; P = 0.0280). Therefore, higher serum HDL cholesterol and higher serum triglycerides were associated with lower mortality in this cohort of outpatients with heart failure.


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INTRODUCTION: The Shwachman-Kulczycki score was the first scoring system used in cystic fibrosis to assess disease severity. Despite its subjectivity, it is still widely used. OBJECTIVE: To study correlations among forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), chest radiography, chest computed tomography, 6-minute walk test, and Shwachman-Kulczycki score in patients with cystic fibrosis and to test whether the Shwachman-Kulczycki score is still useful in monitoring the severity of the disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional prospective study was performed to analyze the correlations (Spearman). Patients with clinically stable cystic fibrosis, aged 3-21 years, were included. RESULTS: 43 patients, 19F/24M, mean age 10.5 + 4.7 years, with a median Shwachman-Kulczycki score of 70 were studied. The median Brasfield and Bhalla scores were 17 and 10, respectively. The mean Z score for the 6-minute walk test was -1.1 + 1.106 and the mean FEV1 was 59 + 26 (as percentage of predicted values). The following significant correlations versus the Shwachman-Kulczycki score were found: FEV1 (r = 0.76), 6-minute walk test (r = 0.71), chest radiography (r = 0.71) and chest computed tomography (r = -0.78). When patients were divided according to FEV1, a statistically significantly correlation with the Shwachman-Kulczycki score was found only in patients with FEV1 <70% (r = 0.67). CONCLUSIONS: The Shwachman-Kulczycki score remains an useful tool for monitoring the severity of cystic fibrosis, adequately reflecting the functional impairment and chest radiography and tomography changes, especially in patients with greater impairment of lung function. When assessing patients with mild lung disease its limitations should be considered and its usefulness in such patients should be evaluated in larger populations.


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Rheumatic fever (RF) is a post-infectious autoimmune disease due to sequel of group A streptococcus (GAS) pharyngitis. Rheumatic heart disease (RHD), the major manifestation of RF, is characterized by inflammation of heart valves and myocardium. Molecular mimicry between GAS antigens and host proteins has been shown at B and T cell level. However the identification of the autoantigens recognized by B and T cells within the inflammatory microenvironment of heart tissue in patients with RHD is still incompletely elucidated. In the present study, we used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and mass spectrometry to identify valvular tissue proteins target of T cells from chronic RHD patients. We could identify three proteins recognized by heart infiltrating and peripheral T cells as protein disulfide isomerase ER-60 precursor (PDIA3), 78 kD glucose-regulated protein precursor (HSPA5) and vimentin, with coverage of 45%, 43 and 34%, respectively. These proteins were recognized in a proliferation assay by peripheral and heart infiltrating T cells from RHD patients suggesting that they may be involved in the autoimmune reactions that leads to valve damage. We also observed that several other proteins isolated by 2-DE but not identified by mass spectrometry were also recognized by T cells. The identified cardiac proteins are likely relevant antigens involved in T cell-mediated autoimmune responses in RF/RHD that may contribute to the development of RHD


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Background: In Brazil, heart failure leads to approximately 25,000 deaths per year. Abnormal calcium handling is a hallmark of heart failure and changes in genes encoding for proteins involved in the re-uptake of calcium might harbor mutations leading to inherited cardiomyopathies. Phospholamban (PLN) plays a prime role in cardiac contractility and relaxation and mutations in the gene encoding PLN have been associated with dilated cardiomyopathy. In this study, our objective was to determine the presence of the -36A>C alteration in PLN gene in a Brazilian population of individuals with HF and to test whether this alteration is associated with heart failure or with a worse prognosis of patients with HF. Methods: We genotyped a cohort of 881 patients with HF and 1259 individuals from a cohort of individuals from the general population for the alteration -36A>C in the PLN gene. Allele and genotype frequencies were compared between groups (patients and control). In addition, frequencies or mean values of different phenotypes associated with cardiovascular disease were compared between genotypic groups. Finally, patients were prospectively followed-up for death incidence and genotypes for the -36A>C were compared regarding mortality incidence in HF patients. Results: No significant association was found between the study polymorphism and HF in our population. In addition, no association between PLN -36A>C polymorphism and demographic, clinical and functional characteristics and mortality incidence in this sample of HF patients was observed. Conclusion: Our data do not support a role for the PLN -36A>C alteration in modulating the heart failure phenotype, including its clinical course, in humans.