115 resultados para Harrod-Domar
Evidence is presented from publicly available remotely operated vehicle (ROV) footage that suggests deep-water ranging in ocean sunfishes (family Molidae) is more common than typically thought, including a new maximum depth recorded for the southern sunfish Mola ramsayi.
Background: Theoretically, each species’ ecological niche is phylogenetically-determined and expressed spatially as the species’ range. However, environmental stress gradients may directly or indirectly decrease individual performance, such that the precise process delimiting a species range may not be revealed simply by studying abundance patterns. In the intertidal habitat the vertical ranges of marine species may be constrained by their abilities to tolerate thermal and desiccation stress, which may act directly or indirectly, the latter by limiting the availability of preferred trophic resources. Therefore, we expected individuals at greater shore heights to show greater variation in diet alongside lower indices of physiological condition.
Methods: We sampled the grazing gastropod Echinolittorina peruviana from the desert coastline of northern Chile at three shore heights, across eighteen regionally-representative shores. Stable isotope values (δ13C and δ15N) were extracted from E. peruviana and its putative food resources to estimate Bayesian ellipse area, carbon and nitrogen ranges and diet. Individual physiological condition was tracked by muscle % C and % N.
Results: There was an increase in isotopic variation at high shore levels, where E. peruviana’s preferred resource, tide-deposited particulate organic matter (POM), appeared to decrease in dietary contribution, and was expected to be less abundant. Both muscle % C and % N of individuals decreased with height on the shore.
Discussion: Individuals at higher stress levels appear to be less discriminating in diet, likely because of abiotic forcing, which decreases both consumer mobility and the availability of a preferred resource. Abiotic stress might be expected to increase trophic variation in other selective dietary generalist species. Where this coincides with a lower physiological condition, this may be a direct factor in setting their range limit.
Introduction: Les instillations nasales de solution saline isotonique (INSS) chez les enfants sont recommandées par les pédiatres et des oto-rhino-laryngologistes de notre institution dans le but de prévenir les otites moyennes aigues à répétition (OMAr). Cependant, aucune étude dans la littérature ne vient corroborer ou infirmer cette pratique. Objectifs: Déterminer l’efficacité des INSS dans la prévention des OMAr. Méthode: Projet pilote d’un essai clinique randomisé. Les enfants diagnostiqués avec des OMAr étaient éligibles. Les patients recrutés ont été randomisés en 2 groupes. Seul le groupe traitement procède aux INSS. L’issue primaire est l’incidence d’OMAr pendant une période de 3 mois. Résultats: Vingt-neuf patients satisfaisant les critères d’inclusion et d’exclusion ont consenti à participer. Le taux d’OMAr était inférieur dans le groupe traitement (p=0.03, chi-carré) Conclusion: Les INSS semblent efficaces dans la prévention des OMAr. Une étude multicentrique est indiquée pour vérifier la validité externe et confirmer la sécurité.
La création cinématographique de l’étudiante qui accompagne ce mémoire sous la forme d’un DVD est disponible à la Médiathèque de la Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines sous le titre : Qui va droit son chemin.(http://atrium.umontreal.ca/notice/UM-ALEPH002343834)
Ha muerto Azorín el último de la generación del 98. toda vida, incluso la que lleva el sello ascético y silencioso como el de Azorín, es un conjunto de anécdotas. Por lo general en ellas se retrata su personalidad. Una frase, una acotación, un gesto, por su espontaneidad tiene más valor psicográfico que lo que surge de una meditada reflexión. Aunque Azorín el hombre de la sencillez, fue hombre de alma nítida que transmitió en sus libros. Lo anecdótico nos ayuda a comprenderle con más precisión. Ha muerto el último gran maestro de la literatura española, según Camilo José Cela. Al implantarse la ultima reforma del preuniversitario Azorín escribió Castilla dedicado a los estudiante de bachiller españoles, que le hizo mucha ilusión. Su estilo particular claro, sencillo y preciso, de una corrección insuperable, resultada apto para ser traducido a otras lenguas y comprendido por otras mentes distintas de las nuestras. El había conseguido domar la lengua castellana, tan briosa y propensa a desbocarse cuando sus riendas no son manejadas por una mano sabia y hábil.
Some of the techniques used to model nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) discharges from a terrestrial catchment to an estuary are discussed and applied to the River Tamar and Tamar Estuary system in Southwest England, U.K. Data are presented for dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations in the Tamar Estuary and compared with those from the contrasting, low turbidity and rapidly flushed Tweed Estuary in Northeast England. In the Tamar catchment, simulations showed that effluent nitrate loads for typical freshwater flows contributed less than 1% of the total N load. The effect of effluent inputs on ammonium loads was more significant (∼10%). Cattle, sheep and permanent grassland dominated the N catchment export, with diffuse-source N export greatly dominating that due to point sources. Cattle, sheep, permanent grassland and cereal crops generated the greatest rates of diffuse-source P export. This reflected the higher rates of P fertiliser applications to arable land and the susceptibility of bare, arable land to P export in wetter winter months. N and P export to the Tamar Estuary from human sewage was insignificant. Non-conservative behaviour of phosphate was particularly marked in the Tamar Estuary. Silicate concentrations were slightly less than conservative levels, whereas nitrate was essentially conservative. The coastal sea acted as a sink for these terrestrially derived nutrients. A pronounced sag in dissolved oxygen that was associated with strong nitrite and ammonium peaks occurred in the turbidity maximum region of the Tamar Estuary. Nutrient behaviour within the Tweed was very different. The low turbidity and rapid flushing ensured that nutrients there were essentially conservative, so that flushing of nutrients to the coastal zone from the river occurred with little estuarine modification.
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka omfattningen av och karaktären på ransoneringsbrottsligheten i Sandviken/Högbo under åren 1939-1949 samt myndigheternas försök att stävja denna brottslighet. Det ska främst uppnås genom att studera den rannsakade ransonerings-brottsligheten som det framkommer i domböckerna.Materialet som använts i undersökningen är domböcker för Gästriklands östra domsaga, protokoll från Högbo kommuns och Sandvikens köpings kristidsnämnd, ett klipparkiv med pressklipp från lokaltidningarna samt ett brottmålsdiarium för Sandvikens distrikt.Resultatet är att det föll 119 st fällande domar för ransoneringsbrott i Sandviken/Högbo under de undersökta åren, de flesta sakfällda brotten begicks under åren 1944-45. Den övervägande delen av brotten handlade om olika varubrott, i regel olaga försäljning/köp av ransonerade varor. De varor som framförallt drabbades av olika brott var olika former av livsmedel, främst smör. De som framförallt begick ransoneringsbrotten var personer som på något sätt hanterade ransonerade varor eller ransoneringskuponger i sitt yrke. Påföljderna för ransoneringsbrotten var i regel dagsböter, vilka oftast låg på två normala dagslöner, varvid det märktes att myndigheterna försökte stävja denna brottslighet. Endast fem personer dömdes till fängelse eller straffarbete under de undersökta åren. Karaktären på brottsligheten var att den främst verkade drivas av vinstintressen eller bekvämlighet.
Modulation of tumor hypoxia to increase bioreductive drug antitumor activity was investigated. The antivascular agent 5,6-dimethylxanthenone acetic acid (DMXAA) was used in combination studies with the bioreductive drugs Tirapazamine (TPZ) and Mitomycin C (MMC). Blood perfusion studies with DMXAA showed a maximal reduction of 66% in tumor blood flow 4 hours post drug administration. This tumor specific decrease in perfusion was also found to be dose-dependent, with 25 and 30 mg/kg DMXAA yielding greater than 50% reduction in tumor blood flow. Increases in antitumor activity with combination therapy (bioreductive drugs $+$ DMXAA) were significant over individual therapies, suggesting an increased activity due to increased hypoxia induced by DMXAA. Combination studies yielded the following significant tumor growth delays over control: MMC (5mg/kg) $+$ DMXAA (25mg/kg) = 20 days, MMC (2.5mg/kg) $+$ DMXAA (25 mg/kg) = 8 days, TPZ (21.4mg/kg) $+$ DMXAA (17.5mg/kg) = 4 days. The mechanism of interaction of these drugs was investigated by measuring metabolite production and DNA damage. 'Real time' microdialysis studies indicated maximal metabolite production at 20-30 minutes post injection for individual and combination therapies. DNA double strand breaks induced by TPZ $\pm$ DMXAA (20 minutes post injection) were analyzed by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Southern blot analyses and quantification showed TPZ induced DNA double strand breaks, but this effect was not evident in combination studies with DMXAA. Based on these data, combination studies of TPZ $+$ DMXAA showed increased antitumor activity over individual drug therapies. The mechanism of this increased activity, however, does not appear to be due to an increase in TPZ bioreduction at this time point. ^
Esta dissertação visa deslumbrar uma análise macroeconômica do Brasil, especialmente no que se refere à relação dos índices mensais dos volumes das exportações e das importações com os volumes mensais do PIB, da Taxa SELIC e as Taxas de Câmbio, conforme dados coletados no período de janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2014, através de pesquisa literária referente aos históricos sobre cada conceito envolvido no âmbito da macroeconomia das varáveis estudadas. Foi realizado um estudo de caso embasado em dados de sites governamentais, no período delimitado, empregando-se o método de regressão linear, com base na Teoria da correlação de Pearson, demonstrando os resultados obtidos no período do estudo para as varáveis estudadas. Desta maneira, conseguiu-se estudar e analisar como as variáveis dependentes (resposta): volume das exportações e volume das importações estão relacionadas com as varáveis independentes (explicativas): PIB, Taxa Selic e taxa de Câmbio. Os resultados apurados no presente estudo permitem identificar que existe correlação moderada e negativa, quando analisadas a Taxa Selic e a Taxa de Câmbio com os volumes das exportações e das importações, enquanto o PIB apresenta correlação forte e positiva na análise com os volumes das exportações e das importações
Peptides of 5 and 8 residues encoded by the leaders of attenuation regulated chloramphenicol-resistance genes inhibit the peptidyltransferase of microorganisms from the three kingdoms. Therefore, the ribosomal target for the peptides is likely to be a conserved structure and/or sequence. The inhibitor peptides "footprint" to nucleotides of domain V in large subunit rRNA when peptide-ribosome complexes are probed with dimethyl sulfate. Accordingly, rRNA was examined as a candidate for the site of peptide binding. Inhibitor peptides MVKTD and MSTSKNAD were mixed with rRNA phenol-extracted from Escherichia coli ribosomes. The conformation of the RNA was then probed by limited digestion with nucleases that cleave at single-stranded (T1 endonuclease) and double-stranded (V1 endonuclease) sites. Both peptides selectively altered the susceptibility of domains IV and V of 23S rRNA to digestion by T1 endonuclease. Peptide effects on cleavage by V1 nuclease were observed only in domain V. The T1 nuclease susceptibility of domain V of in vitro-transcribed 23S rRNA was also altered by the peptides, demonstrating that peptide binding to the rRNA is independent of ribosomal protein. We propose the peptides MVKTD and MSTSKNAD perturb peptidyltransferase center catalytic activities by altering the conformation of domains IV and V of 23S rRNA. These findings provide a general mechanism through which nascent peptides may cis-regulate the catalytic activities of translating ribosomes.
Plates are printed on both sides.
Includes index.
Shaw & Shoemaker
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