972 resultados para He


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C60 在与重离子作用下的激发机制与入射离子能量、质量及电荷态有关。核阻止主要出现在低能重离子与C60 的碰撞中 ;而高能轻离子作用下 ,电子阻止迅速增强 ,成为主要的激发方式。本文中直接观察到由弹性碰撞引起的C+ 峰 ,及其丰度依赖于入射离子的质量。同时我们还发现电子阻止随入射离子能量 (7~ 2 0keV)增大相应增加 ,这与绝热量子分子动力学计算的结果一致。


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用双中心原子轨道紧耦合方法计算了C4+-He以及O6+-He碰撞的单俘获总截面,入射离子的能量范围为10-100 keV/amu,所得计算结果在实验误差范围内与实验值很好符合。对满壳层入射离子,研究了单俘获截面随入射离子电荷态的变化,并讨论了原子轨道展开波函数数目对计算结果的影响。


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采用位置灵敏探测和飞行时间技术研究了高电荷态Xe离子 (q =1 5 ,1 7,1 9,2 1 ,2 3)与He原子碰撞中双电子转移截面与单电子转移截面比随入射离子电荷态的变化规律 .提出一步过程假定 ,对扩展的经典过垒 (ECB)模型进行了修正 ,利用修正模型计算得到的单、双电子转移绝对截面与Andersson等人和Selberg等人的实验结果很好符合 ,所得截面比与本实验得到的双电子转移截面与单电子俘获截面比较好符合


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利用 2~ 8MeV的Naq+、Clq+( q =2 ,3,4 ,5 )轰击氦原子 ,对碰撞的直接多重电离过程进行研究。实验采用反冲离子 -散射离子飞行时间符合技术 ,通过反冲离子飞行时间谱区分不同价态反冲离子 ;利用静电偏转和位置灵敏探测技术区分不同电荷态散射离子 ;结合CAMAC -PC多参数获取系统得到一定价态散射离子所对应的反冲离子电荷态分布谱 ;经分析该谱得到直接多重电离截面与直接单电离截面之比R2 1。讨论了R2 1随入射离子速度和电荷态的变化关系


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Using a transport model coupled with a phase-space coalescence afterburner, we study the triton-He-3 (t-He-3) ratio with both relative and differential transverse flows in semicentral Sn-132 + Sn-124 reactions at a beam energy of 400 MeV/nucleon. The neutron-proton ratios with relative and differential flows are also discussed as a reference. We find that similar to the neutron-proton pairs, the t-He-3 pairs also carry interesting information regarding the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy. Moreover, the nuclear symmetry energy affects more strongly the t-He-3 relative and differential flows than the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in the same reaction. The t-He-3 relative flow can be used as a particularly powerful probe of the high-density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.


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We present an efficient method to generate a ultrashort attosecond (as) pulse when a model He+ ion is exposed to the combination of an intense few-cycle chirped laser pulse and its 27th harmonics. By solving the time-dependent Schroumldinger equation, we found that high-order harmonic generation (HHG) from He+ ion is enhanced by seven orders of magnitude due to the presence of the harmonic pulse. After optimizing the chirp of the fundamental pulse, we show that the cut-off energy of the generated harmonics is extended effectively to I-p+25.5U(p). As a result, an isolated 26-as pulse with a bandwidth of 170.5 eV can be obtained directly from the supercontinuum around the cut-off of HHG. To better understand the physical origin of HHG enhancement and attosecond pulse emission, we perform semiclassical simulations and analyze the time-frequency characteristics of attosecond pulse.


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Single-electron capture in 14 keV q(-1) Ar15+...18++He collisions is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Partial cross sections and projectile scattering angle dependencies have been deduced from the target ion recoil momenta measured by the COLTRIMS technique. The comparison with close-coupling results obtained from a two-centre extension of the basis generator method yields good overall agreement, demonstrating the applicability of close-coupling calculations to collision systems involving highly charged ions in charge states up to 18+.


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In the present work, a Cz-Silicon wafer is implanted with helium ions to produce a buried porous layer, and then thermally annealed in a dry oxygen atmosphere to make oxygen transport into the cavities. The formation of the buried oxide layer in the case of internal oxidation (ITOX) of the buried porous layer of cavities in the silicon sample is studied by positron beam annihilation (PBA). The cavities are formed by 15 keV He implantation at a fluence of 2 x 10(16) cm(-2) and followed by thermal annealing at 673 K for 30 min in vacuum. The internal oxidation is carried out at temperatures ranging from 1073 to 1473 K for 2 h in a dry oxygen atmosphere. The layered structures evolved in the silicon are detected by using the PBA and the thicknesses of their layers and nature are also investigated. It is found that rather high temperatures must be chosen to establish a sufficient flux of oxygen into the cavity layer. On the other hand high temperatures lead to coarsening the cavities and removing the cavity layer finally.


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Single-crystalline Si (100) samples were implanted with 30 keV He2+ ions to doses ranging from 2.0x10(16) to 2.0x10(17) ions/cm(2) and subsequently thermally annealed at 800 degrees C for 30min. The morphological change of the samples with the increase of implantation dose was investigated using atomic force microscopy (AFM). It was found that oblate-shaped blisters with an average height around 4.0nm were found on the 2.0 x 10(16) ions /cm(2) implanted sample surface; spherical-shaped blisters with an average height wound 10.0nm were found on the 5.0 x 10(16) ions/cm(2) implanted sample surface; strip-shaped and conical cracks were observed on the sample He-implanted to a dose of 1.0 X 10(17) ions /cm(2). Exfoliations occurred on the sample surface to a dose of 2.0 x10(17) ions /cm(2). Mechanisms underlying the surface change were discussed.


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Highly differential experimental results of the scattering system He++ on He at 30 keV are presented as well as a complete unified theoretical description where excitation, transfer and ionization are treated simultaneously on an ab initio level. The agreement even for highly differential cross sections is nearly complete although no explicit correlation besides Pauli correlation is included in the calculations.


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The single charge transfer process in He-3(2+)+He-4 collisions is investigated using the quantum-mechanical molecular-orbital close-coupling method, in which the adiabatic potentials and radial couplings are calculated by using the ab initio multireference single- and double-excitation configuration interaction methods. The differential cross sections for the single charge transfer are presented at the laboratorial energies E = 6 keV and 10 keV for the projectile He-3(2+). Comparison with the existing data shows that the present results are better in agreement with the experimental measurements than other calculations in the dominant small angle scattering, which is attributed to the accurate calculations of the adiabatic potentials and the radial couplings.