978 resultados para HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors


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Bisphosphonates are currently used in the treatment of many diseases involving increased bone resorption such as osteoporosis. Statins have been widely used for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and recent studies have shown that these drugs are also capable of stimulating bone formation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate thel influence of an estrogen deficient state and the effects of simvastatin and sodium alendronate therapies on alveolar bone in female rats. Fifty-four rats were either ovariectomized (OVX) or sham operated. A month later, the animals began to receive a daily dose of simvastatin (SIN - 25 mg/kg), sodium alendronate (ALN - 2 mg/kg) or water (control) orally. Thirty-five days after the beginning of the treatment, the rats were sacrificed and their left hemimandibles were removed and radiographed using digital X-ray equipment. The alveolar radiographic density under the first molar was determined with gray-level scaling and the values were submitted to analysis of variance (α = 5%). Ovariectomized rats gained more weight (mean ± standard deviation: 20.06 ± 6.68%) than did the sham operated animals (12.13 ± 5.63%). Alveolar radiographic density values, expressed as gray levels, were lowest in the OVX-water group (183.49 ± 6.47), and differed significantly from those observed for the groups receiving alendronate (sham-ALN: 193.85 ± 3.81; OVX-ALN: 196.06 ± 5.11) and from those of the sham-water group (193.66 ± 4.36). Other comparisons between groups did not show significant differences. It was concluded that the ovariectomy reduced alveolar bone density and that alendronate was efficient for the treatment of this condition.


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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SAPK/JNK regulieren nach genotoxischem Stress eine Vielzahl von Zielsubstraten, die bedeutsam für Reparatur und Überleben der Zelle sind, somit nehmen sie Einfluss auf das zelluläre Schicksal der Zelle. Ob DNA-Schäden eine Phosphorylierung von Stress-Kinasen nach sich ziehen ist bisher noch wenig untersucht. Mit reparaturdefizienten Zellen wurde der Einfluss von DNA-Schäden, durch Cisplatin/Transplatin/UV-C, auf die SAPK/JNK Aktivierung untersucht. Die Aktivierung der Stress-Kinasen erfolgte agenzspezifisch und abhängig von verschieden Reparaturfaktoren. Die Aktivierung korrelierte in reparaturdefizienten Zellen teilweise mit dem späten Auftreten von DNA-Strangbrüchen, war jedoch unabhängig von erhöhten initialen DNA-Schäden. Diese Befunde zeigten, dass die späte Aktivierung der SAPK/JNK DNA-schadensabhängig verläuft und das Cisplatin und Transplatin bei Verwendung von äquitoxischen Dosen zu einer vergleichbaren Aktivierung von SAPK/JNK führten. Die Hemmung der Rho-GTPasen sowohl durch Statine als auch mittels Clostridium difficile Toxin B zeigte weiterhin, dass Rho-GTPasen möglicherweise die späte DNA-schadensabhängige Aktivierung der Stress-Kinasen vermitteln. Die Hemmung von Rho-GTPasen durch physiologisch relevante Konzentrationen von Statinen führte in primären humanen Endothelzellen (HUVECs) zu einer Protektion vor IR-Strahlung und Doxorubicin. In beiden Fällen konnte eine Hemmung des pro-apoptotischen Transkriptionsfaktors p53 sowie der Chk1, welche einen Zellzyklusarrest reguliert, mit der Statin-Behandlung erreicht werden. Effektor-Caspasen wurden dabei durch den HMG-CoA-Reduktase Hemmer nicht beeinflusst. Ausschließlich bei dem Statin-vermittelten Schutz vor Doxorubicin kam es zu einer Reduktion von initialen DNA-Schäden, in Form von DNA-Strangbrüchen. Die IR-induzierten Strangbrüche in der DNA blieben von der Statin-Inkubation hingegen unbeeinflusst. Aufgrund ihrer protektiven Eigenschaften gegenüber IR- und Doxorubicin-induzierter Zytotoxizität in Endothelzellen und ihrer pro-apoptotischen Wirkung auf Tumorzellen könnten Statine möglicherweise die unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen von Zytostatika und einer Strahlentherapie günstig beeinflussen


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Hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) regulates the hydrolysis of acylglycerols and cholesteryl esters (CE) in various cells and organs, including enterocytes of the small intestine. The physiological role of this enzyme in enterocytes, however, stayed elusive. In the present study we generated mice lacking HSL exclusively in the small intestine (HSLiKO) to investigate the impact of HSL deficiency on intestinal lipid metabolism and the consequences on whole body lipid homeostasis. Chow diet-fed HSLiKO mice showed unchanged plasma lipid concentrations. In addition, feeding with high fat/high cholesterol (HF/HC) diet led to unaltered triglyceride but increased plasma cholesterol concentrations and CE accumulation in the small intestine. The same effect was observed after an acute cholesterol load. Gavaging of radioactively labeled cholesterol resulted in increased abundance of radioactivity in plasma, liver and small intestine of HSLiKO mice 4h post-gavaging. However, cholesterol absorption determined by the fecal dual-isotope ratio method revealed no significant difference, suggesting that HSLiKO mice take up the same amount of cholesterol but in an accelerated manner. mRNA expression levels of genes involved in intestinal cholesterol transport and esterification were unchanged but we observed downregulation of HMG-CoA reductase and synthase and consequently less intestinal cholesterol biosynthesis. Taken together our study demonstrates that the lack of intestinal HSL leads to CE accumulation in the small intestine, accelerated cholesterol absorption and decreased cholesterol biosynthesis, indicating that HSL plays an important role in intestinal cholesterol homeostasis.


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We have studied components of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proofreading and degradation system in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using a der3–1 mutant defective in the degradation of a mutated lumenal protein, carboxypeptidase yscY (CPY*), a gene was cloned which encodes a 64-kDa protein of the ER membrane. Der3p was found to be identical with Hrd1p, a protein identified to be necessary for degradation of HMG-CoA reductase. Der3p contains five putative transmembrane domains and a long hydrophilic C-terminal tail containing a RING-H2 finger domain which is oriented to the ER lumen. Deletion of DER3 leads to an accumulation of CPY* inside the ER due to a complete block of its degradation. In addition, a DER3 null mutant allele suppresses the temperature-dependent growth phenotype of a mutant carrying the sec61–2 allele. This is accompanied by the stabilization of the Sec61–2 mutant protein. In contrast, overproduction of Der3p is lethal in a sec61–2 strain at the permissive temperature of 25°C. A mutant Der3p lacking 114 amino acids of the lumenal tail including the RING-H2 finger domain is unable to mediate degradation of CPY* and Sec61–2p. We propose that Der3p acts prior to retrograde transport of ER membrane and lumenal proteins to the cytoplasm where they are subject to degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Interestingly, in ubc6-ubc7 double mutants, CPY* accumulates in the ER, indicating the necessity of an intact cytoplasmic proteolysis machinery for retrograde transport of CPY*. Der3p might serve as a component programming the translocon for retrograde transport of ER proteins, or it might be involved in recognition through its lumenal RING-H2 motif of proteins of the ER that are destined for degradation.


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The current paper describes a line of cultured rat hepatoma cells (McA-RH7777 cells) that mimics the behavior of rat liver by producing an excess of mRNA for sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP-1c) as opposed to SREBP-1a. These two transcripts are derived from a single gene by use of alternative promoters that are separated by many kilobases in the genome. The high level of SREBP-1c mRNA is abolished when cholesterol synthesis is blocked by compactin, an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG CoA) reductase that inhibits cholesterol synthesis. Levels of SREBP-1c mRNA are restored by mevalonate, the product of the HMG CoA reductase reaction, and by ligands for the nuclear hormone receptor LXR, including 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol and T0901317. These data suggest that transcription of the SREBP-1c gene in hepatocytes requires tonic activation of LXR by an oxysterol intermediate in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. Reduction of this intermediate lowers SREBP-1c levels, and this in turn is predicted to lower the rates of fatty acid biosynthesis in liver.


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BACKGROUND: The development of hyperlipidemia after liver transplant is frequently treated with hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins) such as atorvastatin. As atorvastatin and the primary immunosuppressant drug, cyclosporine, are metabolized by the same pathway, there is the potential for an interaction. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of atorvastatin on cyclosporine pharmacokinetics in liver transplant recipients. METHODS: Six stable, long-term adult liver transplant recipients from a single center who developed posttransplant dyslipidemia were recruited to participate in a 14-day, open-label study of atorvastatin 10 mg/d coadministered with standard posttransplant immunosuppression using constant oral doses-of cyclosporine and corticosteroids. A 10-point pharmacokinetic profile was performed prior to and on day 14 after commencement of atorvastatin therapy. Cyclosporine concentrations were measured by HPLC-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry. The AUC was calculated by the linear trapezoidal rule, with other parameters determined by visual inspection. RESULTS: Atorvastatin coadministration increased the cyclosporine AUC by 9% (range 0-20.6%; 3018 vs 3290 ng(.)h/mL; p = 0.04). No significant change was evident for other cyclosporine pharmacokinetic parameters. Total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were significantly lower on day 14 than at baseline (p < 0.02). One patient developed a twofold increase in transaminases after 2 weeks of atorvastatin therapy, but no other clinical or biochemical adverse events were recorded. CONCLUSIONS: Atorvastatin coadministration increases the cyclosporine AUC by approximately 10% in stable liver transplant recipients. This change in systemic exposure to cyclosporine is of questionable clinical significance. Atorvastatin is effective in reducing cholesterol levels in liver transplant recipients.


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Aims Fibrates or nicotinic acid are usually recommended for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in patients with low plasma levels of both low-density tipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) less than or equal to140 mg/dL (less than or equal to3.6 mmol/L) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) less than or equal to40 mg/dL (less than or equal to1.03 mmol/L). The LIPID trial, a randomised, placebo-controlled trial in 9014 patients at 87 centres in Australia and New Zealand, provided an opportunity to investigate the effects of an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor in patients with tow LDL-C and tow HDL-C. Methods and results Participants in this post hoc substudy were 2073 patients aged 31-75 years with baseline LDL-C less than or equal to140 mg/dL (less than or equal to3.6 mmoL/L), HDL-C less than or equal to40 mg/dL (less than or equal to1.03 mmol/L), and triglyceride less than or equal to300 mg/dL (less than or equal to3.4 mmol/L). The relative risk reduction with pravastatin treatment was 27% for major coronary events (95% Cl 8-42%), 27% for coronary heart disease mortality (95% CI 0-47%), 21% for all-cause mortality (95% Cl 0-38%), and 51% for stroke (95% CI 24-69%). The number needed to treat to prevent a major coronary event over 6 years was 22. Conclusions Treatment with pravastatin in patients with both low LDL-C and low HDL-C significantly reduced major coronary events, stroke, and all-cause mortality. The level of HDL-C is crucial to the risk of recurrent CHD events and, consequently, the benefit of lowering LDL-C. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The European Society of Cardiology.


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The Rho family GTPases are regulatory molecules that link surface receptors to organisation of the actin cytoskeleton and play major roles in fundamental cellular processes. In the vasculature Rho signalling pathways are intimately involved in the regulation of endothelial barrier function, inflammation and transendothelial leukocyte migration, platelet activation, thrombosis and oxidative stress, as well as smooth muscle contraction, migration, proliferation and differentiation, and are thus implicated in many of the changes associated with atherogenesis. Indeed, it is believed that many of the beneficial, non-lipid lowering effects of statins occur as a result of their ability to inhibit Rho protein activation. Conversely, the Rho proteins can have beneficial effects on the vasculature, including the promotion of endothelial repair and the maintenance of SMC differentiation. Further identification of the mechanisms by which these proteins and their effectors act in the vasculature should lead to therapies that specifically target only the adverse effects of Rho signalling. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.