935 resultados para HOSTING STARS
The rates of axion emission by nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung are calculated with the inclusion of the full momentum contribution from a nuclear one pion exchange (OPE) potential. The contributions of the neutron-neutron (nn), proton-proton (pp) and neutron-proton (np) processes in both the non-degenerate and degenerate limits are explicitly given. We find that the finite-momentum corrections to the emissivities are quantitatively significant for the non-degenerate regime and temperature-dependent, and should affect the existing axion mass hounds. The trend of these nuclear effects is to diminish the emissivities. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
By means of self-consistent three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) numerical simulations, we analyze magnetized solar-like stellar winds and their dependence on the plasma-beta parameter (the ratio between thermal and magnetic energy densities). This is the first study to perform such analysis solving the fully ideal three-dimensional MHD equations. We adopt in our simulations a heating parameter described by gamma, which is responsible for the thermal acceleration of the wind. We analyze winds with polar magnetic field intensities ranging from 1 to 20 G. We show that the wind structure presents characteristics that are similar to the solar coronal wind. The steady-state magnetic field topology for all cases is similar, presenting a configuration of helmet streamer-type, with zones of closed field lines and open field lines coexisting. Higher magnetic field intensities lead to faster and hotter winds. For the maximum magnetic intensity simulated of 20 G and solar coronal base density, the wind velocity reaches values of similar to 1000 km s(-1) at r similar to 20r(0) and a maximum temperature of similar to 6 x 10(6) K at r similar to 6r(0). The increase of the field intensity generates a larger ""dead zone"" in the wind, i.e., the closed loops that inhibit matter to escape from latitudes lower than similar to 45 degrees extend farther away from the star. The Lorentz force leads naturally to a latitude-dependent wind. We show that by increasing the density and maintaining B(0) = 20 G the system recover back to slower and cooler winds. For a fixed gamma, we show that the key parameter in determining the wind velocity profile is the beta-parameter at the coronal base. Therefore, there is a group of magnetized flows that would present the same terminal velocity despite its thermal and magnetic energy densities, as long as the plasma-beta parameter is the same. This degeneracy, however, can be removed if we compare other physical parameters of the wind, such as the mass-loss rate. We analyze the influence of gamma in our results and we show that it is also important in determining the wind structure.
K-band spectra of young stellar candidates in four Southern hemisphere clusters have been obtained with the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph in Gemini South. The clusters are associated with IRAS sources that have colours characteristic of ultracompact H II regions. Spectral types were obtained by comparison of the observed spectra with those of a near-infrared (NIR) library; the results include the spectral classification of nine massive stars and seven objects confirmed as background late-type stars. Two of the studied sources have K-band spectra compatible with those characteristic of very hot stars, as inferred from the presence of C IV, N III and N V emission lines at 2.078, 2.116 and 2.100 mu m, respectively. One of them, I16177_IRS1, has a K-band spectrum similar to that of Cyg OB2 7, an O3If* supergiant star. The nebular K-band spectrum of the associated Ultra-Compact (UC) H II region shows the s-process [Kr III] and [Se IV] high excitation emission lines, previously identified only in planetary nebula. One young stellar object was found in each cluster, associated with either the main IRAS source or a nearby resolved Midecourse Space eXperiment (MSX) component, confirming the results obtained from previous NIR photometric surveys. The distances to the stars were derived from their spectral types and previously determined JHK magnitudes; they agree well with the values obtained from the kinematic method, except in the case of IRAS 15408-5356, for which the spectroscopic distance is about a factor of 2 smaller than the kinematic value.
We present preliminary results for the estimation of barium [Ba/Fe], and strontium [Sr/Fe], abundances ratios using medium-resolution spectra (1-2 angstrom). We established a calibration between the abundance ratios and line indices for Ba and Sr, using multiple regression and artificial neural network techniques. A comparison between the two techniques (showing the advantage of the latter), as well as a discussion of future work, is presented.
We present a comprehensive analysis of the spatial, kinematic and chemical properties of stars and globular clusters (GCs) in the `ordinary` elliptical galaxy NGC 4494 using data from the Keck and Subaru telescopes. We derive galaxy surface brightness and colour profiles out to large galactocentric radii. We compare the latter to metallicities derived using the near-infrared Calcium Triplet. We obtain stellar kinematics out to similar to 3.5 effective radii. The latter appear flattened or elongated beyond similar to 1.8 effective radii in contrast to the relatively round photometric isophotes. In fact, NGC 4494 may be a flattened galaxy, possibly even an S0, seen at an inclination of similar to 45 degrees. We publish a catalogue of 431 GC candidates brighter than i(0) = 24 based on the photometry, of which 109 are confirmed spectroscopically and 54 have measured spectroscopic metallicities. We also report the discovery of three spectroscopically confirmed ultra-compact dwarfs around NGC 4494 with measured metallicities of -0.4 less than or similar to [Fe/H] less than or similar to -0.3. Based on their properties, we conclude that they are simply bright GCs. The metal-poor GCs are found to be rotating with similar amplitude as the galaxy stars, while the metal-rich GCs show marginal rotation. We supplement our analysis with available literature data and results. Using model predictions of galaxy formation, and a suite of merger simulations, we find that many of the observational properties of NGC 4494 may be explained by formation in a relatively recent gas-rich major merger. Complete studies of individual galaxies incorporating a range of observational avenues and methods such as the one presented here will be an invaluable tool for constraining the fine details of galaxy formation models, especially at large galactocentric radii.
In this paper, we analyze the impact of hosting the Summer Olympics on macroeconomic aggregates such as GDP, consumption, government consumption and investments per capita. The data is in panel structure and includes the period of ten years before and ten years after the event containing the Olympic Summer Games between 1960 and 1996. The sample countries comprise only candidates to host the games. This sampling strategy allows us to estimate the average treatment effect consistently, because it is assumed that these countries are comparable to each other, including those that ultimately hosted the games. The impact of hosting the Olympic games is measured by Fixed Effect and First Difference regressions. Moreover, we do a structural break test developed by Andrews (1993) to identify if hosting the Olympic Games creates anticipation effects for demand changes that stimulate current GDP, consumption, government consumption and investments. The results indicate a positive effect of the Summer Olympics in all variables of interest. However, the distribution in time and anticipation of these effects is unclear in the tests, changing significantly depending on the model and the significance level used.
In the present work, we have analyzed the behavior of the chromospheric activity of stars with planets, as a function of different planetary parameters, searching for possible effects of planets on the chromosphere of the hosting star. For this study we have selected a sample of 73 main sequence stars with planets, of spectral types F, G and K. Our analysis shows that among stars with planets presenting semi-major axis smaller than 0.15 AU, a few ones present enhanced CaII emission flux, paralleling recent results found in the literature for coronal X-ray flux. Nevertheless, in contrast to Kashyap et al. (2008), who claim that enhanced X-ray flux in stars with planets is associated to massive close-in planetary companions, we suggest that such an aspect, at least in the context of CaII emission flux, is rather an effect of stellar sample selection. We have also studied the behavior of the CaII emission as a function of orbital parameters such as orbital period and eccentricity, and no clear trend was found, reinforcing our present suggestion that enhanced chromospheric activity in stars with planets is an intrinsic stellar phenomenon
Based on the accretion-induced magnetic field decay model, in which a frozen field and an incompressible fluid are assumed, we obtain the following results: (1) an analytic relation between the magnetic field and spin period, if the fastness parameter of the accretion disk is neglected (The evolutionary tracks of accreting neutron stars in the P-B diagram in our model are different from the equilibrium period lines when the influence of the fastness parameter is taken into account.); (2) the theoretical minimum spin period of an accreting neutron star is max(1.1ms (DeltaM/M(circle dot))(-1)R(6)(-5/14) I(45)(M/M(circle dot))(-1/2),1.1ms (M/M(circle dot))(-1/2) R(6)(17/14)), independent of the accretion rate (X-ray luminosity) but dependent on the total accretion mass, DeltaM; however, the minimum magnetic field depends on the accretion rate; (3) the magnetic field strength decreases faster with time than does the period.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Baida, F.C., D.C. Santiago, L. H. I. Vidal, L. C. Baida, C. T. Stroze. 2011. Medicinal Plants' Hosting Ability for Nematode Suitability Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica. Nematropica 41: 150-153.Medicinal plants can be attacked by pests, diseases and nematodes, which can compromise the quality and quantity of their healing properties and their yield. The aim of this study was to analyse the reaction of 15 medicinal plant species to the nematode Meloidogyne spp. The seedlings were produced by seed germination or cuttings under greenhouse conditions. A completely random experimental pattern of 15 treatments and 10 replications was chosen for the study. The seedlings were inoculated with approximately 5000 eggs + J(2)/plant 20 days after planting. Plant height and fresh and dry leaf weight, were measured 60 days after planting. The roots were collected, thoroughly washed and stained with Philoxine B and then processed to extract the eggs to determine the reproduction factor. For M. incognita the results showed that Chamomile was susceptible with RF = 1,64 making it a good host, and the other plants were resistant (RF < 1), and for M. javanica that all the plants showed resistance (RF < 1), Myrrh, Rue and Balsam demonstrating immunity (RF = 0).
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A class of boson-fermion stars, whose spin-0 and spin-1/2 constituents interact through a U(1) current-current term in the Lagrangian density, is analyzed. It is shown that it describes the low-energy behavior of a system of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) from the leptonic sector of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. In this case the effective coupling constant A is related to the Fermi constant GF.
In the weak field approximation of higher order gravity theory a gravitational potential is described by a Newtonian plus a Yukawa-like term. This new term is used to explain some aspects of galactic dynamics, without considering dark matter. Its presence modifies the scattering probability of a massive intruder star and relaxation time of the stellar system.
In this paper we introduce a current-current type interaction term in the Lagrangian density of gravity coupled to complex scalar fields, in the presence of a degenerated Fermi gas. For low transferred momenta, such a term, which might account for the interaction among boson and fermion constituents of compact stellar objects, is subsequently reduced to a quadratic one in the scalar sector. This procedure enforces the use of a complex radial field counterpart in the equations of motion. The real and the imaginary components of the scalar field exhibit different behavior as the interaction increases. The results also suggest that the Bose-Fermi system undergoes a phase transition for a suitable choice of the coupling constant.