600 resultados para HYDROXIDES


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The hydration of tricalcium silicate (C(3)S) in the presence of heavy metal is very important to cement-based solidification/stabilisation (s/s) of waste. In this work, tricalcium silicate pastes and aqueous suspensions doped with nitrate salts of Zn(2+), Pb(2+), Cu(2+) and Cr(3+) were examined at different ages by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (DTA/TG) and (29)Si solid-state magic angle spinning/nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS/NMR). It was found that heavy metal doping accelerated C(3)S hydration, even though Zn(2+) doping exhibited a severe retardation effect at an early period of time of C(3)S hydration. Heavy metals retarded the precipitation of portlandite due to the reduction of pH resulted from the hydrolysis of heavy metal ions during C(3)S hydration. The contents of portlandite in the control, Cr(3+)-doped, Cu(2+)-doped, Pb(2+)-doped and Zn(2+)-doped C(3)S pastes aged 28 days were 16.7, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, and <0.7%, respectively. Heavy metals co-precipitated with calcium as double hydroxides such as (Ca(2)Cr(OH)(7).3H(2)O, Ca(2)(OH)(4)4Cu(OH)(2).2H(2)O and CaZn(2)(OH)(6).2H(2)O). These compounds were identified as crystalline phases in heavy metal doping C(3)S suspensions and amorphous phases in heavy metal doping C(3)S pastes. (29)Si NMR data confirmed that heavy metals promoted the polymerisation of C-S-H gel in 1-year-old of C(3)S pastes. The average numbers of Si in C-S-H gel for the Zn(2+)-doped, Cu(2+)-doped, Cr(3+)-doped, control, and Pb(2+)-doped C(3)S pastes were 5.86, 5.11, 3.66, 3.62, and 3.52. And the corresponding Ca/Si ratios were 1.36, 1.41, 1.56, 1.57 and 1.56, respectively. This study also revealed that the presence of heavy metal facilitated the formation of calcium carbonate during C(3)S hydration process in the presence of carbon dioxide.


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Received for publication October 31, 2002. Design and operation of Fe0 permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) can be improved by understanding the long-term mineralogical transformations that occur within PRBs. Changes in mineral precipitates, cementation, and corrosion of Fe0 filings within an in situ pilot-scale PRB were examined after the first 30 months of operation and compared with results of a previous study of the PRB conducted 15 months earlier using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy employing energy dispersive X-ray and backscatter electron analyses. Iron (oxy)hydroxides, aragonite, and maghemite and/or magnetite occurred throughout the cores collected 30 mo after installation. Goethite, lepidocrocite, mackinawite, aragonite, calcite, and siderite were associated with oxidized and cemented areas, while green rusts were detected in more reduced zones. Basic differences from our last detailed investigation include (i) mackinawite crystallized from amorphous FeS, (ii) aragonite transformed into calcite, (iii) akaganeite transformed to goethite and lepidocrocite, (iv) iron (oxy)hydroxides and calcium and iron carbonate minerals increased, (v) cementation was greater in the more recent study, and (vi) oxidation, corrosion, and disintegration of Fe0 filings were greater, especially in cemented areas, in the more recent study. If the degree of corrosion and cementation that was observed from 15 to 30 mo after installation continues, certain portions of the PRB (i.e., up-gradient entrance of the ground water to the Fe0 section of the PRB) may last less than five more years, thus reducing the effectiveness of the PRB to mitigate contaminants. Abbreviations: EDX, energy dispersive X-ray • Fe0, zerovalent iron • PRB, permeable reactive barrier • SEM, scanning electron microscopy • XRD, X-ray diffraction


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The Monkstown Fe0 PRB, Europe’s oldest commercially installed PRB, had been treating trichloroethene (TCE) contaminated groundwater for about 10 years on the Nortel Network site in Northern Ireland when cores were collected in December, 2006. Groundwater data from 2001-2006 indicated that TCE is being remediated to below detection limits as the contaminated groundwater flows through the PRB, Ca and Fe carbonates, crystalline and amorphous FeS, and Fe (oxy)hydroxides precipitates are present in the Fe0 filing material within the PRB. A greater variety of minerals are associated with a 1 cm thick slightly cemented crust at the entrance of the Fe0 section of the reactive vessel and the discontinuous cemented Fe0 material directly below it. Also, a greater presence of microbial communities occurred in the upper portion of the PRB compared to the lower section which might be due to less favourable conditions (i.e. high pH, low oxygen) for microbial growth in the lower section of the PRB. Visual estimation suggests that the Fe0 filings in the effluent section of the PRB have life-span of 10+ years compared to the Fe0 filings in the thin influent section of the PRB which may have a life span of only ~2-5 more years. Multi-tracer tests indicated that preferential pathways have formed in this PRB over the 10 years of operation.


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The task-specific ionic liquid betainium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [Hbet][Tf2N], was used to dissolve metal oxides and hydroxides. The crystal structures of the resulting metal betaine bistriflimide complexes exhibit a rich structural variety. A trimeric structure was found for the cobalt(II) compound, [Co-3(bet)(8)(Hbet)(2)(H2O)(2)][Tf2N](9)[Hbet], a tetrameric structure for the manganese(II) and zinc(II) compound, [Mn-4(bet)(10)(H2O)(4)][Tf2N](8) and [Zn-4(bet)(10)(H2O)(2)][Tf2N](8), respectively, a pentameric structure for the nickel(II) compound, [Ni-5(bet)(12)(H2O)(6)][Tf2N](10), an oxo-hydroxo-cluster formation for the lead(II) compound, [(Pb4O)Pb(OH)(bet)(8)(Tf2N)3] [Tf2N](4)center dot MeOH, and a polymeric structure for the silver(I) compound, [Ag-2(bet)(2)(Tf2N)Ag-2(bet)(2)][Tf2N](3). The zwitterionic nature of the betaine ligand and the weakly coordinating ability of the bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [Tf2N]- anion facilitates the incorporation of metal ions into oligonuclear and polynuclear metal complexes.


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Imidazolium, pyridinium, pyrrolidinium, piperidinium, morpholinium, and quaternary ammonium bis(trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl)imide salts were functionalized with a carboxyl group. These ionic liquids are useful for the selective dissolution of metal oxides and hydroxides. Although these hydrophobic ionic liquids are immiscible with water at room temperature, several of them form a single phase with water at elevated temperatures. Phase separation occurs upon cooling. This thermomorphic behavior has been investigated by H-1 NMR, and it was found that it can be attributed to the temperature-dependent hydration and hydrogen-bond formation of the ionic liquid components. The crystal structures of four ionic liquids and five metal complexes have been determined.


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Artificial riboflavin receptors adapted to aqueous environments were studied for their ability to selectively extract riboflavine (Rf) from three types of beverages i.e. milk, beer and a multivitamin mixture. The basic receptor was first prepared by molecular imprinting in nonaqueous medium using a hydrogen-bond donor-acceptor-donor functional monomer (2,6-bis(acrylamido)pyridine), complementary to the imide motif of the template, riboflavin tetra-acetate as template and pentaerythritol triacrylate (PETA) as a hydrophilic cross-linking monomer. The polymer was then packed in columns and used for extraction of riboflavine from beverages. Riboflavine (Rf) was selectively removed from milk and an artificial vitamin mixture but the nonspecific binding was still significant, as judged from the binding of Rf to a control nonimprinted polymer. In order to suppress this nonspecific binding, attempts to hydrolytically hydrophilize the polymer matrix were performed. The preferred approach consisted in a controlled base hydrolysis of pendent unreacted acrylate groups, using hydroxides with differently sized counterions as reagents. This resulted in a decreased binding of Rf to both polymers, but to an equal extent implying a preferential suppression of the nonspecific contribution to the binding. The hydrophilized polymers, when subjected to beer, showed larger imprinting factors at lower phase ratios compared to the nontreated polymers and a maximum removal of 86% compared to 47% for the nonimprinted control polymer.


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This study reports on the geochemical and mineralogical characterization of a lateritic profile cropping out in the Balkouin area, Central Burkina Faso, aimed at obtaining a better understanding of the processes responsible for the formation of the laterite itself and the constraints to its development. The lateritic profile rests on a Paleoproterozoic basement mostly composed of granodioritic rocks related to the Eburnean magmatic cycle passing upwards to saprolite and consists of four main composite horizons (bottom to top): kaolinite and clay-rich horizons, mottled laterite and iron-rich duricrust. In order to achieve such a goal, a multi-disciplinary analytical approach was adopted, which includes inductively coupled plasma (ICP) atomic emission and mass spectrometries (ICP-AES and ICP-MS respectively), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS) and micro-Raman spectroscopy.

The geochemical data, and particularly the immobile elements distribution and REE patterns, show that the Balkouin laterite is the product of an in situ lateritization process that involved a strong depletion of the more soluble elements (K, Mg, Ca, Na, Rb, Sr and Ba) and an enrichment in Fe; Si was also removed, particularly in the uppermost horizons. All along the profile the change in composition is coupled with important changes in mineralogy. In particular, the saprolite is characterized by occurrence of abundant albitic plagioclase, quartz and nontronite; kaolinite is apparently absent. The transition to the overlying lateritic profile marks the breakdown of plagioclase and nontronite, thus allowing kaolinite to become one of the major components upwards, together with goethite and quartz. The upper part of the profile is strongly enriched in hematite (+ kaolinite). Ti oxides (at least in part as anatase) and apatite are typical accessory phases, while free aluminum hydroxides are notably absent. Mass change calculations emphasize the extent of the mass loss, which exceeds 50 wt% (and often 70 wt%) for almost all horizons; only Fe was significantly concentrated in the residual system.

The geochemical and mineralogical features suggest that the lateritic profile is the product of a continuous process that gradually developed from the bedrock upwards, in agreement with the Schellmann classic genetic model. The laterite formation must have occurred at low pH (? 4.5) and high Eh (? 0.4) values, i.e., under acidic and oxidizing environments, which allowed strongly selective leaching conditions. The lack of gibbsite and bohemite is in agreement with the compositional data: the occurrence of quartz (± amorphous silica) all along the profile was an inhibiting factor for the formation of free aluminum hydroxides.


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This laboratory experiment systematically examines arsenic, iron, and phosphorus solubilities in soil suspensions as affected by addition of phosphorus fertilizer under different redox potential (Eh) and pH conditions. Under aerobic conditions, As solubility was low, however, under moderately reducing conditions (0, -150 mV), As solubility significantly increased due to dissolution of iron oxy-hydroxides. Upon reduction to -250 mV, As solubility was controlled by the formation of insoluble sulfides, and as a result soluble As contents significantly decreased. Soluble Fe concentration increased from moderate to highly anaerobic conditions; however, it decreased under aerobic conditions likely due to formation of insoluble oxy-hydroxides. A low pH, 5.5, led to increased soluble concentrations of As, Fe, and P. Finally, addition of P-fertilizers resulted in higher soluble P and As, even though the concentration of As did not increased after an addition rate of 600 mg P kg(-1) soil. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Design and operation of Fe0 permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) can be improved by understanding the long-term mineralogical transformations that occur within PRBs. Changes in mineral precipitates, cementation, and corrosion of Fe0 filings within an in situ pilot-scale PRB were examined after the first 30 months of operation and compared with results of a previous study of the PRB conducted 15 months earlier using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy employing energy dispersive X-ray and backscatter electron analyses. Iron (oxy)hydroxides, aragonite, and maghemite and/or magnetite occurred throughout the cores collected 30 mo after installation. Goethite, lepidocrocite, mackinawite, aragonite, calcite, and siderite were associated with oxidized and cemented areas, while green rusts were detected in more reduced zones. Basic differences from our last detailed investigation include (i) mackinawite crystallized from amorphous FeS, (ii) aragonite transformed into calcite, (iii) akaganeite transformed to goethite and lepidocrocite, (iv) iron (oxy)hydroxides and calcium and iron carbonate minerals increased, (v) cementation was greater in the more recent study, and (vi) oxidation, corrosion, and disintegration of Fe0 filings were greater, especially in cemented areas, in the more recent study. If the degree of corrosion and cementation that was observed from 15 to 30 mo after installation continues, certain portions of the PRB (i.e., up-gradient entrance of the ground water to the Fe0 section of the PRB) may last less than five more years, thus reducing the effectiveness of the PRB to mitigate contaminants.


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The peroxometalate-based polymer immobilized ionic liquid phase catalyst [PO4{WO(O-2)(2)}(4)]@PIILP has been prepared by anion exchange of ring opening metathesis-derived pyrrolidinium-decorated norbornene/ cyclooctene copolymer and shown to be a remarkably efficient system for the selective oxidation of sulfides under mild conditions. A cartridge packed with a mixture of [PO4{WO(O-2)(2)}(4)]@PIILP and silica operated as a segmented or continuous flow process and gave good conversions and high selectivity for either sulfoxide (92% in methanol at 96% conversion for a residence time of 4 min) or sulfone (96% in acetonitrile at 96% conversion for a residence time of 15 min). The immobilized catalyst remained active for 8 h under continuous flow operation with a stable activity/selectivity profile that allowed 6.5 g of reactant to be processed (TON = 46 428) while a single catalyst cartridge could be used for the consecutive oxidation of multiple substrates giving activity-selectivity profiles that matched those obtained with fresh catalyst.


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The effect of sodium-modification on the catalyst and electrocatalytic properties of a platinum catalyst supported on a YSZ solid electrolyte was studied. Increasing the sodium coverage on the catalyst surface appears to block some of the three-phase boundary (tpb) sites and reduces the rate of the charge transfer reaction. The promotion of the platinum surface reaction (ethylene oxidation) seems to a first approximation to be a function of the rate of oxygen supply or removal to or from the surface irrespective of whether this is contaminated by sodium or not (samples with sodium contamination require a higher overpotential to achieve the same current density as a clean sample because of poisoning in the tpb). At high negative polarisations (oxygen removed from the surface) the sodium contaminated samples show a significant increase in rate, possibly due to the decomposition of e.g. sodium hydroxides and carbonates. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The fragmentation patterns and mass spectra of some phenyl tin and -lead halide adducts with hexamethylphosphoramide are compared by subjecting them t~ electron impact and fast atom bombardment ionization in a mass spectrometer. This comparison is restricted to the metal-containing ions. Ligand-exchange mechanisms of some of the metal-containing species are explored by FAB-MS. Several moisturesensitive organo-metallics and H-bonded systems have been examined by FAB for attempted characterization, but without any success. Scavenging and trapping of water molecules by complex aggregates in solutions of quaternary ammonium fluorides and hydroxides are investigated by FAB to complement previous NMR-studies.


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Nous avons mis au point une approche novatrice pour la synthèse d’un matériau de cathode pour les piles lithium-ion basée sur la décomposition thermique de l’urée. Les hydroxydes de métal mixte (NixMnxCo(1-2x)(OH)2) ont été préparés (x = 0.00 à 0.50) et subséquemment utilisés comme précurseurs à la préparation de l’oxyde de métal mixte (LiNixMnxCo(1-2x)O2). Ces matériaux, ainsi que le phosphate de fer lithié (LiFePO4), sont pressentis comme matériaux de cathode commerciaux pour la prochaine génération de piles lithium-ion. Nous avons également développé un nouveau traitement post-synthèse afin d’améliorer la morphologie des hydroxydes. L’originalité de l’approche basée sur la décomposition thermique de l’urée réside dans l’utilisation inédite des hydroxydes comme précurseurs à la préparation d’oxydes de lithium mixtes par l’intermédiaire d’une technique de précipitation uniforme. De plus, nous proposons de nouvelles techniques de traitement s’adressant aux méthodes de synthèses traditionnelles. Les résultats obtenus par ces deux méthodes sont résumés dans deux articles soumis à des revues scientifiques. Tous les matériaux produits lors de cette recherche ont été analysés par diffraction des rayons X (DRX), microscope électronique à balayage (MEB), analyse thermique gravimétrique (ATG) et ont été caractérisés électrochimiquement. La performance électrochimique (nombre de cycles vs capacité) des matériaux de cathode a été conduite en mode galvanostatique.


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Biotechnology is currently considered as a useful altemative to conventional process technology in industrial and catalytic fields. The increasing awareness of the need to create green and sustainable production processes in all fields of chemistry has stimulated materials scientists to search for innovative catalysts supports. lmmobilization of enzymes in inorganic matrices is very useful in practical applications due to the preserved stability and catalytic activity of the immobilized enzymes under extreme conditions. Nanostructured inorganic, organic or hybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposites present paramount advantages to facilitate integration and miniaturization of the devices (nanotechnologies), thus affording a direct connection between the inorganic, organic and biological worlds. These properties, combined with good chemical stability, make them competent candidates for designed biocatalysts, protein-separation devices, drug delivery systems, and biosensors Aluininosilicate clays and layered double hydroxides, displaying, respectively, cation and anion exchange properties, were found to be attractive materials for immobilization because of their hydrophilic, swelling and porosity properties, as well as their mechanical and thermal stability.The aim of this study is the replacement of inorganic catalysts by immobilized lipases to obtain purer and healthier products.Mesocellular silica foams were synthesized by oil-in-water microemulsion templating route and were functionalized with silane and glutaraldehyde. " The experimental results from IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis demonstrated the presence of immobilized lipase and also functionalisation with silane and glutaraldehyde on the supports.The present work is a comprehensive study on enzymatic synthesis of butyl isobutyrate through esterification reaction using lipase immobilized onto mesocellular siliceous foams and montmorillonite K-10 via adsorption and covalent binding. Moreover, the irnrnobil-ization does not modify the nature of the kinetic mechanism proposed which is of the Bi-Bi Ping—Pong type with inhibition by n-butanol. The immobilized biocatalyst can be commercially exploited for the synthesis of other short chain flavor esters. Mesocellular silica foams (MCF) were synthesized by microemusion templating method via two different routes (hydrothermal and room temperature). and were functionalized with silane and glutaraldehyde. Candida rugosa lipase was adsorbed onto MCF silica and clay using heptane as the coupling medium for reactions in non-aqueous media. I From XRD results, a slight broadening and lowering of d spacing values after immobilization and modification was observed in the case of MCF 160 and MCF35 but there was no change in the d-spacing in the case of K-10 which showed that the enzymes are adsorbed only on the external surface. This was further confirmed from the nitrogen adsorption measurements


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The distribution and accumulation of trace metals in the sediments of the Cochin estuary during the pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon periods were investigated. Sediment samples from 14 locations were collected and analysed for the metal contents (Mg, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb), organic carbon, total nitrogen, total sulphur and grain size. The data were processed using statistical tools like correlation, factor and cluster analysis. The study revealed an enrichment of Cd and Zn in the study area particularly at station 2, which is confirmed by enrichment factor, contamination factor and geoaccumulation index. The factor analysis revealed that the source of Cd and Zn may be same. The study indicated that the spatial variation for the metals like Mg, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were predominant unlike Mn which shows a temporal variation. The strong association of trace metals with Fe and Mn hydroxides and oxides are prominent along the Cochin estuary. The anthropogenic inputs of industrial effluents mainly control the trace metals enrichment in the Cochin estuary