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This paper deals with the problem of tracking target sets using a model predictive control (MPC) law. Some MPC applications require a control strategy in which some system outputs are controlled within specified ranges or zones (zone control), while some other variables - possibly including input variables - are steered to fixed target or set-point. In real applications, this problem is often overcome by including and excluding an appropriate penalization for the output errors in the control cost function. In this way, throughout the continuous operation of the process, the control system keeps switching from one controller to another, and even if a stabilizing control law is developed for each of the control configurations, switching among stable controllers not necessarily produces a stable closed loop system. From a theoretical point of view, the control objective of this kind of problem can be seen as a target set (in the output space) instead of a target point, since inside the zones there are no preferences between one point or another. In this work, a stable MPC formulation for constrained linear systems, with several practical properties is developed for this scenario. The concept of distance from a point to a set is exploited to propose an additional cost term, which ensures both, recursive feasibility and local optimality. The performance of the proposed strategy is illustrated by simulation of an ill-conditioned distillation column. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the MPC literature, stability is usually assured under the assumption that the state is measured. Since the closed-loop system may be nonlinear because of the constraints, it is not possible to apply the separation principle to prove global stability for the Output feedback case. It is well known that, a nonlinear closed-loop system with the state estimated via an exponentially converging observer combined with a state feedback controller can be unstable even when the controller is stable. One alternative to overcome the state estimation problem is to adopt a non-minimal state space model, in which the states are represented by measured past inputs and outputs [P.C. Young, M.A. Behzadi, C.L. Wang, A. Chotai, Direct digital and adaptative control by input-output, state variable feedback pole assignment, International journal of Control 46 (1987) 1867-1881; C. Wang, P.C. Young, Direct digital control by input-output, state variable feedback: theoretical background, International journal of Control 47 (1988) 97-109]. In this case, no observer is needed since the state variables can be directly measured. However, an important disadvantage of this approach is that the realigned model is not of minimal order, which makes the infinite horizon approach to obtain nominal stability difficult to apply. Here, we propose a method to properly formulate an infinite horizon MPC based on the output-realigned model, which avoids the use of an observer and guarantees the closed loop stability. The simulation results show that, besides providing closed-loop stability for systems with integrating and stable modes, the proposed controller may have a better performance than those MPC controllers that make use of an observer to estimate the current states. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Esta dissertação propõe um algoritmo do Controlador Preditivo Generalizado (GPC) com horizonte de controle igual a um para ser aplicado em plantas industriais com modelos variantes no tempo, simples o su ficiente para ser implementado em Controlador Lógico Programável (PLC). A solução explícita do controlador é obtida em função dos parâmetros do modelo e dos parâmetros de sintonia do GPC (horizonte nal de predição hp e o fator de supressão do sinal de controle ), além das entradas e saídas presentes e passadas. A sintonia do fator de supressão e do horizonte de previsão GPC é feita através do lugar das raízes da equação característica do sistema em malha fechada, sempre que os parâmetros do modelo da planta industrial (estável ou instável em malha aberta) forem modificados.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo Automação e Electrónica Industrial


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial


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This paper presents a distributed predictive control methodology for indoor thermal comfort that optimizes the consumption of a limited shared energy resource using an integrated demand-side management approach that involves a power price auction and an appliance loads allocation scheme. The control objective for each subsystem (house or building) aims to minimize the energy cost while maintaining the indoor temperature inside comfort limits. In a distributed coordinated multi-agent ecosystem, each house or building control agent achieves its objectives while sharing, among them, the available energy through the introduction of particular coupling constraints in their underlying optimization problem. Coordination is maintained by a daily green energy auction bring in a demand-side management approach. Also the implemented distributed MPC algorithm is described and validated with simulation studies.


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This paper develops an energy management system with integration of smart meters for electricity consumers in a smart grid context. The integration of two types of smart meters (SM) are developed: (i) consumer owned SM and (ii) distributor owned SM. The consumer owned SM runs over a wireless platform - ZigBee protocol and the distributor owned SM uses the wired environment - ModBus protocol. The SM are connected to a SCADA system (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) that supervises a network of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). The SCADA system/PLC network integrates different types of information coming from several technologies present in modern buildings. The developed control strategy implements a hierarchical cascade controller where inner loops are performed by local PLCs, and the outer loop is managed by a centralized SCADA system, which interacts with the entire local PLC network. In order to implement advanced controllers, a communication channel was developed to allow the communication between the SCADA system and the MATLAB software. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Eletrónica Industrial


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In today’s healthcare paradigm, optimal sedation during anesthesia plays an important role both in patient welfare and in the socio-economic context. For the closed-loop control of general anesthesia, two drugs have proven to have stable, rapid onset times: propofol and remifentanil. These drugs are related to their effect in the bispectral index, a measure of EEG signal. In this paper wavelet time–frequency analysis is used to extract useful information from the clinical signals, since they are time-varying and mark important changes in patient’s response to drug dose. Model based predictive control algorithms are employed to regulate the depth of sedation by manipulating these two drugs. The results of identification from real data and the simulation of the closed loop control performance suggest that the proposed approach can bring an improvement of 9% in overall robustness and may be suitable for clinical practice.


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In today’s healthcare paradigm, optimal sedation during anesthesia plays an important role both in patient welfare and in the socio-economic context. For the closed-loop control of general anesthesia, two drugs have proven to have stable, rapid onset times: propofol and remifentanil. These drugs are related to their effect in the bispectral index, a measure of EEG signal. In this paper wavelet time–frequency analysis is used to extract useful information from the clinical signals, since they are time-varying and mark important changes in patient’s response to drug dose. Model based predictive control algorithms are employed to regulate the depth of sedation by manipulating these two drugs. The results of identification from real data and the simulation of the closed loop control performance suggest that the proposed approach can bring an improvement of 9% in overall robustness and may be suitable for clinical practice.


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This article presents recent WMR (wheeled mobile robot) navigation experiences using local perception knowledge provided by monocular and odometer systems. A local narrow perception horizon is used to plan safety trajectories towards the objective. Therefore, monocular data are proposed as a way to obtain real time local information by building two dimensional occupancy grids through a time integration of the frames. The path planning is accomplished by using attraction potential fields, while the trajectory tracking is performed by using model predictive control techniques. The results are faced to indoor situations by using the lab available platform consisting in a differential driven mobile robot


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The paper discusses maintenance challenges of organisations with a huge number of devices and proposes the use of probabilistic models to assist monitoring and maintenance planning. The proposal assumes connectivity of instruments to report relevant features for monitoring. Also, the existence of enough historical registers with diagnosed breakdowns is required to make probabilistic models reliable and useful for predictive maintenance strategies based on them. Regular Markov models based on estimated failure and repair rates are proposed to calculate the availability of the instruments and Dynamic Bayesian Networks are proposed to model cause-effect relationships to trigger predictive maintenance services based on the influence between observed features and previously documented diagnostics


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Työn tavoitteena oli vertailla paperikoneen lajinvaihdon säätötapoja. Vertailun kohteina olivat Metso Automationin IQGradeChange lajinvaihto-ohjelmisto ja operaattoreiden käsin tekemät lajinvaihdot. Kattavan tutkimusaineiston saamiseksi paperikoneen lajinvaihtodataa kerättiin seitsemän kuukauden ajan. Kerätyt lajinvaihdot käytiin läpi Matlab-ympäristössä lajinvaihtoaikojen selvittämiseksi. Lisäksi lajinvaihdoista laskettiin tuotannon muutokset ((t/h)/min) vanhan ja uudenlajin välillä, jotta päästiin selvyyteen lajinvaihdon laajuudesta ja eri lajinvaihtotapojen suorituskyvyistä. Koeajojaksona paperikoneelta kerättiin kaikkiaan 130 lajinvaihdon tiedot. Näistä lajinvaihdoista 58 tehtiin IQGradeChange lajinvaihto-ohjelmistolla ja 72 oli operaattoreiden käsin tekemiä lajinvaihtoja. Kerätyistä 130 lajinvaihdosta 27 kappaletta päättyi ratakatkoon. Yhtenä tehtävänä olikin tutkia katkoon päättyneitä lajinvaihtoja.


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Tässä diplomityössä määritellään biopolttoainetta käyttävän voimalaitoksen käytönaikainen tuotannon optimointimenetelmä. Määrittelytyö liittyy MW Powerin MultiPower CHP –voimalaitoskonseptin jatkokehitysprojektiin. Erilaisten olemassa olevien optimointitapojen joukosta valitaan tarkoitukseen sopiva, laitosmalliin ja kustannusfunktioon perustuva menetelmä, jonka tulokset viedään automaatiojärjestelmään PID-säätimien asetusarvojen muodossa. Prosessin mittaustulosten avulla lasketaan laitoksen energia- ja massataseet, joiden tuloksia käytetään seuraavan optimointihetken lähtötietoina. Optimoinnin kohdefunktio on kustannusfunktio, jonka termit ovat voimalaitoksen käytöstä aiheutuvia tuottoja ja kustannuksia. Prosessia optimoidaan säätimille annetut raja-arvot huomioiden niin, että kokonaiskate maksimoituu. Kun laitokselle kertyy käyttöikää ja historiadataa, voidaan prosessin optimointia nopeuttaa hakemalla tilastollisesti historiadatasta nykytilanteen olosuhteita vastaava hetki. Kyseisen historian hetken katetta verrataan kustannusfunktion optimoinnista saatuun katteeseen. Paremman katteen antavan menetelmän laskemat asetusarvot otetaan käyttöön prosessin ohjausta varten. Mikäli kustannusfunktion laskenta eikä historiadatan perusteella tehty haku anna paranevaa katetta, niiden laskemia asetusarvoja ei oteta käyttöön. Sen sijaan optimia aletaan hakea deterministisellä optimointialgoritmilla, joka hakee nykyhetken ympäristöstä paremman katteen antavia säätimien asetusarvoja. Säätöjärjestelmä on mahdollista toteuttaa myös tulevaisuutta ennustavana. Työn käytännön osuudessa voimalaitosmalli luodaan kahden eri mallinnusohjelman avulla, joista toisella kuvataan kattilan ja toisella voimalaitosprosessin toimintaa. Mallinnuksen tuloksena saatuja prosessiarvoja hyödynnetään lähtötietoina käyttökatteen laskennassa. Kate lasketaan kustannusfunktion perusteella. Tuotoista suurimmat liittyvät sähkön ja lämmön myyntiin sekä tuotantotukeen, ja suurimmat kustannukset liittyvät investoinnin takaisinmaksuun ja polttoaineen ostoon. Kustannusfunktiolle tehdään herkkyystarkastelu, jossa seurataan katteen muutosta prosessin teknisiä arvoja muutettaessa. Tuloksia vertaillaan referenssivoimalaitoksella suoritettujen verifiointimittausten tuloksiin, ja havaitaan, että tulokset eivät ole täysin yhteneviä. Erot johtuvat sekä mallinnuksen puutteista että mittausten lyhyehköistä tarkasteluajoista. Automatisoidun optimointijärjestelmän käytännön toteutusta alustetaan määrittelemällä käyttöön otettava optimointitapa, siihen liittyvät säätöpiirit ja tarvittavat lähtötiedot. Projektia tullaan jatkamaan järjestelmän ohjelmoinnilla, testauksella ja virityksellä todellisessa voimalaitosympäristössä ja myöhemmin ennustavan säädön toteuttamisella.