986 resultados para HEAD MODEL
The aim of this study was to determine the minimum conditions of wetness duration and mean temperature required for Fusarium head blight infection in wheat. The weather model developed by Zoldan (2008) was tested in field experiments for two wheat cultivars grown in 2005 (five sowing dates) and 2006 (six sowing dates) in 10 m² plots with three replicates. The disease was assessed according to head incidence (HI), spikelet incidence (SI), and the interaction between these two methods was called head blight severity (HBS). Starting at the beginning of anthesis, air temperature and head wetness duration were daily recorded with an automatic weather station. With the combination of these two factors, a weather favorability table was built for the disease occurrence. Starting on the day of flowering beginning (1 - 5% fully exserted anthers), the sum of daily values for infection favorability (SDVIF) was calculated by means of a computer program, according to Zoldan (2008) table. The initial symptoms of the disease were observed at 3.7% spikelet incidence, corresponding to 2.6 SVDFI. The infection occurs in wheat due to rainfall which results in spike wetting of > 61.4 h duration. Rainfall events forecast can help time fungicide application to control FHB. The name of this alert system is proposed as UPF-scab alert.
Local head losses must be considered in estimating properly the maximum length of drip irrigation laterals. The aim of this work was to develop a model based on dimensional analysis for calculating head loss along laterals accounting for in-line drippers. Several measurements were performed with 12 models of emitters to obtain the experimental data required for developing and assessing the model. Based on the Camargo & Sentelhas coefficient, the model presented an excellent result in terms of precision and accuracy on estimating head loss. The deviation between estimated and observed values of head loss increased according to the head loss and the maximum deviation reached 0.17 m. The maximum relative error was 33.75% and only 15% of the data set presented relative errors higher than 20%. Neglecting local head losses incurred a higher than estimated maximum lateral length of 19.48% for pressure-compensating drippers and 16.48% for non pressure-compensating drippers.
Hydraulic head is distributed through a medium with porous aspect. The analysis of hydraulic head from one point to another is used by the Richard's equation. This equation is equivalent to the groundwater ow equation that predicts the volumetric water contents. COMSOL 3.5 is used for computation applying Richard's equation. A rectangle of 100 meters of length and 10 meters of large (depth) with 0,1 m/s fl ux of inlet as source of our fl uid is simulated. The domain have Richards' equation model in two dimension (2D). Hydraulic head increases proportional with moisture content.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) using 18F-FDG is playing a vital role in the diagnosis and treatment planning of cancer. However, the most widely used radiotracer, 18F-FDG, is not specific for tumours and can also accumulate in inflammatory lesions as well as normal physiologically active tissues making diagnosis and treatment planning complicated for the physicians. Malignant, inflammatory and normal tissues are known to have different pathways for glucose metabolism which could possibly be evident from different characteristics of the time activity curves from a dynamic PET acquisition protocol. Therefore, we aimed to develop new image analysis methods, for PET scans of the head and neck region, which could differentiate between inflammation, tumour and normal tissues using this functional information within these radiotracer uptake areas. We developed different dynamic features from the time activity curves of voxels in these areas and compared them with the widely used static parameter, SUV, using Gaussian Mixture Model algorithm as well as K-means algorithm in order to assess their effectiveness in discriminating metabolically different areas. Moreover, we also correlated dynamic features with other clinical metrics obtained independently of PET imaging. The results show that some of the developed features can prove to be useful in differentiating tumour tissues from inflammatory regions and some dynamic features also provide positive correlations with clinical metrics. If these proposed methods are further explored then they can prove to be useful in reducing false positive tumour detections and developing real world applications for tumour diagnosis and contouring.
We describe the behavior of the snail Megalobulimus abbreviatus upon receiving thermal stimuli and the effects of pretreatment with morphine and naloxone on behavior after a thermal stimulus, in order to establish a useful model for nociceptive experiments. Snails submitted to non-functional (22ºC) and non-thermal hot-plate stress (30ºC) only displayed exploratory behavior. However, the animals submitted to a thermal stimulus (50ºC) displayed biphasic avoidance behavior. Latency was measured from the time the animal was placed on the hot plate to the time when the animal lifted the head-foot complex 1 cm from the substrate, indicating aversive thermal behavior. Other animals were pretreated with morphine (5, 10, 20 mg/kg) or naloxone (2.5, 5.0, 7.5 mg/kg) 15 min prior to receiving a thermal stimulus (50ºC; N = 9 in each group). The results (means ± SD) showed an extremely significant difference in response latency between the group treated with 20 mg/kg morphine (63.18 ± 14.47 s) and the other experimental groups (P < 0.001). With 2.5 mg/kg (16.26 ± 3.19 s), 5.0 mg/kg (11.53 ± 1.64 s) and 7.5 mg/kg naloxone (7.38 ± 1.6 s), there was a significant, not dose-dependent decrease in latency compared to the control (33.44 ± 8.53 s) and saline groups (29.1 ± 9.91 s). No statistically significant difference was found between the naloxone-treated groups. With naloxone plus morphine, there was a significant decrease in latency when compared to all other groups (minimum 64% in the saline group and maximum 83.2% decrease in the morphine group). These results provide evidence of the involvement of endogenous opioid peptides in the control of thermal withdrawal behavior in this snail, and reveal a stereotyped and reproducible avoidance behavior for this snail species, which could be studied in other pharmacological and neurophysiological studies.
Le but de cette étude était d’évaluer les qualifications de performance du système FlexiWare® chez le rat male Sprague Dawley et le singe Cynomolgus éveillés, ainsi que chez le chien Beagle éveillé et anesthésié, suite à l’administration de produits ayant une activité pharmacologique connue. Les produits utilisés incluaient l’albutérol administré par inhalation, la méthacholine, et le rémifentanil administrés par voie intraveineuse. Une solution saline administré par voie intraveneuse, a été utilisée comme substance témoin. Différentes variables ont servi à évaluer la réponse des animaux (rats, chien, singe). Ces dernières comprenaient la fréquence respiratoire (RR), le volume courant (TV), la ventilation minute (MV). Des paramètres additionnels ont été évalués chez le rat, soit les temps d’inspiration (IT) et d’expiration (ET), le temps du pic de débit expiratoire, les pics de débits inspiratoire et expiratoire, le ratio inspiratoire:expiratoire (I:E), le ratio inspiratoire sur respiration totale (I:TB), et l’écoulement expiratoire moyen (EF50). Les résultats obtenus ont démontré que le système FlexiWare® était suffisamment sensible et spécifique pour dépister, chez les espèces animales utilisées, les effets bronchodilateur, bronchoconstricteur et dépresseur central des substances testées. Il pourrait faire partie des méthodes (ICH 2000) utilisées en pharmacologie de sécurité lors de l’évaluation de substances pharmacologiques sur le système respiratoire des animaux de laboratoire. Les espèces animales utilisées ont semblé s’adapter aisément aux procédures de contention. Les paramètres évalués, RR, TV et MV ont permis de caractériser la réponse des animaux suite à l’administration de produits pharmacologiques à effets connus, judicieusement complétés par les variables de débit. L’ajout de paramètres du temps n’était pas primordiale pour détecter les effets des drogues, mais offre des outils complémentaires d’interpréter les changements physiologiques. Cependant, chez le rat conscient, la période d’évaluation ne devrait pas s’étendre au-delà d’une période de deux heures post traitement. Ces études constituent une évaluation des qualifications de performance de cet appareil et ont démontré de manière originale, la validation concurrentielle, en terme de précision (sensibilité et spécificité) et fiabilité pour différentes variables et sur différentes espèces.
In this text, we present two stereo-based head tracking techniques along with a fast 3D model acquisition system. The first tracking technique is a robust implementation of stereo-based head tracking designed for interactive environments with uncontrolled lighting. We integrate fast face detection and drift reduction algorithms with a gradient-based stereo rigid motion tracking technique. Our system can automatically segment and track a user's head under large rotation and illumination variations. Precision and usability of this approach are compared with previous tracking methods for cursor control and target selection in both desktop and interactive room environments. The second tracking technique is designed to improve the robustness of head pose tracking for fast movements. Our iterative hybrid tracker combines constraints from the ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm and normal flow constraint. This new technique is more precise for small movements and noisy depth than ICP alone, and more robust for large movements than the normal flow constraint alone. We present experiments which test the accuracy of our approach on sequences of real and synthetic stereo images. The 3D model acquisition system we present quickly aligns intensity and depth images, and reconstructs a textured 3D mesh. 3D views are registered with shape alignment based on our iterative hybrid tracker. We reconstruct the 3D model using a new Cubic Ray Projection merging algorithm which takes advantage of a novel data structure: the linked voxel space. We present experiments to test the accuracy of our approach on 3D face modelling using real-time stereo images.
L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral consisteix en determinar si el model de gestió dels recursos humans de les empreses matrius japoneses es transferible a les filials japoneses de Catalunya. Per tot això després d'un estudi teòric sobre la literatura existent del model de gestió dels recursos humans japonès i la internacionalització dels recursos humans, s'ha realitzat un treball empíric mitjançant una enquesta a les filials japoneses instal.lades a Catalunya. En el qüestionari s'analitzen diferents àmbits de la gestió dels recursos humans i que constitueixen les 7 hipòtesis del nostre treball de camp basades en el model de recursos humans japonès referides a: 1- Reclutament i selecció, 2- Promoció i Rotació, 3- Lideratge, comunicació i treball en equip, 4- Motivació, clima laboral i cultura empresrial, 5- Formació i desenvolupament, 6- Avaluació de l'acompliment, y 7- Retribució i beneficis socials. Tot això ens ha indicat quina es la tendència del model japonès de recursos humans a les filials catalanes tenint en compte que estem analitzant un contexte cultural diferent a la idiosincrasia dels treballadors japonesos. El treball ens ha permés de proposar dues línies d'investigació, una a determinar en el temps i una altre en l'espai. En el temps amb la nova generació s'està produint un canvi cultural en el qual els joves japonesos intenten importar part dels valors occidentals que es veurà reflectit al llarg de 10-20 anys. I en l'espai l'aplicació de l'estudi a altres països europeus, com Anglaterra, França i Alemanya que són els principals països on els japonesos prefereixen instal.lar-se.
The Cambridge Tropospheric Trajectory model of Chemistry and Transport (CiTTyCAT), a Lagrangian chemistry model, has been evaluated using atmospheric chemical measurements collected during the East Atlantic Summer Experiment 1996 (EASE '96). This field campaign was part of the UK Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC) Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) programme, conducted at Mace Head, Republic of Ireland, during July and August 1996. The model includes a description of gas-phase tropospheric chemistry, and simple parameterisations for surface deposition, mixing from the free troposphere and emissions. The model generally compares well with the measurements and is used to study the production and loss of O3 under a variety of conditions. The mean difference between the hourly O3 concentrations calculated by the model and those measured is 0.6 ppbv with a standard deviation of 8.7 ppbv. Three specific air-flow regimes were identified during the campaign – westerly, anticyclonic (easterly) and south westerly. The westerly flow is typical of background conditions for Mace Head. However, on some occasions there was evidence of long-range transport of pollutants from North America. In periods of anticyclonic flow, air parcels had collected emissions of NOx and VOCs immediately before arriving at Mace Head, leading to O3 production. The level of calculated O3 depends critically on the precise details of the trajectory, and hence on the emissions into the air parcel. In several periods of south westerly flow, low concentrations of O3 were measured which were consistent with deposition and photochemical destruction inside the tropical marine boundary layer.
The main objective is to generate kinematic models for the head and neck movements. The motivation comes from our study of individuals with quadriplegia and the need to design rehabilitation aiding devices such as robots and teletheses that can be controlled by head-neck movements. It is then necessary to develop mathematical models for the head and neck movements. Two identification methods have been applied to study the kinematics of head-neck movements of able-body as well as neck-injured subjects. In particular, sagittal plane movements are well modeled by a planar two-revolute-joint linkage. In fact, the motion in joint space seems to indicate that sagittal plane movements may be classified as a single DOF motion. Finally, a spatial three-revolute-joint system has been employed to model 3D head-neck movements.
The present study investigates the parsing of pre-nominal relative clauses (RCs) in children for the first time with a realtime methodology that reveals moment-to-moment processing patterns as the sentence unfolds. A self-paced listening experiment with Turkish-speaking children (aged 5–8) and adults showed that both groups display a sign of processing cost both in subject and object RCs at different points through the flow of the utterance when integrating the cues that are uninformative (i.e., ambiguous in function) and that are structurally and probabilistically unexpected. Both groups show a processing facilitation as soon as the morphosyntactic dependencies are completed and parse the unbounded dependencies rapidly using the morphosyntactic cues rather than waiting for the clause-final filler. These findings show that five-year-old children show similar patterns to adults in processing the morphosyntactic cues incrementally and in forming expectations about the rest of the utterance on the basis of the probabilistic model of their language.
The interaction between tryptophan-rich puroindoline proteins and model bacterial membranes at the air-liquid interface has been investigated by FTIR spectroscopy, surface pressure measurements and Brewster angle microscopy. The role of different lipid constituents on the interactions between lipid membrane and protein was studied using wild type (Pin-b) and mutant (Trp44 to Arg44 mutant, Pin-bs) puroindoline proteins. The results show differences in the lipid selectivity of the two proteins in terms of preferential binding to specific lipid head groups in mixed lipid systems. Pin-b wild type was able to penetrate mixed layers of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) head groups more deeply compared to the mutant Pin-bs. Increasing saturation of the lipid tails increased penetration and adsorption of Pin-b wild type, but again the response of the mutant form differed. The results provide insight as to the role of membrane architecture, lipid composition and fluidity, on antimicrobial activity of proteins. Data show distinct differences in the lipid binding behavior of Pin-b as a result of a single residue mutation, highlighting the importance of hydrophobic and charged amino acids in antimicrobial protein and peptide activity.
In 2004 the National Household Survey (Pesquisa Nacional par Amostras de Domicilios - PNAD) estimated the prevalence of food and nutrition insecurity in Brazil. However, PNAD data cannot be disaggregated at the municipal level. The objective of this study was to build a statistical model to predict severe food insecurity for Brazilian municipalities based on the PNAD dataset. Exclusion criteria were: incomplete food security data (19.30%); informants younger than 18 years old (0.07%); collective households (0.05%); households headed by indigenous persons (0.19%). The modeling was carried out in three stages, beginning with the selection of variables related to food insecurity using univariate logistic regression. The variables chosen to construct the municipal estimates were selected from those included in PNAD as well as the 2000 Census. Multivariate logistic regression was then initiated, removing the non-significant variables with odds ratios adjusted by multiple logistic regression. The Wald Test was applied to check the significance of the coefficients in the logistic equation. The final model included the variables: per capita income; years of schooling; race and gender of the household head; urban or rural residence; access to public water supply; presence of children; total number of household inhabitants and state of residence. The adequacy of the model was tested using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test (p=0.561) and ROC curve (area=0.823). Tests indicated that the model has strong predictive power and can be used to determine household food insecurity in Brazilian municipalities, suggesting that similar predictive models may be useful tools in other Latin American countries.
In the last decade, there has been renewed interest in biologically active peptides in fields like allergy, autoimmume diseases and antibiotic therapy. Mast cell degranulating peptides mimic G-protein receptors, showing different activity levels even among homologous peptides. Another important feature is their ability to interact directly with membrane phospholipids, in a fast and concentration-dependent way. The mechanism of action of peptide HR1 on model membranes was investigated comparatively to other mast cell degranulating peptides (Mastoparan, Eumenitin and Anoplin) to evidence the features that modulate their selectivity. Using vesicle leakage, single-channel recordings and zeta-potential measurements, we demonstrated that HR1 preferentially binds to anionic bilayers, accumulates, folds, and at very low concentrations, is able to insert and create membrane spanning ion-selective pores. We discuss the ion selectivity character of the pores based on the neutralization or screening of the peptides charges by the bilayer head group charges or dipoles. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A time efficient optical model is proposed for GATE simulation of a LYSO scintillation matrix coupled to a photomultiplier. The purpose is to avoid the excessively long computation time when activating the optical processes in GATE. The usefulness of the model is demonstrated by comparing the simulated and experimental energy spectra obtained with the dual planar head equipment for dosimetry with a positron emission tomograph ( DoPET). The procedure to apply the model is divided in two steps. Firstly, a simplified simulation of a single crystal element of DoPET is used to fit an analytic function that models the optical attenuation inside the crystal. In a second step, the model is employed to calculate the influence of this attenuation in the energy registered by the tomograph. The use of the proposed optical model is around three orders of magnitude faster than a GATE simulation with optical processes enabled. A good agreement was found between the experimental and simulated data using the optical model. The results indicate that optical interactions inside the crystal elements play an important role on the energy resolution and induce a considerable degradation of the spectra information acquired by DoPET. Finally, the same approach employed by the proposed optical model could be useful to simulate a scintillation matrix coupled to a photomultiplier using single or dual readout scheme.