988 resultados para HDL-c
OBJECTIVE: To describe the lipid profile and to verify its relationship with cardiovascular disease risk factors in students at a public university in São Paulo. METHODS: After obtaining clinical, anthropomorphic, and lipid profile data from 118 students, variables of the lipid profile were related to other risk factors. RESULTS: The mean age of the students was 20.3 years (SD=1.5). The risk of cardiovascular disease was characterized by a positive family history of ischemic heart disease in 38.9%; sedentariness in 35.6%; limiting and increased total and LDL-C cholesterol levels in 17.7% and 10.2%, respectively; decreased HDL-C levels in 11.1%; increased triglyceride levels in 11.1%; body mass index >25 in 8.5%, and smoking in 6.7% of the subjects. Students' diet was found to be inadequate regarding protein, total fat, saturated fat, sodium, and fiber contents. A statistically significant association between cholesterol and contraceptive use, between HDL-C and contraceptive use, age and percent body fat, and triglycerides and percent lean weight was observed. CONCLUSION: A high prevalence of some risk factors of cardiovascular disease as well as the association between these factors with altered lipid profiles was observed in the young population studied.
Observational studies have attributed a protective effect to alcohol consumption on the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Alcohol intake in the amount of one to two drinks per day results in an estimated 20-40% reduction in cardiovascular events. An additional protective effect, according to major cohort studies, has been attributed to wine, probably due to antioxidant effects and platelet antiaggregation agents. On the other hand, the influence of different patterns of alcohol consumption and environmental factors may explain a great part of the additional effect of wine. Protection may be mediated by modulation of other risk factors, because alcohol increases HDL-C, produces a biphasic response on blood pressure, and modulates the endothelial function, while it neither increases body weight nor impairs glucose-insulin homeostasis. Alcohol may also have a direct effect on atherogenesis. Despite these favorable effects, the current evidence is not enough to justify prescribing alcohol to prevent cardiovascular disease.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of different types of lipid diets on the lipid metabolism of aging rats. METHODS: Fifty male Wistar rats were studied from the time of weaning to 12 and 18 months of age. Their diets were supplemented as follows: with soybean oil (S), canola oil (CA), lard and egg yolk (LE), and canola oil + lard and egg yolk (CA + LE). Blood pressure (BP) was measured every month, and the heart/body ratio (H/BR) was determined. The rats were euthanized at the age of 12 and 18 months, and blood samples were collected for lipid analysis as follows: total cholesterol (TC), LDL-C, VLDL-C, HDL-C, triglycerides (TG), and glucose. RESULTS: The type of oil ingested by the animals significantly altered BP, H/BR, and serum lipid levels in rats at 12 and 18 months. No difference was observed in the survival curve of the animals in the different groups. The LE group had the highest BP, and the CA group was the only one in which BP did not change with aging. A reduction in the H/BR was observed in the LE and CA+LE animals. At the age of 12 months, differences in TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, VLDL-C, TG, and glucose were observed. At the age of 18 months, a significant difference in TC, HDL-C, and glucose was observed. The highest TC value was found in the CA group and the lowest in the S group. CONCLUSION: No increase in BP occurred, and an improvement was evident in the lipid profile of rats fed a diet supplemented with CA, in which an elevation in HDL-C levels was observed, as compared with levels with the other types of diet.
OBJECTIVE: To study the differences between fluvastatin and pravastatin regarding LDL susceptibility to oxidation, plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC), HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides (TG) in hypercholesterolemic patients with established coronary heart disease (CHD). METHODS: A double-blind randomized parallel study was conducted that included 41 hypercholesterolemic outpatients with CHD treated at the Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul. The inclusion criteria were LDL-C above 100 mg/dL and triglycerides below 400 mg/dL based on 2 measures. After 4 weeks on a low cholesterol diet, those patients that fullfilled the inclusion criteria were randomized into 2 groups: the fluvastatin group (fluvastatin 40 mg/day) and the pravastatin group (pravastatin 20 mg/day), for 24 weeks of treatment. LDL susceptibility to oxidation was analyzed with copper-induced production of conjugated dienes (Cu2+) and water-soluble free radical initiator azo-bis (2'-2'amidinopropanil) HCl (AAPH). Spectroscopy nuclear magnetic resonance was used for determination of lipids. RESULTS: After 24 weeks of drug therapy, fluvastatin and pravastatin significantly reduced LDL susceptibility to oxidation as demonstrated by the reduced rate of oxidation (azo and Cu) and by prolonged azo-induced lag time (azo lag). The TC, LDL-C, and TG reduced significantly and HDL-C increased significantly. No differences between the drugs were observed. CONCLUSION: In hypercholesterolemic patients with CHD, both fluvastatin and pravastatin reduced LDL susceptibility to oxidation.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of nutritional attention on the lipid profile and nutritional status of hypercholesterolemic patients attended in health centers of Belo Horizonte. METHODS: Using nutritional attendance patient record cards from two health units, the evolution of the lipid profile and the nutritional state (BMI) was monitored of 96 hypercholesterolemic patients who received diet. The patients were appraised at the following moments: initial (1st consultation), after 3 months (2nd consultation) and last consultation (variable for each patient). RESULTS: On the first attendance, 44,4% of the patients presented not only high total cholesterol and LDL-c, but also hypertriglyceridemia and 70.3% were overweight or obese, but most patients (75.6%) presented adequate HDL-c levels. There was significant reduction in the BMI, total cholesterol, LDL-c values (p < 0.01) and also in the triglyceride levels (p < 0.05) in the first three months, without alteration in the HDL-c levels. A significant reduction (p < 0.01) was observed in the frequency of individuals with high cholesterol (from 89.6% down to 47.9%), high and very high LDL-c (from 82.6% down to 45.7%), as well as high and very high triglyceride (from 43.6% down to 16.7%). The observed reduction in frequency of the low HDL-c was statistically meaningless. CONCLUSION: This study evidences the effect of the nutritional attention on lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic patients, reinforcing the need for a multiprofessional team to attend them at the public health services.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the risk factors, lipid and apolipoprotein profile, hemostasis variables, and polymorphisms of the apolipoprotein AI-CIII gene in early coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: Case-control study with 112 patients in each group controlled by sex and age. After clinical evaluation and nutritional instruction, blood samples were collected for biochemical assays and genetic study. RESULTS: Familial history of early CAD (64 vs 39%), arterial hypertension (69 vs 36%), diabetes mellitus (25 vs 3%), and previous smoking (71 vs 46%) were more prevalent in the case group (p<0.001). Hypertension and diabetes were independent risk factors. Early CAD was characterized by higher serum levels of total cholesterol (235 ± 6 vs 209 ± 4 mg/dL), of LDL-c (154 ± 5 vs 135 ± 4 mg/dL), triglycerides (205 ± 12 vs 143 ± 9 mg/dL), and apolipoprotein B (129 ± 3 vs 105 ± 3 mg/dL), and lower serum levels of HDL-c (40 ± 1 vs 46 ± 1 mg/dL) and apolipoprotein AI (134 ± 2 vs 146 ± 2mg/dL) [p<0.01], in addition to an elevation in fibrinogen and D-dimer (p<0.02). The simultaneous presence of the rare alleles of the APO AI-CIII genes in early CAD are associated with hypertriglyceridemia (p=0.03). CONCLUSION: Of the classical risk factors, hypertension and diabetes mellitus were independently associated with early CAD. In addition to an unfavorable lipid profile, an increase in the thrombotic risk was identified in this population. An additive effect of the APO AI-CIII genes was observed in triglyceride levels.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of dyslipidemias in adults in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, and to identify its relation to risk factors. METHODS: Cross-sectional, population-based, observational study with sampling through conglomerates and stratified according to socioeconomic levels, sex, and age, with 1,039 individuals. Risk factors, familial history, blood pressure, anthropometric measurements, glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol were determined. RESULTS: The following prevalences were observed: of dyslipidemias 24.2%; of hypercholesterolemia, 4.2%; of elevated LDL-C, 3.5%; of low HDL-C, 18.3%; and of hypertriglyceridemia, 17.1%. The following mean levels were observed: cholesterol, 187.6± 33.7 mg/dL; LDL-C, 108.7±26.8 mg/dL; HDL-C, 48.5±7.7 mg/dL; and triglycerides, 150.1±109.8 mg/dL. The following variables showed a positive correlation with dyslipidemia: increased age (P<0.001), male sex (P<0.001), low familial income (P<0.001), familial history (P<0.01), overweight/obesity (P<0.001), waist measure (P<0.001), high blood pressure (P<0.001), and diabetes mellitus (P<0.001). The following variables had no influence on dyslipidemias: ethnicity, educational level, smoking habits, and sedentary lifestyle. CONCLUSION: The frequency of lipid changes in the population studied was high, suggesting that measures for the early diagnosis should be taken, in association with implementation of programs for primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerosis.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the coronary risk profile in adults and elderly in a community. METHODS: The study comprised a sample of adults (30-59 years, n=547) and the entire elderly population (60-74 years, n=1165) residing in Bambuí town, Brazil. The Framingham score based on sex, age, smoking, diabetes mellitus, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and HDL-C was used. The score based on age and sex was defined as "expected" and compared with the mean score obtained by the sum of all risk factors in each age group and sex (score "observed"). RESULTS: The difference between the scores "observed" and "expected" increased with aging in both sexes. Smoking increased the difference from 30 years of age onwards, in both sexes, and hypertension was important in men above the age of 30 years and in women above the age of 50 years. Diabetes and elevated total cholesterol increased the risk of the disease above the age of 50 years in both sexes. A higher level of HDL-C reduced the risk among men above the age of 30 years, with no significant difference among women. Less schooling (< 4 years versus ³ 4 years) was associated with a higher score in adults of both sexes, but not among the elderly. CONCLUSION: Based on these results, in the community studied, the risk of coronary artery disease may be reduced up to 44% in men and 38% in women.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the lipid profiles and coronary heart disease risks of 2 Brazilian Amazonian populations as follows: a riverside population (village of Vigia) and an urban population (city of Belém in the state of Pará). METHODS: Fifty individuals controlled for age and sex were assessed in each region, and the major risk factors for coronary heart disease were analyzed. RESULTS: According to the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP III) and using the Framingham score, both populations had the same absolute risk of events (Vigia = 5.4 ± 1 vs Belém = 5.7 ± 1), although the population of Vigia had a lower consumption of saturated fat (P<0.0001), a greater consumption of mono- and polyunsaturated fat (P<0.03), in addition to lower values for body mass index (25.4± 0.6 vs 27.6 ± 0.7 kg/m², P<0.02), of biceps skin fold (18.6 ± 1.1 vs 27.5 ± 1.3 mm, P<0.0001), of triceps skin fold (28.7 ± 1.2 vs 37.3 ± 1.7 mm, P<0.002), and of total cholesterol (205 ± 5 vs 223 ± 6 mg/dL, P< 0.03) and triglycerides (119 ± 9 vs 177 ± 18 mg/dL, P<0.005). Both populations did not differ in regard to HDL-C (46 ± 1 vs 46 ± 1 mg/dL), LDL-C (135 ± 4 vs 144 ± 5 mg/dL) and blood pressure (SBP 124 ± 3 vs 128 ± 3 mmHg; DBP 80 ± 2 vs 82 ± 2 mmHg). CONCLUSION: The riverside and urban populations of Amazonia had similar cardiovascular risks. However, the marked difference in the variables studied suggests that different strategies of prevention should be applied.
OBJETIVO: Comparar a pressão arterial, o perfil lipídico, o consumo alimentar e dados antropométricos em adolescentes com ou sem antecedente familiar de hipertensão arterial. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 43 adolescentes de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária entre 11 a 18 anos, sendo 20 filhos de hipertensos e 23 de normotensos e examinados: a pressão arterial, o consumo alimentar, dados antropométricos, o perfil lipídico e o resultado da orientação dietética (American Heart Association). RESULTADOS: Os filhos dos hipertensos mostraram maiores valores basais de pressão arterial sistólica (109 ± 3 vs. 99 ± 2 mm Hg, p=0,01) e diastólica (68 ± 2 vs. 62 ± 2 mm Hg, p=0,04), da relação CT/HDL-c (4,1 ± 0,3 vs. 3,2 ± 0,2, p<0.01) e de LDL-c/HDL-c (2,7 ± 0,2 vs. 1,9 ± 0,1, p<0,01) e menores valores de HDL-c (43 ± 2 vs. 53 ± 2 mg/dL, p<0,005). O consumo alimentar e medidas antropométricas analisadas não diferiram entre os grupos. A intervenção dietética, embora tenha resultado em reduções no índice de massa corpórea (21,0± 1,2 vs. 20,1 ± 1,1 kg/m², p<0,01), não modificou a dislipidemia presente nos filhos de hipertensos. CONCLUSÃO: Encontraram-se maiores níveis de pressão arterial e perfil lipídico mais desfavorável entre filhos de hipertensos, onde os níveis baixos de HDL-c foram o achado mais relevante e independente de variáveis antropométricas ou nutricionais.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a dosagem direta do colesterol LDL (LDL-C) por um método homogêneo, em comparação com a estimativa pela fórmula de Friedewald, em uma grande população heterogênea. MÉTODOS: As dosagens do colesterol total (ColT) e dos triglicerídeos (Trig) foram realizadas por métodos enzimáticos tradicionais. As dosagens do HDL-C e do LDL-C foram realizadas por métodos diretos, sem precipitação, e a estimativa da fração LDL-C calculada pela fórmula de Friedewald. RESULTADOS: Por análise de regressão linear, os dois métodos apresentaram coeficientes de correlação extremamente significativos (p<0,001). Entretanto, a fórmula de Friedewald apresentou um bias positivo em relação ao método direto, mais pronunciado com níveis de ColT > 201 mg/dL. Este bias positivo também ocorreu com relação a níveis de Trig < 150 mg/dL. Com níveis de Trig entre 151-200 mg/dL e entre 201-300 mg/dL, não foi observado bias entre os dois métodos. Por outro lado, com níveis de Trig entre 301-400 mg/dL, este bias da fórmula de Friedewald tornou-se negativo. CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível demonstrar que a fórmula de Friedewald não apresenta um desempenho homogêneo para a estimativa do LDL-C em amostras com diferentes níveis de Trig, em comparação com o método direto, podendo causar dúvidas na classificação quanto ao risco de desenvolver doença arterial coronariana.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito do captopril, sobre o metabolismo dos quilomícrons e de seus remanescentes e as possíveis alterações nas concentrações dos lípides plasmáticos em hipertensos e hipercolesterolêmicos. MÉTODOS: O metabolismo dos quilomícrons foi testado pelo método da emulsão lipídica artificial de quilomícrons marcada com 3H-oleato de colesterol, foi injetada intravenosamente em 10 pacientes com hipertensão arterial leve-moderada antes e após 45 dias de tratamento com captopril (50 mg/dia). Após injeção, foram coletadas amostras de sangue durante 60min em intervalos de tempo pré-estabelecidos para determinar a curva de decaimento e a taxa fracional de remoção (TFR em min-1), bem como o tempo de residência no plasma, da emulsão lipídica artificial, por análise compartimental. As concentrações dos lípides do plasma também foram avaliadas antes e após o tratamento. RESULTADOS: A taxa fracional de remoção (em min-1) da emulsão lipídica antes e após o tratamento com captopril (0,012±0,003 e 0,011±0,003, respectivamente; p=0,85, n.s.) ou o tempo de permanência da emulsão no plasma (83,3±20,8 e 90,9± 22,5 min, n.s.) não se alteraram, mas os níveis de colesterol total e de LDL-c reduziram-se em 7% e 10% respectivamente (p=0,02). As concentrações de HDL-c, triglicérides, Lp(a) e apolipoproteínas AI e B não se modificaram. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento com captopril, avaliado pelo método da emulsão lipídica artificial, não provoca alterações deletérias no metabolismo dos quilomícrons e seus remanescentes.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o estado nutricional e perfil lipídico de mulheres na pós-menopausa com doença arterial coronariana. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal retrospectivo de dados obtidos do prontuário médico de 217 mulheres, na ocasião da 1º consulta no Ambulatório de Nutrição do InCor, referentes ao estado nutricional, pelo índice de massa corpórea, uso de medicamentos hipolipemiantes e lípides plasmáticos (colesterol e frações). RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi 60,98 ± 9,23 anos com prevalência de obesidade em 56%. O uso de medicamentos hipolipemiantes foi observado em 73% da população. Quanto ao perfil lipídico, 56% apresentavam níveis plasmáticos adequados de HDL-c. O estado nutricional esteve inadequado devido à prevalência de obesidade, o que implica no surgimento de outras doenças crônicas, como as dislipidemias. Embora não se tenha verificado a dosagem utilizada, o emprego de hipolipemiantes pela população estudada não pareceu ser favorável, pois foram observados níveis elevados de colesterol total e LDL-c, que nessa condição, encontram-se fortemente relacionados à ocorrência de doenças cardiovasculares. CONCLUSÃO: Faz-se necessária a ação multidisciplinar em programas de Saúde da Mulher, abrangendo aspectos preventivos relacionados à doença arterial coronariana para, assim, melhorar a qualidade de vida nessa população.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o perfil lipídico de indivíduos com sobrepeso e obesidade submetidos à avaliação cardiológica e que não mostraram evidências de cardiopatia. MÉTODOS: Amostra com 684 indivíduos, 389 (56,9%) mulheres e 295 (43,1%) homens, com idade de 14 a 74 (média 40,6) anos, sem evidências de cardiopatia após avaliação clínica e análise do eletrocardiograma, radiografia do tórax, teste ergométrico em esteira e ecocardiograma bidimensional com Doppler. Foi estudado o perfil sérico de lípides e glicose quanto ao sexo e faixas do índice de massa corpórea (IMC) - eutróficos até 24,9 Kg/m², sobrepeso 25-29,9 Kg/m² e obesos > 30 Kg/m². RESULTADOS: Apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os sexos (médias): glicose (mg/dL) de mulheres 90,21±23,13 e homens 95,28±28,64 (p<0.001); triglicérides (mg/dL) de mulheres 97,27±55,24 e homens 141,47±57,06 (p<0,001) e HDL-C (mg/dL) de mulheres 52,63±13,92 e homens 43±10,88 (p<0,001). O IMC médio das mulheres foi 26,15 e dos homens 26,33 (p=ns). Na análise por faixas de IMC houve diferença significativa entre os sexos (p=0,037). Na faixa de sobrepeso e obesidade, apenas as médias de triglicérides das mulheres mostraram diferença estatisticamente significativa: mulheres com sobrepeso 102,25±60,68 mg/dL e obesas 121,64±63,57 mg/dL (p=0,034). CONCLUSÃO: Mulheres sem cardiopatia apresentaram níveis séricos de glicose, triglicérides e HDL-colesterol inferiores aos homens. Em ambos os sexos, as médias são menores na comparação entre eutróficos e com excesso de peso, e apenas as médias dos triglicérides das mulheres com sobrepeso e obesidade apresentou diferença significativamente estatística.
OBJETIVO: Examinar o perfil lipídico e parâmetros nutricionais de adolescentes com história familiar de doença arterial coronariana (DAC) prematura e avaliar os efeitos da orientação nutricional. MÉTODOS: O estudo incluiu 48 adolescentes de ambos os sexos e idades entre 10 e 19 anos (grupo caso, n=18; grupo controle, n=30). RESULTADOS: Os filhos de coronarianos jovens apresentaram valores mais elevados de colesterol total (189 ± 30 vs. 167 ± 26 mg/dl, p<0,01), LDL-C (144 ± 20 vs. 100 ± 27 mg/dl, p<0,001) e Apo B (80 ± 15 vs. 61 ± 18 mg/dl, p=0,001) e valores mais baixos de HDL-C (45 ± 9 vs. 51 ± 13 mg/dl, p<0,02) que os jovens controles. Não se observaram diferenças para os triglicérides e Apo A-I. Com a orientação dietoterápica obteve-se redução no consumo alimentar de ácidos graxos saturados (pré: 15,5 ± 4,7% vs. pós: 6,6 ± 3,7%, p=0,003) e melhora no perfil lipídico: CT (-8%, p=0,033), LDL-C (-18,2%, p=0,001), TG (-53%, p=0,002) nos filhos de pacientes com DAC prematura que apresentavam hiperlipidemia. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de dislipidemia foi mais prevalente em adolescentes filhos de portadores de DAC prematura, mas foi responsiva à intervenção nutricional.