877 resultados para Heart Diseases Diet therapy
One of the avenues through which the Government objective of poverty eradication in Uganda can be achieved is Fisheries development and management. Up to 20% of Uganda’s surface area is covered by aquatic systems i.e. lakes, rivers, streams and swamps and to a large extent, all these are interconnected. The large lakes: Victoria, Albert, Kyoga, George and Edward are sites of the more important commercial fisheries, but even the smaller water bodies, rivers (e.g. the Rivers Nile and Kagera) and the surrounding swamps provide sources of livelihood to rural areas. Fish is an important source of high quality food, employment revenue and is currently the second most important export commodity next to coffee generating approximately US $ 80 million annually. Fish exports to regional markets are worth at least US $ 20 million annually. Fish flesh is rich in proteins, which are superior to those of beef and poultry. Fish flesh contains an anticholesterol which assists in reducing heart diseases. Some fishes are of medicinal value e.g. haplochromines (Nkejje) are used to treat measles. Most of the fish in Uganda is got from lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Albert and Albert Nile, Edward and George production systems as well as from the 160 minor lakes and rivers and the associated wetland systems. Capture fisheries based in these systems contribute up to 99% of the fish production in Uganda but aquaculture is also picking up. The fishing industry employs up to one million Ugandans
维生素(Vitamin)又称维他命,为“万年青”产品,是维持人体生命健康必需的一类低分子有机化合物质。维生素对人体健康的作用人们研究很多, 维生素可以增强人体对感染的抵抗力,降低出生缺陷及降低癌症和心脏病发病率等,一旦缺乏,肌体代谢就会失去平衡,免疫力下降,各种疾病,病毒就会趁虚而入;而维生素对作物影响的研究却很少。目前为止,尚无对用维生素浸种的方法来研究外源维生素是否对小麦种子萌发及幼苗生长起调节作用的报道,且对其在小麦抗逆性方面影响的研究甚少,对盐的胁迫抗性研究尚未有人报道。小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)属于拒盐的淡土性作物。盐害不利于小麦生长,严重影响小麦的产量和品质。本研究采用4 种不同维生素VB1、VC、VB6、VPP,分别对供试小麦品种川育12(红皮)、川育16(白皮)小麦浸种后,在一般自然条件下和逆境(盐胁迫条件)下,进行试验。探讨在正常情况下与在不同盐浓度条件下,各维生素及盐浓度对小麦发芽及幼苗生长的影响,并且比较两种不同皮色的小麦在相同盐胁迫条件下的差异表现,同时研究维生素处理的特异性,且哪种维生素对盐害缓解作用最佳。研究结果表明:在无盐胁迫(自然)条件下,对用4 种不同维生素VB1、VC、VB6、VPP 浸种小麦川育12、川育16 后的种子萌发及幼苗生长(幼苗的根长、根重、苗高、苗鲜重)的研究结果表明:4 种外源维生素浸种均对小麦发芽有调节作用,都能提高其最终发芽率。但是提高幅度有所差异。用VB6 浸种后的小麦提高幅度最多,VC 次之,VPP 提高幅度最小。同时,4 种外源维生素浸种对小麦种子的出芽速度及芽后长势也有一定的影响。VB6、VC 处理的小麦种子出芽速度最快,萌发后长势最好;VB1 出芽速度相对较慢,VPP 最慢,但都大于对照;VB1 处理长势略高于对照,VPP 处理的小麦长势则低于对照。从整体来看,VB6、VC处理促进效应明显, VB1 次之,而VPP 在某些方面无效甚至产生负效应。此外,相同的维生素处理对不同的品种的种子萌发、生长效果也存在差异,各种维生素作用于川育12 的效应均强于对川育16。进一步对幼苗根系TTC 还原力及幼苗叶片中硝酸还原酶活性进行测定、分析。研究发现:并非所有种类的维生素对幼苗根系TTC 还原力及幼苗叶片中硝酸还原酶活性的提高都有帮助。幼苗根系TTC 还原力在不同维生素处理下存在显著差异,而与小麦品种关系甚微。经VB6、VC 处理后,根系TTC 还原力测定值均显著高于对照,VB1 不明显,VPP 则略低于对照。VB6、VC 处理的幼苗叶片中硝酸还原酶的含量大于对照,VB1 与对照相差无几,而VPP 处理的川育12 幼苗叶片中的硝酸还原酶活性比对照CK 略高,而在川育16 中则略比对照CK 有所下降,呈现出抑制效应。综上结果表明:VB6、VC 具有促进种子发芽,幼苗生长及根系生长的作用,是较好的促生长剂;VPP 具有抑制作用,是较好的抑制剂,可进一步研究、开发利用。在盐胁迫条件下,对用4 种不同维生素VB1、VC、VB6、VPP 浸种川育12、川育16 后的种子萌发及幼苗生长(幼苗的根长、根重、苗高、苗鲜重)的研究结果表明:在不同盐浓度胁迫条件下, 各处理的种子萌发及幼苗生长均受到不同程度的抑制。随着盐浓度的增加, 发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数成下降趋势;幼苗的根长、根重、苗高、苗鲜重不断降低。4 种维生素处理间也表现出较大差异。VB6、VC 在每个处理中均保持对盐害的缓解作用,VB6 较VC 更易于促进发芽及幼苗生长。最终发芽率高,根系多、长、重,苗高高、重。而VB1、VPP 则表现出抑制作用。在高盐浓度150mM 时,4 种维生素浸种后的种子,其最终发芽率均不能达到40%,但VB6、VC 处理最终发芽率、苗重、根重均高于对照,VPP 最终发芽率、苗重、根重均低于对照。进一步对幼苗根系TTC 还原力及幼苗叶片中脯氨酸含量进行测定、分析。研究发现:不同盐浓度,不同维生素处理、不同品种间存在差异。随着盐浓度的增加(75mM,100mM,150mM),幼苗根系TTC 还原力活性成下降趋势,幼苗叶片中脯氨酸的积累量成上升趋势。VB6 处理脯氨酸含量增加最为明显,VC 次之,VPP 与对照接近,其变化幅度最小。经VB6、VC 处理后的幼苗根系还原强度,在不同盐浓度下,测定值均显著高于对照,VB1 不明显,VPP 则低于对照,产生负效应。此外,品种间表现不尽相同,相同的维生素处理,相同的盐浓度对不同的品种的种子萌发、生长效果也存在差异, 4 种维生素对川育16 的作用均强于川育12,但其影响趋势是一致的。说明VB6、VC 具有耐(抗)盐性,可以促进种子发芽和幼苗生长,是较好的耐(抗)盐拌种剂。 Vitamin is one kind of necessary low molecular compound for humans tosustain health and life. Lots of Studies have been done on the effectc of the vitaminsfor people. Vitamin can help people improve the body's natural resistance to disease,Drop the rate of birth defects、cacers and the incidence of the heart diseases. Ifpeople have less of them, the metabolism of the organism may throw off balance,immunity may drop off, and catch disease; Though the effects for Vitamin to thecrops are limited. up to now, there’s no one use soking seeds of wheats with vitaminsas a method, to study on how the effects will happen on the wheat seed germinationand seedling growth, and there are only few reserches on antireversion force forwheats ,none for the antireversion force in Sault stress condition.Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)is sensitive to the salt, so the salt damage will doharm to wheat’s growth, it will have an unfavorable impact on the output and thequality of wheat.On this reaserch, we Soaking CHY12(red)、CHY16 (white) wheat seeds withVitamin C, B1, PP, B6 (50mg/L) as a pretreatment first. Then under two condition: one is in the normal environment the other is in different Salinity, we begin ourexperiments. Then disscuss on if the vitamin and salinity affect the wheat seedgermination and seedling growth, and what is the different between the two of them,the result shows that:Under the normal condition, after soaking seeds with VB1、VC、VB6、Vpp,we study on the their seed germination and the seeding growth(the root length andweights, The seedling heights and weights), it shows that all of those four kinds ofvitamin can adjust the seed germination, but different in The growth rate. VB6 isbest for increase, VC comes second,VPP is the worst. Meanwhile, those four vitaminalso have effect on the speed of the sprouting of the wheat. VB6、Vc can faster theseed germination most, and the seedlings are all doing well; VB1 do little effects onthe budding, Vpp is the worst, but all treatments are better than CK; but in Vi, VB1some what above the CK, while VPP lower than that. On the whole, the acceleratingeffect of VB6、VC are obvious, VB1 takes second place, but VPP in some aspects arenoneffective even have negative effect. Furthermore, different kind of seeds with thesame vitamin may different in seed germination and seedling growth, four vitaminson CHY16 is better than CHY12.More studies on TTC reductive capacity of roots and the activity of nitratereductase in the leaves, the reasult shows not all the vitamin can help the seedlings toimprove the TTC reductive capacity and the activity of nitrate reductase. TTCreductive capacity in different treatments shows significant differences,but notcorrelate to the variety of the wheat. The TTC reductive capacity of VB6、Vctreatments are all higher than CK, VB1 is nearly the same as CK, VPP is a littlelower than CK. Through the study of acivity of nitrate reductase, it shows that,VB6、VC are higher than CK ,VB1 is nearly the same as CK also, VPP is a little higher inthe CK of CHY12 but lower in CHY16. Through all the results above: VB6、Vc helpthe wheat seed germination, seedling growth and the growth of roots, is theperfectable factor of stimulating the growth; Vpp is a inhibition, that’ll be furtherreserch,and well develop and utilize in the future.Under the different Salinity condition, after soaking seeds with VB1、VC、VB6、Vpp,we study on the their seed germination and the seeding growth(the root lengthand weights, The seedling heights and weights), it shows that: under differentsalinity, the seed germination and the seedling growth of any treatment are inhibited.With the increase of the concentration, the germination rate, Vi、Gi all had fallen; theroot length and weight, the seedling heights and weights steadily sank down. There are also have pronounced difference between all treatments with four differentvitamins.VB6、VC in all treatments are alleviative the salt damage, VB6 is easier tocause to put forth buds than VC, and it’s quantitative value is the highest in theultimate germination rate, in root and seedlings’ hight and weight. Though the VPP、VB1 are seems to inhibite its growth. Under the high concentration150mM Nacl, theultimate germination rate in all treatments are below the 40%, but VB6、VC’squantitative values in any experiments are higher than CK,while VPP lower thanCK.Then we study on the TTC reductive capacity of roots and the content of Polinein leaves, the result shows that between the different salinity, different vitamintreatments, different varieties of the wheat have discrepancy.along with theincreasing concentraion of the salinity(75mM,100mM,150mM),TTC reductivecapacity of roots decreases, the accumulation of the content of Poline in leaves havean upward trend. The increase of VB6’s treatment are obviously, VC comessecond,VPP is nearly come up with CK, changes a little. In TTC reductive capacity of roots’s reserch, VB6、VC are higher than CK at any time,VB1 is not palpable,VPP is lower than CK, makes negative affect on wheat. In addition, varieties of thewheats are remain different, no matter it shows promoting or inhibiting, all fourvitamins have moreobvious effects on CHY16 than CHY12, but the tendency of theeffection are the same. It is say that VB6、VC can help wheat to standwith the saultwell, and promot in growth,they are the better reagent to mix with the seed.
Contemporary Irish data on the prevalence of major cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors are sparse. The primary aims of this study were (1) to estimate the prevalence of major cardiovascular disease risk factors, including Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, in the general population of men and women between the ages of 50 and 69 years; and (2) to estimate the proportion of individuals in this age group at high absolute risk of cardiovascular disease events on the basis of pre-existing cardiovascular disease or as defined by the Framingham equation. Participants were drawn from the practice lists of 17 general practices in Cork and Kerry using stratified random sampling. A total of 1018 people attended for screening (490 men, 48%) from 1473 who were invited, a response rate of 69.1%. Cardiovascular disease risk factors and glucose intolerance are common in the population of men and women aged between 50 and 69 years. Almost half the participants were overweight and a further quarter met current international criteria for obesity, one of the highest recorded prevalence rates for obesity in a European population sample. Forty per cent of the population reported minimal levels of physical activity and 19% were current cigarette smokers. Approximately half the sample had blood pressure readings consistent with international criteria for the diagnosis of hypertension, but only 38% of these individuals were known to be hypertensive. Eighty per cent of the population sample had a cholesterol concentration in excess of 5 mmol/l. Almost 4% of the population had Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, of whom 30% were previously undiagnosed. A total of 137 participants (13.5%) had a history or ECG findings consistent with established cardiovascular disease. Of the remaining 881 individuals in the primary prevention population, a total of 20 high-risk individuals (19 male) had a risk of a coronary heart disease event 30% over ten years according to the Framingham risk equation, giving an overall population prevalence of 2.0% (95% CI 1.3 - 3.0). At a risk level 20% over ten years, an additional 91 individuals (8.9%) were identified. Thus a total of 24.4% of the population were at risk either through pre-existing CVD (13.5%) or an estimated 10-year risk exceeding 20% according to the Framingham risk equation (10.9%). Thus a substantial proportion of middle-aged men are at high risk of CVD. The findings emphasise the scale of the CVD epidemic in Ireland and the need for ongoing monitoring of risk factors at the population level and the need to develop preventive strategies at both the clinical and societal level.
Starches are a source of digestible carbohydrate and are frequently used in formulated food products in the presence of other carbohydrates, proteins and fat. This thesis explored the effect of addition of neutral (Konjac glucomannan) or charged (milk proteins) polymers on the physical characteristics and digestion kinetics of waxy maize starch. The aim was to identify mechanisms to modulate the pasting properties and subsequent susceptibility to amylolytic digestion. Addition of αs- or β-caseinate protein fractions to waxy maize starch restricted granular swelling during gelatinisation, increasing granule integrity. It was shown that, while β-caseinate can adsorb to starch granules during pasting, αscaseinate can be absorbed into maize starch granules. The resultant effect was a reduction in granule size after heating, more intact granules and a subsequent decrease in starch digestion in vitro as determined by analysis of reducing sugars. The ability of αs-caseinate to reduce the level of amylolytic digestion was confirmed through in vivo pig (Teagasc, Moorepark) and human (University of Surrey, UK) trials. The scope of the thesis extended to the development of a new automated cell for attachment to a rheometer to measure digestion kinetics of starch-protein mixtures. In conclusion, the thesis offers new approaches to modulation of the physical characteristics of unmodified starch during gelatinisation and suggests that the type of protein and/or polysaccharide used in starch-based food systems may influence the ability of the food to modulate glycemia. This is an important consideration in the design of foods with positive health benefits.
Most patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) are older, with many unsuitable for conventional chemotherapy. Low-dose Ara-C (LDAC) is superior to best supportive care but is still inadequate. The combination of arsenic trioxide (ATO) and LDAC showed promise in an unrandomised study. We report a randomised trial of LDAC versus LDAC + ATO. Patients with AML according to WHO criteria or myelodysplastic syndrome with > 10% blasts, considered as unfit for conventional chemotherapy, were randomised between subcutaneous Ara-C (20mg b.d. for 10 days) and the same LDAC schedule with ATO (0.25 mg/kg) on days 1-5, 9 and 11, for at least four courses every 4 to 6 weeks. Overall 166 patients were entered; the trial was terminated on the advice of the DMC, as the projected benefit was not observed. Overall 14% of patients achieved complete remission (CR) and 7% CRi. Median survival was 5.5 months and 19 months for responders (CR: not reached; CRi: 14 months; non-responders: 4 months). There were no differences in response or survival between the arms. Grade 3/4 cardiac and liver toxicity, and supportive care requirements were greater in the ATO arm. This randomised comparison demonstrates that adding ATO to LDAC provides no benefit for older patients with AML. Leukemia (2011) 25, 1122-1127; doi:10.1038/leu.2011.59; published online 8 April 2011
Background: Increasing emphasis is being placed on the economics of health care service delivery - including home-based palliative care. Aim: This paper analyzes resource utilization and costs of a shared-care demonstration project in rural Ontario (Canada) from the public health care system's perspective. Design: To provide enhanced end-of-life care, the shared-care approach ensured exchange of expertise and knowledge and coordination of services in line with the understood goals of care. Resource utilization and costs were tracked over the 15 month study period from January 2005 to March 2006. Results: Of the 95 study participants (average age 71 years), 83 had a cancer diagnosis (87%); the non-cancer diagnoses (12 patients, 13%) included mainly advanced heart diseases and COPD. Community Care Access Centre and Enhanced Palliative Care Team-based homemaking and specialized nursing services were the most frequented offerings, followed by equipment/transportation services and palliative care consults for pain and symptom management. Total costs for all patient-related services (in 2007 CAN) were 1,625,658.07 - or 17,112.19 per patient/117.95 per patient day. Conclusion: While higher than expenditures previously reported for a cancer-only population in an urban Ontario setting, the costs were still within the parameters of the US Medicare Hospice Benefits, on a par with the per diem funding assigned for long-term care homes and lower than both average alternate level of care and hospital costs within the Province of Ontario. The study results may assist service planners in the appropriate allocation of resources and service packaging to meet the complex needs of palliative care populations. © 2012 The Author(s).
BACKGROUND: As progress is made towards attaining Millennium Development Goal 4, further reductions in paediatric mortality will only be achieved by concentrating on the burden of non-communicable or neglected diseases. The literature relating to paediatric cardiac disease in sub-Saharan Africa is sparse. There are no published descriptions of paediatric cardiac disease from Malawi, making it impossible to estimate the contribution it makes to childhood morbidity and mortality.
FINDINGS: In 2008, a paediatric cardiac clinic with echocardiogram scanning was established in Blantyre, southern Malawi. Between January 2009 and February 2011, the age and cardiac diagnosis of every child with an abnormal echocardiogram was recorded in a database. Of 250 children, 139 (55.6%) had congenital heart disease, and 111 (44.4%) acquired heart disease. Ventricular septal defect (VSD) (24%), Tetralogy of Fallot (10%) and patent ductus arteriousus (7.2%) were the commonest forms of congenital heart disease. Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) (22.4%) and dilated cardiomyopathy (13.6%) were the commonest acquired diseases. The mean age of presentation was 3 years 2 months for VSD and 11 years 6 months for RHD.
CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort of children from one centre in Malawi, acquired heart disease - in particular rheumatic heart disease was almost as common as congenital heart disease. Most presented late. It is likely that untreated cardiac disease causes a large number of childhood deaths in Malawi. In addition to renewing secondary preventative efforts against rheumatic heart disease, adequate and accessible cardiothoracic surgical services should be established at a regional level.
RESUMO - Portugal continental, como outros países europeus, foi afectado por uma onda de calor de grande intensidade no Verão de 2003, com efeitos na mortalidade da população. O excesso de óbitos associados à onda de calor foi estimado pela comparação do número de óbitos observados entre 30 de Julho e 15 de Agosto de 2003 e o número de óbitos esperados se a população tivesse estado exposta às taxas de mortalidade médias do biénio 2000-2001 no respectivo período homólogo. Os óbitos esperados foram calculados com ajustamento para a idade. O número de óbitos observados (O) foi superior ao número esperado (E) em todos os dias do período estudado e o seu excesso global foi estimado em 1953 óbitos (excesso relativo de 43%), dos quais 1317 (61%) ocorreram no sexo feminino e 1742 no grupo de 75 e + anos (89%). A nível distrital, Portalegre teve o maior aumento relativo do número de óbitos (+89%) e Aveiro o menor (+18%). Numa área geográfica contínua do interior do território (Guarda, Castelo Branco, Portalegre e Évora) houve aumentos relativos superiores a 80%. Em termos absolutos, o maior excesso de óbitos ocorreu no distrito de Lisboa (mais cerca de 396) e no do Porto (mais cerca de 183). As causas de morte «golpe de calor» e «desidratação e outros distúrbios metabólicos» tiveram os aumentos relativos mais elevados (razões O/E de, respectivamente, 70 e 8,65). Os maiores aumentos absolutos do número de óbitos ocorreram no grupo das «doenças do aparelho circulatório» (mais 758), nas «doenças do aparelho respiratório» (mais 255) e no conjunto de «todas as neoplasias malignas» (mais 131). No período da onda de calor e no período de comparação, a percentagem dos óbitos que ocorreu nos hospitais (52% e 56%), no domicílio (32 e 33%) e em «outros locais» foi semelhante. A discussão sobre os factores que condicionaram a obtenção dos valores apresentados, relativos ao excesso de óbitos por sexo, grupo etário, distrito, causa e local da morte, permite concluir que os mesmos se afiguram adequados para medir a ordem de grandeza e caracterizar o efeito da onda de calor na mortalidade. O erro aleatório, medido pelos intervalos de confiança, e alguns possíveis erros sistemáticos associados ao período de comparação escolhido não deverão afectar de modo relevante as estimativas.
BACKGROUND: Lower body negative pressure (LBNP) has been shown to induce a progressive activation of neurohormonal systems, and a renal tubular and hemodynamic response that mimics the renal adaptation observed in congestive heart failure (CHF). As beta-blockers play an important role in the management of CHF patients, the effects of metoprolol on the renal response were examined in healthy subjects during sustained LBNP. METHODS: Twenty healthy male subjects were randomized in this double blind, placebo versus metoprolol 200 mg once daily, study. After 10 days of treatment, each subject was exposed to 3 levels of LBNP (0, -10, and -20 mbar) for 1 hour, each level of LBNP being separated by 2 days. Neurohormonal profiles, systemic and renal hemodynamics, as well as renal sodium handling were measured before, during, and after LBNP. RESULTS: Blood pressure and heart rate were significantly lower in the metoprolol group throughout the study (P < 0.01). GFR and RPF were similar in both groups at baseline, and no change in renal hemodynamic values was detected at any level of LBNP. However, a reduction in sodium excretion was observed in the placebo group at -20 mbar, whereas no change was detected in the metoprolol group. An increase in plasma renin activity was also observed at -20 mbar in the placebo group that was not observed with metoprolol. CONCLUSION: The beta-blocker metoprolol prevents the sodium retention induced by lower body negative pressure in healthy subjects despite a lower blood pressure. The prevention of sodium retention may be due to a blunting of the neurohormonal response. These effects of metoprolol on the renal response to LBNP may in part explain the beneficial effects of this agent in heart failure patients.
OBJECTIVE: The study tests the hypothesis that a low daily fat intake may induce a negative fat balance and impair catch-up growth in stunted children between 3 and 9y of age. DESIGN: Randomized case-control study. SETTING: Three rural villages of the West Kiang District, The Gambia. SUBJECTS: Three groups of 30 stunted but not wasted children (height for age z-score < or = -2.0, weight for height z-score > or = -2.0) 3-9 y of age were selected by anthropometric survey. Groups were matched for age, sex, village, degree of stunting and season. INTERVENTION: Two groups were randomly assigned to be supplemented five days a week for one year with either a high fat (n = 29) or a high carbohydrate biscuit (n = 30) each containing approximately 1600 kJ. The third group was a non supplemented control group (n = 29). Growth, nutritional status, dietary intake, resting energy expenditure and morbidity were compared. RESULTS: Neither the high fat nor the high carbohydrate supplement had an effect on weight or height gain. The high fat supplement did slightly increase adipose tissue mass. There was no effect of supplementation on resting energy expenditure or morbidity. In addition, the annual growth rate was not associated with a morbidity score. CONCLUSIONS: Results show that neither a high fat nor a high carbohydrate supplement given during 12 months to stunted Gambian children induced catch-up growth. The authors suggest that an adverse effect of the environment on catch-up growth persists despite the nutritional interventions.
Intravitreal administration has been widely used since 20 years and has been shown to improve the treatment of diseases of the posterior segment of the eye with infectious origin or in edematous maculopathies. This route of administration allows to achieve high concentration of drug in the vitreous and avoids the problems resulting from systemic administration. However, two basic problems limit the use of intravitreal therapy. Many drugs are rapidly cleared from the vitreous humor; therefore, to reach and to maintain effective therapy repeated injections are necessary. Repeated intravitreal injections increase the risk of endophthalmitis, damage to lens, retinal detachment. Moreover, some drugs provoke a local toxicity at their effective dose inducing side-effects and possible retinal lesions. In this context, the development and the use of new drug delivery systems for intravitreal administration are necessary to treat chronic ocular diseases. Among them, particulate systems such as liposomes have been widely studied. Liposomes are easily injectable and permit to reduce the toxicity and to increase the residence time of several drugs in the eye. They are also able to protect in vivo poorly-stable molecules from degradation such as peptides and nucleic acids. Some promising results have been obtained for the treatment of retinitis induced by cytomegalovirus in human and more recently for the treatment of uveitis in animal. Finally, the fate of liposomes in ocular tissues and fluids after their injection into the vitreous and their elimination routes begin to be more known.