617 resultados para HYPERSENSITIVITY


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Drug-induced hypersensitivity reactions are instructive examples of immune reactions against low molecular weight compounds. Classically, such reactions have been explained by the hapten concept, according to which the small antigen covalently modifies an endogenous protein; recent studies show strong associations of several HLA molecules with hypersensitivity. In recent years, however, evidence has become stronger that not all drugs need to bind covalently to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide complex in order to trigger an immune response. Rather, some drugs may bind reversibly to the MHC or possibly to the T-cell receptor (TCR), eliciting immune reactions akin to the pharmacological activation of other receptors. While the exact mechanism is still a matter of debate, noncovalent drug presentation clearly leads to the activation of drug-specific T cells. In some patients with hypersensitivity, such a response may occur within hours of even the first exposure to the drug. Thus, the reaction to the drug may not be the result of a classical, primary response but rather be mediated by existing, preactivated T cells that display cross-reactivity for the drug and have additional (peptide) specificity as well. In this way, certain drugs may circumvent the checkpoints for immune activation imposed by the classical antigen processing and presentation mechanisms, which may help to explain the idiosyncratic nature of many drug hypersensitivity reactions.


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BACKGROUND: Drug-reactive T cells are involved in most drug-induced hypersensitivity reactions. The frequency of such cells in peripheral blood of patients with drug allergy after remission is unclear. OBJECTIVE: We determined the frequency of drug-reactive T cells in the peripheral blood of patients 4 months to 12 years after severe delayed-type drug hypersensitivity reactions, and whether the frequency of these cell differs from the frequency of tetanus toxoid-reactive T cells. METHODS: We analyzed 5 patients with delayed-type drug hypersensitivity reactions, applying 2 methods: quantification of cytokine-secreting T cells by enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISpot), and fluorescent dye 5,6-carboxylfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) intensity distribution analysis of drug-reactive T cells. RESULTS: Frequencies found were between 0.02% and 0.4% of CD4(+) T cells reacting to the respective drugs measured by CFSE analysis, and between 0.01% and 0.08% of T cells as determined by ELISpot. Reactivity was seen neither to drugs to which the patients were not sensitized nor in healthy individuals after stimulation with any of the drugs used. CONCLUSION: About 1:250 to 1:10,000 of T cells of patients with drug allergy are reactive to the relevant drugs. This frequency of drug-reactive T cells is higher than the frequency of T cells able to recognize recall antigens like tetanus toxoid in the same subjects. A substantial frequency could be observed as long as 12 years later in 1 patient even after strict drug avoidance. Patients with severe delayed drug hypersensitivity reactions are therefore potentially prone to react again to the incriminated drug even years after strict drug avoidance.


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Quinolones are one of the most important classes of antimicrobial agents discovered in the recent years and one of the most widely used classes of antibiotics in clinical medicine. Their broad spectrum of activity and pharmacokinetic properties make them ideal agents for treating a variety of infections. Their clinical importance is further demonstrated by their activity against a wide range of diseases of public health importance such as anthrax, tuberculosis, bacterial pneumonia, and sexually transmitted diseases. Like other antibiotics, quinolones can cause various, sometimes dangerous hypersensitivity reactions. The underlying pathomechanisms are only poorly understood. Some are thought to be partly non-immune mediated reactions, others are considered to be IgE- or T cell-mediated reactions. This review gives an insight into the different immunological mechanisms leading to the diverse symptoms of quinolone-induced hypersensitivity reactions, with special emphasis on the role of T cells in such reactions.


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BACKGROUND: Quinolones are widely used, broad spectrum antibiotics that can induce immediate- and delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, presumably either IgE or T cell mediated, in about 2-3% of treated patients. OBJECTIVE: To better understand how T cells interact with quinolones, we analysed six patients with delayed hypersensitivity reactions to ciprofloxacin (CPFX), norfloxacin (NRFX) or moxifloxacin (MXFX). METHODS: We confirmed the involvement of T cells in vivo by patch test and in vitro by means of the lymphocyte proliferation test (LTT). The nature of the drug-T cell interaction as well as the cross-reactivity with other quinolones were investigated through the generation and analysis (flow cytometry and proliferation assays) of quinolone-specific T cell clones (TCC). RESULTS: The LTT confirmed the involvement of T cells because peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) mounted an enhanced in vitro proliferative response to CPFX and/or NRFX or MXFX in all patients. Patch tests were positive after 24 and 48 h in three out of the six patients. From two patients, CPFX- and MXFX-specific CD4(+)/CD8(+) T cell receptor (TCR) alphabeta(+) TCC were generated to investigate the nature of the drug-T cell interaction as well as the cross-reactivity with other quinolones. The use of eight different quinolones as antigens (Ag) revealed three patterns of cross-reactivity: clones exclusively reacting with the eliciting drug, clones with a limited cross-reactivity and clones showing a broad cross-reactivity. The TCC recognized quinolones directly without need of processing and without covalent association with the major histocompatability complex (MHC)-peptide complex, as glutaraldehyde-fixed Ag-presenting cells (APC) could present the drug and washing quinolone-pulsed APC removed the drug, abrogating the reactivity of quinolone-specific TCC. CONCLUSION: Our data show that T cells are involved in delayed immune reactions to quinolones and that cross-reactivity among the different quinolones is frequent.


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The available literature consistently shows increased pain sensitivity after sensory stimulation of healthy tissues in patients who have various chronic pain conditions. This indicates a state of hypersensitivity of the CNS that amplifies the nociceptive input arising from damaged tissues. Experimental data indicate that central hypersensitivity is probably induced primarily by nociceptive input arising from a diseased tissue. In patients, imbalance of descending modulatory systems connected with psychologic distress may play a role. There is experimental support in animal studies for the persistence of central hypersensitivity after complete resolution of tissue damage. This is particularly true for neuropathic pain conditions, whereby potentially irreversible plasticity changes of the CNS have been documented in animal studies. Whether such changes are present in musculoskeletal pain states is at present uncertain. Despite the likely importance of central hypersensitivity in the pathophysiology of chronic pain, this mechanism should not be used to justify the lack of understanding on the anatomic origin of the pain complaints in several pain syndromes, which is mostly due to limitations of the available diagnostic tools. Treatment strategies for central hypersensitivity in patients have been investigated mostly in neuropathic pain states. Possible therapy modalities for central hypersensitivity in chronic pain of musculoskeletal origin are largely unexplored. The limited evidence available and everyday practice show, at best, modest efficacy of the available treatment modalities for central hypersensitivity. The gap between basic knowledge and clinical benefits remains large and should stimulate further intensive research.


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There is a growing discussion surrounding the issue of personalized approaches to drug prescription based on an individual's genetic makeup. This field of investigation has focused primarily on identifying genetic factors that influence drug metabolism and cellular disposition, thereby contributing to dose-dependent toxicities and/or variable drug efficacy. However, pharmacogenetic approaches have also proved valuable in predicting drug hypersensitivity reactions in selected patient populations, including HIV-infected patients receiving long-term antiretroviral therapy. In this instance, susceptibility has been strongly linked to genetic loci involved in antigen recognition and presentation to the immune system--most notably within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region--consistent with the notion that hypersensitivity reactions represent drug-specific immune responses that are largely dose independent. Here the authors describe their experiences with the development of pharmacogenetic approaches to hypersensitivity reactions associated with abacavir and nevirapine, two commonly prescribed antiretroviral drugs. It is demonstrated that prospective screening tests to identify and exclude individuals with a certain genetic makeup may be largely successful in decreasing or eliminating incidence of these adverse drug reactions in certain populations. This review also explores the broader implications of these findings.


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Abacavir therapy is associated with significant drug hypersensitivity in approximately 8% of recipients, with retrospective studies indicating a strong genetic association with the HLA-B*5701 allele. In this prospective study, involving 260 abacavir-naive individuals (7.7% of whom were positive for HLA-B*5701), we confirm the usefulness of genetic risk stratification, with no cases of abacavir hypersensitivity among 148 HLA-B*5701-negative recipients.


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Immunoglobulin E forms a minor component of serum antibody in mammals. In tissues IgE is bound by FcvarepsilonRI receptors on the surface of mast cells and mediates their release of inflammatory substances in response to antigen. IgE and mast cells have a central role in immunity to parasites and the pathogenesis of allergic diseases in horses and other mammals. This paper describes the production of several novel monoclonal antibodies that detect native equine IgE in immunohistology, ELISA and Western blotting. An antigen capture ELISA to quantify equine IgE in serum has been developed using two of these antibodies. The mean serum IgE concentration of a group of 122 adult horses was 23,523ng/ml with a range of 425-82,610ng/ml. Total serum IgE of healthy horses was compared with that of horses with insect bite dermal hypersensitivity (IBDH) an allergic reaction to the bites of blood feeding insects of Culicoides or Simulium spp. IBDH does not occur in Iceland where Culicoides spp. are absent, but following importation into mainland Europe native Icelandic horses have an exceptionally high incidence of this condition. In the present study Icelandic horses with IBDH had significantly higher total IgE than healthy Icelandic horse controls (P<0.05). By contrast in horses of other breeds the difference in total serum IgE between those affected with IBDH and healthy controls was not statistically significant. Total serum IgE was also monitored in a cohort of Icelandic horses prior to import into Switzerland and for a period of 3 years thereafter. High levels of serum IgE were present in all horses at the start of the study but dropped in the first year after import. Thereafter the total serum IgE remained low in Icelandic horses that remained healthy but rose significantly (P<0.05) in those that developed IBDH. These results support the conclusion that IBDH is a type I hypersensitivity response to insect allergens but indicate that IBDH in Icelandic horses may have a different pathogenesis from the same condition in other breeds.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency, age distribution and clinical presentation of carotid sinus hypersensitivity (CSH) among 373 patients (age range 15-92 years) referred to two autonomic referral centres during a 10-year period. METHODS: Carotid sinus massage (CSM) was performed both supine and during 60 degree head-up tilt. Beat-to-beat blood pressure, heart rate and a three-lead electrocardiography were recorded continuously. CSH was classified as cardioinhibitory (asystole > or = 3 s), vasodepressor (systolic blood pressure fall > or = 50 mm Hg) or mixed. All patients additionally underwent autonomic screening tests for orthostatic hypotension and autonomic failure. RESULTS: CSH was observed in 13.7% of all patients. The diagnostic yield of CSM was nil in patients aged < 50 years (n = 65), 2.4% in those aged 50-59 years (n = 82), 9.1% in those aged 60-69 years (n = 77), 20.7% in those aged 70-79 years (n = 92) and reached 40.4% in those > 80 years (n = 57). Syncope was the leading clinical symptom in 62.8%. In 27.4% of patients falls without definite loss of consciousness was the main clinical symptom. Mild and mainly systolic orthostatic hypotension was recorded in 17.6%; evidence of sympathetic or parasympathetic dysfunction was found in none. CONCLUSIONS: CSH was confirmed in patients > 50 years, the incidence steeply increasing with age. The current European Society of Cardiology guidelines that recommend testing for CSH in all patients > 40 years with syncope of unknown aetiology may need reconsideration. Orthostatic hypotension was noted in some patients with CSH, but evidence of sympathetic or parasympathetic failure was not found in any of them.


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Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an allergic dermatitis of horses caused by IgE-mediated reactions to bites of insects of the genus Culicoides. IBH does not occur in Iceland due to the absence of Culicoides. However, Icelandic horses exported to mainland Europe as adults (1st generation) have a >/=50% incidence of developing IBH. In contrast, their progeny (2nd generation) has a <10% incidence of IBH. Here we show that peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from Icelandic horses born in mainland Europe and belonging either to the IBH or healthy subgroup produce less interleukin (IL)-4 after polyclonal or allergen-specific stimulation when compared with counterparts from horses born in Iceland. We examined a role of IL-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 in down-regulation of IL-4 in healthy 2nd generation Icelandic horses. Supernatants of PBMC from 2nd generation healthy horses down-regulated the proportion of IL-4-producing cells and IL-4 production in stimulated cultures of PBMC from 1st generation IBH. This inhibition was mimicked by a combination of IL-10 and TGF-beta1 but not by the single cytokines. Cultures of stimulated PBMC of healthy 2nd generation horses produced a low level of IL-4, but IL-4 production was increased by anti-equine IL-10 and anti-human TGF-beta1. This shows for the first time that in horses, IL-10 and TGF-beta1 combined regulate IL-4 production in vitro. It is suggested that in this naturally occurring IgE-mediated allergy, IL-10 and TGF-beta1 have a role in the down-regulation of IL-4-induced allergen-specific Th2 cells, thereby reducing the incidence of IBH.