96 resultados para HCH


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Differences in bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) between fjords characterized by different water masses were investigated by comparing POP concentrations, patterns and bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) in seven species of zooplankton from Liefdefjorden (Arctic water mass) and Kongsfjorden (Atlantic water mass), Svalbard, Norway. No difference in concentrations and patterns of POPs was observed in seawater and POM; however higher concentrations and BAFs for certain POPs were found in species of zooplankton from Kongsfjorden. The same species were sampled in both fjords and the differences in concentrations of POPs and BAFs were most likely due to fjord specific characteristics, such as ice cover and timing of snow/glacier melt. These confounding factors make it difficult to conclude on water mass (Arctic vs. Atlantic) specific differences and further to extrapolate these results to possible climate change effects on accumulation of POPs in zooplankton. The present study suggests that zooplankton do biomagnify POPs, which is important for understanding contaminant uptake and flux in zooplankton, though consciousness regarding the method of evaluation is important.


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Adipose tissue was sampled from the western Hudson Bay (WHB) subpopulation of polar bears at intervals from 1991 to 2007 to examine temporal trends of PCB and OCP levels both on an individual and sum-contaminant basis. We also determined levels and temporal trends of emerging polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) and other current-use brominated flame retardants. Over the 17-year period, sum DDT (and p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDT) decreased (-8.4%/year); alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH) decreased (-11%/year); beta-HCH increased ( + 8.3%/year); and sum PCB and sum chlordane (CHL), both contaminants at highest concentrations in all years (>1 ppm), showed no distinct trends even when compared to previous data for this subpopulation dating back to 1968. Some of the less persistent PCB congeners decreased significantly (-1.6%/year to -6.3%/year), whereas CB153 levels tended to increase (+ 3.3%/year). Parent CHLs (c-nonachlor, t-nonachlor) declined, whereas non-monotonic trends were detected for metabolites (heptachlor epoxide, oxychlordane). sum chlorobenzene, octachlorostyrene, sum mirex, sum MeSO2-PCB and dieldrin did not significantly change. Increasing sum PBDE levels (+13%/year) matched increases in the four consistently detected congeners, BDE47, BDE99, BDE100 and BDE153. Although no trend was observed, total-(alpha)-HBCD was only detected post-2000. Levels of the highest concentration brominated contaminant, BB153, showed no temporal change. As long-term ecosystem changes affecting contaminant levels may also affect contaminant patterns, we examined the influence of year (i.e., aging or "weathering" of the contaminant pattern), dietary tracers (carbon stable isotope ratios, fatty acid patterns) and biological (age/sex) group on congener/metabolite profiles. Patterns of PCBs, CHLs and PBDEs were correlated with dietary tracers and biological group, but only PCB and CHL patterns were correlated with year. DDT patterns were not associated with any explanatory variables, possibly related to local DDT sources. Contaminant pattern trends may be useful in distinguishing the possible role of ecological/diet changes on contaminant burdens from expected dynamics due to atmospheric sources and weathering.


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Twelve year datasets of weekly atmospheric concentrations of alpha- and gamma-HCH were compared between the two Arctic monitoring stations of Alert, Nunavut, Canada, and Zeppelin Mountain, Svalbard, Norway. Time-series analysis was conducted with the use of dynamic harmonic regression (DHR), which provided a very good model fit, to examine both the seasonal behaviour in these isomers and the longer-term, underlying trends. Strong spatial differences were not apparent between the two sites, although subtle differences in seasonal behaviour and composition were identified. For example, the composition of gamma-HCH to total HCH (alpha + gamma) was greater at Zeppelin compared to Alert, probably reflecting this site's proximity to major use regions of lindane. Pronounced seasonality in air concentrations for gamma-HCH was marked by a 'spring maximum event' (SME), confirming earlier studies. For alpha-HCH, the SME was much weaker and only evident at Alert, whereas at Zeppelin, seasonal fluctuations for alpha-HCH were marked by elevated concentrations in summer and lower concentrations during winter, with this pattern most apparent for the years after 2000. We attribute this difference in spatial and temporal patterns to the Arctic oscillation. A similar climatic pattern was not evident at either site in the gamma-HCH data. Seasonally adjusted, long-term trends revealed declining concentrations at both sites for alpha- and gamma-HCH over the entire time-series. Recent legislation affecting lindane use appear to account for this decline in gamma-HCH, with little evidence of a delay or 'lag' between the banning of lindane in Europe (a main source region) or Canada, and a decline in air concentrations observed at both Arctic sites.


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The Water Framework Directive (WFD) establishes Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) in marine water for 34 priority substances. Among these substances, 25 are hydrophobic and bioaccumulable (2 metals and 23 organic compounds). For these 25 substances, monitoring in water matrix is not appropriate and an alternative matrix should be developed. Bivalve mollusks, particularly mussels (Mytilus edulis, Mytilus galloprovincialis), are used by Ifremer as a quantitative biological indicator since 1979 in France, to assess the marine water quality. This study has been carried out in order to determine thresholds in mussels at least as protective as EQS in marine water laid down by the WFD. Three steps are defined: - Provide an overview of knowledges about the relations between the concentrations of contaminants in the marine water and mussels through bioaccumulation factor (BAF) and bioconcentration factor (BCF). This allows to examine how a BCF or a BAF can be determined: BCF can be determined experimentally (according to US EPA or ASTM standards), or by Quantitative Activity-Structure Relationship models (QSAR): four equations can be used for mussels. BAF can be determined by field experiment; but none standards exists. It could be determined by using QSAR but this method is considered as invalid for mussels, or by using existing model: Dynamic Budget Model, but this is complex to use. - Collect concentrations data in marine water (Cwater) in bibliography for those 25 substances; and compare them with concentration in mussels (Cmussels) obtained through French monitoring network of chemicals contaminants (ROCCH) and biological integrator network RINBIO. According to available data, this leads to determine the BAF or the BCF (Cmussels /Cwater) with field data. - Compare BAF and BCF values (when available) obtained with various methods for these substances: BCF (stemming from the bibliography, using experimental process), BCF calculated by QSAR and BAF determined using field data. This study points out that experimental BCF data are available for 3 substances (Chlorpyrifos, HCH, Pentachlorobenzene). BCF by QSAR can be calculated for 20 substances. The use of field data allows to evaluate 4 BAF for organic compounds and 2 BAF for metals. Using these BAF or BCF value, thresholds in shellfish can be determined as an alternative to EQS in marine water.


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Antecedentes y objetivos: La hiperhidrosis primaria afecta el 2,8% de la población de Estados Unidos. Condición que impacta el desarrollo social de los individuos afectados, ocasionando fobia social. Existen opciones disponibles para el tratamiento de la hiperhidrosis incluyendo medicamentos tópico, sistémico, inyectable y quirúrgico. El objetivo de ésta revisión sistemática de la literatura es determinar la efectividad y seguridad de los dispositivos de emisión de microondas, radiofrecuencia no ablativa y sistema de ultrasonido microfocalizado para el tratamiento de la hiperhidrosis primaria. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos obtenidos de bases de datos: Medline, Cochrane, Embase, Ovid y Scielo. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos aleatorizados controlados, ensayos cuasiexperimentales desde el 2011; donde evaluaran el uso de estos dispositivos en el manejo de hiperhidrosis primaria. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 21 artículos en total. Se encontró que con los tres dispositivos se logra una reducción significativa a puntajes entre 1 y 2 de la escala de Severidad de la Hiperhidrosis; en 3 estudios se encontró mejoría en la calidad de vida; los eventos adversos fueron transitorios, siendo más frecuentes con el dispositivo de emisión de microondas. Conclusión: Primera revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre el efecto de estos tres dispositivos en el manejo de hiperhidrosis. Se espera aportar a la literatura existente una recomendación acerca de la efectividad y seguridad de estos dispositivos para que sea aplicado en los pacientes con diagnóstico de hiperhidrosis primaria.